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Heterosis is a phenomenon whereby hybrids of inbred lines produce favourable phenotypes that exceed those of their parents. Traits of interest are higher yield and stronger stress tolerance. The two‐line super‐hybrid rice ‘Liangyoupei9’ (LYP9) shows superiority to both its elite inbred line ‘93‐11’ and ‘Pei'ai64s’ (‘PA64s’) parents and conventional hybrids. However, the genetic basis of its hybrid vigour, especially yield determination, remains elusive. In the present study, a set of 156 chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) carrying overlapping segments from ‘PA64s’ in a genetic background of ‘93‐11’ were constructed and planted in six environments. Three major agronomic traits, viz. panicle length (PL), heading date (HD) and plant height (PH), and five yield‐related traits, viz. grain weight per panicle (GWP), number of grains per panicle (GPP), 1000‐grain weight (TGW), seed set (SS) and number of panicles of per plant (PPP), were evaluated over 3 years. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was conducted using a likelihood ratio test based on stepwise regression. Forty‐six putative QTL distributed on 11 chromosomes were detected in more than one year. Remarkably, GWP of four CSSLs carrying positive yield QTL outperformed the recurrent parent ‘93‐11’ by more than 15%, in at least two environments. These results indicate that CSSLs are effective in identifying yield‐associated traits, and lines harbouring such QTL will be rich in resources for future molecular breeding programmes.  相似文献   
土壤的盐化和碱化往往伴随发生,在盐碱胁迫下,植物会遭受许多类型的非生物胁迫,严重影响植物的正常生长发育.本综述首先介绍了盐碱土的分类;其次从四个方面对植物在盐碱胁迫下体内产生相应生理机制进行详细介绍;接下来以植物在盐碱胁迫下产生的钙信号为重点进行阐述,包括植物首个非离子通道型盐胁迫下离子感受器GIPCs的发现、盐碱胁迫...  相似文献   
铁是动物必需的微量元素之一.在猪体内可以作为氧和二氧化碳的载体。参与氧的运输、交换、组织呼吸过程。饲料中缺铁将影响动物机体代谢.仔猪出现贫血症状。严重者3-4周龄死亡。畜牧生产中通常在饲料中补铁或给初生2~3日龄的仔猪注射铁剂.但由于大多数无机补铁剂吸收差.同时还容易与饲料中其他必需微量元素产生拮抗.影响矿物质营养元素的吸收平衡,因此开发新型有机补铁剂有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
本文提出了水分子在碳链周围形成笼状5员环结构的模型,并得出了m个碳形成的直链在脱除其周围笼状水分子时,引起体系的熵增△S=-3.1K[(0.575m+4.51)In(0.575m+4.01)-0.575m)]。利用温度、NaCl等对烷基硫酸钠cnHztu+ISO4Na(CnS,m=8,l0,12)cmc的影响,求出25℃时C_mS胶团化过程中的△S°。结果发现,C_mS的△S°和(0.575m+4.51)In(0.575m+4.01)-0.575m之间有很好的线性关系。该关系式具有普遍的意义,从而证明了模型的可靠性。  相似文献   
根据定位调查和定时调查研究,以百公顷草场的畜产品产量及畜产品单位为指标,对“六五”期间乌兰察布丘陵干草原和平原荒漠草原第二性生产能力做了评定。  相似文献   
柿树的嫁接繁殖与栽培管理技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柿树是一种重要的经济林树种,多以君迁子为砧木进行嫁接繁殖,从砧木的培育、嫁接技术、嫁接后的管理3方面介绍了柿树的嫁接繁殖技术,提出了选择优良品种、整地、栽植、树盘管理、修剪、肥水管理、病虫害防治等栽培管理技术。  相似文献   
为了阐明铜胁迫下植物抗氧化的时间效应,以耐铜植物海州香薷(Elsholtzia haichowensis Sun)为材料,研究水培条件下100 μmol/L CuSO4处理0、2、4、6、8天后海州香薷根系在抗氧化方面的响应特征。结果表明:随着铜处理时间的延长,海州香薷根系膜质过氧化产物TBARS和H2O2含量显著增加,抗氧化酶SOD、POD、CAT和APX活性也依次升高。因此,推测在铜胁迫条件下,海州香薷根系可能通过是膜质过氧化、H2O2产生以及抗氧化酶(尤其是CuZn-SOD和POD)活性升高等来增强自身的抗性防护系统。  相似文献   
We aimed to identify Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) resistance genes in Chinese cabbage by analysing the TuMV resistance of 43 P1 (resistant), 88 P2 (susceptible), 26 F1, 104 B1 (F1 × P1), 108 B2 (F1 × P2) and 509 F2 individuals. All parents and progeny populations were mechanically inoculated with TuMV‐C4. Both F1 and B1 populations showed TuMV resistance. Resistant: susceptible ratios in the B2 and F2 populations were 1 : 1 and 3 : 1, respectively. TuMV resistance in P1 was controlled by a dominant gene, TuRBCS01. Bulked segregation analysis was performed to identify simple sequence repeat or insertion or deletion markers linked to TuRBCS01. Data from 108 B2 individuals with resistant or susceptible phenotypes were analysed using mapmake r/exp 3.0. Polymorphic marker sequences were blast searched on http://brassicadb.org/brad/ . TuRBCS01 was found to be linked to eight markers: SAAS_mDN192117a_159 (3.3 cM), SAAS_mDN192117b_196 (4.0 cM), SAAS_mDN192403_148 (13.0 cM), SAAS_mGT084561_233 (6.8 cM), BrID10723 (3.3 cM), mBr4041 (3.3 cM), SAAS_mBr4055_194 (2.6 cM) and mBr4068 (4.0 cM). Further, TuRBCS01 was mapped to a 1.98‐Mb region on chromosome A04 between markers BrID10723 and SAAS_mBr4055_194.  相似文献   
低酚陆地棉育种亲本配合力的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
选择8个现代低酚陆地棉育种亲本(包括4个高酚棉和4个低酚棉品种),按4×4不完全双列杂交设计,对16个组合的F×进行了双列分析。结果表明,在所研究的10个性状中,子棉产量、皮棉产量和纤维整齐度主要受非加性基因控制,单铃重、衣分、比强度、2.5%跨长和麦克隆值则主要由加性基因控制,衣指由加性和非加性基因共同控制,而子指受环境的影响较大;在大多数性状上,高酚棉亲本的加性遗传方差比低酚棉亲本贡献大,而在2.5%跨长和麦克隆值2个性状上,低酚棉亲本的加性遗传方差起着更重要的作用;中7886是综合性状比较理想的亲本材料,冀合225是较好的高产亲本,冀无252和中无151是较好的优质低酚棉亲本。综合一般配合力和特殊配合力分析结果,组合中7886×冀无252可具较好的育种潜力。  相似文献   
江苏省是全国产棉大省,在全国占有重要地位.近年来,江苏高品质棉有了很大发展,但也面临一些问题,如品种单一,缺乏有效的产销衔接等.本文提出了江苏高品质棉优势区域发展战略措施.  相似文献   
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