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The invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), has become a serious pest in mid-Atlantic apple orchards. Because no decision support tools exist for H. halys management, calendar-based insecticide applications have been the only successful technique for mitigating H. halys injury in orchards. Following the identification of the two-component aggregation pheromone of H. halys, we conducted a study to determine whether biological information generated by traps baited with this pheromone and pheromone synergist could be used to make management decisions. In this study, experimental apple orchards were treated with a H. halys-targeted insecticide only when a predetermined cumulative threshold of either 1, 10, or 20 adults per trap was reached. Once threshold was reached, two alternate row middle sprays 1 week apart were triggered and the threshold was reset. For comparison, some orchards were also subjected to a weekly alternate row middle spray or left untreated as controls. At harvest, significantly less fruit injury was observed when treated weekly or using a threshold of 1 or 10 H. halys adults per trap to trigger insecticide applications. Orchards treated using a cumulative threshold of 20 adults per trap or when left unsprayed had significantly higher fruit injury. In addition, insecticide applications were reduced by 40% using a threshold of 10 adults per trap. Our results suggest that baited pheromone traps can be used as decision support tools to trigger insecticide applications when needed to mitigate risk and effectively manage H. halys in apple orchards.  相似文献   
The Queensland fruit fly or ‘Q-fly,’ Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is Australia’s most damaging insect pest of horticulture. The sterile insect technique (SIT) is being developed as a sustainable approach to management of Q-fly. New larval diets are needed for economical production of millions of artificially reared sterile flies that are required for use in SIT. Solid diets that incorporate biological bulking agents present problems of variable quality and waste disposal. Liquid diets emerged as a promising alternative, but these also suffer drawbacks, including separation of components, fermentation and need for cleaning and regular replacement of substrates that support developing larvae. The present study considers whether two promising liquid diet formulations might be improved by incorporating agar (0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5%) to create semiliquid or gel diets that maintain consistent composition, suppress fermentation, negate the need for supporting substrates and minimize waste. Overall, gel diets containing greater than 0.5% agar outperformed liquid diets (0% agar) and semiliquid diets (0.25% agar) of identical nutritional composition, especially in terms of development rate and productivity. Flies from the two tested diet formulations differed in flight performance, and this likely reflects differences in concentration of wheat germ oil and/or the type of yeast used. Overall, gel diets show great promise for rearing of Q-fly, overcoming many of the constraints of both traditional solid diets and more recently developed liquid diets. There is now a need for larger-scale trials that test and refine these diets for use in operational SIT settings.  相似文献   
The Algerian Green Barrier, mainly composed of native and artificial Aleppo pine forests, spreads along the pre-Saharan steppes and is threatened by anthropogenic and natural disturbances, including climate change. We hypothesized that the ecophysiological functioning of this conifer has been substantially modified in reaction to recent warming and drought much beyond the expected effect of CO2 fertilization. Our aim was to characterize the long-term performance (1925–2013) of native Aleppo pines thriving at their southernmost distribution. We used tree-ring width (TRW) and carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) to characterize basal area increment (BAI) and intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi) at three sites. BAI remained stable or slightly increased over time, with mean values ranging between 4.0 and 6.3 cm2 year?1. Conversely, site-Δ13C decreased from ?0.022 to ?0.014‰ year?1 along time, which translated into WUEi increases of ca. 39%. This strong physiological reaction indicated that pines were responding simultaneously to rising CO2 and drier conditions, inducing a progressively tighter stomatal control of water losses. However, WUEi increments were essentially unrelated to BAI and did not affect carbon reserves, which suggests a high resilience to climate change. This finding could be due to shifts in growing season towards earlier months in winter–spring, as suggested by temporal changes in climate factors underlying Δ13C and TRW. Our study highlights the substantial plasticity of Aleppo pine, but this species is unlikely to follow a similar pace of ecophysiological adjustments according to unprecedented low Δ13C records and lack of WUEi stimulation observed from 2000 onwards.  相似文献   
