Background: Summer pasture-associated recurrent airway obstruction (SPA-RAO), a seasonal airway obstructive disease of horses, is characterized by clinical exacerbation after exposure to pasture during warm months of the year. Endothelin (ET)-1, potent bronchoconstrictor, mitogen, secretagogue, and proinflammatory mediator, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma and equine heaves. Hypothesis: Immunoreactive ET-1 concentrations increase during clinical exacerbation and return to basal values during periods of disease remission. Animals: Twelve horses, 6 affected with SPA-RAO and 6 nonaffected. Methods: Prospective, observational study. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), arterial and venous plasma samples, and clinical variables were obtained from affected horses during clinical exacerbation and remission. Samples and data of nonaffected horses were collected during the summer and winter on dates similar to affected horses. Immunoreactive ET-1 was determined using a commercial ELISA. Results: The median and range ET-1 concentrations (pg/ml) in arterial (1.3, 0.7–1.8) and venous (1.3, 1.2–1.7) plasma and in BALF (0.3, 0.2–0.4), and pulmonary epithelial lining fluid (PELF) (25.5, 21–50) were greater in affected horses during clinical exacerbation compared with remission ( P < .01). The concentrations of immunoreactive ET-1 were greater in affected horses during clinical exacerbation compared with nonaffected horses ( P < .05). Conclusions and Clinical Importance: During clinical exacerbation of SPA-RAO, ET-1 is increased in circulation and pulmonary secretions. Intervention with ET receptor antagonists should provide further information on the role of ET-1 in SPA-RAO. 相似文献
Genetic parameters of piglet survival traits and birth weight were estimated on the first generation data of a selection experiment aimed at improving piglet survival using a multiple trait linear and threshold model. Data on 5293 piglets for survival at birth, at day one after birth and during the entire nursing period, as well as individual birth weight and litter size, were recorded in an outdoor production system. Genetic effects of piglet survival traits and birth weight were estimated based on threshold and Gaussian models, respectively, using a Bayesian approach. The statistical model included as fixed effects selection group, parity, gender, fostering, gestation length and month of farrowing and, alternatively, an adjustment for litter size. Direct genetic effects (i.e. the piglet's genetic potential) for piglet survival and birth weight were estimated separately, whereas maternal genetic and environmental effects could only be estimated for the given data structure in a combined litter effect. Posterior means of heritabilities for direct genetic effects of survival at birth, at first day after birth and the entire nursing period, as well as birth weight, were 0.08, 0.07, 0.08 and 0.20, respectively. Genetic correlations among survival traits were in the range of 0.29 to 0.40 and indicate that these traits were mainly attributable to different genetic effects. Genetic correlations between direct effects of survival traits and birth weight ranged between 0.18 and 0.23 and were reduced when weights of stillborn piglets were omitted in the analysis or the traits were adjusted for litter size. The magnitudes of direct genetic effects of survival traits are substantially higher than estimates in the literature, which may indicate that these traits have a higher genetic influence under outdoor conditions. The use of birth weight in the multiple trait estimation provided important information for the estimation of survival traits due to its favourable genetic correlations with survival, its high heritability and its high information content as a continuously measured trait. 相似文献
The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of growth hormone (GH) on Vitamin D3 metabolism and the subsequent effects on calcium (Ca) homeostasis and skeletal growth in growing dogs. A group of Miniature Poodles received supraphysiological doses of GH (GH group; n = 6; 0.5 IU GH per kg body per day) from 12 to 21 weeks of age and was compared with a control placebo-treated group (n = 8). Biologic activity of GH in the GH compared to the control group was indicated by (a) the 2.5- to 3.5-fold increase in the plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), (b) the increased production of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol as indicated by the significantly increased plasma 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol concentrations and the 12.9-fold increase in renal 1alpha-hydroxylase gene expression, and (c) the inhibited production of 24,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol as indicated by the significantly lower plasma 24,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol concentrations and the similar levels of renal 24-hydroxylase gene expression. Despite the distinct effects on Vitamin D(3) metabolism in the GH group, there were only moderate effects on the intestine, i.e. at 20 weeks of age there was a significant increase of 14.4 and 5.6% in fractional absorption of Ca and phosphate (Pi), respectively, compared to the control group. GH administration resulted in significantly elevated glomerular filtration rate, with no differences in Pi urine excretion as a result of a concomitant increase in the tubular reabsorption of Pi. GH had only limited disturbing effects on endochondral ossification as indicated by the maintenance of the regularity of the growth plates. However, GH had specific anabolic effects on bone formation without concomitant effect on bone resorption that may result in disorders of skeletal remodeling and manifestation of enostosis. 相似文献
