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按照人机工程学原理和车辆人机界面的设计原则,研制联合收割机驾驶室人机工程试验台.该试验台包括硬件系统和控制系统2部分,其中硬件系统由驾驶座、手操纵元件和脚操纵元件等组成,各部分几何位置可以实现自动控制调节.试验台通过控制系统匹配各元件的几何位置关系,能够模拟联合收割机驾驶室人机界面布局;根据需要,可以设计多种试验工况,并且记录试验过程和试验数据.将试验台安装在某型号联合收割机驾驶室中进行运动控制精度试验和舒适性评价试验.结果表明,试验台各元部件的运动控制误差<3%,第5、50和95百分位被试人员均可调整到舒适操作区域.该试验台可用于联合收割机驾驶室人机工程学试验研究.  相似文献   
黑刺菝葜植株次生代谢产物分布特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了实现黑刺菝葜高效持续利用,对其次生代谢产物的分布规律进行了研究,结果表明:植株不同器官中有效成分的种类及含量是有差异的,除果肉和果核中不含甾体皂苷、香豆素和内酯类化合物,果核中含有油脂,果肉中含有强心苷等化合物外,植物体中普遍含有糖类、酚类、鞣质、氨基酸、蛋白质、生物碱、皂苷、黄酮、蒽醌、香豆素、甾体、内酯等化学成分;有效成分含量大小顺序为,黄酮类化合物:须根>果肉>块根>叶>茎>根茎>茎卷须>果核;甾体皂苷类化合物:叶>茎>茎卷须>块根>根茎>须根。  相似文献   
产黄酮银杏内生菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
从健康银杏植株中分离到126株内生菌,并通过HPLC-UV检测方法筛选到8株内生菌产黄酮类物质。用察氏平板培养基分离菌株,根据菌株的菌落形态、大小、颜色、生长速率、质地、生长培养基颜色变化以及菌丝体和孢子的形态特征进行鉴定。初步鉴定结果分别属于匐柄霉、丛梗孢属、交链孢属、镰孢霉属、赤霉属、蜜孢霉、放线菌属和暗梗单孢霉属。  相似文献   
不同生态类型甘蓝型油菜的SSR遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SSR标记研究了35个甘蓝型油菜(17个春性品种(系)和15个半冬性品种(系)以及3个春性品系与半冬性品系杂交选育出来的品系)的遗传多样性及其亲缘关系。研究结果表明:①30对SSR标记共扩增出90个多态性片段,其中多态性位点占总扩增位点的92.8%,平均每对引物检测等位基因3个,片段大小介于100~1 000 bp间。②利用由非加权类平均法(UPGMA)聚类分析表明,在遗传相似系数0.698处将35份材料分为5类,第I类包括17个材料,这17个材料除22号YYC-2为半冬性外,其余的均为春性材料;第Ⅱ类包括12个材料,其中18、19、20为春性和半冬性品系杂交选育出来的品系,其他的均为半冬性材料;第Ⅲ类包括3个半冬性材料,分别为华双3号、浙油758和华双2号;第IV类包括一个春性材料Wester;第V类包括两个半冬性材料中双9号和中双10号。从上述聚类结果看出总体上春性和春性材料聚在一起,半冬性和半冬性材料聚在一起,表明春性和半冬性品种(系)的遗传差异比较大。  相似文献   
中国森林碳汇的区域差异及动态演进分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1988—2013年全国森林资源清查数据,采用改进的森林蓄积量法估算了中国大陆31个省(市、区)的森林碳汇量,并以单位面积森林碳汇量为指标,借助Dagum基尼系数和Markov链方法系统分析了中国森林碳汇的区域差异及其动态演进趋势。结果表明:1)中国森林碳汇在省域间存在较大差距,由南方林区向西南、东北林区递增变化;2)Dagum基尼系数及其分解结果显示,中国森林碳汇的地区差异呈波动下降趋势。从四大林区来看,南方、北方和东北地区内差距与全国一致,基本呈下降趋势。而西南地区内差距呈现先上升后下降趋势。地区间差距是造成中国森林碳汇区域差异的首要原因,并且地区间净差距和超变密度差距对全国总体差异的贡献率呈此消彼长的"∞"型变化。3)Markov链分析发现,不同水平的森林碳汇地区间跨区流动的可能性较低。但从动态演进来看,中国森林碳汇呈上升态势,预期较低水平的省份将逐步减少,整体会向着高水平趋势发展。  相似文献   
近年来,重金属污染耕地安全利用技术研究取得了突破进展,然而将这些关键技术与蔬菜传统高度集约化种植模式进行耦合的研究还比较少,大规模推广应用鲜见报道。因此,本文在查阅最新发表文献的基础上,梳理了我国土壤-蔬菜作物系统重金属污染状况,归纳了蔬菜作物重金属吸收积累特征,并总结了重金属污染蔬菜地安全生产综合农艺调控技术研究进展。当前,我国蔬菜地土壤重金属污染以中轻度为主,且区域分异明显。蔬菜作物重金属超标现象在全国各地时有发生,给蔬菜产业发展和人类健康带来了极大的危害。蔬菜作物对重金属的积累能力因种类、品种、部位而异,受基因型、土壤理化性质和外界环境条件的制约,因此调整种植布局、选用重金属低积累品种、合理轮间套作、施用土壤改良剂和钝化剂、优化水肥管理技术等农艺调控措施是目前中轻度重金属污染蔬菜地安全利用的重要技术途径。未来在进一步深入研究土壤-蔬菜系统重金属迁移转化规律的基础上,宜加强土壤-蔬菜地系统安全生产技术标准、传统种植模式与综合农艺调控措施耦合技术、长期定位试验及风险评价等方面的研究,以实现重金属中轻度污染蔬菜地的安全利用和农产品的安全生产。  相似文献   
为加快河南省玉米优良新品种推广应用,促进玉米品种更新换代,筛选适宜河南省种植的高产新品种,2021 年河南省种子站征集 31 个高产玉米新品种(系)进行了展示示范。结果表明 MC121、MY73、泛玉 606、伟科 819、农华 137、航星 708、京科 999、科腾 918 丰产性和抗病性较好,可在河南省各玉米主产区推广种植。  相似文献   
Staphylococcus aureus is a major pathogen associated with mastitis, a disease affecting both women and dairy cows. The longitudinal profiles of bovine peripheral blood and mammary gland lymphocyte phenotypes in response to S. aureus-induced mastitis were investigated in dairy cows. Increased percentage of CD4 lymphocytes in the mammary gland between 1 and 8 days post-inoculation, increased milk CD4 protein density per cell between 1-8 days post-inoculation, and a statistically significant negative correlation between post-inoculation bacterial counts in milk and blood lymphocyte CD4 protein density were found. Together with blood and milk leukocyte counts, the milk lymphocyte CD4/CD8 ratio and the milk lymphocyte CD4 protein density were more informative indicators than milk somatic cell counts and bacteriology for identification of early vs. late inflammatory phases. These findings suggest that CD4+ lymphocytes play a protective role in the early stages of S. aureus-induced mastitis.  相似文献   
