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Summary The effects of impact damage on the accumulation of glycoalkaloids in tubers were studied in a wide range of potato genotypes. Damage, caused by drop tests, resulted in increased glycoalkaloid levels, which sometimes exceeded the toxic limit of 20 mg/100 g fresh weight; there were large differences in levels between genotypes. When the total damage index was high, the severe damage types—shatter cracks and splits—were responsible for the initiation of glycoalkaloid synthesis in stressed tuber tissue, whereas the less severe damage types—bruises and black spot—were not. Genotypes which had the highest shatter crack indices often had the greatest increases in glycoalkaloids. The high correlation between the initial glycoalkaloid level and the increased level after damage showed that selection for low glycoalkaloid potato clones is important.
Zusammenfassung Der Einfluss von Stossverletzungen auf die Glykoalkaloide in Knollen wurde an 18 bis 21 Sorten und Zuchtklonen untersucht. Die Knollen liess man von 150 cm H?he (1981) bzw. 100 cm H?he (1982) herabfallen, um Stossverletzungen unterschiedlicher Typen (Schwarzfleckigkeit, Quetschungen, Schlagrisse, Brüche) und unterschiedlicher St?rke hervorzurufen. Der Gehalt an Glykoalkaloiden (α-Solanin und α-Chaconin) wurde an unbehandelten und besch?digten Knollen bestimmt. In unbehandeltem Material wurden wechselnde Glykoalkaloidgehalte aufgefunden (Tab. 1). Die Falltests ergaben grosse Sorten-differenzen hinsichtlich der Verletzungsemp-findlichkeit. Eine Fallh?he von 150 cm verursachte hohe Indizes für die Gesamtbesch?digung (Tab. 2). Unter den einzelnen Besch?digungs-typen waren Brüche und Schlagrisse am h?ufigsten. Der Glykoalkaloidgehalt erh?hte sich signifikant in den Knollen mit Stossverletzungen, und in einer Sorte wurde die toxische Schwelle von 20 mg/100 g Frischgewicht überschritten (Tab. 1). Die Glykoalkaloidbildung war signifikant korrelliert mit dem Schwellenwert in unbehandelten Knollen. Sorten und Klone mit den h?chsten Schlagriss-Indizes zeigten die gr?ssten Zunahmen. Eine zweimalige Fallbehandlung ergab h?here Verletzungsindizes und die Glykoalkaloidgehalte stiegen weiter an. Die Werte schwankten dabei zwischen 4 und 53 mg Glykoalkaloid/100 g Frischgewicht. Drei Sorten/Klone überschritten 20 mg/100 g und drei andere waren nahe an der toxischen Schwelle. Eine Fallh?he von 100 cm bewirkte auff?llig niedrigen Anteile an Stossverletzungen (Tab. 3). Schwere Verletzungenstypen, z.B. Schlagrisse und Brüche, waren hier nicht so h?ufig als weniger schwere, wie Quetschungen und Schwarzfleckigkeit. Der Glykoalkaloidgehalt war verglichen mit demjenigen in unbehandelten Knollen nur geringfügig h?her (Tab. 1). Das Glykoalkaloidniveau der besch?digten Knollen war gut korrelliert mit dem ursprünglichen Niveau, es stand aber weder zum Gesamtindex der Stossverletzungen noch zum Index irgendeines besonderen Besch?digungstyps in Beziehung. Der Grund dafür lag vermutlich in der geringen Anzahl von Verletzungen, insbesondere in der geringen H?ufigkeit von Schlagrissen. Eine zweimalige Fallbehandlung erh?hte signifikant den Gesamtverletzungsindex und die H?ufigkeit der Quetschungen. Dabei ergab sich ein geringer Zuwachs an Glykoalkaloiden mit einer sortenbedingten Differenz von 2–20 mg/100 g Frischgewicht. Der Glykoalkaloidgehalt war jedoch nicht korrelliert mit dem Index der gesamten Stossverletzungen oder, vielleicht mit Ausnahme der Quetschungen, mit dem Index irgendeines besonderen Besch?digungstyps. Die Untersuchung zeigte, dass schwere Stossverletzungen eine Erh?hung des Glykoalkaloidgehaltes in Kartoffelknollen verursachen. Die Pflanzenzüchtung ist ein m?glicher Weg, um die Resistenz gegenüber mechanischen Besch?digungen zu erh?hen, wenngleich stets eine sorgf?ltige Behandlung notwendig ist, um die Besch?digungsh?ufigkeit in der Handelsware zu reduzieren. Die hohe Korrellation zwischen dem ursprünglichen Glykoalkaloidniveau und dem erh?hten Niveau nach der Besch?digungsinduktion zeigt, dass es wichtig ist, Kartoffelklone mit geringem Glykoalkaloidgehalt zu selektieren.

