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According to the investigations of urban barrier free facilities, there have been lots of progresses in constructions of barrier free in cities recently. But there are no systematic barrier free facilities in these cities, which would restrict the function and effect of urban barrier free facilities for the handicapped and the elder. This paper puts forward that there should be a development from the urban barrier free facilities to the urban barrier free environment. There are two parts in the barrier free environment,that is the hardy environment and soft environment. Finally,an in-series connection two-core model of barrier free environment has been designed and discussed.  相似文献   
During the implementation of Cleanroom Model, there are a lot of particular problems need to be resolved, which make it indispensable to grasp the essence and the principles of CRM. The article is on the essential research work in the design procedure of the Cleanroom technology. Through the analysis, it proposes a general architecture, based on which the entry point of the solving process and the distribution of the reducing procedure are introduced.  相似文献   
By analyzing the process of enterprise information engineering construction and intra relationship among information system requirement, business process modeling, application system constructing and project management, one of 4 meta model composed of requirement engineering, process engineering, application system engineering and support engineering is proposed for enterprise information engineering. The developments and applications of the business processes and its application systems are integrated into the same development space and application space. Basing on this, a prototype system composed of requirement modeling environment, business process modeling environment, application system modeling environment, and support engineering environment has been designed and built, which is used for supporting enterprise information engineering constructing. It is valued for the enterprise information engineering construction in our country.  相似文献   
This article introduces that there are good basic conditions and big development space for the industrialized housing development in Chongqing Municipality-the biggest municipality in the country.And it introduces the capabilities of horizontal transportation by land or sea and vertical lifting in Chongqing. And it puts forward that is more economical, reliable and safer than which has the advantages of best weight lifting capacity, service radium. Lifting height and smallest site occupation and the assemble of bigger components even the whole industrialised house.  相似文献   
苏家秀  谭学林  徐津  李伟华  海梅荣  王婷 《作物学报》2011,37(11):2075-2084
滇I型不育系和保持系是我国粳稻杂种优势利用最主要的技术体系之一。本研究利用Li-6400便携式光合测定系统测定了79对滇I型同核异质粳稻不育系及保持系上三叶的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2 浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、水分利用效率(WUE)、气孔限制值(Ls)和叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)。结果表明,不育系间及保持系间的光合参数在3个叶位上都达到了极显著水平,基因型间的这种显著差异为高光效育种提供了宝贵的遗传基础。同一叶位上不育系与保持系间的光合参数具有显著的正相关。除SPAD值外,其他光合参数值在不育系与保持系间没有显著差异,但不育系的SPAD值显著大于保持系。叶绿素相对含量不是粳稻提高光合作用的限制因子;滇I型细胞质对光合作用没有负效应;利用滇I型细胞质转育的不育系的叶绿素含量很可能有所提高。基于剑叶光合参数值对保持系及不育系的聚类,不育系和保持系可分别分为高和较低光合速率的类型。本研究为滇I型不育系的高光效育种提供了理论基础,也可作为杂交粳稻高光效的理论参考。  相似文献   
在干旱和正常水分条件下玉米穗部性状QTL分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
