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Chronic bronchopneumonia in lambs, also known as 'atypical' or 'chronic, non-progressive' pneumonia is a common, frequently sub-clinical disease affecting animals under 12-months-old in intensive production systems. Infection with both Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and Mannheimia haemolytica have been implicated in the aetiology of this condition and a variety of pulmonary lesions can result. In this study, detailed laboratory examination of 30 abattoir-derived lungs with the characteristic gross features of atypical pneumonia (AP) was carried out with a view to refining and correlating the histopathological and microbiological criteria required for the diagnosis of this disease. For the first time a broad range of laboratory detection techniques including bacterial and virus isolation, fluorescent antibody tests and immunohistochemistry were used in parallel to identify potential causative pathogens such as M. ovipneumoniae, M. haemolytica, parainfluenza type-3 (PI3) virus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in AP lesions. The most consistent finding was the association of gross AP lesions with M. ovipneumoniae, identified by either culture or immunohistochemistry in 27 (90%) of the 30 cases. However the presence M. ovipneumoniae organisms or antigen did not consistently correlate with particular histopathological changes. Furthermore, peri-airway lymphoid hyperplasia, intra-alveolar exudation and nodular 'hyaline scars', which are all previously reported microscopic lesions of AP, were not identified in 12 (40%) of the cases and isolation of M. haemolytica was over-represented in lungs exhibiting suppurative lesions. These findings illustrate the complex aetiopathogenesis of this disease and highlight the requirement to use a combination of diagnostic criteria in its laboratory diagnosis.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: An epidemiological study was undertaken at a Hunter Valley dairy with persistent Salmonella Typhimurium infection. The aim of the study was to identify cattle currently or previously infected with Salmonella, possible sources of the organism, patterns of spread, and husbandry practices that could be improved. METHODOLOGY: Faecal samples, feed, water and environmental samples were cultured for Salmonella and blood samples were tested for antibodies against Salmonella (Dublin and Typhimurium). A questionnaire was designed to identify possible risk factors associated with Salmonella excretion. RESULTS: S Typhimurium was apparently introduced from an old to a new dairy through manure spread as fertiliser. Salmonella apparently persisted in the effluent pond, and the following year clinical cases occurred after pasture, irrigated with water from the pond, was grazed by dry cows, and adult cattle became clinically ill with salmonellosis. The disease spread to other cows and calves. Poor design of calf pens assisted spread of Salmonella from sick to healthy calves. In addition, there was suspected transmission to the dairy farmer's 9-month-old daughter. Salmonellosis on a farm is a potential zoonotic risk to farm workers and their families. There is also the risk that cull cows may carry Salmonella to the abattoir and subsequently into the human food chain. Methods of waste management, and the design of calf pens, were identified as major risk factors that could be improved to minimise the spread of salmonellosis on this property.  相似文献   
Journal of Pest Science - Successful management of invasive forest pests with sustainable approaches, such as biological control, is critical to the restoration of the affected or damaged forest...  相似文献   
Summary Insects belonging to 12 genera in the Order Diptera, found at two large waste potato dumps in Scotland. were contaminated with soft rot coliform bacteria. In 1973, 5.7% and 3.2% and in 1974, 4.8% and 4.1% of the insects caught at each site yielded these organisms. The bacteria were identified mainly asErwinia carotovora var.carotovora, though some isolates wereErwinia carotovora var.atroseptica. Isolations from potato dump waste showed that at the time when fly activity was greatest the majority of soft rot coliforms in the waste wereE. carotovora var.carotovora, despite the fact that tubers originally forming the dumps were almost certainly infected mostly withE. carotovora var.atroseptica. Contaminated insects could readily transmit soft rot coliforms to damaged areas on the aerial parts of potato plants. It is suggested that potato stocks freed from these organisms by the stem cutting procedure could become re-contaminated by insects that disperse from potato dumps.
