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The spring bloom of phytoplankton is a well-established, regular, seasonal event in the western subarctic Pacific and is considered one of the most important conditions of massive production of pelagic fishes. A series of 12 cruises was conducted from 1990 to 1992 to examine the timing and magnitude of the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Oyashio region, the western subarctic Pacific off Hokkaido, Japan. An interannual variability in the bloom events was also analysed. On the basis of hydrographical characteristics, the study area was divided into three water masses: the Oyashio Water Mass, the Mixed Water Mass, and the Coastal Water Mass. Spring blooms were observed first in April in the Oyashio and the Coastal Water Masses, and continued to May in 1991 and 1992. However, no bloom was recorded in the Mixed Water Mass. High nutrient supply into the surface mixed layer during winter is likely to be one of the factors supporting an intense spring bloom in the Oyashio Water Mass. A significant positive relationship between log-transformed surface chlorophyll a concentration and maximum density gradient (MDG) within the euphotic layer was obtained in April, indicating the importance of vertical stability of the water column in the initiation of spring blooms in the Oyashio and the Coastal Water Masses. The spring blooms in 1991 were much more extensive and lasted longer than in 1990. It is suggested that meteorological conditions and abundance of grazers were responsible for this interannual difference.  相似文献   
The spatial distribution and seasonal variability of epipelagic chaetognaths along the Kurile Islands and off south-east Hokkaido, in the western subarctic Pacific Ocean. were investigated during the period from May 1990 to October 1992. Sagitta elegans was the dominant species among the epipelagic chaetognaths in the study area. Juvenile S. elegans were distributed mainly along the path of the mixed water which was determined by the acceleration potential anomaly (APA) at the iso-pycnal density surface of 26.6 σθ. The location of the path of The mixed water meandered around cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies. Catches of S. elegans were made at temperatures ranging from 4.5 to 22.2C. The juvenile distribution, however, was mostly restricted to between 1 and 4C of the potential temperature determined at the isopycnal density surface of 26.6 σθ. Variability in the juvenile abundance within the path of the mixed water could be caused by predation rather than by food limitation because microzooplankton, which are known to he prey for juveniles, were abundant enough to meet the food requirements of juveniles in the study area. Adults occurred in spring (April-May) and young individuals (juvenile and stage 1) were abundant in summer (June-July), when a strong thermocline developed. The main spawning period appears to be during April-May, with a possible second spawning period in the autumn.  相似文献   
pp. 859–864
Behavior of nitrogen in the media was investigated when the aqueous phase produced by methane fermentation was supplied as liquid fertilizer.
When the aqueous phase was supplied to masa-soil,      included in masa-soil was nitrified to      . Additionally, in masa-soil,       absorption was observed. On the other hand, in the case of coconut fiber and rockwool,     has been hardly nitrified. From above results, it was determined that       toxic effect from the aqueous phase on tomato plants growth was inhibited by means of the progress of nitrification and       absorption by masa-soil.
  However, nitrification was restrained so that       was fixed in masa-soil. On the other hand, in the sampled field soil,       was not fixed, and was nitrified immediately. In the field soil, there was a great deal of generated      . In comparison with masa-soil.  相似文献   
Point-of-care (POC) devices that veterinary practitioners can use to easily and rapidly measure blood ionized calcium (iCa) levels in cows immediately after withdrawing a blood sample on the dairy farm are needed. Aims of present studies was to compare the commercially available ion-selective electrode handheld iCa meter (bovine blood iCa checker) with the benchtop blood gas analyzer GEM premier 3500 and handheld analyzer i-STAT 1. Sixty-two paired-point whole blood samples were obtained from three cows with hypocalcemia experimentally induced by Na2-EDTA infusion. Whole blood samples were also obtained from the 36 cows kept on a farm in field conditions. The results using the bovine blood iCa checker correlated with those using the GEM premier 3500 and i-STAT 1. Bovine blood iCa checker was “compatible” with the GEM premier 3500 and i-STAT 1 because the frequency of differences between the measurements within ± 20% of the mean were 100% (65/65, >75%) and 90.8% (59/65, >75%), respectively. In the field trial, the blood iCa concentration measured by the bovine blood Ca checker was significantly positively correlated with that measured by the i-STAT 1 portable analyzer. Bovine blood iCa checker was “compatible” with the i-STAT 1 because the frequency of differences between the measurements within ± 20% of the mean was 100% (36/36, >75%). Results from these findings, the bovine blood iCa checker may be applied as a simplified system to measure the iCa concentration in bovine whole blood.  相似文献   
