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Summary Analysis of growth curve parameters was performed using body weight data collected from 1968 through 1980 at Dahra Research Station, Senegal. Month of birth had little or no effect on mature size and maturing rate. Females born from mid-wet through mid-dry seasons were likely to reach lighter mature weights than those born from mid-dry through mid-wet seasons. Year of birth affected both mature weight and maturing rate (P<0.01 and P<0.001 respectively). Sire had effects (P<0.05) on maturing rate and no effect on mature size. Genetic correlations between maturing rate and body weights at birth, weaning, 12 and 18 months were 0.45±0.51, –0.21±0.52, –0.61±0.57 and –0.76±0.51 respectively. Selection for maturing rate in Gobra females would be expected to decrease weaning and post-weaning weights. The least squares means of mature size and maturing rate were 398.83±45.81 kg and 0.187% per day respectively. Gobra zebu females were about 50 and 99% mature at about 12 and 87.6 months respectively.
Analysis De Los Prametros De Las Curvas De Crecimiento De Hembras Cebu Gobra
Resumen Se llevó a cabo un análisis de los parámetros de las curvas de crecimiento de hembras Cebú Gobra, utilizando los datos de peso colectados desde 1968 hasta 1980 en la Estación de Investigación de Dahra, Senegal. El mes de nacimiento tuvo poco o ningun efecto, en el tamaño adulto y tasa de maduración. Las hembras nacidas entre la mitad de la estación lluviosa y la mitad de la estación seca, alcanzaron pesos maduros menores que aquellas nacidas entre la mitad de la estación seca y la mitad de la estación lluviosa. El año de nacimiento afectó tanto al peso en edad madura, como a la tasa de maduración (P<0·01 y P<0·001 respectivamente). El reproductor utilizado tuvo efecto (P<0·05) sobre la tasa de maduración y ninguno sobre el tamaño en la edad adulta. Las correlaciones genéticas entre la tasa de maduración y peso corporal al nacer, al destete, 12 y 18 meses, fueron 0·45±0·51, –0·21±0·52, –0·61±0·57 y –0·76±0·51 respectivamente. Se esperaria, que la selección para tasa de maduración en hembras Gobra, disminuiría los pesos al destete y post-destete. Les medias de mínimos cuadrados de tamaño a edad madura y tasa de maduración, fueron 398·83±45·81 kg y 0·187% por día respectivamente. Las hembras Gobra Cebú, fueron cerca del 50 y 99% maduras cerca de los 12 y 87·6 meses respectivamente.

Analyse Des Parametres Des Courbes De Croissance Des Vaches Zebu Gobra
Résumé On a entrepris une analyse des paramètres des courbes de croissance en utilisant les données pondéralés enregistrées de 1968 à 1980 à la station de recherches de Dahra, au Sénégal. Le mois de naissance n'a que peu ou pas d'effet sur la taille à l'état adulte et le taux de croissance. Les vaches nées du milieu de la saison des pluies au milieu de la saison sèche ont plus de chance d'avoir des poids adultes moins élevés que celles nées du milieu de la saison sèche au milieu de la saison des pluies. L'année de naissance affecte à la fois le poids adulte et le taux de croissance. Le mâle a un effet sur le taux de croissance et aucun sur la taille adulte. Les corrélations génétiques entre le taux de croissance et les poids à la naissance, au sevrage, à 12 et 18 mois sont respectivement de 0.45±0.51, –0.21±0.52, –0.61±0.57 et –0.76±0.51. On doit s'attendre à ce que la sélection effectuée sur le taux de croissance des femelles Gobra diminue les poids au sevrage et après sevrage. Les moyennes des moindres carrés des poids adultes et des taux de croissance sont respectivement de 398.83±45.81 kg et de 0.187 p. 100 par jour. Les vaches zébu Gobra sont adultes à 50 p. 100 et 99 p. 100 respectivement à environ 12 et 87.6 mois.
The depletion of residues of benzolyprop-ethyl ( I ) and its hydrolysis product N-benzoyl-N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-DL -alanine ( II ) in soils is reported from various trials following applications of I to soil and crops at up to 3 kg ha?1. Quite rapid hydrolysis of I to II occurred in most soils and depletion of II followed. The total residue of I and II in the soil often initially increased, probably because of transfer of chemical from the crop to the soil, but the time for 50% disappearance of the total residue ( I+II ) was normally between 4 and 16 weeks. When four sites were treated for three successive years, carry-over of residues was negligible in three sites and showed no progressive increase in the fourth.  相似文献   
A sheep-pox virus strain has been adapted and multiplied in primary lamb kidney cell cultures. The main characteristics of the strain have been verified in vitro after clones were isolated, and the results confirmed its identity. The safety and the potency of the strain have been investigated in sheep.