Zusammenfassung Zw?lf Arten von Insekten der Gattung Diptera, periodisch gesammelt auf zwei grossen Kartoffelabfallhaufen in Schottland, waren mit koliformen Nassf?ulebakterien kontaminiert (Tab. 2, 3, 5 und 6). Nur zwei der Arten galten vorher als m?gliche Ubertr?ger dieser Organismen. 1973 waren 4,6% der an den beiden Orten w?hrend der Saison gesammelten Insekten mit diesen Organismen behaftet, 1974 waren es 4,5%. Nicht weniger als 9,6% der Insekten waren bei einigen F?ngen im Jahre 1973 und 14,7% im Jahre 1974 Tr?ger von Nassf?uleErwinia sp. Die Fruchtfliegen (Parascaptomyza sp. undDrosophila spp.) waren 1973 die am h?ufigsten kontaminierten Insekten (Tab. 2 und 3). Diese Gruppe von Insekten war auch 1974 meistens kontaminiert, aber am h?ufigsten wurden die Bakterien vonScatophaga spp. undDelia spp. (Tab. 5 und 6) isoliert. Sowohl 1973 als auch 1974 wurdeErwinia carotovora var.carotovora (in der FolgeE. carotovora genannt) h?ufiger von den Insekten isoliert alsErwinia carotovora var.atroseptica (in der FolgeE. atroseptica genannt) (Tab. 1 und 4), obwohl die Knollen. die ursprünglich den Abfallhaufen ausmachten, fast sicher meistens mitE. atroseptica infiziert waren. Das Verh?ltnis vonE. carotovora zuE. atroseptica, isoliert von Insekten beider Haufen, war 1973 9,5∶1 (13,5∶1 und 5,5∶1 je Abfallhaufen) und 1974 3,8∶1 (2,7∶1 und 6,8∶1 für die beiden Orte).E. atroseptica wurde 1973 nur früh in der Vegetationszeit (vor dem 30. Juli) von den Insekten isoliert (Tab. 1), 1974 nur früh (vor dem 30. Juli) oder sp?t in der Vegetationszeit (nach dem 10. Oktober) (Tab. 4).E. carotovora dagegen konnte in beiden Jahren über die ganze Vegatationszeit isoliert werden (Tab. 1 und 4). Die Wiedergewinnung vonE. atroseptica von Insekten war mit dem Vorhandensein von frisch abgelagerten faulen Knollen zur Zeit. wenn die Insekten gesammelt werden. verbunden. EinzigE. carotovora wurde von Insekten isoliert. die zu einer Zeit gesammelt wurden, wenn auf den Abfallhaufen nur?lteres verfaulendes Material vorhanden war. Isolationen von faulenden Ueberresten, die 1975 dem Abfallhaufen entnommen wurden (Tab. 7), zeigten, dass sowohlE. carotovora als auchE. atroseptica in der Regel das ganze Jahr vorhanden waren.E. atroseptica herrschte früh im Jahr (Januar bis Juni) vor und an einem Ort auch sp?t in der Zeit der Musterentnahme (Oktober bis Dezember).E. carotovora war von Juni bis Oktober der am meisten isolierte Organismus. Das Vorherrschen vonErwinia carotovora var.atroseptica war mit dem Vorhandensein von frisch weggeworfenen Kartoffelknollen früh und sp?t in der Zeit der Musterentnahme verbunden.E. carotovora schien in den faulenden Knollen l?nger zu überleben und war der am meisten isolierte Organismus aus ?lterem verwesendem Material. Die Verh?ltniswerte vonE. carotovora zuE. atroseptica. isoliert von Insekten. waren h?her alsjene, die für das verfaulende Material aus den Abfallhaufen gefunden wurden. Es ist anzunehmen, dass die Insekten selbst einen selektiven Einfluss zu Gunsten vonE. carotovora ausüben. Von einem der Abfallhaufen gesammelten Insekten übertrugen im GlashausE. carotovora sogleich auf verletzte Kartoffelstengel. Man nimmt an, dass Kartoffelbest?nde. die mit Hilfe des Stengelschnittes von koliformen Nassf?uleerregern befreit wurden, durch Insekten, die von Kartoffelabfallhaufen kommen, wieder verseucht werden k?nnen.

