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通过突变黑粒种质的纯化、筛选,采用回交转育法将黑粒种质导入到白糯玉米育种材料中再选系或转育成黑粒同型系,组配黑糯玉米杂交种.根据育种目标,经籽粒色泽、品质、抗逆性鉴定和产量配合力的测交试验,决选出适合作母本和父本的品系组成“黑糯941”杂交种.经初步生产检验和示范已获较好效果.  相似文献   
沿江高沙土地区是江苏省乃至全国的主要弱筋小麦产区。弱筋小麦宁麦13和宁麦9号在该地区不同土壤肥力和不同施肥水平条件下种植,其产量和穗、粒、重三要素表现各不同;两品种间对不同施肥量的反应也有明显差异;在一生施纯氮16公斤/667m2的中高肥处理,宁麦13可明显比宁麦9号增产;而在一生施纯氮8公斤/667m2的低肥和不施肥的空白处理,宁麦9号表现出显著的增产效果;在一生施纯氮20和12公斤/667m2的高肥区和中低肥区,两品种无显著差异。两品种的籽粒蛋白质、湿面筋含量和面团稳定时间虽总体均与施氮量相关程度较高,但两品种间存在较大差异。宁麦9号的籽粒蛋白质含量与施氮量呈极显著相关,而湿面筋含量与施氮量相关不显著,稳定时间与施氮量为显著相关;宁麦13的三指标均与施氮量呈极显著相关。表明宁麦9号的弱筋品质似较宁麦13稳定,尤其湿面筋含量和面团稳定时间较不易受环境条件所左右。  相似文献   
近年来,以湿地松或火炬松为母本,以加勒比松为父本选育的杂交松新品种深受群众喜爱,在中国南方地区推广面积不断扩大。由于杂交松种子产量低、生产成本高,因而种苗数量不足的问题日益突出。嫩枝扦插繁殖成为当前解决这一问题的重要途径。笔者以近年来开展的杂交松扦插试验为基础,系统研究影响杂交松扦插生根的因素。结果表明:插穗的母株年龄显著影响扦插成活率,1~3年生嫩枝扦插成活率在77%以上,5年生穗条扦插成活率只有45%;插穗母株的基因型也影响扦插成活率,其中父本效应显著(P=0.016)影响扦插成活率,同一杂种类型的不同杂交组合扦插成活率差异明显;不同介质(扦插基质)和不同浓度的生根粉(GGR)对扦插成活率影响也很显著(P<0.01),珍珠岩、河沙与黄心土等单一介质扦插成活率显著优于几种介质混合后的扦插成活率,低浓度生根粉扦插成活率高于高浓度。  相似文献   
为优化\"三生\"空间评价方法体系,探索海南岛\"三生\"空间聚集性与协调度特征并制定有效的空间分区方案,该研究从空间异质性角度出发,采用多源空间数据从栅格尺度上对同地类不同地块的\"三生\"空间功能进行评价,再通过空间自相关及三角坐标图分析乡镇尺度上\"三生\"空间的聚集性与协调度特征,并为国土空间优化提供相关分区方案。结果表明:1)海南岛生产空间高分值区域集中分布在沿海市县,呈\"四周高、中间低,北部高、南部低\"的分布特征,且城镇生产空间与农业生产空间有所差异;生活空间高分值区域多集中在各市县城镇范围内,整体呈\"小集聚、大分散\"的空间格局;生态空间高分值区域集中在中部地区,呈\"中间高、四周低,南部高、北部低\"的分布格局。2)乡镇尺度上海南岛生产、生活、生态空间功能值的Moran’sI指数分别为0.569,0.221和0.716,表现出空间自相关性特征,据此面向全岛提出基于空间聚集性的\"三生\"空间分区方案。3)海南岛各乡镇\"三生\"空间存在较大的协调度差异,高值区以生态主导和\"三生\"协调型为主,分别占乡镇总数的51.72%与43.97%;低值区则以生态主导型为主,占乡镇总数的72.41%,据此面向全岛提出基于空间协调度的\"三生\"空间分区方案。该研究有效识别了同地类不同地块\"三生\"空间的异质性,并从空间聚集性与协调度视角提出\"三生\"空间分区管制方案,能够为当前国土空间优化提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to use an econometric analysis to investigate the relationship between agricultural gross domestic product (AGDP) and variables such as apple, citrus, pears, grape and banana in Pakistan; data were explored from 1980 to 2015; we used time series data collected from secondary sources, including the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Statistical Year Books and the Economic Survey of Pakistan. Data were analyzed by using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method and Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test, and results were interpreted by using the Johansen co-integration test. The machine learning technique was used to examine and predict the future agricultural productivity in Pakistan. We found that output of banana, citrus and pears had a positive and significant influence on AGDP, whereas apples and grapes had a negative but insignificant influence on AGDP.  相似文献   
Monoculture pine plantation (PP) was widely established after clear-cutting of natural forests last century in China. However, its effects on soil CO2 efflux (RS) temporally and spatially are still poorly understood. Biotic and abiotic factors that control spatio-temporal variation of RS were assessed in a naturally regenerated oak forest (OF) and a nearby PP in a warm temperate area of China. We hypothesized that spatial variation of RS in PP is lower than that in OF and is less influenced by biotic factors due to its homogeneous stand structure compared to the regenerated OF. RS measurement campaigns were conducted in two 40 m × 60 m plots in OF and PP from Oct. 2008 to Oct. 2009. Soil temperature at 5 cm depth (T5) exerted considerable influence on the temporal variation in RS. However, the spatial variation of RS was not affected by T5 in either PP or OF. The observed spatial pattern of RS remained comparatively consistent throughout the measurement campaigns for both forests. Soil chemical and physical parameters such as soil organic carbon (SOC), light fraction organic carbon (LFOC), total nitrogen (TN), bulk density (BD), total porosity (TP), water-filled pore space (WFPS), and water-holding capacity (WHC) had significant impact on the spatial variation of RS for both OF and PP. We found that biotic factors such as fine root biomass (FR) and stand structure parameters including basal area (BA), maximum diameter at breast height (max. DBH), and mean DBH within 4–5 m of the measurement points had significant influence on the spatial variation of RS