This paper examines the effects of a single surface application of biosolids (at 20 dry Mg ha? 1) on plant species composition, forage quality and quantity, and C stocks after 14 yr of rest in rangelands of the Central Interior of British Columbia. More than two times the aboveground biomass of grasses and the percent cover of plant litter were found in the biosolids treatment relative to the control, along with reductions in bare soil and microbiotic crust cover. Significantly greater plant uptake of all macronutrients (C, N, P, K, S, Ca, and Mg); most micronutrients (B, Cu, Mn, Mo, and Zn); and Al occurred in the biosolids treatment. P and Cu were the only two nutrients to be more concentrated in the biosolids-treated forage relative to the control forage, while N, Mg, and protein were more concentrated in the control forage. No significant difference in forage digestibility was found between biosolids and control treatments. Bluebunch wheatgrass, the late-seral native grass species, had significantly increased cover and aboveground biomass in the biosolids treatment relative to the control; however, between 2006 and 2016, non-native Kentucky bluegrass had reached > 25% cover in the biosolids plots, perhaps restricting the full recovery of bluebunch wheatgrass. Our findings indicate that biosolids application to ungrazed rangeland can increase long-term forage production and reduce bare soil. However, at our study site biosolids application also led to a long-term shift in the plant community composition away from the late-seral (i.e., bluebunch wheatgrass) trajectory, and the effects of this shift on rangeland health and productivity require further investigation. 相似文献
SUMMARY: Replicated lines of mice were selected High and Low for adjusted food intake and contemporaneous control lines were maintained. The selection criterion was food intake between 8 and 10 weeks, adjusted by phenotypic regression on mean body weight at 8 and 10 weeks of age to reduce correlated changes in body weight. Responses are given for the first 23 generations of selection, after which adjusted food intake had diverged by a factor of 1.7-1.95. A small correlated response in body weight occurred and mice from the High line were slightly heavier: at 10 weeks of age body weight had diverged by a factor of 1.09-1.11. The realized within-family heritability varied between the replicates from 0.16-0.27 from which a mean estimated mass selection heritability (h(2) = 0.35±0.05) was derived. Mice from the Low line were fatter, however not significantly, because of a High between replicate variance (p > 0.05). Differences in growth over the selection period may account for around 5% of the divergence and increased maintenance costs associated with the larger lean mass of the high lines may explain a further 5%. Mice from the High lines spilled significantly (p < 0.05) more food which accounted for 23% of the divergence in apparent food intake. The heat increment of feeding, brown adipose tissue activity and locomotor activity all appear to be unchanged. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Auswirkungen der Selektion auf Futteraufnahme in der adulten Maus In einem Experiment mit Wiederholungen wurden M?uselinien auf hohe und niedrige korrigierte Futteraufnahme selektiert und korrespondierende Konttrollen gehalten. Das Selektionskriterium war die Futteraufnahme im Alter von 8 bis 10 Wochen, die mittels ph?notypischer Regression korrigiert wurde, um die K?rpermasse m?glichst konstant zu halten. Der direkte Selektionserfolg über die ersten 23 Generationen ist beschrieben. Die Linien divergierten zu diesem Zeitpunkt bezüglich des Selektionsmerkmals um 70 bis 95%. In der K?rpermasse trat ein geringfügiger korrelierter Selektionserfolg auf. Die Tiere der 'high'-Linie waren im Alter von 8 bis Wochen ca. um 6 bis 11% schwerer. Die realisierte Intra-Familien-Heritabilit?t variierte zwischen den Wiederholungen zwischen 0.16 und 0.27, woraus sich eine mittlerer Heritabilit?tskoeffizient von h(2) = 0.35±0.05 für die Massenselektion ergab. M?use der 'low'-Linie hatten mit 10 Wochen 2.4% (P > 0.05) und mit 17 Wochen ca. 7% (P < 0.05%) mehr Fett. Mit Unterschieden im Wachstum lassen sich weniger als 5% der Linienunterschiede in der Futteraufnahme erkl?ren. Der h?here Erhaltungsbedarf, der aus einer h?heren fett-freien K?rpermasse in der 'high'-Linie resultiert, k?nnte weitere 5% erkl?ren. Tiere der 'high'-Linie verstreuten deutlich (P < 0.05) mehr Futter, worauf sich 23% der Divergenz in der scheinbaren Futteraufnahme zurückführen lie?en. Die Aktiv?t des braunen Fettgewebes, die lokomotorische Aktivit?t und die fütterungsbedingte Wàrmeproduktion sind scheinbar unver?ndert. 相似文献
This paper uses background information about chicken anaemia virus as a guide to how the study and control of virus diseases of poultry may develop in the future. It is predicted that ‘new’ viruses will be discovered in poultry, many of which will be difficult to grow in vitro and whose pathogenicity may appear uncertain. When new diseases/syndromes arise in the future, it should be a priority activity to define their pathology. The limitations of currently available virus diagnostic methods are highlighted. The possibility of vaccinating against economically important subclinical disease is discussed, as is the use of recently developed technologies in differentiating virus strains and in developing new vaccines. 相似文献
1. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of juniper oil on growth performance and meat quality in quails to determine its use as a safe and natural method to reduce overdependence on the use of antibiotic.
2. A total of 1000 1-d-old Pharaoh (Coturnix coturnix Pharaoh) quails, including both males and females, were divided into 4 groups containing 250 quails and treated as follows: (1) a control group with 0 mg volatile oil/kg diet; (2) 100 mg/kg juniper oil; (3) 150 mg/kg juniper oil and (4) 200 mg/kg juniper oil. The diets were prepared fresh for each treatment. The experiment was carried out for 42 d.
3. The results of the study showed that supplementation with juniper oil (100 and 150 mg/kg) caused a significant increase in live weight, live weight gain and carcass yields during the growing and finishing periods. Feed intake and feed conversion ratio were not significantly influenced by treatments.
4. The quails given rations containing juniper oil had reduced thiobarbituric acid levels in raw thigh meat samples at different storage times. Juniper oil was found to have significant antioxidant activity and prevented lipid oxidation in stored meat.
5. In conclusion, natural antioxidants such as a juniper oil can be used instead of synthetic antioxidants to retard lipid oxidation in animal diets to improve meat product quality and animal performance. 相似文献