Sulfonylurea-resistant biotypes of Schoenoplectus juncoides were collected from Nakafurano, Shiwa, Matsuyama, and Yurihonjyo in Japan. All of the four biotypes showed resistance to bensulfuron-methyl and thifensulfuron-methyl in whole-plant experiments. The growth of the Nakafurano, Shiwa, and Matsuyama biotypes was inhibited by imazaquin-ammonium and bispyribac-sodium, whereas the Yurihonjyo biotype grew normally after treatment with these herbicides. The herbicide concentration required to inhibit the acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme by 50% (I50), obtained using in vivo ALS assays, indicated that the four biotypes were > 10-fold more resistant to thifensulfuron-methyl than a susceptible biotype. The Nakafurano, Shiwa, and Matsuyama biotypes exhibited no or little resistance to imazaquin-ammonium, whereas the Yurihonjyo biotype exhibited 6700-fold resistance to the herbicide. The Nakafurano and Shiwa biotypes exhibited no resistance to bispyribac-sodium, but the Matsuyama biotype exhibited 21-fold resistance and the Yurihonjyo biotype exhibited 260-fold resistance to the herbicide. Two S. juncoides ALS genes (ALS1 and ALS2) were isolated and each was found to contain one intron and to encode an ALS protein of 645 amino acids. Sequencing of the ALS genes revealed an amino acid substitution at Pro197 in either encoded protein (ALS1 or ALS2) in the biotypes from Nakafurano (Pro197 → Ser197), Shiwa (Pro197 → His197), and Matsuyama (Pro197 → Leu197). The ALS2 of the biotype from Yurihonjyo was found to contain a Trp574 → Leu574 substitution. The relationships between the responses to ALS-inhibiting herbicides and the amino acid substitutions, which are consistent with previous reports in other plants, indicate that the substitutions at Pro197 and Trp574 are the basis of the resistance to sulfonylureas in these S. juncoides biotypes.  相似文献   
The invasion of natural ecosystems by exotic species is a major threat to biodiversity on a local, regional, and global scale. Endemic island flora are particularly vulnerable to invasive species. Bidens pilosa var. radiata is a common invasive weed of roadsides, which are subject to clipping, on Japanese subtropical islands. To assess compensation by the weed to damage by clipping, a pot experiment was conducted under common garden conditions. The above‐ground parts were clipped with pruning shears at various frequencies, ranging from no clipping (the control) to clipping at 4–16 week intervals for 32 weeks in summer. The clipped individuals regenerated new branches from the axillary buds and flowered for ≤12 weeks after the clipping. The regeneration after the clipping gave rise to secondary reproduction, whereas minimal regeneration occurred in the unclipped individuals after the maturation of the fruit. Consequently, the total flower head mass, represented by the dry weight of the inflorescences throughout the experiment, was higher on the individuals that were clipped at 12 and 16 week intervals than on the unclipped individuals, suggesting overcompensation in fecundity. At the higher frequencies of above‐ground clipping, the flower head mass was suppressed at 8 week clipping intervals, while both the flower head mass and the productive biomass were suppressed at 4 week clipping intervals. This indicates that clipping at intervals of ≤8 weeks is required to prevent the reproduction of this weed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The genetic structure and variability of four wild populations of kuruma prawn in Japan were examined by estimating relatedness among individuals. The relatedness was estimated by five microsatellites (MS) DNA markers. Examination of relatedness showed that individuals were related significantly in Kumamoto and Kagoshima. In Kagoshima, some individuals showed full-sib level of relatedness. The analysis of mitochondrial (mt)DNA polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR-RFLP) was also performed, showing that the closely related individuals in Kagoshima tended to share a common haplotype. It is, therefore, supposed that there are many kins in Kumamoto and Kagoshima. However, the heterozygosities and allelic and genotypic frequencies in MS-DNA analysis were not significantly different among the localities. Moreover, the haplotype distributions of mtDNA in Kumamoto and Kagoshima were significantly different from other localities. Thus, it is suggested that no spatial differentiations occurred due to the geographic or historical effects between the localities and that there is the possibility of a mixture of hatchery populations in Kumamoto and Kagoshima.  相似文献   
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