Ceftiofur is a new broad spectrum cephalosporin marketed for the treatment of acute bovine respiratory disease. In this investigation ceftiofur was administered by intramuscular injection, at 24 h intervals, to healthy beef-bred calves for four days at dosages of 2.2 and 4.4 mg/kg of body weight, with 4 wk intervals between dosing regimens. Serum, tissue chamber fluid (TCF), and bronchial secretion (BS) concentrations of ceftiofur were measured by microbiological assay after the first and fourth dose of each dosing regimen. Peak serum concentrations (Cmax) of 8.8 micrograms/mL and 17.3 micrograms/mL were obtained approximately 2 h (Tmax), the time of mean peak concentration) after single injections of 2.2 mg/kg and 4.4 mg/kg, respectively. The Cmax was increased approximately twofold following multiple doses of 2.2 mg/kg (Cmax = 13.1 micrograms/mL) and 4.4 mg/kg (Cmax = 24.1 micrograms/mL). Ceftiofur accumulated slowly into TCF and peak concentrations were found to be approximately 14% of those observed in serum after the first dose and approximately 24% after multiple dosing. Concentrations of ceftiofur in BS were obtained rapidly with peak concentrations reaching 45% of the serum Cmax after the first dose. After multiple dosing the Cmax for BS was approximately 25% of the serum Cmax. This study found that both the 2.2 mg/kg and 4.4 mg/kg dosing regimens resulted in continuous serum, TCF and BS concentrations of ceftiofur that exceeded the minimal concentration required to inhibit the bacteria most frequently isolated from calves with acute bovine respiratory disease.  相似文献   
The purpose of this report is to present the clinical, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and histological data from 27 cats with inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The cats were part of a study of 61 cats admitted to two university clinics over an eight-year period because of signs of CNS disease. The most frequent diseases were feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) (12/27) and suspected viral disease other than FIP (10/27). Typical CSF findings in cats with FIP were a protein concentration of greater than 2 g/L (200 mg/dL) and a white cell count of over 100 cells/microL, which consisted predominantly of neutrophils. In contrast, the CSF of cats with suspected viral disease had a protein concentration of less than 1 g/L (100 mg/dL) and a total white cell count of less than 50 cells/microL. In general, cats with FIP or suspected viral disease were less than four years of age. Neurological signs were usually multifocal in cats with FIP, but focal in cats with suspected viral disease. The CSF findings were variable in five other inflammatory diseases represented. Two cats with protozoan infection had normal CSF total cell counts but abnormal differential counts. The CSF findings were invaluable in differentiating FIP from other causes of inflammatory CNS disease.  相似文献   
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