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We describe the spatial epidemiology of Varroa destructor infestation among honey bee apiaries in the greater Auckland area of the North Island of New Zealand. The study population was comprised of 641 apiaries located within the boundaries of the study area on 11 April 2000. Cases were those members of the study population declared Varroa-infested on the basis of testing conducted between April and June 2000. The odds of Varroa was highest in apiaries in the area surrounding transport and storage facilities in the vicinity of Auckland International Airport. A mixed-effects geostatistical model, accounting for spatial extra-binomial variation in Varroa prevalence, showed a 17% reduction in the odds of an apiary being Varroa infested for each kilometre increase in the squared distance from the likely site of incursion (95% Bayesian credible interval 7–28%). The pattern of spatially autocorrelated risk that remained after controlling for the effect of distance from the likely incursion site identified areas thought to be ‘secondary’ foci of Varroa infestation initiated by beekeeper-assisted movement of infested bees. Targeted investigations within these identified areas indicated that the maximum rate of local spread of Varroa was in the order of 12 km/year (interquartile range 10–15 km/year).  相似文献   
Samples of Hemiptera were taken in September 1972, from areas of carboniferous limestone grassland which were burnt in April and May 1972, and from adjacent unburnt areas. Significantly larger numbers of species, of both Heteroptera and Auchenorhyncha, were recorded from the unburnt areas, and the species-diversity of the samples was significantly greater. The effects of burning on individual species are considered in relation to their biology and the effects of other kinds of management. The results are discussed in relation to the management of grassland for the conservation of wildlife, and a short review of the effects of burning on populations of invertebrate animals is made.  相似文献   
The loss of water from small bulk samples of five grass species was studied under constant conditions of humidity, temperature and lighting. A logarithmic curve was fitted to the data and the different species compared on the basis of a loss coefficient derived from the fitted curve. The species varied significantly in this aspect; those with high surface-area to dry-weight ratios generally lost water fastest The presence of stem material appeared to increase the rate of water loss considerably. High humidity during drying caused the grasses to lose water more slowly and to retain much more water at equilibrium with the surrounding air. Chemical treatments to speed water loss, using a solvent and a fungal toxin were tested. Both appear to have some promise. Selection for high water loss in grass breeding may also be possible.  相似文献   
Summary The influence of temperature, number of sprouts per tuber and concentration of supplementary inorganic nutrients on sprout growth and intersprout competition for tuber substrates during emergence was investigated in the potato varietyArran Pilot. The rate of sprout growth was found to be a positive function of initial tuber fresh weight. Dry weight data at emergence indicated that individual sprouts on multi-sprout tubers exhibited mutual interference for substrates from the tuber. The intensity of this interference increased with temperature in the range 7 25 C, but interference was reduced, and in some cases eliminated, by supplying inorganic nutrients in the rooting medium. It was concluded that a component of the inorganic nutrient solution used could replace the tuber factor the supply of which limited sprout growth. The effects of temperature and inorganic nutrient concentration on the partitioning of dry matter within the plant are deseribed and diseussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Einflüsse von Temperatur, ursprünglichem Knollengewicht, der Anzahl Keime pro Knolle und der Konzentration zus?tzlicher anorganischer N?hrstoffe auf das Keimwachstum sowie die Konkurrenz zwischen den Keimen um das Knollensubstrat w?hrend des Auflaufens wurden an der KartoffelsorteArran Pilot untersucht. Ween Knollen in ein n?hrstofffreies Medium gepflanzt wurden (Versuch 1), glich die Auflaufrate der Keime einer positiv linearen Funktion der Temperatur über einen Bereich von 7 C bis 25 C, aber sie war nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Zahl der Keime pro Knolle (Tabelle 1 und 2). Die einzelnen Keime von Knollen mit vielen Keimen konkurrierten um das Substrat der Mutterknolle, und die St?rke dieser Interferenz nahm mit steigender Temperatur w?hrend des Auflaufens zu (Abb. 1 und 2). In den Versuchen 2 und 3 wurde die Auflaufzeit durch die Beigabe einer anorganischen Volln?hrl?sung zum Wurzeln?hrboden verkürzt, aber sie wurde nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Zahl der Keime pro Knolle (Tabelle 4). Eine Erh?hung der N?hrstoffkonzentration in der anorganischen L?sung hatte eine Erh?hung des