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草原是内蒙古地区草食畜牧养殖产业健康发展的基础,同时也是优质牧草的主要来源。有毒有害牧草生长扩散预示着草场退化,对当地草食畜牧养殖产业健康发展会造成毁灭性打击。有毒有害植物生长发育,不仅会危害牲畜健康且还会严重消耗土壤的水分和养分,妨碍优良牧草繁殖生长,使草场产量和质量显著下降。在长时间草场利用过程中,很多农牧民群众只注重索取,不注重生态环境保护,使草场生产能力和抵抗能力逐渐变差,给有毒有害牧草繁殖生长提供了条件。因此需要加强寒冷地区草原有毒有害牧草的监测,并采取针对性措施进行防控,降低发病率。该文主要探讨内蒙古呼伦贝尔市寒冷地区草原有毒有害牧草的种类,并提出相应的防治措施。  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of a dual‐frequency frequency‐sweeping ultrasound (DFFSU) treatment on the functional properties and structure of zein. The solubility of ultrasound‐treated zein proteins increased slightly but significantly as the treatment time increased. The results showed that the DFFSU treatment had an obvious influence on the mean particle size and the size distribution. A significant (P < 0.05) increase in the size of the particles with respect to time was observed after a sonication time of more than 20 min in zein solutions. Differential scanning calorimetry results showed that sonication alters the thermal behavior of zein. Circular dichroism spectra showed a small increase in the percentage of ordered structure elements within the protein molecule. After 60 min of ultrasonication, the percentage of α‐helix structures increased by 0.9%, whereas the percentage of β‐sheets and β‐turns decreased by 0.5%. Microstructural analyses by scanning electron microscopy showed that several microholes appeared in the zein following ultrasonic pretreatment. Under the conditions investigated in this study, DFFSU treatment was found to affect the studied functional properties of the zein protein. This technology could be used to obtain improved functional properties in some protein samples.  相似文献   
利用核桃本身气密性,在核桃壳体上钻一个小孔,从孔向核桃内部加载高压气体载荷,在一瞬间核桃内部、外部形成较大的压差,当气压差产生的压力大于壳体的许用应力时,壳体爆开破裂,利用气爆原理完成核桃脱壳的试验研究。本文通过正交试验分析影响核桃脱壳性能的主要因素,分析总结出当气体压强P为0.75MPa,孔位置K在结蒂时,锯口位置S在长轴方向时气爆式核桃破壳的破壳率最高,核桃碎仁率最低,破壳效果最佳。  相似文献   
旋耕机刀片的耐磨性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合旋耕机刀片的工况条件,运用摩擦学的研究成果,揭示了旋耕刀的磨损机理,并建立了冲蚀磨损模型。经试验验证,提出了影响旋耕刀耐磨性的因素,指出低碳高合金钢作为旋耕刀材料具有比高碳钢65Mn更好的抗磨损机能。  相似文献   
根据北方地区免耕作业的农艺要求,设计了2BQM-6型气吸式免耕播种机,实现了破茬、开沟施肥、播种及覆土镇压等联合作业。在此基础上,针对免耕条件下作业地面平整度较差等因素所造成的播种深度变动大的问题,研究了播种深度调节机构和相应的参数。通过ADAMS软件对播种单体进行建模分析,研究其仿形机构不同参数对仿形效果的影响,寻求最佳仿形时的最优参数范围,以满足不同农作物种植深度不同的要求。该调节装置具有调节范围广、灵活及易于操作等特点。  相似文献   
农产品的质量与其生长环境和保存环境密切相关,而农业对象又具有分散偏僻的特点,因此研究便捷、低功耗、精确的远程温湿度监测装置具有现实意义。此装置由传感节点和中继节点组成,传感节点选用NRF24 LE1低功耗器件,负责感知环境的温湿度,通过2.4 GHz无线短距传输上传至中继节点;终端PC利用GPRS远距离与中继节点通信,实时周期性收集中继节点汇聚的传感数据。传感节点与中继节点间采用防碰撞延时发送机制,实现传感节点的低功耗和数据有效传输。中继节点与终端PC通过GPRS网络建立UDP连接,使系统可以管理多个中继节点,可扩展性好。  相似文献   
基于EDEM的水田深施肥机构螺旋钢丝的数值模拟与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为解决水田深施肥堵塞问题,运用EDEM软件对水田深施肥机构肥料箱中螺旋钢丝进行仿真分析,得出了螺旋钢丝在不同转速、丝径、导程时对肥料运动的影响。研究结果表明,随着螺旋钢丝转速增大,排肥速度变快,转速到达270°/s时已达到肥箱最大排肥速度,螺旋钢丝的丝径和导程对于肥料的运动规律影响不明显。  相似文献   
以牛粪为堆肥原料,研究不同浓度木醋液对牛粪堆肥理化性质的影响。试验采用好氧人工翻堆方式进行。试验共设4个处理,浓度分别为0.2%、0.5%、0.8%的木醋液处理和不添加木醋液的对照处理。通过试验分析温度、含水率、EC、pH值、铵态氮和硝态氮含量等指标随堆肥发酵时间变化的特征。结果表明:各处理组在堆肥发酵过程中pH均在适宜微生物生长的范围内,含水率都保持在55%以上;EC都呈先上升后下降的趋势;添加不同浓度木醋液处理与对照处理相比,都显著提高铵态氮硝态氮含量,从而有效减少堆肥发酵过程中氨气挥发和氮素损失,其中浓度为0.5%木醋液处理效果最好,与对照相比,肥堆升温快,进入高温所需时间短,高温持续时间长,在整个堆肥发酵过程中含水率一直保持在60%~70%之间,发酵结束时物料电导率较低,堆料腐熟快,有利于加快堆肥发酵进程。  相似文献   
The hexagonal structure of the honey bee comb cell has been the source of many studies attempting to understand its structure and function. In the storage area of the comb, only honey is stored and no brood is reared. We predicted that honey bees may construct different hexagonal cells for brood rearing and honey storage. We used quantitative analyses to evaluate the structure and function of the natural comb cell in the Chinese bee, Apis cerana cerana and the Italian bee, A. mellifera ligustica. We made cell molds using a crystal glue solution and measured the structure and inclination of cells. We found that the comb cells of A. c. cerana had both upward-sloping and downward-sloping cells; while the A. m. ligustica cells all tilted upwards. Interestingly, the cells did not conform to the regular hexagonal prism structure and showed irregular diameter sizes. In both species, comb cells also were differentiated into worker, drone and honey cells, differing in their diameter and depth. This study revealed unique differences in the structure and function of comb cells and showed that honey bees design their cells with precise engineering to increase storage capacity, and to create adequate growing room for their brood.  相似文献   
Nanotechnology applications in medicine have seen a tremendous growth in the past decade and are being employed to enhance the stability and bioavailability of lipophilic substances, such as florfenicol. This study aimed to examine the pharmacokinetic properties of the formulated oil‐in‐water florfenicol‐loaded nanoemulsion (FF‐NE). FF‐NE and florfenicol control (Nuflor®) were administered to the pigs at a dose of 20 mg/kg. Nanoemulsion formulation of florfenicol was highly influenced in vivo plasma profile. The in vivo absorption study in pigs indicated that Cmax (14.54 μg/mL) was significantly higher in FF‐NE, 3.42 times higher than the marketed formulation. In comparison with the control group, the relative bioavailability of formulated nanoemulsion was up to 134.5%. Assessment of bioequivalence using log‐transformed data showed that the 90% confidence intervals (90% CI) of Cmax and AUC0–∞ were 2.48–4.60 and 1.21–1.72, respectively.  相似文献   
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