in OF, while no similar significant correlation was found in PP. A stepwise multi-linear regression showed that water-holding capacity (WHC), max. DBH within 4 m of the measurement points (max. DBH4), and total porosity (TP) contributed 68.7% to the spatial variation of RS in OF, while light fraction organic carbon (LFOC) and bulk density (BD) accounted for 46.9% of the spatial variation of RS in PP. These differentiated the importance of biotic and abiotic factors in controlling the spatial variation of RS between the naturally regenerated OF and the artificially regenerated monoculture PP. Therefore, compared to OF, relatively lower coefficients of spatial variation for RS were observed in PP across the year, which was partly attributed to its simple stand structure of PP. Our findings are valuable for accurately estimating regional carbon fluxes by considering the spatio-temporal variation of RS in artificially and naturally regenerated forests.  相似文献   
通过对山西右玉贾家窑阳坡退耕还林约20年后的4种植被恢复模式(自然恢复草地、油松林、柠条灌丛和油松—柠条林)土壤水分、理化性质、径流量和侵蚀量的测定,探讨了不同植被恢复模式的水土保持效应。结果表明:(1)4种植被恢复模式0—100cm土层土壤平均含水量无显著差异,油松林和自然恢复草地的土壤容重高于油松—柠条林和柠条灌丛,土壤总孔隙度的变化趋势与容重相反;(2)4种植被恢复模式0—20cm土层土壤粒度组成、pH、有机质、铵态氮和速效磷无显著差异,硝态氮和速效钾差异明显(P0.05);(3)4种植被恢复模式径流量没有明显差异,但土壤侵蚀量自然恢复草地和油松林显著高于柠条灌丛和油松—柠条林(P0.05);(4)覆盖度相似条件下,根系密度、近地表植被盖度和枯枝落叶层厚度是影响林草植被水土保持效应的主要因素。  相似文献   
W. Wu  Q. Su  X. Y. Xia  Y. Wang  Y. S. Luan  L. J. An 《Euphytica》2008,159(1-2):17-25
In this research we established a particular vector-free and marker-free plant transformation system of maize to overcome the obstacles of biosafety limits. The BADH gene was introduced into maize by pollen-tube pathway, using the principle of minimum linear length of the transformation element, which was composed of only the BADH gene, expression regulatory sequence (35S CAMV promoter, NOS terminator), and T-DNA border sequence at both sides. Twenty-seven of 2076 transformed samples were positive in PCR amplification and the PCR positive rate of T1 generation was 1.3%. Further Southern blotting results indicated that the BADH gene was integrated into maize genome. Transgenic lines of progeny were examined for tolerance to NaCl by induced salt stress with 250 mM NaCl Hoagland solution. After 15 days of treatment, 73.9–100% of the transgenic seedlings survived and grew well, whereas most wild-type seedlings wilted and showed loss of chlorophyll. Only 8.9% of the wild-type plants survived but gradually died after salt stress. The electrical conductivity of the transgenic line of progeny after salt stress was lower than wild type. The transgenic progeny had higher glycinebetaine and Chlorophyll content than wild type after salt stress.  相似文献   
Volatiles from stored Kuerle fragrant pears (Pyrus serotina Reld) were studied using high-resolution gas chromatography and the solid-phase microextraction (SPME) method of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The dominant components were hexanal, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl butanoate, ethyl acetate, hexyl acetate, ethanol, alpha-farnesene, butyl acetate, and ethyl (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate. By using GC-olfactometry, it demonstrated that the volatile compounds from SPME were responsible for the aroma of the Kuerle fragrant pear. The levels of sugars, organic acids, and phenolic acids in Kuerle fragrant pears were investigated using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Fructose was the dominant sugar, followed by glucose and sucrose. With increasing storage time, sucrose levels decreased; however, changes in fructose and glucose levels were not remarkable. There was a slight decrease in flesh firmness during storage. The general soluble solids concentration (SSC) declined slightly after 5 months storage. Some aroma-related volatile components increased during storage, while others decreased, especially the esters. The organic acids and phenolic acids also changed. The flavor of the Kuerle fragrant pears was affected by the change of volatile compounds and changes in chemical and physical properties.  相似文献   
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