durchschnittlichen Trockengewichtes der Keime und des durchschnittlichen Trockengewichtes der Keime pro Knolle beim Auflaufen zur Folge (Abb. 4 und 5). In Versuch 2 setzte die Gabe von anorganischen N?hrstoffen die Intensit?t der Konkurrenz zwischen den Keimen um das Substrat aus der Knolle betr?chtlich herab, was darauf hindeutet, dass ein Bestandteil der verwendeten N?hrl?sung den “Knollenfaktor”, der das Keimwachstum begrenzt, ersetzen k?nnte. Im Versuch 3 dagegen wurde die Interferenz um die Substrate aus der Knolle durch die Konzentration der verwendeten N?hrstoffe nicht beeinflusst. Diese Abweichung zwischen den zwei Versuchen dürfte mit dem unterschiedlichen Grad der Interferenz zwischen den Wurzelsystemen der einzelnen Keime für die Zufuhr der verwendeten N?hrstoffe in Zusammenhang stehen (Tabelle 5). Die Temperatur nach dem Auspflanzen übte einen betr?chtlichen Einfluss auf die Verteilung der Trockensubstanz innerhalb des Stengel-systems aus. Anzahl, L?nge und Trockengewicht der Stolonen pro Keim (Abb. 3) und das Verh?ltnis des Stolonentrockengewichtes zum gesamten Trockengewicht der Stengel (Tabelle 3) waren in umgekehrter Bezichung von der Temperatur abh?ngig, in den Versuchen 1 und 3 stand das Verh?ltnis des Stolonentrockengewichtes zum gesamten Stengelgewicht in umgekehrter Bezichung zur Anzahl Keime pro Knolle: in Versuch 3 war diese Beziehung aber nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Konzentration der mineralischen N?hrstoffe. Diese Ergebnisse wiesen darauf hin, dass neben der Temperatur ein spezifischer Faktor in der Mutterknolle auf das Stolonenwachstum einwirkte und dass dieser Faktor nicht durch eine den Knollen zur Verfügung stehende mineralischen N?hrstoffl?sung ersetzt werden kann. In den Versuchen 2 und 3 erweiterte sich das Stengel/Wurzel-Verh?ltnis mit der Erh?hung der Konzentration der verwendeten anorganisehen N?hrstoffe, aber es war nicht signifikant beeinflusst durch die Zahl der Keime pro Knolle.

Résumé L’auteur a recherché, sur la variété de Pomme de terreArran Pilot, l’influence de la température, du poids initial du tubercule, du nombre de germes par tubercule et de la concentration en éléments nutritifs inorganiques supplémentaires sur la croissance du germe et la compétition entre les germes pour les réserves du tubercule pendant la levée. Quand les tubercules sont plantés dans un milieu dépourvu d’éléments nutritifs (expérience 1), la vitesse d’émergence d’un germe est une fonction linéaire positive de la température dans les limites de 7 C à 25 C mais n’est pas significativement influencéc par le nombre de germes par tubercule (tableau 1 et 2). Les germes des tubercules à plusieurs germes rivalisent individuellement pour les réserves du tubercule-mère et il se révèle que l’intensité de cette interférence s’accro?t avec l’augmentation de la température pendant l’émergence (Fig. 1 et 2). Dans les expériences 2 et 3, le temps d’émergence est réduit par l’application au milieu d’enracinement d’une solution nutritive complète inorganique, mais n’est pas significativement influencé par le nombre de germes par tubercule (Tableau 4). Une augmentation de la concentration en éléments nutritifs inorganiques entra?ne, lors de l’émergence, une augmentation du poids sec moyen d’un germe et une augmentation du poids sec moyen de tous les germes du tubercule (Fig. 4 et 5). Dans l’expérience 2 l’application d’éléments nutritifs inorganiques réduit l’intensité de la compétition entre germes pour les réserves du tubercule, ce qui signifie qu’un composant de la solution nutritive utilisée remplace le facteur du tubercule qui limite la croissance du germe. Cependant, dans l’experience 3, la compétition pour les réserves du tubercule n’est pas influencée par la concentration des éléments nutritifs appliqués. La différence dans les deux expériences peut provenir des différences dans le degré d’interaction entre les systèmes radiculaires des germes individuels pour les approvisionnements en éléments nutritifs appliqués (Tableau 5). La température après plantation exerce une influence considérable sur la répartition de la matière sèche dans le système radiculaire. Le nombre, la longucur et le poids sec de stolons par germe (Fig. 3) et le rapport du poids sec des stolons au poids total sec des germes (Tableau 3) sont des fonctions inverses de la température. Dans les expériences 1 et 3 le rapport poids sec des stolons au poids total des germes est inversément relié au nombre de germes par tubercule, mais dans l’expérience 3 ce rapport n’est pas significativement influencé par la concentration externe des éléments minéraux. Ces résultats indiquent qu’en plus des effets de la température, un facteur spécifique provenant du tubercule-mère influe sur la croissance du stolon, et que ce facteur ne peut être remplacé par un apport externe d’éléments nutritifs minéraux. Dans les expériences 2 et 3 le rapport bourgeon/ racine augmente avec l’accroissement de la concentration en éléments nutritifs inorganiques appliqués mais n’est pas significativement influencé par le nombre de germes par tubercule.
