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The use of hormonal protocols in puberty induction and synchronization of oestrus has lead to an increase in the efficiency of replacement gilts. The aim of this study was to evaluate different doses of porcine LH in precocious puberty induction and oestrus synchronization in a homogeneous group of gilts. Sixty-seven homogeneous prepubertal gilts (Camborough 22) at 137 +/- 4 days of age and 87 +/- 7 kg were treated with three different hormonal protocols: T1--600 UI of equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG; Novormon) and after a 72-h period 5 mg of LH (Lutropin); T2--600 UI of eCG and a 72-h period 2.5 mg of LH; T3--600 UI of eCG and a 72-h period 1.25 mg of LH. The ovaries were examined at slaughter, on day 6 after the hormonal treatment. There were no statistical differences (p > 0.05) between the different LH doses in the percentage of the detected oestrus (T1 = 42.85%; T2 = 60.87%, T3 = 52.18%), oestrus duration (T1 = 41.44 +/- 16.30 h; T2 = 48.57 +/- 16.29 h, T3 = 39.33 +/- 11.42 h), number of corpora lutea (T1 = 9.61 +/- 5.43; T2 = 9.86 +/- 3.32, T3 = 8.13 +/- 5.52) and percentage of animals presenting ovarian cystic degeneration (T1 = 33.33%; T2 = 39.13%, T3 = 39.13%). The T2 (2.5 mg of LH) presented the lowest dispersion (p < 0.05) of the LH-ovulation interval (T1 = 37.17 +/- 4.07 h; T2 = 38.26 +/- 2.84 h; T3 = 36.25 +/- 5.69 h). The LH dose reduction to 2.50 and 1.25 mg presented equal results with the recommended dose of 5.0 mg, and could be used in the precocious induction of oestrus in gilts. The 2.5-mg LH dose showed the lowest dispersion of ovulation and it can be used in fixed-time artificial insemination programmes.  相似文献   
Ractopamine HCl is a beta-adrenergic leanness-enhancing agent recently approved for use in swine. Depletion of ractopamine in tissues, and elimination of ractopamine and its metabolites in urine, is of interest for the detection of off-label use. The objectives of this study were to measure the residues of ractopamine in livers and kidneys of cattle (n = 6), sheep (n = 6), and ducks (n = 9) after treatment with dietary ractopamine for seven (sheep, ducks) or eight (cattle) consecutive days and to measure the depletion of ractopamine from urine of cattle and sheep. Two cattle and sheep and three ducks were each slaughtered with withdrawal periods of 0, 3, and 7 d. Urine samples were collected daily from cattle and sheep. Tissue ractopamine concentrations were determined using the regulatory method (FDA approved) for ractopamine in swine tissues. Ractopamine residues in urine samples were measured before and after hydrolysis of conjugates. Analysis was performed with HPLC using fluorescence detection after liquid- (hydrolyzed samples) and(or) solid-phase extraction. No residues were detected in duck tissues. Liver residues in sheep averaged 24.0 and 2.6 ppb after 0- and 3-d withdrawal periods, respectively. Sheep liver residues after a 7-d withdrawal period were less than the limit of quantification (2.5 ppb). Sheep kidney residues were 65.1 and undetectable at 0- and at 3- and 7-d, withdrawal periods, respectively. Cattle liver residues were 9.3, 2.5, and undetectable after 0-, 3-, and 7-d withdrawal periods, respectively; kidney residues were 97.5, 3.4, and undetectable at the same respective withdrawal periods. Concentrations of parent ractopamine in sheep urine were 9.8+/-3.3 ppb on withdrawal d 0 and were below the LOQ (5 ppb) beyond the 2-d withdrawal period. After the hydrolysis of conjugates, ractopamine concentrations were 5,272+/-1,361 ppb on withdrawal d 0 and 178+/-78 ppb on withdrawal d 7. Ractopamine concentrations in cattle urine ranged from 164+/-61.7 ng/mL (withdrawal d 0) to below the LOQ (50 ppb) on withdrawal d 4. After the hydrolysis of conjugates in cattle urine, ractopamine concentrations were 4,129+/-2,351 ppb (withdrawal d 0) to below the LOQ (withdrawal d 6). These data indicate that after the hydrolysis of conjugates, ractopamine should be detectable in urine of sheep as long as 7 d after the last exposure to ractopamine and as long as 5 d after withdrawal in cattle.  相似文献   