Despite the potential utility of a biogeographical approach to understanding the naturalization of exotic species, studies using this approach are scarce. Eucalyptus globulus is an economically important Australian tree species that has become naturalized in a number of countries where it was introduced. Portugal is an ideal territory to study the naturalization of E. globulus owing to: a long introduction history, the antipodal location compared to Australia and the large cultivated area. Wildling density was assessed in 116 E. globulus plantations in central Portugal through 213 transects established along plantation borders. Boosted regression trees were used to model the influence of plantation-scale variables. Results from this survey were compared with data obtained in plantations from seven Australian regions, where a similar sampling protocol had been used. In Portugal, wildlings were more abundant in plantations that were: located in moist aspects, coppiced, with older tree stems and corresponding to intermediate site growth indexes. The overall density (127 plants ha?1) was 14.9 times higher than in the Australian estate, but this ratio was reduced to 3.1 in a more comparable subset of unburnt, first rotation plantations. A generalized linear model fitted using a dataset combining the two surveys showed that country influenced wildling density, together with plantation rotation and stem age. These results provide insights into the naturalization of a widely cultivated tree species, pointing to a fundamental role of the introduction history, possibly acting along with the biogeographical characteristics of the introduced range.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the efficiency of methods for the artificial scarification of black locust seeds based on the influence of the air and liquid nitrogen temperatures. Three populations were selected for the analyses: a managed tree stand, a selected seed stand and a seed orchard. Samples of 200 seeds (4 × 50) were randomly selected. Before scarification, the seeds were stored at ?70 °C for 24 h. Nine different scarification treatments were evaluated. To calculate the germination capacity and the dynamics of germination, observations were made on days 3, 5, 7, 10 and 14 after treatment. For statistical analyses, we used repeated measures analysis of variance. The obtained results indicated that the highest scarification efficiency for black locust seeds occurred in the treatment in liquid nitrogen and in an air temperature range of 85–90 °C. The provenance of seeds had a significant effect on the dynamics of germination. Thermal methods and the use of liquid nitrogen can be alternatives to the labour intensive methods of cutting the seeds or using measures that require specialised equipment.  相似文献   
Bioclimatic transition zones are supposed to encompass sensitive areas to global change effects on forest ecosystems. In this study, we attempt to detect shifts in the ranges of contrasting Iberian tree species in the submediterranean transition zone in Navarra, northern Spain. These shifts are analysed in the context of a significant increase in temperature over recent decades along with moderate land use changes. Data from national forest inventories (1971 and 2010) are compared through universal kriging (UK) and block kriging models to assess the shifts in the ranges of Quercus subpyrenaica, Quercus ilex, Pinus sylvestris and Fagus sylvatica. UK results predicted an increase in the presence probability of the four target species for the whole Navarra region. However, in the submediterranean zone, the presence probability of Q. subpyrenaica, P. sylvestris and F. sylvatica shows a shrinking trend, whereas Q. ilex is expanding its range, supporting a previous hypothesis of a “mediterranization” of this bioclimatic transition region. These trends are concomitant with recent elevational shift patterns towards higher elevations in the case of Q. subpyrenaica, P. sylvestris and F. sylvatica in the transition zone. Moreover, the expected increase in species richness as a consequence of geographical shifts and vegetation recovery is identified. The moderate human influence detected in the study area confirms the major role of climate warming as driver of species range shifts over the period. The results of this study highlight the suitability of bioclimatic transition zones for monitoring the effects of global change on natural ecosystems, providing evidences of the complex mechanisms affecting the distribution of forests.  相似文献   