穗部性状与产量密切相关,因此对其进行遗传剖析可为玉米高产育种提供理论基础,尤其是对干旱胁迫下的稳产有重要意义。本研究以玉米骨干亲本黄早四分别与自交系掖478和齐319进行杂交,构建了两套F2:3群体(分别记为Y/H和Q/H)。在正常水分灌溉和干旱胁迫下对穗长、穗粗、轴粗、穗行数、行粒数、穗粒重和穗重等7个穗部性状进行了表型鉴定,采用基于混合线性模型的单环境分析和相同处理水平的联合分析方法进行了QTL分析。结果表明,在干旱胁迫下,2个群体的亲本及F2:3家系的各性状值均低于正常水分条件,且穗粒重与穗长、穗重、穗粗呈正相关。在干旱胁迫下和正常水分条件下,通过两种检测方法共定位到75个玉米穗部性状QTL,其中Y/H群体共定位了20个QTL,分布在第1、第2、6、第5、第7、第10染色体上;Q/H群体共定位了55个QTL,分布在第2、第3、第4、第5、第6、第7、第9、第10染色体上;但是在干旱条件下两群体分别只检测到4个和19个QTL,明显低于正常水分条件下检测到的QTL数目。通过联合分析只检测到3个QTL与环境发生显著互作和6对QTL存在上位性互作效应,说明玉米穗部性状的遗传基础较为复杂。同时还发现,Y/H群体在正常灌溉与干旱条件下检测到2个一致性的QTL,分别是qKRE1-5-1和qKRE1-7-1,对表型变异解释的变化范围是6.15%~19.48%;Q/H群体检测到3个一致性QTL,分别是qKRE2-5-1、qGW2-10-1和qKRE2-3-1,对表型变异解释的变化范围是7.14%~16.65%,说明这些QTL受环境影响较小,能够稳定遗传,可以作为分子标记辅助选择的候选区间应用于玉米穗部性状抗旱性改良。  相似文献   
Double pendulum has four equilibrium points (down down, down up, up down, and up up). Twelve transfer actions and eight spin actions can be formed with these equilibrium points. One of the transfer action, up down to up up (UD2UU) with human simulated intelligent control (HSIC) theory based on sensor motor intelligent schema is studied. Control system designed by HSIC has following advantages: hierarchic control architecture with multi controller and multi control mode; hybrid control law combining close loop and open loop control as well as positive feedback and negative feedback control; associating schema based on characteristic model which takes charge of switch between each control mode. The design process of HSIC controller for UD2UU is discussed. The real time control results demonstrate the validation of the proposed theory and method.  相似文献   
Aiming at the problem that the pre-existing communication condition can’t satisfy the dynamic movement of the electric & mechanical equipment on fully mechanized face, a wireless communication method based on mesh network is proposed. The design of the dual antenna and the dynamic distribution method of channels based on the interference perception which make the limited bandwidth sources can be rationally used. A high throughput routing protocol and a multipath routing control are used for the efficient management of the wireless mesh network. The factors which affect the signal strength are analyzed to research the deployment method of the wireless network adapt to the fully mechanized face. Experiments are carried out and the result shows that the signal strength of the wireless mesh network is -41~-68 dBm and the data transfer rate is above or equal 12 Mbps. Thus, the mesh network can satisfy the requirement of the electric & mechanical equipment and the method is a new way to solve the communication problem on fully mechanized face.  相似文献   
选用对烟草花叶病毒(tobacco mosaic virus,TMV)具有显著钝化作用的脱脂牛奶和磷酸三钠为研究对象,通过枯斑法测定脱脂牛奶和磷酸三钠两者复配制剂(称为抑毒灵)对烟草漂浮育苗过程中被TMV污染的基质及剪叶器的钝化作用,并利用透射电镜观察抑毒灵对病毒粒体的影响,同时采用实时qPCR对TMV含量以及寄主防御蛋白相对表达量进行定量检测。抑毒灵稀释液对TMV的钝化作用表现出时间和浓度依赖性,且不同处理间抑制率差异显著。抑毒灵与TMV接种液混合3 min后可完全抑制TMV对叶片的侵染。采用500倍抑毒灵消毒1 min以上时间抑制效果最佳。剪叶器具经稀释500倍的抑毒灵浸泡不少于5 min时对TMV的钝化效果可达100%。不同浓度的抑毒灵稀释液可显著钝化基质中的TMV,抑制TMV对烟苗的侵染和发病率,基质中TMV的含量下降74.09%~90.26%,相对防效达54.83%~85.45%。此外,所有抑毒灵处理中烟苗叶片表现正常,无药害发生。钝化病毒机制研究发现,经抑毒灵稀释液共孵育后的病毒粒体断裂成微小片段,外壳蛋白受损严重,螺旋结构和柱状基本消损完。与此同时,抑毒灵可提高防御酶PPO和PAL的酶活,还可显著诱导防御基因NPR1PALPR1bPR1a的表达。综上,抑毒灵可通过直接作用于病毒粒体和诱导寄主抗性起到抗病毒效果。  相似文献   
为了了解高原湖泊流域“3类空间”的布局结构,探析流域在发展过程中“3类空间”的格局变化及其变化趋势,本文以抚仙湖流域为研究对象,从土地功能空间分类的角度研究抚仙湖流域“3类空间”分类体系,并分析了2005—2015年流域“3类空间”时空格局变化特征,为抚仙湖流域生态环境保护决策和国土空间格局优化研究提供理论参考。结果表明:(1)2005—2015年抚仙湖流域城镇空间呈上升趋势,10 a增加了71.37%,农业空间呈下降趋势,10 a减少了6.38%,生态空间先升后降,总体增加了0.48%;(2)2005年、2010年和2015年抚仙湖流域“3类空间”格局基本一致,以生态空间为主,但城镇空间格局、农业空间格局和生态空间格局的分布存在明显差别,城镇空间和农业空间主要分布于抚仙湖流域的北部,而生态空间除抚仙湖湖泊水面外在流域四周均有分布;(3)从变化程度上看,“3类空间”格局变化差异显著,城镇空间和农业空间格局变化主要发生在流域北部,而生态空间则在湖泊中部沿岸地区。  相似文献   
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