The inoculation of the strain to sheep was followed by a post-vaccinal reaction materialised by a nodule at the site of inoculation and an increase of temperature by about 1°C. No reactions adversely affecting pregnancy have been noted. Immunisation was demonstrated by an increase in the level of neutralising serous antibodies and protection against the pathogenic virus. The immunity tended to decrease during the second year after primovaccination and a yearly booster vaccination appeared to be necessary. Primovaccination of lambs over 2 months of age produced a better immunity, especially when the lambs were born from vaccinated ewes.

This strain forms the active principle of a freeze-dried vaccine containing no adjuvant of the immunity.  相似文献   

Acral mutilation and analgesia (AMA) is reported in 13 French spaniels in Canada. This newly recognized disorder shares striking similarities in clinical features and biopsy findings to the other acral mutilation syndromes or hereditary sensory neuropathies reported in German short-haired pointer dogs, English pointer dogs and English springer spaniels. Clinical signs are first noted between 3.5 and 12 months of age. Affected dogs lick, bite and severely self-mutilate their distal extremities resulting in ulcers with secondary bacterial infection. Auto-amputation of claws, digits and footpads occurs in severe cases. Single or multiple feet can be affected. Affected dogs walked on their severely mutilated feet without evidence of pain, lameness, or ataxia. The majority of the dogs were euthanized within days to months of diagnosis.  相似文献   
In late 1996 in France, a severe digestive disease appeared in fattening domestic rabbits. Named the Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy (ERE), this digestive syndrome has become the main cause of mortality in rabbit farming. The diagnosis in field conditions is difficult because co-infection with other common rabbit pathogens is frequent. By using specific pathogenic free (SPF) rabbits and starting from a field sample of intestinal contents of diseased animals, a virulent material (inoculum) was obtained free of almost all known pathogens but reproduced the symptoms and lesions of ERE. Four hundred and seven SPF rabbits were used in five trials to describe the disease. ERE is characterized by a high contagiousness, 30 to 40% mortality in a few days and about 100% morbidity whatever the dose of the inoculum used. Clinical signs and lesions evolved acutely with the first sign (rambling noise) appearing one day after inoculation and the disease peaking 4 to 6 days later. Growth was strongly lowered from the second day to the end of the second week. Rambling noise and distended abdomen were frequent, mucus excretion and cecal impaction were frequent but not constant. ERE at necropsy was characterized by the absence of any inflammatory or congestive lesions on the gut or on other organs but with the typical presence of a stomach and/or duodenum dilated by liquid and gas and by the absence of specific histological lesions. The etiological agent has not been identified yet, but we demonstrate that the intestinal content was infectious as early as the second day. This work constitutes the experimental basis for studies on this emerging disease within the framework of etiological research led in different European laboratories working with the infectious material.  相似文献   
Résumé Les auteurs décrivent une méthode bi-dimensionnelle de chromatographie sur papier pour l'identification d'acide caféique, d'acide férulique, d'acide chlorogénique, d'acide para-cumarylquinique et d'acide féruloquinique dans le vin.Une détermination approximative d'acide chlorogénique et d'acide caféique a été réalisée. Ces agents rendent au vin des propriétés biologiques intéressantes, concernant son activité cholérétique et hypocholéstérolique, s'opposant à une surcharge de l'organisme en choléstérol.
Summary By two-dimensional paper chromatography the authors have shown the presence in wine of caffeic, ferulic, chlorogenic, paracoumarylquinic and feruloylquinic acids. An approximate quantitative determination of chlorogenic and caffeic acids has been attempted. These components confer to the wine various interesting biological properties, related to their choleretic and hypocholesterolemient activity.