The Succulent Karoo, one of two arid biodiversity hotspots in the world, is known for its high plant species richness, but little is known about the influence of topography and how it mediates the potentially deleterious effects of grazing. Changes in vegetation species composition, cover and species diversity were examined along piosphere gradients on northerly slopes, bottomlands and low-lying plains on 45 farms. Landscapes differed in the plant speciesand life-form composition, species richness and cover, with the more species-rich, heterogeneous grassy northerly slopes distinct from the plains and bottomlands, which were dominated by Pteronia pallens, Psilocaulon junceum and Drosanthenum spp. with more annual and ephemeral species. Overall, species richness declined linearly with decreasing rangeland condition. A weak grazing effect was detected only on the north-facing slopes, where shrubs and grass decreased with intense grazing. Years of overgrazing have resulted in the widespread dominance of P. pallens, especially on the plains and bottomlands, rendering them insensitive to grazing. The current condition of the northern slopes should be maintained and managed such that palatable species can spread to more degraded areas of the landscape.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The acute-phase protein C-reactive protein (CRP) is used as a diagnostic and prognostic marker in humans with various neoplasias, including non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate if CRP could be used to detect different remission states in dogs with lymphoma. ANIMALS: Twenty-two dogs with untreated multicentric lymphoma. METHODS: Prospective observational study. Blood samples were collected at the time of diagnosis, before each chemotherapy session, and at follow-up visits, resulting in 287 serum samples. RESULTS: Before therapy, a statistically significant majority of the dogs (P = .0019) had CRP concentrations above the reference range (68%, 15/22). After achieving complete remission 90% (18/20) of the dogs had CRP concentrations within the reference range, and the difference in values before and after treatment was statistically significant (P < .001). CRP concentrations of dogs in complete remission (median, 1.91; range, 0.2-103) were significantly different (P = .031) from those of dogs with partial remission (median, 2.48; range, 0-89), stable disease (median, 1.77; range, 1.03-42.65), or progressive disease (median, 8.7; range, 0-82.5). There was profound variation of CRP measurements within each dog. CONCLUSIONS: CRP is useful in determining complete remission status after treatment with cytotoxic drugs. However, the individual variation between dogs means CRP concentration is not sufficiently different in other remission states to permit its use in monitoring progression of the disease. Greater reliability in determining remission status might be achieved by combining CRP concentration with other serum markers.  相似文献   
Zoledronate is a bisphosphonate frequently used for the treatment of hypercalcaemia of malignancy and tumour-associated bone pain in dogs, however, there is a paucity of information regarding its use in veterinary medicine. The aim of this retrospective study was to report the tolerability of zoledronate in the palliative treatment of cancer-bearing dogs and secondarily to to assess the efficacy of zoledronate for the treatment of hypercalcaemia of malignancy. Thirty-seven dogs (22 with tumour-associated bone pain and 15 with hypercalcaemia of malignancy) that received 114 zoledronate infusions were included. Tolerability was assessed by the absence of post-zoledronate hypocalcaemia or other adverse events as defined by Veterinary Cooperative Oncology Group-Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events criteria. Efficacy was assessed by comparison of available ionized calcium levels before and after zoledronate administration in hypercalcaemic dogs. In 79% of zoledronate infusions, no adverse events were reported. The majority of adverse events which occurred in the other 21% of infusions could be attributed to concurrent chemotherapy or the underlying neoplastic disease. There was a small but significant increase in creatinine following treatment with zoledronate, however, none of the dogs developed clinically significant renal disease. In eight hypercalcaemic dogs with available ionized calcium following zoledronate administration, ionized calcium decreased rapidly within 7 days following treatment with zoledronate. Zoledronate is well-tolerated with few recorded adverse events, however, monitoring of serum creatinine is advised. Zoledronate seems to be effective in the treatment of hypercalcaemia of malignancy.  相似文献   
It is proposed that the standard economist's model of optimum land use is extended to include the interaction with land cover and land condition. Such a model allows consideration of the influence of market factors and government policies and programmes on land use patterns and management practices, and the feedback effect on land cover and land condition. Recent developments in the approach to modelling land condition, which include the joint consideration of economic factors and physical processes, are discussed. Factors affecting the pattern of agricultural land use in Australia are then reviewed. The importance of considering economic and physical interactions when assessing land use patterns is increasingly being recognized in research and policy development. If research is to meet the needs of land managers in the future then economists and physical scientists will need to integrate their data modelling capabilities in order to address natural resource management issues.  相似文献   
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