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Throughfall (TF), stemflow (SF), soil solution below the organic layer (SSorg) and at 50 cm depth (SS50), and output with stream water (SW) were measured and analyzed for four years in a moderately polluted forest catchment in southern Poland. The input of water with stemflow was ca. 6% of input with TF. However, due to higher concentrations of most ions in SF, the input of most elements with SF was from 8% to 9%. Sulphate (SO4 2–), chloride (Cl) and magnesium (Mg2+) were the only ions steadily increasing in concentrations in water percolating through the soil profile. Nitrogen reached the forest floor mainly as ammonium (NH4 +). In the soil organic layer the NH4 + concentration decreased, while concentrations of nitrate (NO3 ) and hydrogen (H+) increased, probably due to nitrification. For NO3 , sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca2+), the highest concentrations were found in SSorg and SW. This indicates both efficient cycling in the biotic pool of the ecosystem and intensive weathering processes in the mineral soil below the plant rooting zone. The latter was especially pronounced for Mg and Ca. Concentrations of zinc (Zn), lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) were the highest in SSorg and SS50. As this was accompanied by a low pH and constant input of H+, NH4 + and heavy metal ions to the catchment area, it may pose a serious threat to forest health.  相似文献   
The aim of the present research was to study the long-term effect of serpentinite fertilization with additional nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium fertilizers on some physicochemical properties and the enzyme activity of acidic soils and needle chemistry in stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Experimental plots were located in spruce stands in the middle forest zone (900–950 m) on two nappes of the Carpathian flysch: Magura and Silesian. Serpentinite was introduced in autumn 2008 on all plots while the other fertilizers in spring 2009. The effect of fertilization was visible mainly in the humus horizon. No significant changes were found in the deeper mineral soil. The acidity and Al toxicity in the surface horizon were ameliorated through serpentinite fertilization. Five years after fertilization, no significant difference in the fertilization treatments was noted in the chemistry of the spruce needles.  相似文献   


Ferrolysis is a soil-forming process, which involves destruction of clay minerals due to cyclic reduction and oxidation in acidic and periodically wet soils. The main objectives of this study were as follows: (1) to determine the influence of redox processes on clay mineral transformation in Retisols (Albeluvisols) in the Carpathian Foothills in Poland and (2) to verify the occurrence of ferrolysis in Retisols showing various degrees of bleaching.

Materials and methods

Twelve representative soil profiles were selected for analysis. All were formed entirely from loess except for two profiles, in which the lowermost horizons (2C) had developed from weathered flysch rocks residuum. Soil mineral analysis was done using x-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS).

Results and discussion

The obtained results indicate that the qualitative and quantitative mineral compositions of the clay fraction in the E and Eg horizons obtained from Retisols in the Carpathian Foothills exhibiting marked differences in bleaching (strong, moderate, weak, and lack of bleaching) caused by periodic stagnation of water above a slowly permeable fragipan and cyclic redox processes are the same. The E and Eg horizons are characterized by the presence of 2:1 clay minerals with likely organic interlayer fillings, dioctahedral mica, kaolinite, and chlorite.


The results indicate that (1) redox processes occurring in the soils do not affect clay mineral transformation in Retisols of the Carpathian Foothills in Poland and (2) ferrolysis is not the main soil-forming process operating in these soils. This is most likely because iron-bearing minerals are not abundant in the Retisols and/or undergo eluviation to the lower part of the soil profiles. The lower content of the clay fraction in the E and Eg horizons versus that in the lower soil horizons of the Retisols is related to clay illuviation (lessivage), and not to clay decomposition due to ferrolysis.
Five optically active and sixteen racemic lactones (nine of them new) of bicyclo[4.3.0]nonane structure were synthesized. IC(50) values for the following phytopathogens were determined: Aspergillus ochraceus AM 456, Fusarium culmorum AM 282, Fusarium oxysporum AM 13, Fusarium tricinctum AM 16. Effect of compound structures, especially stereogenic centers, on fungistatic activity has been discussed. The highest fungistatic activity was observed for trans-7,8-dibromo-cis-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-2-one (3c), IC(50) = 30.1 μg/mL (0.10 μM/mL), and cis-7,8-epoxy-cis-3-oxabicyclo[4.3.0]nonan-2-one (3b), IC(50) = 72.2 μg/mL (0.47 μM/mL), toward F. oxysporum AM 13.  相似文献   
Whole cell fatty acid (WCFA) compositions of three different structures of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi: sporocarps, pure culture mycelia and ectomycorrhizas were analysed to evaluate the potential use of fatty acid profiles as biomarkers for ECM fungi and ectomycorrhiza-associated bacteria. Sporocarps of Amanita muscaria, Amanita rubescens, Lactarius rufus, Lactarius thejogalus, Leccinum scabrum, Paxillus involutus, Russula foetens, Russula rosea, Russula vesca, Suillus grevillei, Tylopilus felleus, Xerocomus badius, Xerocomus subtomentosus, pure cultures of A. muscaria, P. involutus, X. badius, X. subtomentosus, Suillus bovinus Suillus luteus and seven ectomycorrhizal morphotypes of Norway spruce were examined. Our results revealed species-specific composition of fatty acids of fungal sporocarps and pure culture mycelia. Ectomycorrhizal morphotypes distinguished and identified by morphological and molecular methods (PCR-RLFP and sequencing) created specific fatty acid profiles. The dominating fatty acids in pure cultures and sporocarps were 18:2ω6,9, 18:1ω9 and 16:0, whereas ectomycorrhizas also contained plant and bacterial specific fatty acids. Especially, fatty acids specific to Gram-positive bacteria 15:0 anteiso and 17:0 anteiso were present in relatively high amounts and suggested that these bacteria are dominating in the examined Norway spruce mycorrhizosphere. In conclusion, our results show that fatty acid based methods can be useful in studies of ectomycorrhizal fungi, both as a quick method for differentiation of fungal species and also in studies of mycorrhiza-associated microorganisms in the field.  相似文献   