The correct measurement of spermatic concentration in boar semen is one of the basic tasks routinely performed at the Swine Artificial Insemination Center (CIAS). This article explains two experiments whose objectives were: Experiment 1: This trial had two objectives: (1) to evaluate the precision of the spermdensimeter (SPM) with relation to the Neubauer count chamber (CN) which is considered the standard technique in the field and (2) to correct the scale on the SPM table. Experiment 2: This trial also had two objectives: (1) to evaluate the time and repetitions required in the SPM and (2) to compare the SPM adjusted table produced in Expt 1 with the SPM standard table. The methods in Expt 1 were used to measure total spermatic concentration in 141 boar ejaculates. The average spermatic concentrations (10(6) spermatozoids/ml) and average dose number were 229.1 and 22.6 for CN, and 283.6 and 28.0 for SPM. These results indicate that the SPM has a tendency to overestimate spermatic concentration with relation to the CN. The SPM produced a smaller coefficient of variation and needed lesser examination time than the CN (p < 0.05). The SPM adjusted table created in Expt 1 produced similar results as the SPM and CN standard tables (2.96 billion live spermatozoids/dose vs 2.36 billion live spermatozoids/dose). Incorporation and evaluation of supplemental data from other CIAS regarding the use of the SPM adjusted table in the field entitled 'Adjusted Table for Karras Spermdensimeter LPS-FMVZ-USP' would be valuable to prove its efficiency.  相似文献   
SUMMARY The prevalence of uterine disease was established during desexing of 175 bitches in the Torres Strait and Cape York, 42 of which had been treated with injectable medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) for oestrus postponement. The prevalence of uterine lesions was 45% for treated bitches, 5% for untreated bitches, and 14.9% for the sample population. A highly significant relationship (P<0.01) between MPA treatment and uterine lesions was established. A significant association (P<0.05) between age (>2 years old) and uterine lesions was found, most likely attributable to a significantly higher proportion (P<0.01) of MPA-treated bitches in the older population. There was no significant difference in the effect of MPA on the prevalence of uterine lesions between older and younger bitches. There was no effect of parity on the prevalence of uterine lesions.  相似文献   
1 品种来源及选育经过沈单 1 1号 (原沈试 2 8号 )为黄色马齿型中晚熟杂交种 ,组配于 1 990年 ,亲本自交系为沈 1 35和丹 340。 1 998年 3月通过辽宁省农作物品种审定委员会审定。沈单 1 1号于 1 991~ 1 997年先后参加了院内产量鉴定试验、品种比较试验和辽宁省预备试验、区域试验、生产试验及多点试验 ,具有高产、优质、多抗、抗逆性强等特点 ,是一个增产潜力较大的优良玉米杂交种。2 品种特征特性2 .1 形态特征沈单 1 1号在幼苗期叶色深绿 ,叶鞘紫红 ,长势强 ,成株株高 2 75cm ,穗位 1 2 2cm ,穗长 2 2cm ,穗粗 5.8cm ,穗行数…  相似文献   
Little is known about the long-term tillage and cropping management effects on the microbiologically derived factors that influence macroaggregates in semi-arid soil. We tested the hypothesis that differences in macro-aggregation are due to changes in soil structure related to management treatment-induced microbiological changes. In an experiment, microbiological factors consisting of aggregate stability, glomalin, russuloid basidiomycete fungi, uronic acids, total organic C (TOC), and total N (TN) were quantified in macroaggregate-size classes ranging from 4.75 to 0.25 mm, collected at 0–5 cm depth for the following treatments: (1) 12th year of fallow phase after 11 years of conventional- and no-tilled spring wheat-fallow (CTF and NTF), (2) 12th year of lentil phase after 11 years of conventional- and no-tilled spring wheat-lentil (CTL and NTL), (3) 12 years no-tilled continuous spring wheat (NTCW), and (4) 16 years uncultivated pasture (P) used as a baseline treatment. Immunoreactive easily extractable glomalin concentration was five to six times greater under P, NTCW, or NTL in the 2.00–1.00- and 1.00–0.50-mm macroaggregate-size classes than the other treatments and these results corroborated well with