Résumé L'influence des endommagements par impacts sur les glycoalcalo?des dans les tubercules a été étudiée sur 18–21 variétés et clones de sélection. Les différents types d'endommagements (noircissement interne, meurtrissures, cavernes et fissures) ainsi que leur gravité sont analysés après une chute des tubercules d'une hauteur de 150 et 100 cm, respectivement en 1981 et 1982. La teneur en glycoalcalo?des (α-solanine et α-chaconine) est déterminée dans les tubercules n'ayant subi aucun traitement et dans les tubercules endommagés. Une grande variété de teneurs en glycoalcalo?des est observée dans les tubercules non endommagés (tabl. 1). Les tests d'impacts ont montré des différences variétales importantes, quant à la sensibilité à l'endommagement. La hauteur de chute de 150 cm a causé des indices d'endommagements élevés (tabl. 2). Les fissures et les cavernes sont les types d'endommagements les plus fréquents. La teneur en glycoalcalo?des augmente de fa?on significative dans les tubercules endommagés et pour une variété, le seuil de toxicité de 20 mg/100 g de poids frais est dépassé (tabl. 1). La réponse dans la formation de glycoalcalo?des est correlée de fa?on significative à la teneur initiale, dans les tubercules non endommagés. Les variétés et clones qui présentaient le plus grand nombre de cavernes ont eu les augmentations les plus fortes. Les traitements comprenant deux chutes ont donné les indices d'endommagements les plus élevés et des teneurs en glycoalcalo?des encore plus importantes. Celles-ci variaient entre 4 et 53 mg/100 g de poids frais. Trois variétés/clones ont dépassé les 20 mg pour 100 g et trois autres étaient très proches de ce seuil de toxicité. La hauteur de chute de 100 cm a conduit à des niveaux d'endommagements beaucoup plus faibles (tabl. 3). Les types d'endommagements graves, c'est-à-dire les cavernes et les fissures, furent moins fréquents que les autres types d'endommagements moins graves: les meurtrissures et le noircissement interne. Il n'y eut qu'une légère augmentation des teneurs en glycoalcalo?des, comparée à celles des tubercules non endommagés (tabl. 1). Le niveau de glycoalcalo?des dans les tubercules endommagés est fortement correlé au niveau initial, mais n'est pas lié à l'indice total d'endommagements ni à l'indice d'un quelconque type d'endommagement. Ceci est probablement d? au faible niveau d'endommagement et notamment à la faible quantité de cavernes. Les traitements comprenant deux chutes ont donné un indice total d'endommagements plus élevé avec davantage de meurtrissures. La teneur en glycoalcalo?des a légèrement augementé, avec des différences variétales de 2–20 mg/100 g de poids frais. Toutefois, les glycoalcalo?des ne furent pas correlés à l'indice total ou à l'indice d'un des types d'endommagements, excepté peut être les meurtrissures. Cette recherche montre que les endommagements graves par impacts provoquent l'augmentation des teneurs en glycoalcalo?des dans les tubercules de pomme de terre. La sélection des variétés est un moyen pour augmenter la résistance des tubercules à l'endommagement, bien que des précautions dans les manutentions sont nécessaires pour réduire les fréquences d'impacts des pommes de terre de commercialisation. La forte corrélation entre le niveau initial de glycoalcalo?des et son augmentation après endommagement montre que la sélection des clones à faible teneur en glycoalcalo?des est importante.
