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[目的 ]有效控制猪瘟,探索净化方案,提供猪瘟净化模式。[方法 ]通过对新疆某种猪场猪间隔半年2次活体采集扁桃体及对应血清,分别采用猪瘟实时荧光定量RT-PCR(FQ RT-PCR)和ELISA方法进行猪瘟病原学和抗体进行检测,累计淘汰病原学阳性种猪4头,结合有效的疫苗免疫、完善生物安全措施和其他疫病防治等措施,进行猪场猪瘟净化试验。[结果 ]该种猪场的猪瘟病毒感染率由净化实施前的13%(3/23)降为0%(0/40),仔猪成活率由60%提高到95%。[结论 ]通过实施净化方案,达到了猪瘟净化的目的,建立了猪场猪瘟净化模式。  相似文献   
2000—2015年中国土地荒漠化连续遥感监测及其变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以植被覆盖度作为荒漠化评价的指标,利用2000—2015年序列影像计算的年均植被覆盖度和气温、降水等数据,分析不同地区荒漠多年间荒漠化动态的变化过程、自然因素对土地荒漠化动态的影响以及人类活动对土地荒漠化的贡献。结果表明:我国土地荒漠化呈整体得到初步遏制,荒漠化土地持续减少,但局部地区呈扩大的趋势;全国大部分地区气象因子未发生显著变化,西藏东部和云南山区气温上升和降水下降对土地荒漠化起到了促进作用;国家的政策和人工造林、退耕还林和保护天然林等重大工程对遏制我国土地荒漠化具有重要作用。  相似文献   
为研究鸡、鹌鹑和杂交种胚胎后期高死亡率与肌肉组织中bcl-2和p53表达量的关系,运用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测鸡、鹌鹑和杂交种胚胎后期肌肉组织中细胞凋亡因子bcl-2和p53的相对表达量.结果显示bcl-2和p53在杂交种中的相对表达量更接近于其父本鸡的表达量,表明杂交种胚胎后期出现高死亡率与肌肉组织中bcl-2和p53的表达量无关.  相似文献   
为了解新疆地区活禽市场中肉鸡禽流感H5抗体的情况,对2009-2010年新疆五个地区八个大型活禽批发市场采集的37批次1225份血清样品进行了AIH5抗体监测。结果表明,AIH5抗体效价≥4.0log2样品占总样品率的32.5%,0效价样品率达到54.5%;不同地区和不同市场的样品AIH5抗体效价存在较大差异;在37批次样品中有9批次样品来自于免疫鸡群,抗体效价≥4.0log2样品率达到99.2%以上;28批次样品来自于非免疫鸡群,0效价样品率高达71.3%。  相似文献   
主成分分析法在城市河流水质评价中的应用   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
采用多元统计主成分分析方法对城市河流,即伊犁河8个监测断面的高锰酸盐指数、化学需氧量、生物需氧量、溶解氧等13个水质指标进行分析计算。结果表明:从原始数据中提取占总方差88.277%的3个因子来反映水体的污染程度,经分析识别出影响伊犁河的3个主成分因子:①以氮盐、化学需氧量、生物需氧量和溶解氧等有机污染因子控制;②悬浮物和酸碱性控制;③石油类、氨氮和生物需氧量控制。主成分分析方法能真实、准确分析出城市河流各水质指标的内在关系。  相似文献   
新疆林果基地防护林防护效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]针对新疆林果基地的防护林配置结构和防护效应进行研究,为提高新疆林果基地建设质量和效益及保证农民持续增收提供科学依据.[方法]对新疆林果基地的防护林带3~21 H范围有效防护距离、结构以及林网防护效应进行调查研究,观测林果防护林不同林龄、林网带宽、林带配置结构及林带距离对果园的防护效应.[结果]林果防护林对果园的防护效应在一定范围内随着林龄的增长而下降;宽带的防护作用强于窄带;随着网格的两条主林带间隔距离减少,林果防护林防护效率增加;在一定范围内,果树靠林带越近,受害越轻,但当超过防护林最大防护距离时,果枝数便会下降,冻害大面积发生.[结论]合理确定防护林最大防护距离,优化林果防护林配置结构,改造原有农田防护林“窄林带,小网格”防护林结构体系,进一步缩减网格面积,加强防护力度,并利用林带胁地种植苜蓿等饲草,建立新型的林果基地防护林林网,有利于降低果树灾害率及增加经济效盖.  相似文献   
为了解新疆鄯善县春季蜱虫种类及分布情况,2021年3—5月在鄯善县的5个村庄采集羊体表蜱虫及盐碱地区域环境中的蜱虫,利用体视显微镜进行形态学鉴定,并统计羊只携带蜱虫情况及其种类。结果显示:共在150只羊体表和环境中分别采集到1392只和1007只蜱虫;采集到蜱虫归于2科3属5种,分别为硬蜱科的亚洲璃眼蜱、小亚璃眼蜱、血红扇头蜱和图兰扇头蜱以及软蜱科的拉合尔钝缘蜱,其中亚洲璃眼蜱数量最多,占48.99%,在5个村均有分布;3—5月羊带蜱率逐渐上升,分别为14.67%、35.33%、68.67%,携带的种类由拉合尔钝缘蜱1种逐渐增加到5种。结果表明,新疆鄯善县春季流行的优势蜱种为亚洲璃眼蜱,而随气温升高,蜱虫种类及数量逐渐增加,活动范围进一步扩大,因此春季应加强蜱虫的消杀工作。本调查为鄯善县春季蜱虫传播疫病的防控及后续研究提供了参考。  相似文献   
本文采用有机溶剂提取技术和分光光度法,对黄酮、多酚类化合物进行提取和测试分析,研究结果表明:新疆雄蚕蛾酒黄酮和多酚类物质含量较高,分别为0.6648 mg/mL和0.4356 mg/mL,具有很高的抗氧化、降血压、防止动脉硬化、抗衰老和清除自由基等医疗保健作用。  相似文献   