the results from aggregate stability assays. Russuloid basidiomycetes were highest in all NTCW macroaggregate-size classes, suggesting that annual input of lignin-containing wheat residues may influence the growth and survival of these fungi. Uronic acid amounts were highest in P but did not differ among the other treatments. In all macroaggregate-size classes, TOC content was greater in NTCW compared to CTF, and TN was about three times higher in NTL than NTF or CTF. In conclusion, 12 years of NTCW management in semi-arid soil has resulted in higher macroaggregate stability, glomalin concentration, russuloid basidiomycete populations, and TOC in macroaggregates compared to alternate-year fallow. Lentil can be used to replace fallow in dryland wheat rotation under no-till to enhance TN content and improve soil macro-aggregation.  相似文献   
Artificial propagation of sturgeons is becoming increasingly important for recovery efforts as well as for commercial production. Sterlet Acipenser ruthenus is a common Eurasian sturgeon with a small body size and one of the fastest reproductive cycles among the sturgeons. The practical question being addressed in this study was how long fertilization of ovulated eggs can be delayed without substantially reducing the hatching rate, and an ancillary question is under what' temperature conditions do eggs retain good quality. Broodstock were injected with homogenized carp pituitary extract (CPE); ovulated eggs from three females were allocated to various treatment groups for temperature storage (control, 7°C, 11°C, 15°C and 19°C) until fertilized. Storage times at the regulated temperatures prior to fertilization were for 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 h. After the selected storage times in ovarian fluid, eggs were fertilized and transferred to incubation cages and then they were counted. Three replicates were allocated to each storage period and temperature. Hatched larvae were counted at 7‐day post‐fertilization. We found that sterlet eggs do not need to be fertilized immediately after collection. Reasonably good quality was retained for several hours if temperature conditions are fairly cool and stable. Eggs retained good quality when stored at 7°C and 11°C for up to 10 h with 54.1 ± 2.9 to 69.9 ± 7.9% hatching success, but egg quality was significantly reduced after 5‐h storage at 19°C (p < 0.01) and 7.5‐h storage at 15°C (p < 0.05) compared to cooler temperatures. Uniform temperatures between 7°C and 11°C can be considered as appropriate for storage of eggs in ovarian fluid for up to 10 h. This information can have practical application to routine hatchery practice for acipenserids, as well as for certain research protocols.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The first reported U.S. isolate of Beet black scorch necrovirus (BBSV) was obtained and characterized. Host range of the virus for localized and occasionally systemic infection included the Chenopodiaceae and Tetragonia expansa; Nicotiana benthamiana supported symptomless systemic infection by the virus. The complete nucleotide sequence of the genomic RNA of the virus, designated BBSV-Co, exhibits 93% similarity to the genome of the 'Ningxia' isolate of BBSV from China. Amino acid sequence similarity in predicted genes ranged from 95% in the p4 gene to 97% in the p82 and coat protein genes. A potential additional gene exists within the U.S. isolate of BBSV that is absent from Chinese isolates of BBSV due to nucleotide differences between these isolates within the coat protein gene. Coat protein analysis by isoelectric focusing and by mass spectroscopy indicated the presence of phosphorylated residues. Using primer extension analysis of the 5' end of the genome and site-directed mutants of genomic clones of BBSV-Co from which infectious RNA was produced, the native 5' end of the BBSV-Co genome was determined to be 5'-GAAACCTAACC...3', lacking the two terminal adenosine nucleotides in the published sequences of BBSV from China.  相似文献   
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