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Since the majority of patients with rheumatoid arthritis show a slower fall in the blood sugar level after the intravenous injection of glucose than do the normal controls, the alteration cannot be explained on the basis of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Differences in the renal threshold of glucose do not explain the altered glucose tolerance, since approximately the same amount of glucose is lost in the urine in both groups. Blood samples taken at 3 and 5 minutes following the injection of the glucose showed the height of the blood sugar level to be approximately the same in the patients with rheumatoid arthritis and in normals. The slower fall in the blood sugar level of the former is therefore not a simple function of a greater rise following the intravenous administration of the glucose. Although the patients with severe poliomyelitis had as much or more atrophy than the rheumatoid arthritic patients, there was no delay in rate of fall of the blood sugar level after the intravenous administration of glucose. In view of the fact that the hepatic homeostatic control regulates the blood sugar level, faulty utilization of glucose by extrahepatic tissues cannot be considered the primary factor responsible for the alteration of the glucose tolerance. The altered glucose tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis is explainable on the basis of an altered threshold of the hepatic homeostatic control of the blood sugar. Additional studies must be done to determine whether this derangement emanates directly from extrahepatic influences. 相似文献
El-Sayed NM Myler PJ Blandin G Berriman M Crabtree J Aggarwal G Caler E Renauld H Worthey EA Hertz-Fowler C Ghedin E Peacock C Bartholomeu DC Haas BJ Tran AN Wortman JR Alsmark UC Angiuoli S Anupama A Badger J Bringaud F Cadag E Carlton JM Cerqueira GC Creasy T Delcher AL Djikeng A Embley TM Hauser C Ivens AC Kummerfeld SK Pereira-Leal JB Nilsson D Peterson J Salzberg SL Shallom J Silva JC Sundaram J Westenberger S White O Melville SE Donelson JE Andersson B Stuart KD Hall N 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2005,309(5733):404-409
A comparison of gene content and genome architecture of Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi, and Leishmania major, three related pathogens with different life cycles and disease pathology, revealed a conserved core proteome of about 6200 genes in large syntenic polycistronic gene clusters. Many species-specific genes, especially large surface antigen families, occur at nonsyntenic chromosome-internal and subtelomeric regions. Retroelements, structural RNAs, and gene family expansion are often associated with syntenic discontinuities that-along with gene divergence, acquisition and loss, and rearrangement within the syntenic regions-have shaped the genomes of each parasite. Contrary to recent reports, our analyses reveal no evidence that these species are descended from an ancestor that contained a photosynthetic endosymbiont. 相似文献
Bender PL Currie DG Poultney SK Alley CO Dicke RH Wilkinson DT Eckhardt DH Faller JE Kaula WM Mulholland JD Plotkin HH Silverberg EC Williams JG 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1973,182(4109):229-238
The lunar ranging measurements now being made at the McDonald Observatory have an accuracy of 1 nsec in round-trip travel time. This corresponds to 15 cm in the one-way distance. The use of lasers with pulse-lengths of less than 1 nsec is expected to give an accuracy of 2 to 3 cm in the next few years. A new station is under construction in Hawaii, and additional stations in other countries are either in operation or under development. It is hoped that these stations will form the basis for a worldwide network to determine polar motion and earth rotation on a regular basis, and will assist in providing information about movement of the tectonic plates making up the earth's surface. Several mobile lunar ranging stations with telescopes having diameters of 1.0 m or less could, in the future, greatly extend the information obtainable about motions within and between the tectonic plates. The data obtained so far by the McDonald Observatory have been used to generate a new lunar ephemeris based on direct numerical integration of the equations of motion for the moon and planets. With this ephemeris, the range to the three Apollo retro-reflectors can be fit to an accuracy of 5 m by adjusting the differences in moments of inertia of the moon about its principal axes, the selenocentric coordinates of the reflectors, and the McDonald longitude. The accuracy of fitting the results is limited currently by errors of the order of an arc second in the angular orientation of the moon, as derived from the best available theory of how the moon rotates in response to the torques acting on it. Both a new calculation of the moon's orientation as a function of time based on