Zusammenfassung Mittels bi-dimensionneller Papierchromatographie haben die Autoren im Wein die Anwesenheit von Kaffee-, Ferula-, Chlorogen-, Paracumarulchinin-, und Feruloylchininsäure dargelegt. Eine annähernde quantitative Bestimmung von Chlorogen- und Kaffeesäure wurde unternommen. Diese Bestandteile verschaffen dem Wein verschiedene interressante biologische Eigenschaften, in Verbindung mit ihrer choleretischen und hypocholesterierenden Aktivität.
Strains of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides collected in France on winter wheat give either fast-growing mycelial colonies with regular margins or slow-growing mycelial colonies with irregular margins. Most of the fastgrowing isolates were sensitive to triadimenol (EC50 below 2mg litre?1), but some of them were resistant to this inhibitor of sterol C-14 demethylation. In contrast, all the slow-growing strains were highly resistant to triadimenol (EC50 greater than 100 mg litre?1). This resistance was also expressed in inhibition of germ-tube elongation. Positive cross-resistance was observed between most of the inhibitors of sterol C-14 demethylation, with the exception of some imidazole derivatives (clotrimazole, prochloraz). All the fast-growing strains were tolerant to fenpropimorph and fenpropidin whereas the slow-growing ones were susceptible; the reverse was true with piperalin and tridemorph. All the field isolates were inhibited to the same extent by the inhibitors of squalene-epoxidase, nafifine and terbinafine. Two types of mutant resistant to triadimenol have been induced under laboratory conditions from sensitive fast-growing strains. The most common mutants were resistant to all the inhibitors of sterol C–14 demethylation and also in some conditions to fenpropimorph, tridemorph and the inhibitors of squalene-epoxidase. The other mutants were characterised by a reduced spectrum of cross-resistance between triadimenol and the other inhibitors of sterol biosynthesis. The field isolates and laboratory mutants resistant to triadimenol and propiconazole were also resistant to each of the four enantiomers of these two fungicides.  相似文献   
The tetracycline resistance (tet) gene patterns of 52 tetracycline resistant Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (S.) serovar Typhimurium isolates collected from animals, food of animal origin, and humans in Italy, were investigated to evaluate whether the tet gene patterns could be used for strain differentiation in addition to phage typing and ribotyping. The detection of tet genes was performed by specific PCR assays. Ribotyping was performed automatically using PvuII as restriction enzyme. Ten different ribotyping patterns were detected. All isolates were positive for at least one of the tet genes studied and six different tet gene patterns were observed. Ribotyping and tet gene patterns showed discriminatory indices of 0.741 and 0.812, respectively. Multiple tet genes were commonly found among tetracycline resistant S. typhimurium isolates from various sources. The resulting tet gene patterns allowed further discrimination of strains which were otherwise indistinguishable by their phage type, ribotype and origin. Thus, the analysis of tet gene patterns might represent an additional tool for the differentiation of S. typhimurium isolates.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine the outcome of dogs and cats in which a tension band technique was used to stabilize traumatic fractures and luxations of the thoracolumbar vertebrae. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 38 client-owned animals (22 dogs and 16 cats) weighing between 1.4 and 45 kg (3 and 99 lb). PROCEDURE: Medical records of cats and dogs that underwent tension band stabilization of thoracolumbar fractures and luxations at the University of Zurich between 1993 and 2002 were reviewed. The stabilization technique was a modification of a spinal stapling technique with a figure 8 hemicerclage wire placed in a tension band fashion across the lesion. Neurologic status, lesion location and type, and concomitant traumatic injuries were assessed from the medical records and preoperative radiographs. Clinical outcome and complications were determined through follow-up examinations or telephone conversations with the owners. RESULTS: Complete or satisfactory neurologic recovery was achieved in 30 (79%) patients. Seven patients were euthanatized (6 owing to poor neurologic recovery and 1 owing to implant failure), and 1 dog was managed at home despite paraplegia. Clinically, only 4 patients (11%) had evidence of implant or fixation failure; all were dogs weighing > 16 kg (35 lb). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that the tension band technique may be appropriate for stabilization of fractures and luxations of the thoracolumbar vertebrae in cats and small- or medium-sized dogs. In larger dogs, fixation strength may be insufficient to stabilize certain fracture types and ancillary external or internal fixation methods may be needed.  相似文献   
To study the relation between serum complement levels and the chicken MHC (B) complex, complement haemolytic activity was measured in sera from hens from seven pure-bred B-typed White and one Brown Leghorn lines, and three ISA-Warren lines that had been divergently selected for antibody responses to sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Significant differences occurred in the serum haemolytic complement activities, both belonging to the classic (CPW) and the alternative (APW) pathways, among the 11 different haplotyped chicken lines. Hens with high CPW and high APW titres predominantly displayed the B2 or B21 haplotypes. Chickens with low CPW and APW were found in B14 and B15 haplotypes. Haplotype B14 appears to be different in complement levels when present into the pure-bred lines or into the ISA-Warren line selected for low antibody responses to SRBC. Otherwise, the presence of B21 in ISA-Warren line selected for high antibody responses to SRBC does not differ with the B21 in the inbred lines (except in the NL-line for CPW values). In general the haplotypes B2 and B21 are found in chicken lines with enhanced disease resistance, and the B15 haplotype has been connected with enhanced disease susceptibility. Our results suggest that levels of haemolytic complement activity, either from the classical or from the alternative pathways, may underlie part of the immunocompetence ascribed to the MHC (B) complex in chickens.  相似文献   
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