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为了解析小麦粒形性状的分子数量遗传特征及其与水分环境的互作关系,以两个冬小麦品种(陇鉴19和Q9086)为亲本创建的重组近交系(recombinant inbred lines,RIL)群体120个株系为供试材料,利用复合区间作图法对两种环境条件下该群体的粒形进行QTL定位和遗传解析。结果表明,小麦RIL群体中各株系呈现广泛的表型变异和超亲分离,对水分环境反应敏感,属于多基因控制的数量性状,遗传模式复杂。在两种环境条件下共检测到控制粒形的26个加性QTL(A-QTL)和22对上位性QTL(AA-QTL),分布在除4D、6D、7A和7D以外的其他17条染色体上,对表型变异的贡献率分别为3.60%~13.90%和0.52%~2.76%,对粒形的表型有正向或负向遗传效应。这些A-QTL和AA-QTL均与水分环境存在显著互作,但对表型变异的贡献率较低(<3.05%)。在A-QTL中发现了3个对表型变异贡献率大于10%的主效位点( Qkl.acs-1B.1, Qkw.acs-6A.1 Qkp.acs-1B.1),未检测到两种环境中稳定表达的A-QTL位点。在1B、3B、4B、5A、5B、5D和6A染色体上发现了7个A-QTL热点区域(Xgwm153~Xmag981、Xwmc231~Xbarc173、Xgwm149~Xgwm495、Xgwm186~Xcfa2185、Xbarc59~Xbarc232、Xgwm292~Xwmc161、Xksum255~Xbarc171),这些标记区间可能是控制小麦粒形基因的重要区域。  相似文献   
Diploid and triploid intergeneric hybrids obtained by crosses among Gloriosa superba ‘Lutea’ (2n = 2x = 22), G. ‘Marron Gold’ (2n = 4x = 44), Littonia modesta (2n = 2x = 22), and Sandersonia aurantiaca (2n = 2x = 24) were analyzed for their meiotic chromosome pairing in pollen mother cells by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) with digoxigenin-labeled total DNA of one parent as probe. Chromosomes from each parent could be clearly distinguished in pollen mother cells of all the five intergeneric hybrids by GISH. For three diploid hybrids, L. modesta × G. superba ‘Lutea’ (2n = 2x = 22), L. modesta × S. aurantiaca (2n = 2x = 23) and S. aurantiaca × G. superba ‘Lutea’ (2n = 2x = 23), 0.04?0.27 autosyndetic bivalents (intragenomic pairing of non-homologous chromosomes) and 0.13?0.36 allosyndetic bivalents (intergenomic chromosome pairing) were observed per pollen mother cell, indicating that there are some homologous chromosomal regions within each genome and among the genomes of Gloriosa, Littonia and Sandersonia. Differences in the average number of allosyndetic bivalents per pollen mother cell among different genome combinations may reflect the evolutionary distances among the three genera, and Gloriosa and Littonia may be closely related to each other, while Sandersonia may have relatively distant relationships with Gloriosa and Littonia. For two triploid hybrids, L. modesta × G. ‘Marron Gold’ (2n = 3x = 33) and S. aurantiaca × G. ‘Marron Gold’ (2n = 3x = 34), no allosyndetic bivalents were observed. Based on the results obtained in the present study, possible utilization of the diploid and triploid intergeneric hybrids for further breeding of colchicaceous ornamentals is discussed.  相似文献   
“土法”提取精油因其设备简单、拆装方便、容易运输、易操作、成本低等特点,在偏远农村广泛使用,本试验对“土法”水蒸汽蒸馏方法提取精油进行化学成份的GC/MS分析.共分出71个色谱峰.采用GC峰面积归一化法进行定量,其中鉴定出47个化合物,占该精油总量的91.8%。其主要成分为α-柏木烯(22.4%)、柏木醇(20.07%)、α-松油醇(4.29%)、α-蒎烯(2.26%)等.本试验为更好的利用“土法”提取杉木屑精油提供参考,为改进“土法”提取设备提供可靠依据。  相似文献   
The mammalian forelimb is adapted to different functions including postural, locomotor, feeding, exploratory, grooming and defence. Comparative studies on morphology of the mammalian scapula have been performed in an attempt to establish the functional differences in the use of the forelimb. In this study, a total of 102 scapulae collected from 66 species of animals, representatives of all major taxa from rodents, sirenians, marsupials, pilosa, cetaceans, carnivores, ungulates, primates and apes, were analysed. Parameters measured included scapular length, width, position, thickness, area, angles and index. Structures included supraspinous and infraspinous fossae, scapular spine, glenoid cavity, acromium and coracoid processes. Images were taken using computed tomographic (CT) scanning technology (CT‐Aquarium, Toshiba and micro CT‐LaTheta, Hotachi, Japan), and measurement values were acquired and processed using Avizo computer software and CanvasTM 11 ACD systems. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel 2013. Results obtained showed that there were differences in morphological characteristics of scapula between mammals with arboreal locomotion and living in forest and mountainous areas and those with leaping and terrestrial locomotion living in open habitat or savannah. Differences were seen in the ratio of maximum length and maximum width, the orientation of scapular spine and the horizontal length of acromion and coracoid processes. The cause for the statistical grouping of the animals and the way the scapular shape covaries with habitat and to the type of locomotion and speed are discussed in detail.  相似文献   
以克拉玛依盐渍化砾漠梭梭群落为研究对象,通过对不同形态地形进行植被调查,研究微地形对梭梭植被群落特征的影响。结果表明:研究区域发现植物14种,隶属7科11属,不同地形之间物种组成存在差异;地形改变对梭梭群落草本层和灌木层植被密度、盖度影响显著;地形扰动有利于梭梭群落优势种生物量的提高,地形以深沟效果最优;不同形态地形导致梭梭群落多样性存在差异,深沟物种多样性和丰富度最高,土垄一次之,CK最小。根据梭梭群落盖度、灌木密度、优势种生物量和物种多样性可知,深沟是进行砾漠植被生态恢复的有利工程措施,并为盐渍化砾漠植被恢复提供新途径。  相似文献   