direct numerical integration of the torque equations and a new analytic theory of the moon's orientation are expected to be available soon, and to improve considerably the accuracy of fitting the data. The accuracy already achieved routinely in lunar laser ranging represents a hundredfold improvement over any previously available knowledge of the distance to points on the lunar surface. Already, extremely complex structure has been observed in the lunar rotation and significant improvement has been achieved in our knowledge of lunar orbit. The selenocentric coordinates of the retroreflectors give improved reference points for use in lunar mapping, and new information on the lunar mass distribution has been obtained. Beyond the applications discussed in this article, however, the history of science shows many cases of previously unknown, phenomena discovered as a consequence of major improvements in the accuracy of measurements. It will be interesting to see whether this once again proves the case as we acquire an extended series of lunar distance observations with decimetric and then centimetric accuracy. 相似文献
Spencer JR Stern SA Cheng AF Weaver HA Reuter DC Retherford K Lunsford A Moore JM Abramov O Lopes RM Perry JE Kamp L Showalter M Jessup KL Marchis F Schenk PM Dumas C 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2007,318(5848):240-243
Jupiter's moon Io is known to host active volcanoes. In February and March 2007, the New Horizons spacecraft obtained a global snapshot of Io's volcanism. A 350-kilometer-high volcanic plume was seen to emanate from the Tvashtar volcano (62 degrees N, 122 degrees W), and its motion was observed. The plume's morphology and dynamics support nonballistic models of large Io plumes and also suggest that most visible plume particles condensed within the plume rather than being ejected from the source. In images taken in Jupiter eclipse, nonthermal visible-wavelength emission was seen from individual volcanoes near Io's sub-Jupiter and anti-Jupiter points. Near-infrared emission from the brightest volcanoes indicates minimum magma temperatures in the 1150- to 1335-kelvin range, consistent with basaltic composition. 相似文献
Protein aggregation is involved in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases and hence is considered an attractive target for therapeutic intervention. However, protein-protein interactions are exceedingly difficult to inhibit. Small molecules lack sufficient steric bulk to prevent interactions between large peptide surfaces. To yield potent inhibitors of beta-amyloid (Abeta) aggregation, we synthesized small molecules that increase their steric bulk by binding to chaperones but also have a moiety available for interaction with Abeta. This strategy yields potent inhibitors of Abeta aggregation and could lead to therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease and other forms of neurodegeneration. 相似文献
Broadfoot AL Atreya SK Bertaux JL Blamont JE Dessler AJ Donahue TM Forrester WT Hall DT Herbert F Holberg JB Hunter DM Krasnopolsky VA Linick S Lunine JI McConnell JC Moos HW Sandel BR Schneider NM Shemansky DE Smith GR Strobel DF Yelle RV 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1989,246(4936):1459-1466
Results from the occultation of the sun by Neptune imply a temperature of 750 +/- 150 kelvins in the upper levels of the atmosphere (composed mostly of atomic and molecular hydrogen) and define the distributions of methane, acetylene, and ethane at lower levels. The ultraviolet spectrum of the sunlit atmosphere of Neptune resembles the spectra of the Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus atmospheres in that it is dominated by the emissions of H Lyman alpha (340 +/- 20 rayleighs) and molecular hydrogen. The extreme ultraviolet emissions in the range from 800 to 1100 angstroms at the four planets visited by Voyager scale approximately as the inverse square of their heliocentric distances. Weak auroral emissions have been tentatively identified on the night side of Neptune. Airglow and occultation observations of Triton's atmosphere show that it is composed mainly of molecular nitrogen, with a trace of methane near the surface. The temperature of Triton's upper atmosphere is 95 +/- 5 kelvins, and the surface pressure is roughly 14 microbars. 相似文献
Liver mitochondria from the desert tortoise Gopherus agassizii and the Texas tortoise G. berlandieri contain glutamine synthetase, the enzyme used by birds and higher reptiles to detoxify ammonia generated intramitochondrially during amino acid catabolism. Tortoise mitochondria also contain carbamyl phosphate synthetase-I and ornithine transcarbamylase, the enzymes used by mammals for this purpose. Since chelonid reptiles have changed little since their divergence from the stem reptiles, this finding suggests that both systems were present in the latter before the emergence of the ruling reptile, avian, and mammalian lines of descent. 相似文献