Soils that develop on the dumps in historical arsenic mining sites contain high concentrations of As thus constituting a serious environmental risk. This study was aimed to examine the changes in arsenic solubility in mine soils as induced by organic matter introduced with forest litter.

Materials and methods

Four large samples of initially developed soils were collected from the dumps remaining in former mining sites and were incubated for 90 days at various moistures: 80% of maximum water holding capacity and 100% (flooded conditions), with and without addition of beech forest litter (BL), 50 g/kg. Soils contained up to 5.0% As. Soil pore water was collected periodically with MacroRhizon suction samplers and examined on As, Mn, and Fe concentrations, pH, Eh, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The properties of dissolved organic matter were characterized by UV-VIS spectroscopic parameters A4/A6 and SUVA254.

Results and discussion

Application of BL resulted in an intensive release of As from soils, particularly at 100% moisture. As concentrations in soil pore water increased strongly during the first 2 or 4 weeks of incubation and then started to decrease in all cases, except for one flooded soil. As was released particularly intensively from carbonate-containing soils. The mechanisms of As mobilization, including reductive dissolution of Mn and Fe oxides and the competition with DOC for sorption sites on the oxides, were discussed as related to soil properties. Pore water concentrations of DOC were increasing at the beginning of incubation and started to decrease after two or four weeks. Spectroscopic parameters of dissolved organic matter in ZS soils indicated increasing aromaticity and progress of humification.


Forest litter introduced to mine dump soils causes a mobilization of As into soil pore water. This effect, particularly strong in carbonate-rich soils, is apparently related to high concentrations of DOC and usually declines with time, which may be explained by the progress in humification. The relationships between DOC properties and As speciation in soil pore water should be dissected for better interpretation of experimental results.
The interaction between high concentrations of polluting gases (SO2 and NOx) and damaged forest ecosystems was observed by studying throughfall precipitation in the Erzegebirge Mountains, Northern Bohemia. Qualitative and quantitative data on throughfall for the period November 1989–October 1990 are presented. Weighted averages of SO 4 2? and NO 3 ? concentrations in the throughfall were 23.05 mg L?1 and 13.61 mg L?1 in a beech and 34.41 mg L?1 and 11.03 mg L?1 in a spruce forest respectively. Three variables (the molar ratios of K/Na, Ntot/S and N-NO3/N-NE4) were used to compare the spruce throughfall quality to that observed in areas with similar however, less damaged spruce stands. Both K/Na and N-NO3/N-NH4 ratios clearly decreased with increasing tree damage, the Ntot/S ratio increased. The results suggest that the throughfall in damaged ecosystems of the Erzegebirge region becomes more like a wet precipitation as the tree canopies get sparser and the trees reduce canopy leaching.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to estimate how the deadwood of different tree species in various stages of decomposition affected nutrient dynamics.

