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The insecticidal activities of the extracts, fractions, and pure compound of Sterculia foetida (L.) seeds were investigated against three major stored product pests, namely, Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Callosobruchus chinensis (L.), and Tribolium castaneum (H.), through contact and fumigation bioassay. Responses varied with test chemicals, insect species, exposure times, and doses individually. The biologically active constituent of the S. foetida seeds was characterized as a cyclopropene fatty acid structurally elucidated as (2n-octylcycloprop-1-enyl)-octanoic acid (I) by spectroscopic analysis. The filter paper application of, (2n-octylcycloprop-1-enyl)-octanoic acid (I) at 0.2 mg/cm2 caused 100% mortality to all test insects 2 days after treatment (2 DAT). Among the chromatographic fractions, only the pure hexane-eluted fraction caused 100% mortality at 0.3 mg/cm2 to S. oryzae and C. chinensis 2 DAT, while the dose required to obtain the same percentage of mortality with the crude seed extract was 0.6 mg/cm2. Under all treatment conditions, T. castaneum exhibited less susceptibility, taking longer than the other insects to show symptoms of toxicity. In terms of fumigant activity, the compounds appeared to be more effective in a vapor form against all the three insects in closed containers compared with open containers. These results suggest that the insecticidal activities of the test compounds were attributable to contact mode of action, although there was also significant fumigant toxicity. The results indicate that the bioactive compound isolated from S. foetida could act as a potent insecticide against S. oryzae, C. chinensis, and T. castaneum populations.  相似文献   
Winter nitrogen use in deciduous species is largely uncharacterized. We investigated nitrate uptake in the fine roots of a deciduous oak (Quercus serrata Thunb. ex. Murray). We conducted a 15N-labeling experiment using saplings of Q. serrata in the winter. During three weeks of labeled nitrate application, the concentration of 15N in the fine roots increased significantly. The amount of nitrogen absorbed, as nitrate, was 1.16 ± 1.02 mg N g DW−1, equivalent to 7.6 ± 5.8% of the total nitrogen content. Our results indicate that Q. serrata saplings have significant potential for nitrate uptake in the fine roots in midwinter (i.e., in the absence of leaves). Although a significant amount of nitrogen applied as nitrate was accumulated, nitrate concentration in the fine roots remained low during the labeling period. Furthermore, significant nitrate reductase activity was detected. These data suggest that Q. serrata saplings can assimilate nitrate in the fine roots in midwinter.  相似文献   
The use of heuristic techniques in forest planning has been promoted by the need to solve complex problems that cannot be solved using mixed integer programming. We proved that for merchantability standards ensuring the perfect bin-packing theorem (PBPT), the maximum volume that can be harvested annually equals the sum of the maximum MAI of the stands. The method accommodates optimality criteria at the stand level, regarded as maximum MAI, and at the forest level, regarded as maximum annual allowable cut. We scheduled the harvesting by adjusting the first fit decreasing algorithm (FFD) to the PBPT conditions. When PBPT conditions were not met, we developed a mixed integer programming solution to adjust the merchantability standards of the stands to the distributional requirements of the PBPT, an adjustment that ensured the optimal performance of the FFD. The adjusted FFD was compared with linear programming (LP) and simulated annealing (SA) using two harvesting ages (i.e., one based on MAI maximization and one determined as the minimal age) and the same set of spatial temporal constraints for three areas in north-eastern British Columbia, Canada. We found that the adjusted FFD performed 100 times faster than SA and for annual allowable cut (AAC) supplied results that were more homogenous and at least 10% greater than the AAC supplied by SA. Furthermore, the adjusted FFD seemed to be relatively insensitive to spatial constraints (i.e., adjacency), while SA displayed a 70% reduction in AAC in response to an increase in adjacency delay from 1 year to 20 years. The results suggest that both adjusted FFD and SA are impacted by the selection of the harvesting age, but the adjusted FFD could still outperform SA.  相似文献   
We investigated the validity and efficiency of a survey using sight per unit effort (SPUE) of sika deer and shrub-layer decline rank (SDR), which is an index of decline in the physical structure of a whole stand caused by sika deer, based on data collected on a broad scale. This survey was to be used to manage a deer population in order to conserve a forest ecosystem. First, we evaluated the spatial and temporal scales of deer density that are most appropriate for predicting decline in the status of understory vegetation. The model with SPUE calculated in a buffer with a radius of 4.5 km using data for the past 4 years was found to be the best. We showed that our knowledge of the relationship between deer density and status of shrub-layer vegetation is improved by identifying the most suitable spatial and temporal scales of SPUE for predicting SDR. Next, we quantified the effects of SPUE and environmental components on SDR in stands. We found that SPUE had the greatest effect on SDR among all explanatory variables. Moreover, the area under the curve (AUC) was large in a model that only used SPUE (AUC = 0.718). This result suggests that the variation in SDR among stands was explained well by SPUE regardless of differences in the forest environment. Furthermore, we identified the effective values of SPUE for preventing shrub-layer vegetation from declining through deer density control. We conclude that a management system based on SPUE and SDR is a simple and valid method for managing deer populations in order to conserve forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