Within the framework of a cooperative research project, turkey health as well as numerous aspects of animal welfare were examined in various intensive commercial farms with varying rearing forms. The present study demonstrates the prevalence of skin injuries concerning living animals as well as carcasses of slaughtered turkeys of both sexes. Although all turkeys were debeaked, prevalences of skin injuries at a value of 12.8% with male turkeys and 13.8% with female turkeys could be found at the age of 16 weeks. Within the scope of medically inspections skin injuries were mainly established in the head region, especially the snood as well as in the region of the back. By means of their clinical picture pecking wounds and scratch injuries could be distinguished. Skin lesion produced primary as a result of scratching the skin surface, could be enlarged by the animal itself or by conspecifics by beak pecking, especially after bleeding, in spite of debeaked upper beak. Injuries in the head region, especially of the snood, could be explained mainly as a result of pecking by conspecifics by reason of their clinical picture and were found mainly in male turkeys. Skin injuries in the region of the back, especially at the coxal tuberosity, were identified primarily as scratch marks. They were found mainly in female turkeys. A statistically significant correlation of the injury prevalence to particular husbandry parameters discussed in the literature as "predisposing" or "limiting" factors (e.g., population density, light regime or offer of employment material) could not be established in this study. At the meat inspection fresh scratching injuries at the chest and the hind legs were diagnosed most often. Especially fresh injuries of the carcass point to a misguided behaviour of the staff concerning animal handling during loading and transport which is not conform to animal welfare.  相似文献   
Synchytrium endobioticum is a major quarantine pathogen of potato causing potato wart disease. In Europe, the pathotypes 1(D1), 2(G1), 6(O1) and 18(T1) are the most widespread and occur locally in almost all countries. Resistance to this disease in potato cultivars is tested for in the majority of the EU countries by the Glynne‐Lemmerzahl method. This paper describes the results of testing two different protocols of this method in five laboratories of three different countries (Germany, Poland, and the Netherlands). The four pathotypes 1(D1), 2(G1), 6(O1) and 18(T1) were tested mainly on the cultivars described in the EPPO Standard PM 7/28 Synchytrium endobioticum. For pathotype 1(D1) and in most cases also for pathotype 18(T1), the results of the cultivars tested were identical to the rating in the EPPO Standard for both protocols. For pathotypes 2(G1) and 6(O1), the cultivars Désirée, Delcora and Miriam showed different results between laboratories as well as between the two protocols. In conclusion, further research is needed to develop one harmonised methodology for resistance testing of potato cultivars to the pathotypes 2(G1), 6(O1) and 18(T1) and to develop a new differential set of potato cultivars for the identification of pathotypes of S. endobioticum.  相似文献   
To evaluate the age of fontanelle closure of normal kittens and the size of their lateral ventricles, 50 ultrasonographic examinations using the bregmatic fontanelle as an acoustic window were made. Seven kittens, laboratory animals, were included in the study. To verify the location of the lateral ventricle, two of the kittens were sacrificed as neonates. In one of them ink was injected prior to autopsy into one lateral ventricle under sonographic guidance. In a longitudinal study of five of the kittens, the skull depth and the depth of the central part of the lateral ventricle reproduced in a longitudinal view could be measured up to the age of about 5 months. During that period, the skull depth increased from a median value of 1.95 cm (1.92-1.98) in a seven-day-old cat to 2.58 cm (2.52-2.59) in a 154-day-old cat, while the afore-mentioned ventricle values increased from 0.3 mm to 1.1 mm.  相似文献   
Objective The Leatherback sea turtle is the largest extant reptile and the sole member of the family Dermochelyidae. Here, the eye of this critically endangered marine turtle was investigated to determine the anatomy, optics, and optical sensitivity. Animals studied Three Leatherback sea turtles, Dermochelys coriacea. Results The eye is small in proportion to body size of the adult compared to other vertebrates, with prominence of the retractor bulbi and pyramidalis muscles. The nictitans shows extensive folding of the bulbar conjunctiva as an apparent mechanism to increase the surface area for mucus secretion. The intraocular anatomy is consistent with an eye adapted to aquatic vision with minimal curvature of the cornea, a near‐spherical lens, deep ciliary cleft and highly vascularized ciliary body. The optical sensitivity, a measure of the sensitivity to light of a given optical system, is higher than in other marine turtles studied but lower than those found in teleost fish that share a habitat with the Leatherback sea turtle. Conclusions The Leatherback sea turtle shows ocular features that are characteristic of Chelonians with similarities to aquatic mammals. The calculated optical sensitivity suggests that compared to pelagic fishes, for instance, the Leatherback sea turtle eye is not particularly well adapted for vision in dim light even though this species is known to venture into deep, dark waters, and might feed at night.  相似文献   
