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ACTH (microgram kg-1 i.v.) and prednisolone (1 microgram-1 i.v.) caused a moderate but statistically significant inhibition of rumen contractions, whereas no effects on heart rate and body temperature were observed. Both hormones induced hyperglycaemia and leucocytosis, characterised by moderate lymphopenia and a profound increase in the number of circulating neutrophils. A significant decrease in plasma iron and increase in plasma zinc concentrations were observed. After 3 daily i.m. injections of ACTH (10 micrograms-1 day-1) decreases were seen in both serum Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and plasma trace metal concentrations; heart rate was significantly higher. Intraveneous injection of E. coli endotoxin (0.1 microgram kg-1) caused shivering, fever, inhibition of rumen contractions, changes in heart rate, lymphopenia, neutropenia followed by neutrophilic leucocytosis, hypoferraemia, hypozincaemia, hypoglycaemia and a decline in serum ALP activity. ACTH, given i.m. for 3 days, reduced the febrile responses to E. coli endotoxin, modified the changes in heart rate, intensified the inhibition of rumen contractions, and induced a more marked decrease in the number of circulating neutrophils. ACTH pretreatment did not affect the endotoxin-induced decrease in blood glucose concentrations nor the drop in plasma zinc and iron values. These results suggest that glucocorticosteroids are not primarily involved in the fall in plasma iron and zinc concentrations during E. coli endotoxin-induced fever, the effects of endotoxin released glucocorticosteroids on white blood cells and blood glucose are masked by some other effect(s) of endotoxin, and in dwarf goats, ACTH has antipyretic properties without influencing normal body temperature. This effect is probably not dependent on adrenal cortical activity.  相似文献   
In the Netherlands, the demand for veterinarians and veterinary nurses (VNs) working within referral care is rapidly growing and currently exceeds the amount of available board-certified specialists. Simultaneously, a transparent structure to guide training and development and to assess quality of non-specialist veterinarians and VNs working in a referral setting is lacking. In response, we developed learning pathways guided by an entrustable professional activity (EPA) framework and programmatic assessment to support personalised development and competence of veterinarians and VNs working in referral settings. Between 4 and 35 EPAs varying per discipline (n = 11) were developed. To date, 20 trainees across five disciplines have been entrusted. Trainees from these learning pathways have proceeded to acquire new EPAs in addition to their already entrusted set of EPAs or progressed to specialist training during (n = 3) or after successfully completing (n = 1) the learning pathway. Due to their outcome-based approach, the learning pathways support flexible ways of development.  相似文献   
The relation between landscape and recreation is very complex. There are various, interrelated approaches to analyze this relation, such as land evaluation, impact analysis, spatial behaviour analysis, and assessment of the scenic quality of the landscape or landscape evaluation. In many of these approaches airphoto interpretation can be a useful tool.  相似文献   
Many conservation and restoration efforts in developed countries are increasingly based on the premise of recognising and stimulating more ‘multi-functionality’ in agricultural landscapes. Public policy making is often a pragmatic process that involves efforts to negotiate trade-offs between the potentially conflicting demands of various stakeholders. Conservationists’ efforts to influence policy making, can therefore benefit from any tool that will help them to identify other socio-economic functions or values that coincide with good ecological conservation options. Various types of socio-economic objectives have in recent years been mapped across landscapes and so there are now important opportunities to explore the spatial heterogeneity of these diverse functions across the wider landscape in search of potential spatial synergies, i.e. ‘multiple win locations’ or multifunctional ‘hotspots’. This paper explores the potential occurrence of such synergies within the agricultural landscape of northeast Scotland and evaluates an existing woodland planting policy using and combining three different policy objectives. Our results show that there are indeed broad areas of the studied landscape where multiple objectives (biodiversity, visual amenity and on-site recreation potential) could be achieved simultaneously (hotspots), and that the case study which we evaluate (the Farm Woodland Premium Scheme) could be much better spatially targeted with regards to each individual objective as well as with regards to these hotspots of multifunctionality.
Dan van der HorstEmail:
van Schalkwyk  J.  Pryke  J. S.  Samways  M. J.  Gaigher  R. 《Landscape Ecology》2022,37(10):2535-2549

Habitat edges are integral features of conservation corridors and can influence corridor function and effectiveness. Edge orientation is linked to corridor design and can shape edge responses by changing habitat conditions along edges as well as contrast between conserved habitats and transformed areas.


We assess whether corridor orientation affects butterfly assemblages in conservation corridors. To do this, we investigate how edge orientation influences butterfly diversity and abundance along forestry plantation edges, and compare this to another important design variable, corridor width.


Butterflies were recorded along the sunny austral north- and shady austral south-orientated edges in grassland conservation corridors that dissect forestry plantations, as well as corridor interior sites. Species richness, abundance and similarity to interior sites were modelled using local habitat variables (ambient temperature, floral resources, and time of day), as well as corridor design variables (corridor width, orientation and an estimate of edge contrast influenced by orientation).


Both edge orientation and corridor width were important for butterfly diversity along corridor edges. Wider corridors enhanced overall species richness and promoted similarity between edge and interior habitats. Concurrently, grassland specialist species preferred the sunnier edges (i.e., north facing in the southern hemisphere) while forest- specialists showed a preference for the shadier edges (south facing edges). Edge orientation influenced resident butterflies more strongly than transient butterflies and influenced specialists more strongly than generalists.


Corridor orientation and width are complementary design variables for butterfly conservation. Wide corridors at a variety of orientations benefit different subsets of the butterfly assemblage, and the whole corridor (including both edges) is important to consider in conservation planning to capture all biodiversity.



Ecological theory suggests that large habitat fragments should harbour more species than small fragments. However, this may depend on the surrounding matrix. Matrices in fragmented landscapes may either amplify or reduce area effects, which could influence predicted extinctions based on species-area relationships (SARs).


To determine the influence of matrix type on SARs.


We surveyed birds within 59 coastal forest fragments in two matrix types, anthropogenic (South Africa) and natural (Mozambique). We classified species as forest specialists or habitat generalists and fitted species-area models to compare how SAR slopes differed among matrix types. We also calculated nestedness and evenness to determine if these varied among matrix type and used logistic regressions to identify species-specific responses to matrix type.


For habitat generalists, SARs were weak within both matrices, while for forest specialists it was strong in the anthropogenic but weak in the natural matrix. In the former, the SAR was similar to those recorded for real islands within archipelagos. Forest specialist assemblages were nested by area within anthropogenic, but not natural matrices. Matrix type did not influence evenness. Area only affected the occurrence of one species when the matrix was natural, compared to 11 species when it was anthropogenic.


Forest specialist bird species conformed to island biogeographic predictions of species loss in forest fragments embedded in anthropogenic, but not natural matrices. Extinctions from small forest fragments might be prevented by conserving natural- or restoring anthropogenic matrices, as well as by increasing forest area.
Landscape Ecology - Tritrophic interactions may be affected by local factors and the broader landscape context. At small spatial scales, carnivorous enemies of herbivorous insects use...  相似文献   
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