We compared a set of methods for estimating the fractional vegetation cover (fc) of sparse desert vegetation over an arid region of southern Xinjiang, China. Six kinds of remote sensing inversion models (an NDVI regression, a spectral mixture analysis (SMA), a pixel dichotomy model, a three-band maximal gradient difference (TGDVI) model and two modified TGDVI models) were used to derive fc from remote sensing data, and the results were compared with fc values measured in the field to select an appropriate model to derive the fractional cover of sparse desert vegetation in arid regions. The NDVI regression based on field fc and the NDVI for the sampled pixels in September 2006 showed the highest precision, while the results of 2007 showed that the NDVI regression method is inappropriate for depicting vegetation characteristics in other growing season because the empirical model highly depend on the specified in situ measurement. The SMA approaches yielded higher precision than the other models, indicating that it is applicable for analysing the coverage of sparse desert vegetation. The pixel dichotomy model can yield a high precision based on finely detailed vegetation maps. However, it requires the measurement of many parameters. The TGDVI model is simple and easy to implement, and the values that it predicted for the coverage of high-density vegetation and barren areas were close to those measured in the field, but the fc values of sparsely vegetated areas were underestimated. The predictions of the modified TGDVI models were close to the values measured in the field, indicating that these modified models can reliably and effectively extract information on the fractional cover of sparse vegetation in an arid region. We analyzed the models’ sensitivity with respect to rainfall because the short-wavelength infrared bands used in the two TGDVI models proposed in this study are sensitive to moisture. The results showed that the modified TGDVI models’ accuracy was not affected by increasing soil moisture content caused by rain. However, the NDVI regression, SMA and TGDVI were sensitive to the change of soil moisture content. Moreover, the two modified TGDVI models yielded negative values for water sources, such as reservoirs and rivers, implying that they are effective for characterising water bodies. However, the modified TGDVI models cannot predict fc in snow- and glacier-covered regions, producing abnormally high rather than zero values. Additionally, the predictions before and after snowfall on the top of a mountain show a linear increasing relationship, suggesting that the short-wavelength infrared band may be useful to predict snow depth.  相似文献   
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