A Lesser Malayan mousedeer (Tragulus javanicus), persistently infected with noncytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) type 1f, was experimentally superinfected with a cytopathogenic isolate of BVDV type 1c, which antigenically partially matched the endogenous strain. Within the observational period of 125 days after superinfection, the animal did not demonstrate any clinical signs of the disease and/or significant changes in blood values. Neutralizing antibodies were detected at 35 and 42 days postinfection. The isolate causing the superinfection was found in feces, nasal swabs, and saliva starting from day 29 and at various times postchallenge. Macroscopic or histologic examination did not reveal mucosal disease-like lesions, despite the detection of the cytopathogenic isolate in the salivary gland, rumen, abomasum, kidney, and superficial prescapular lymph node. Results indicate that the cytopathogenic BVDV strain, which was used in the superinfection, persisted in the viremic animal without causing disease within the observation period.  相似文献   
Plant nitrogen (N) acquisition is strongly controlled by the concentration of available inorganic and organic N in the soil solution and by biogeochemical processes in the rhizosphere. However, until now it was hardly possible to reliably estimate plant-available N in soil microsites. Here, a novel microdialysis approach based on passive diffusion sampling is presented and compared qualitatively and quantitatively with lysimeter and soil extraction techniques when analyzing two contrasting boreal soils. Further, preliminary dialysis membrane calibration issues for sampling plant-available N compounds are discussed. Due to its miniaturized design microdialysis was shown to be a suitable tool for continuous sampling of ammonium, nitrate and free amino acids from the soil solution with only minimal disturbance of the soil structure. Microdialysis proved to be outstanding regarding the possible spatial (<0.5 mm) and temporal (<30 min) resolution of soil solution N chemistry. The different methods for soil N sampling resulted in significantly different results. In lysimeter and soil extraction samples, nitrate and ammonium were found at the highest concentrations, while results from microdialysis revealed that the pool of plant-available amino acids was contributing most to the total N pool tested. Application of a standard N solution to the tested soils led to an immediate peak of recovery via the microdialysis probes followed by a rapid decrease due to the formation of a depletion zone at the probe surfaces. Therefore, this relatively new technique will not only provide essential data on diffusion rates of a variety of N compounds in the soil but might be used for monitoring quantitative and qualitative changes in plant-available N in soil microsites such as the rhizosphere.  相似文献   
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) are important components of the carbon and nitrogen turnover in soils. Little is known about the controls on the release of DOC and DON from forest floors, especially about the influence of solid phase properties. We investigated the spatial variation of the release of DOC and DON from Oe and Oa forest floor samples at a regional scale. Samples were taken from 12 different Norway spruce sites with varying solid phase properties, including C/N ratio, pH, different fractions of extractable carbon and exchangeable cations. Most of these solid phase properties are available for large forested areas of Europe in high spatial resolution. The samples were incubated at water holding capacity for eight weeks at 15°C and then extracted with an artificial throughfall solution to measure DOC and DON release. The rates of soil respiration and N-mineralization were determined to estimate soil microbial activity. The release of DOC and DON from Oe samples was two- to threefold higher than from Oa samples. The amounts released differed by one order of magnitude among the sites. The DOC/DON ratios in the percolates of the Oa samples were much higher as compared to the solid phase C/N, indicating different release rates of DOC and DON. In contrast, the DOC/DON ratios of the Oe percolates were in the range of the C/N ratios of the solid phase. The release of DOC and DON from Oe samples was not statistically correlated to any of the measured solid phase parameters, but to N-mineralization. The DOC and DON release from the Oa samples was positively related only to pH and soil respiration. Overall it was not possible to explain the large spatial variation of DOC and DON release by the measured solid phase properties with satisfying accuracy.  相似文献   

Pea root rot disease caused by the pathogen Aphanomyces euteiches deserves increased attention, since peas are an important cash crop and also improve the N balance in temperate agriculture. However, due to pea root rot it is difficult to cultivate peas as frequently and successfully as desired. In the search for biological measures to overcome this problem, attention has been drawn to the use of Brassicaceae plants as cover crops between main crops, since these can be effective catch crops for nutrients and also exert allelopathic effects. Many species within the Brassicaceae contain glucosinolates (GSLs). Their hydrolysis products, the volatile isothiocyanates (ITCs), have been shown to suppress soil-borne plant pathogens such as A. euteiches. In addition, Brassicaceae biomass releases water-soluble toxic substances such as oxazolidine-2-thione and supplies nutrients and organic matter. Overall, this influences the soil microbial community and the final suppression of pathogens. Due to the unpredictability of the control effect of Brassicaceae biomass incorporation into soil on the pathogen, there is a need to define the mechanisms behind suppression in the field situation. This review focuses on how incorporation of Brassicaceae biomass suppresses A. euteiches under field conditions and the effect on the emerging pea. Different factors influencing the severity of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) root rot disease are also discussed. One conclusion is that suppression of pea root rot depends on the quality and quantity of incorporated Brassicaceae biomass.  相似文献   
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