Trees on farms are a widespread feature of landscapes across a large part of Ethiopia with an important role in enhancing the resilience of smallholder livelihoods through the provision of ecosystem services. Despite their importance, little is known about what trees are planted or retained from natural regeneration by different types of farmers that results in the pattern of tree cover found in the region. We address this knowledge gap through analysis of household survey data from semi-arid and sub humid areas of Oromia regional state. A set of composite variables that represent distinctive patterns of tree cover on farms were derived from principal component analysis and Pearson correlation analysis. This revealed two major tree adoption strategies: farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR) of trees to meet subsistence needs as well as contributing to other ecosystem services; and, high value agroforestry (HVAF) involving planted trees used largely to produce fruits, timber and fodder. Regression analysis further identified fine-scale variation in ecological and socio-economic factors that affect which of these two broad strategies are adopted by farmers. Favorable climatic conditions coupled with institutional arrangements to control free grazing were pre-conditions for HVAF, whereas poor biophysical potential and sloping land provided a positive incentive for farmers to adopt FMNR. Farmers with preferences for tree species with multiple utilities and locational flexibility favored FMNR while adoption of HVAF was more asset-driven. Our findings reveal that farmers integrate many native and exotic tree species on their farms to meet their variable farm conditions, needs and asset profiles in stark contrast to most tree promotion efforts that focus on a few, usually exotic, tree species. We recommend that future agroforestry promotion should embrace a diversity of tree species appropriate to matching the fine scale variation in ecological conditions and farmer circumstances encountered in the field.  相似文献   
A nursery experiment was conducted to determine the effects of seed pretreatment methods on the germination of Faidherbia albida at ICRAF, Nairobi from six provenances consisting of Awassa, Taveta, Lake Koka, Maseno, Chinzombo and Wagingombe. Seeds were subjected to five pretreatment methods namely nicking, soaking in acid, hot water, cold water and control. Germination percentages (GP), mean germination time (MGT) and germination index (GI) were calculated and the data was subjected to ANOVA. The study revealed significant (p ≤ 0.05) differences in seed treatments among provenances in all studied parameters. Highest germination among pretreatments in Awassa (99 %) and Wagingombe (80 %) was observed in nicked seeds, Chinzombo (81 %) in nicked and acid treated seeds, Lake Koka (90 %) in acid treated seeds and Taveta (28 %) and Maseno (64 %) in cold water treated seeds. Nicking gave the highest cumulative GP (69.67) while lowest GP was observed in hot water treated seeds (23.17). Acid treatment exhibited lowest MGT (8.85 days) and highest GI (2.29) while highest MGT (24.35 days) and lowest GI (0.31) were observed in control and hot water treatment respectively. Although acid treatment gave a high GP and lowest MGT and GI, nicking and soaking in cold water for 24 h is being recommended as cheaper and less hazardous pretreatment methods to improve germination in F. albida since sulphuric acid is expensive and requires proper handling techniques. Significant correlation between geo-climatic data and germination parameters of seeds subjected to different pretreatments indicates that provenances are as important as pretreatments in germination of the species.  相似文献   
Agroforestry systems in Sub-Saharan African drylands are complex and heterogeneous in nature even under similar biophysical conditions. This can be attributed to household needs and socioeconomic status which influence the species and utility of the adopted trees. This has an impact on the trees establishment and management system through planting or Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). This study evaluates how trees for different utilities are managed and which socioeconomic factors influence these decisions. The study used primary data collected in Mutomo District, Kenya through a household survey based on a structured questionnaire. A paired sample t-test was done to assess the preferred mode of adopting trees for different utilities while factor analysis was used to characterize the households as either planting trees or practicing FMNR. Multiple linear regression using household regression factor scores as independent variables and socioeconomic indicators as dependent variables was done to ascertain which socioeconomic factors affect tree adoption. The results show that trees planted were mostly exotic species valued for their nutrition and commercial value, while FMNR was used for subsistence products and environmental services. Household size, livestock levels and mobility had a positive correlation with tree planting, while income, access to markets and roads had an inverse correlation. Access to natural woodland, distance to the nearest motorable road and land size had a positive correlation with tree protection. It is hoped that this knowledge will act as a reference point when designing agroforestry projects in similar areas to ensure they are more aligned to specific site and household conditions.  相似文献   
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