Cryopreservation of selected genotypes of European chestnut and cork oak was carried out in two laboratories in a project involving conservation of field collections. Plant material was selected on the basis of disease resistance (chestnut), growth habit, phytosanitary performance and cork quality (cork oak). The cryopreservation technique comprised of vitrification of shoot apices isolated from in vitro stock shoot cultures (chestnut) and somatic embryos (cork oak). Forty-three out of 46 chestnut genotypes assayed survived the freezing process, but only 63% recovered their capacity to produce new shoots. After completion of multiplication and rooting steps, the surviving shoots produced plants that were morphologically identical to those derived from non-supercooled material. All 51 cork oak genotypes withstood freezing and were able to produce new somatic embryos through a process of secondary embryogenesis. Multiplication and germination of the recovered embryos enabled production of plants that were morphologically identical to those derived from non-supercooled material. In light of the results obtained, long-term cryopreservation of these species is feasible, thereby ensuring conservation of valuable genotypes during field evaluation.  相似文献   
Several TerraSAR-X satellite images acquired in high resolution spotlight mode with different polarisations for two study sites in southern Germany were used to distinguish forest from other land cover classes (agriculture, built-up, water bodies) using logistic regression models. In general, we observed that the mean and particularly the standard deviation of the backscatter were viable measures to discriminate land cover classes. Both measures were lowest for water bodies and highest for built-up areas, with agricultural areas and forest in intermediate positions. Trees outside forest were not differentiable from forest with the applied method. The HH-polarised image was better suited for a classification of built-up areas, whereas the VV-polarised image was more appropriate when classifying agricultural areas. Consequently, the combination of the two differently polarised images leads to a significantly better model. Since forests in one study area were generally found on steeper slopes in comparison to other land cover classes, the inclusion of terrain slope further improved the classification, which resulted in an overall accuracy of 92–95%. Systematic differences in the parameter values of the explanatory variables for one class between the study areas may be caused by differing class probabilities. Thus, transferring the model of one study area to the image of another resulted in a 7–9% loss of accuracy.  相似文献   
The potential of veterinary antibiotics (VAs) to impact human and environmental health requires the development and evaluation of land management practices that mitigate VA loss from manure-treated agroecosystems. Vegetative buffer strips (VBS) are postulated to be one management tool that can reduce VA transport to surface water resources. The objectives of this study were to (1) investigate oxytetracycline (OTC) and sulfadimethoxine (SDT) sorption to agroforestry buffer, grass buffer, and cropland soils, (2) evaluate differences in VA sorption to soils collected from different vegetative management and soil series, and (3) elucidate relationships between soil properties and VA sorption. Sorption/extraction isotherms for OTC were well-fitted by the Freundlich isotherm model (r 2 > 0.86). OTC was strongly adsorbed by all soils and the VA was not readily extractable. OTC and SDT solid to solution partition coefficients (K d) values are significantly greater for soils planted to VBS relative to grain crops. Significant differences in OTC and SDT K d values were also noted among the soil series studied. Linear regression analyses indicate that clay content and pH were the most important soil properties controlling OTC and SDT adsorption, respectively. Results from this study suggest that agroforestry and grass buffer strips may effectively mitigate antibiotic loss from agroecosystems, in part, due to enhanced antibiotic sorption properties.  相似文献   
A method for rapid in vitro propagation of Cassia siamea Lam. using cotyledonary node explants, excised from 14-day old aseptic seedlings, has been established. Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations of 6-benzyladenine (BA), kinetin (Kn) and thidiazuron (TDZ) singly or in combination with auxins was used for regeneration studies. Among the single treatment of three cytokinins BA at 1.0 μM was found to be optimum for direct shoot regeneration as it induced an average of 8.20 ± 0.66 shoots per explant. The regeneration frequency further enhanced with the application of auxin along with optimal BA concentration. The highest frequency for shoot regeneration (90%), the maximum number of shoots per explant (12.20 ± 0.73) and the maximum shoot length (6.40 ± 0.07) cm were obtained on the medium consisted of MS + 1.0 μM BA + 0.5 μM NAA. Successful in vitro rooting was induced from cut end of the microshoots when placed on half-strength MS + IBA (2.5 μM). The regenerated shoots with well developed root system were successfully acclimatized and established in pots containing sterilized garden soil and garden manure (1:1) and grown under greenhouse conditions with 85% survival rate.  相似文献   
–  • We combined stem volume increment analysis with dendroecological tools to address two unresolved issues concerning oak dieback in Mediterranean areas: early detection of changes in stand growth, and identification of mechanisms for observed growth declines.  相似文献   
Heat treatment improves the dimensional stability and hydrophobicity of wood, and heat-treated wood is currently attracting attention as a new interior material. However, there are few evaluations where the acoustic properties of heat-treated wood are reported when such wood is used as an interior material. In this study, Larix kaempferi wood, typically used as a building material, was heat-treated at 200, 220, and 240 °C for 9, 12, 15, and 18 h. The sound absorption coefficients of the treated wood samples were measured at 250, 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz in a reverberation room. The sound absorption coefficient increased with the treatment temperature and the treatment time. The results of this study showed that the high-frequency band range sound absorption coefficient of wood can be increased dramatically by heat treatment.  相似文献   
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