New biodegradable cellulose acetate/layered silicate grafted poly(ε-caprolactone) [(CA/layered silicate)-g-PCL] nanocomposites were prepared by in situ polymerization of ε-caprolactone in the presence of cellulose acetate (CA) and organically modified layered silicate (OMLS). The structures of the resulting composites were investigated. X-ray diffractometry was carried out to survey general structural features of (CA/OMLS)-g-PCL nanocomposites, and revealed that OMLSs having hydroxyl groups in the organic modifiers greatly altered the layered silicate structure by monomer intercalation and successive exfoliation through its polymerization. Two of the representative cases were characterized by wide-angle and small-angle X-ray scattering analyses with a synchrotron source. The morphology of these nanocomposites was further examined by transmission electron microscopy. When SPN, one of OMLSs having one hydroxyl group in its modifier, was used, the silicate layers could not be dispersed thoroughly, but existed as aggregates consisting of several silicate layers. Among them, the crystal growth of PCL developed by transcrystallization, where the crystal growth was restricted in the confined space. When Cloisite 30B, having two hydroxyl groups within the modifier, was used, the silicate layers forming the clay were dispersed completely in the composite and random orientation of the OMLS was observed.  相似文献   
通过野外调查,采集植物标本和查阅相关文献资料,对北庭故城遗址区及临近区域种子植物区系进行了分析。结果表明:北庭故城遗址区及临近区域共有种子植物122种,隶属于105属37科。科的组成中,属和种都是以单属科和单种科为主体;属的组成中,单种属和寡种属构成属的结构主体。Drude生活型中以草本植物为主,共102种,占总种数的83.60%。在水分生态类型中,以中生植物和旱生植物为主,其中中生植物共73种,占总种数的59.84%;旱生植物33种,占总种数的27.04%。种子植物区系成分在科的水平上以世界分布为主;属的分布区类型中,温带成分占绝对优势,其中北温带分布属是植物区系的核心。在区域气候环境的长期影响下,植物区系表现出典型的温带性质,没有中国特有分布科属。  相似文献   
This is the first report to ascertain potassium location in black heartwood of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica). The objective of this study was to understand the distribution of potassium in sugi black heartwood in connection with anatomical morphology. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM-EDXA) was used to investigate the distribution of inorganic elements, especially potassium. In black heartwood, potassium was detected in all tissues (tracheids, ray parenchyma, and axial parenchyma), but its concentrations were different in each xylem tissue. Potassium was particularly accumulated in the droplets in axial parenchyma cells. In addition, calcium was also detected in all tissues. Phosphorus sometimes existed in the granules in ray parenchyma cells. From optical microscopy, the axial parenchyma cells were observed to be arranged in a tangential direction on transverse section and the droplets in these cells were distributed in areas of high ash and green moisture content. For red heartwood, potassium detected by SEM-EDXA was far lower in all tissues than in the black heartwood, while the trend for calcium was the converse. Potassium in axial parenchyma cells was more abundant in black heartwood than in typical pale red heartwood.  相似文献   
Cell polarity is critical in various cellular processes ranging from cell migration to asymmetric cell division and axon and dendrite specification. Similarly, myelination by Schwann cells is polarized, but the mechanisms involved remain unclear. Here, we show that the polarity protein Par-3 localizes asymmetrically in Schwann cells at the axon-glial junction and that disruption of Par-3 localization, by overexpression and knockdown, inhibits myelination. Additionally, we show that Par-3 directly associates and recruits the p75 neurotrophin receptor to the axon-glial junction, forming a complex necessary for myelination. Together, these results point to a critical role in the establishment of cell polarity for myelination.  相似文献   
Rice hull–sawdust composite boards were manufactured for sound-absorbing boards in construction. The manufacturing parameters were target density (400, 500, 600, and 700?kg/m3) and rice hull content as percent weight of rice hull/sawdust/phenol resin (10/80/10, 20/70/10, 30/60/10, and 40/50/10). Commercial gypsum board and fiberboard were also used as comparative sound-absorbing materials. The average modulus of rupture (MOR) of the board with a density of 700?kg/m3 and rice hull mixing ratio of 10% was 8.6?MPa, and that of the board with a 400?kg/m3 board density and a rice hull mixing ratio of 40% was 2.2?MPa. The MOR increased with increasing board density or decreasing rice hull mixing ratio. The sound absorption coefficients of some boards (400?kg/m3 and 10%, 500?kg/m3 and 30%, and 500?kg/m3 and 40%) were better than those of the commercial 11-mm-thick gypsum board. Thus, it is concluded that rice hull–sawdust composite boards may be implemented as sound-absorbing barriers in construction due to their high sound absorption coefficients.  相似文献   
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