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For ruminants, there is a narrow span betweennutritional deficiency of Molybdenum and its potential toxicity. Molybdenosis occurs among cattlefeeding on forage with Mo concentrations above10 μg g-1 or a Cu:Mo ratio <2. In the areaunder investigation forage Mo contents in the valleyare as high as 180 μg g-1 due to industrialpollution, while the alpine pastures, where cattlegraze during summer, are nutrient (e.g. Cu) deficient.When driven to the valley pastures in fall, animalsoften fell ill with molybdenosis, and several died.The aim of the study was to remediate this 300 ha area. Two approaches were attempted: (1) to reduce theMo contents of the forage by immobilizing soil Mo, and(2) to increase plant Mo contents by mobilizing soilMo to increase plant Mo which may then be removed fromthe system (phytoremediation).In a soil extraction experiment we demonstrated thatphosphate fertilization, ammonium sulfate amendment,vermiculite, humic acid and sewage sludge increased Moleaching by 30 to 110%. Fe-humate and Mn-humateapplication decreased Mo in the leachate from96 μg L-1 to 55 and 7 μg L-1,respectively. Plant Mo contents were increased up to170% by P-fertilizer and up to 150% by vermiculite.Conversely, sewage sludge, Fe- and Mn-humate decreasedplant Mo contents by 60, 40 and 75% in thegreenhouse. In the field study, the effects weresmaller, but Mo export through plant harvest increasedby 88% after P-fertilization and 84% aftervermiculite amendment. Mn-humate and sewage sludgedecreased plant Mo content by 25 and 40%,respectively, rendering the forage suitable forfeeding of ruminants. P-fertilization and vermiculitemay thus be recommended for the severely contaminatedsites to enhance phytoremediation through Mo export,and Mn-humate and sewage sludge application appearsuited to remediate the less severely contaminated sites.  相似文献   
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