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阐述了目前上海市区(县)兽医系统实验室设置情况比较混乱,部分区兽医系统实验室已转/并至农产品检测中心,名称五花八门,由此出现的问题也层出不断的情况.根据《动物防疫法》《应急条例》等法律法规,对动物疫病预防控制机构及兽医系统实验室承担的职责进行梳理,汇总和分析后,得出结论:区(县)兽医系统实验室应依法设置于动物疫病预防控制机构,疫病监测与诊断是兽医系统实验室法律所赋予的主要职能,与以检测为主的农产品安全检测中心有着本质的区别,剥离了兽医实验室的区(县)动物疫病预防控制机构,无法真正履行好其法定职责.并提出了相应的解决方案与建议.  相似文献   
相较于2009年豆粕价格运行区间的渐行渐窄.2010年的国内豆粕市场大致呈现V型走势(图1),全年价格依然处于近年来较高的水平,但波动明显不如2009年频繁.整体表现未有大的突破。其中整个上半年都处于弱势下跌行情中,主要是持续受到供应充足而需求疲软的压制,下半年豆粕市场在强势上拉后再现震荡回落之势。  相似文献   
2010年大豆市场回顾及2011年行情展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年国际大豆市场一度受制于全球大豆强烈丰产预期导致的供过于求的利空基本面,在全球经济复苏的担忧、强劲的中国需求及对南美产区干旱炒作等一系列因素影响下.全球大豆市场摆脱弱势震荡后稳步上扬.对国内大豆市场形成支撑。  相似文献   
今天的这个论坛,是研讨行业宣传工作和纪念<中国饲料>创刊20周年举行的一个专项活动,很有意义.<中国饲料>杂志,是中国饲料工业协会的会刊,实际上也是我们饲料管理部门的刊物,我们工作的目标是一致的,都是为了促进我国畜牧、饲料业的发展,都是为了增加农民的收入、繁荣农村经济,都是为了提高我国城乡人民的生活水平,也就是要在行业发展中突出关节点,唱响主旋律.  相似文献   
碱水解是近年来发展起来的一种动物组织处理技术,通过NaOH或KOH等碱性物质在高温高压条件下催化动物组织水解为无害的固体残渣和废液并实现组织的灭菌和分解,具有彻底灭活病原微生物、不产生有害气体、操作简单、费用低廉等优点。本文从原理、应用及研究进展等方面,综述了碱水解处理技术的发展与现状。比较分析了碱水解相对于传统组织处理方法的优势,介绍了组织处理机的类型、存在的问题和未来发展趋势。  相似文献   
2007年,中国大豆市场彻底摆脱了低迷行情.价格创历史水平。供应降低而需求持续强劲增长是今年全球大豆市场的总基调,也是成就我国大豆市场由熊市转牛市的基础。  相似文献   
牛至油对肉仔鸡细胞免疫功能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王秋梅 《饲料工业》2008,29(12):46-47
<正>牛至油(oreganooil)是从牛至(一种植物)中提取的挥发香精油,是我国农业部及国外大多数国家(欧盟等)批准使用的药物饲料添加剂之一。魏凤仙等(2005)报道牛至油可预防及治疗猪、鸡大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌所致的下痢,促进畜禽生长。随着生活水平的  相似文献   
选择3头条件一致的荷斯坦奶牛,安装永久性的瘤胃瘘管、十二指肠瘘管和回肠瘘管,用Co-ETDA做标记物。采用3×3拉丁方设计研究了不同维生素A添加水平对奶牛瘤胃、十二指肠、回肠和血液中维生素A浓度的影响,以及维生素A在小肠中的吸收情况,研究结果表明:瘤胃、十二指肠、回肠和血液中维生素A浓度随着维生素A剂量增加而极显著上升(P〈0.01),其中回肠末端维生素A浓度上升的幅度随着添加剂量的增加而加大,其余三者中维生素A浓度上升的幅度随着添加剂量的增加而逐步降低。小肠中维生素A的吸收量随着维生素A剂量的增加而极显著上升(P〈0.01),但上升的幅度随着添加剂量的增加而逐步降低。  相似文献   
Companion animals are exposed to similar environmental conditions and carcinogens as humans. In some animal cancers, there also appears to be the same genetic changes associated as in humans. However, little work has been carried out in cancer biomarker identification in animals. The recent dramatic advances in molecular medicine, genomics, proteomics and translational research will allow biomarker identification, which may provide the best strategies for veterinarians and clinicians to combat disease by early diagnosis and administration of effective treatments. Proteomics may have important applications in cancer diagnosis, prognosis and predictive clinical outcome that could directly change clinical practice by affecting critical elemen‐ts of care and management. This review summarizes the advances in proteomics that has propelled us to this exciting age of clinical proteomics, and highlights the future work that is required for this to become a reality. In this review, we will discuss the available proteomic technologies and their limitations, and highlight the key areas of research and how they have been used to discover cancer biomarkers. The principles described here are equally applicable to human and animal disease, but implementation of ‘omic’ technologies requires stringent guidelines for collection of clinical material, the application of analytical techniques and interpretation of the data.  相似文献   
A single-dilution indirect solid-phase radioimmunoassay (IRIA) was developed for the detection of low levels of anti-pseudorabies immunoglobulin G in swine sera. The assay derived increased sensitivity from the use of a second amplifying antibody. The IRIA was examined for its stoichiometry, amplification by secondary antibody, advantage of a single-dilution assay vs an end-point titration, sensitivity, and specificity. The assay had a near linear dose-response relationship with positive sera (serum-neutralization titer less than or equal to 1:16) and lacked a dose response with negative sera. With addition of the secondary antibody, the IRIA was enhanced 8.5-fold in net specific binding, and the end-point titer was amplified 32-fold. The single-dilution assay was proved to be a feasible test, compared with end-point titration. Anti-pseudorabies virus titers were at least 128-fold higher by IRIA than those by serum-neutralization test. Evidence indicated that there may be minimal or no cross-reactivity of IRIA antigen with anti-infectious bovine rhinotracheitis sera. The single-dilution IRIA was a rapid and sensitive test for anti-pseudorabies virus immunoglobulin G in swine sera.  相似文献   
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