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Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a growing zoonosis with an increasing number of new cases and a rapid geographical spreading of the disease. In the present study, a canine survey was carried out in the city of Montes Claros (320,000 inhabitants), an endemic area of American visceral leishmaniasis in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total number of 4795 dogs were examined by serology, which showed a rate of seropositivity of 5%. Isoenzymatic analysis confirmed Leishmania infantum chagasi as the local aetiological agent of CVL. Canine tissues were assayed for the presence of Leishmania parasite DNA using different techniques. The infectivity of asymptomatic, oligosymptomatic and symptomatic seropositive dogs was tested by xenodiagnosis using laboratory reared Lutzomyia longipalpis. Rates of infection of 5.4%, 5.1% and 28.4% were found for the phlebotomine sand flies that fed in asymptomatic, oligosymptomatic and symptomatic dogs, respectively. Our results indicate that, under experimental conditions, symptomatic dogs are about four times more infective to VL vectors than oligosymptomatic or asymptomatic animals. The lower infectivity rates of dogs displaying any of the last two clinical forms of leishmaniasis, however, must be taken into account in the epidemiology of CVL.  相似文献   
In the southern region of Bahia, a large portion of the Atlantic Forest was occupied by the cacao–cabruca system, which is implemented after the complete removal of the understory vegetation without altering the canopy. The objective of this study was to determine the nitrogen concentration in the soil solution in two micro-basins; one with the cacao–cabruca system and one in the Atlantic forest in the southern region of the state of Bahia. Samples were collected weekly during two periods, from September to December 2012 and from April to June 2013, using sample extractors installed in the micro-basins at 15, 45 and 90 cm. The inorganic forms in the soil solutions were analyzed through ion chromatography, total nitrogen was analyzed using spectrophotometry and mineralization and nitrification rates were analyzed using the laboratory incubation method. Among the nitrogen forms analyzed in the cacao–cabruca soil solution, the dissolved organic nitrogen prevailed among the rain classes in the three depths. In the forest, nitrate predominated at 15 cm, while the organic nitrogen prevailed in the other depths. The highest mineralization and nitrification rates were recorded in the forest. Of the inorganic nitrogen forms analyzed in the soil, ammonium concentrations showed higher rates than nitrate in both areas. Low inorganic nitrogen concentrations in the cabruca soil solution are associated with low mineralization and nitrification rates. Thus we can conclude that even if some studies point towards the environmental efficiency of this system, there are differences in the N forms in the forest and cacao–cabruca areas.  相似文献   
Fourth year results are presented from a species screening trial established at the La Selva Biological Station in northeastern Costa Rica. Of the 14 tropical hardwood species evaluated on survivorship, growth, form, and volume the most promising were (survival, diameter and height): Vochysia guatemalensis (84%, 12.2 cm, 10.5 m); Vochysia ferruginea (79%, 9.7 cm, 7.8 m); Hyeronima alchorneoides (83%, 8.1 cm, 7.9 m); Dipteryx panamensis (78%, 5.5 cm, 7.2 m); and Calophyllum brasiliense (80%, 6.3 cm, 6.2 m).
Resumen Se presentan resultados a los cuatro años de edad de un ensayo de adaptabilidad establecido en la Estación Biológica La Selva ubicado en el noreste de Costa Rica. Las variables evaluadas para todas las especies fueron: sobrevivencia, crecimiento (altura total, diámetro a la altura del pecho), forma, y volumen. Las siguientes especies presentaron los mejores resultados (sobrevivencia, diámetro y altura): Vochysia guatemalensis (84%, 12.2 cm, 10.5 m); Vochysia ferruginea (79%, 9.7 cm, 7.8 m); Hyeronima alchorneoides (83%, 8.1 cm, 7.9 m); Dipteryx panamensis (78%, 5.5 cm, 7.2 m); y Calophyllum brasiliense (80%, 6.3 cm, 6.2 m).