Materials and methods

The deadwood of eight species (common alder, common aspen, common ash, silver fir, pedunculate oak, Norway spruce, common hornbeam and silver birch) was selected. Three logs from each species in the third, fourth and fifth decay classes were chosen for analysis. Wood in the third decay class was characterised by larger hard fragments, fragmented bark and no branches; in the fourth decay class, it was characterised by small pieces and a fragmented bark; and in the fifth decay class, it was characterised by a soft texture and no bark. The investigation was carried out in the Czarna Rózga Reserve in Central Poland. Tension lysimeters were installed under each log in the humus horizon. The water samples collected from tension lysimeters were chemically analysed in the laboratory. The water chemistry was analysed by means of ion chromatography using a DIONEX ICS 5000 unit.

Results and discussion

The leachate obtained from different tree species contained different ion concentrations. The high similarity of the concentration of total anions and statistically significant differences in the content of total cations were determined in the leachate from the wood of coniferous and deciduous species. The concentration of the cations increases with the advancement of the decomposition level. A general linear model analysis demonstrates that wood species and the decomposition classes are of equal importance in defining the ion composition of the filtrate leaching from deadwood.


Wood at the highest decomposition stage releases more ions to the surface soil layers than wood at the lower decay class. An exception from the rule is the wood of birch, which in the III decay class releases more ions than in its higher decay classes. When comparing the ionic composition of leachate released from wood of coniferous and deciduous tree species, the latter are characterised by higher cation concentrations in comparison with coniferous species. Among the deciduous species, wood of such species as ash, hornbeam, aspen, birch and alder has the most favourable effects on the soil surface horizons through its supply with ionic substances. The ash wood releases high amounts of calcium, hornbeam wood releases magnesium and sodium, and aspen releases calcium, potassium and nitrate anion. From the analysed coniferous species, fir wood has a more favourable effect in terms of ion release to soil than spruce wood.
Measurements of number size distributions of submicron aerosols have been performed at the Eastern part of Mediterranean as part of an extensive measurement campaign to study photo-oxidants and aerosols (SUB-AERO Project). The measurements were made at the Finokalia station on the island of Crete (Greece) and onboard the research vessel ??Aegaeon??. Two campaigns were performed during July 2000 and January 2001 using two scanning mobility particle sizers. The particle distributions measured in the range between 7.8 < d p < 327 nm during the summer measurements and between 7.5 < d p < 316 nm during the winter measurements, where d p is the mobility particle diameter. The concentration of ultrafine particles (7.5 < d p < 30 nm) was higher during the winter period and varied mainly between 5 × 101 and 2 × 103?cm?3 with concentration peak values for this mode exceeding 1 × 104?cm?3. During the summer campaign, an average number concentration of 1 × 102?cm?3 at Finokalia and about 5 × 101?cm?3 aboard the ??Aegaeon?? vessel was measured. An average concentration of 1 × 103?cm?3 was measured for the particles in the size range between 30 and 100 nm, whereas in the size range 100?C300 nm, the measured concentration ranged between 1 × 102 and 5 × 103?cm?3. Diurnal patterns in number concentrations were observed in connection with the transport of air masses and local sources. During the winter period, three nucleation events were observed in connection with the appearance of a particle mode at 20 nm.  相似文献   
In industrial areas, heavy metals may accumulate in forest soil organic horizons, affecting soil microorganisms and causing changes in the chemical composition of the accumulated organic matter. The objectives of this study were to test the ability of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to detect heavy metal effects on the chemical composition of forest soil O horizons and to test whether NIRS may be used to quantitatively determine total and exchangeable concentrations of Zn and Pb (Znt, Pbt, Znex, Pbex) and other chemical and microbial properties in forest soil O horizons polluted with heavy metals. The samples of O horizons (n = 79) were analyzed for organic C (Corg), total N and S (Nt, St), Znt, Pbt, Znex, Pbex, basal respiration (BR), microbial biomass (Cmic) and Cmic-to-Corg ratio. Spectra of the samples were recorded in the Vis-NIR range (400–2,500 nm). To detect heavy-metal-induced changes in the chemical composition of O horizons principal components (PC1–PC7) based on the spectral data were regressed against Znt + Pbt values. A modified partial least squares method was used to develop calibration models for prediction of various chemical and microbial properties of the samples from their spectra. Regression analysis revealed a significant relationship between PC3 and PC5 (r = −0.27 and −0.34, respectively) and Znt + Pbt values, indicating an effect of heavy metal pollution on the spectral properties of the O horizons and thus on their chemical composition. For quantitative estimations, the best calibration model was obtained for Corg-to-Nt ratio (r = 0.98). The models for Corg, Nt, and microbial properties were satisfactory but less accurate. NIRS failed to accurately predict St, Corg-to-St, Znt, Pbt, Znex, and Pbex.  相似文献   
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