Under Mediterranean environments, farmers usually prefer to sow barley rather than wheat as it is generally believed that barley yields more under stressful conditions. As terminal stresses such as high temperature and water are common constraints in Mediterranean regions, higher grain weight stability may confer a clear advantage in order to maintain higher yields. The objective of the present study was to compare the stability in terms of grain weight and its components for barley, bread wheat, and durum wheat, exploring a wide range of nitrogen and water availabilities in experiments conducted in a Mediterranean region. Grain weight ranged from 23.8 to 47.7 mg grain−1, being higher for durum wheat than barley and bread wheat. Durum wheat presented higher variability both in maximum grain filling rate and duration of grain filling period than bread wheat or barley. The three species responded similarly in terms of grain nitrogen content to changes in the environmental conditions explored. It is concluded that in terms of grain weight barley is as stable as bread wheat. However, durum wheat presented a lower stability than barley and bread wheat.  相似文献   
A series of 14 on-farm trials indicated that improved seed-storage facilities, in the form of additional diffuse light and ventilation, may considerably reduce losses of seed-tubers and result in a better quality product: less weight loss in store, more sprouts per tuber and shorter, more robust, sprouts. This improvement resulted generally in improved emergence, stem number per hill, yield of marketable tubers and economic return. The improved onfarm stores compared favourably with the refrigerated storage available locally.  相似文献   
In this study, a strain of Anabaena flos-aquae UTEX 1444 was cultivated in six different concentrations of iron (III). Cultures were extracted with organic solvents and analyzed using our dereplication strategy, based on the combined use of high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry and molecular networking. The analysis showed the presence of the siderophores’ family, named synechobactins, only in the zero iron (III) treatment culture. Seven unknown synechobactin variants were present in the extract, and their structures have been determined by a careful HRMS/MS analysis. This study unveils the capability of Anabaena flos-aquae UTEX 1444 to produce a large array of siderophores and may be a suitable model organism for a sustainable scale-up exploitation of such bioactive molecules, for the bioremediation of contaminated ecosystems, as well as in drug discovery.  相似文献   
  1. Four valid species are currently recognized in the Neotropical migratory genus Salminus: Salminus brasiliensis, Salminus franciscanus, Salminus hilarii and Salminus affinis. However, molecular evidence strongly suggested that two different species might be contained under the taxonomic denomination Salminus brasiliensis. Therefore, the geographical distribution of each entity was evaluated in order to understand their contribution to the different stocks of major river networks in South America.
  2. Major river networks of the La Plata River basin were explored to characterize the geographical distribution of the two genetic lineages. To characterize further the genetic partitioning within each lineage of S. brasiliensis, a haplotype analysis was conducted. The 5′ region of the mitochondrial COI gene was used as the molecular marker. In total, 45 fish samples of S. brasiliensis from 19 sites in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay were sequenced. Additional COI sequences of S. brasiliensis, S. franciscanus and S. hilarii were gathered from public databases.
  3. All samples of S. brasiliensis comprised two different mitochondrial lineages. Accordingly, phylogenetic tree topologies segregated the complete set of sequences into two disparate clusters. One of these clusters was far closer phylogenetically to S. hilarii than to other S. brasiliensis.
  4. While one of the genetic lineages of S. brasiliensis seemed mostly restricted to the upper Paraná River, the other showed a widespread distribution along major river networks of the basin.
  5. Fifteen unique haplotypes were identified and collapsed. Salminus hilarii and S. franciscanus have private haplotypes. In S. brasiliensis, each mitochondrial lineage also hosts a set of unshared haplotypes.
  6. The sympatry of two different putative species within S. brasiliensis together with their unshared haplotypes present a difficult situation for management and conservation that calls for timely solutions.
The survival of Ralstonia solanacearum A1-9Rif race 1 phylotype I was studied in ten different soil types in the absence of the host plant as well as in infected tissues of the stem and root of bell peppers buried in the soil at 0, 5, and 15 cm. The survival time of R. solanacearum A1-9Rif in the ten soil types ranged from 42 up to 77 days. Among the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil, clay content, residual moisture, and available water were positively correlated, and pH was negatively correlated, with survival time, population size at 42 days, and area under the population curve. The pathogen survival differed significantly in relation to the plant tissues, but not with respect to the incorporation depth of the infected tissues. The root tissue of bell pepper supported a larger bacterial population at 7 and 21 days (5 × 104 and 3.1 × 104 CFU g−1 tissue, respectively) compared with the stem tissue (0.35 × 104 and 0.48 × 104 CFU g−1 tissue, respectively) and also had a larger area under the population curve. On the other hand, the stem tissues presented a greater decomposition rate and pH compared with the roots. In conclusion, the different types of studied soils as well as the infected bell pepper tissues were considered potential primary sources of R. solanacearum inocula, but only for a short period.  相似文献   


The objective of this research was to study heavy metal mobility and availability in sediment samples. A rapid diagnosis about metal behaviour was performed using the combination of several single-step extraction procedures and multi-way chemometric tools.  相似文献   
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