Résumé 12 genres d'insectes appartenant à l'ordre des Diptères, capturés périodiquement en Ecosse. sur deux grands tas de déchets de pommes de terre se sont révélés être contaminés par des bactéries coliformes. agents de la pourriture molle (tableaux 2, 3, 5 et 6). Auparavant, seuls 2 genres avaient été cités comme vecteurs possibles de ces microorganismes. En 1973, 4.6% des insectes capturés aux 2 endroits, et en cours de saison. portaient ces parasites de la pomme de terre. En 1974. 4,5% étaient également contaminés. Pour l'ensemble de ces captures. il y a eu 9.6% des insectes en 1973. et 14.7% en 1974 qui portaientErwinia sp. Les mouches des fruits (Parascaptomyza etDrosophila spp.) ont été le plus fréquemment contaminés en 1973 (tableaux 2 et 3). Ce groupe d'insectes était également atteint en 1974. mais les bactéries on été plus fréquemment isolées à partir deScatophaga spp. etDélia spp. (tableaux 5 et 6). En 1973 et 1974.Erwinia carotovora var.carotovora (dans la suiteE. carotovora) a été plus fréquemment isolé de ces insectes qu'Erwinia carotovora var.atroseptica (dans la suiteE. atroseptica) (tableaux 1 et 4) bien que les tubercules constituant à l'origine les tas de déchets étaient certainement plus infestés parE. atroseptica. Le rapport entreE. carotovora etE. atroseptica pour les isolements sur insectes provenant des deux endroits a été 9,5/1 (respectivement 13.5/1 et 5.5/1 pour chacun des tas de déchets) en 1973 et 3,8/1 (2,7/1 et 6,8/1) en 1974.E. atroseptica n'a été isolé que t?t dans l'année (avant le 30 juillet) en 1973 (tableau 1) et 1974 (tableau 4) elle l'a été précocement (avant le 30 juillet) ou tardivement (après le 10 octobre).E. carotovora, par contre, l'a été durant toute la saison pendant les deux années (tableuaux 1 et 4) l'isolement d'E. atroseptica est lié au moment de la capture des insectes, à la présence de tubercules nouvellement pourris lors de la mise en tas. Par contreE. carotovora a été isolé à partir des insectes capturés sur les tas où il n'y avait que du matériel présentant des pourritures plus agées. En 1975, des isolements effectués sur les tas de déchets ont montré qu'E. carotovora etE. atroseptica étaient habituellement présents toute l'année (tableau 7).E. atroseptica était prédominante en début de saison (de janvier à juin). II n'y a eu qu'un seul cas où on l'a observé plus tardivement durant la période d'échantillonage (octobre à décembre).E. carotovora a été le principal organisme isolé de juin à octobre. La prédominance d'E. atroseptica était associée à la présence de tubercules nouvellement entreposés précocement et tardivement durant la période d'échantillonage.E. carotovora semblait subsister plus longuement dans les tubercules pourris et était le principal organisme isolé à partir de matériel altéré le plus agé. Les rapportsE. carotovora surE. atroseptica obtenus à partir des isolements effectués sur insectes ont été plus élévés que ceux trouvés à partir du matériel pourri en provenance des tas. Les auteurs suggèrent que les insectes euxmêmes peuvent exercer une action sélective en faveur d'E. carotovora. Les insectes collectés à partir d'un des tas peuvent transmettre facilementE. carotovora aux pommes de terre se trouvant en serre et dont les tiges sont endommagées. Les auteurs suggèrent que les lots de pommes de terre indemnes de bactéries coliformes grace au procédé de bouturage peuvent être à nouveau recontaminé à partir des tas de déchets de pommes de terre et par l'intermédiaire des insectes.
Anadromous salmon (genera Oncorhynchus and Salmo) spend much of their lives feeding in productive northern oceans and then return home to natal sites for reproduction with remarkable accuracy. The mechanisms used for navigation by individuals during migrations are thought to include geomagnetic, celestial and olfactory cues, but rarely are social interactions between individuals considered. Mounting evidence from other taxa indicates that individuals in larger groups can better sense and respond to environmental cues, thus potentially increasing their ability to navigate. Here, we propose that salmon might similarly benefit from collective navigation on their homeward journey. To explore this, we compiled data from multiple studies and found strong evidence that rates of successful homing increase with population abundance, consistent with collective navigation. We then discuss how collective navigation could benefit salmon during each stage of their seaward and homeward migrations, and complement this with a review of salmon sociality. Next, we analyse historic high‐seas catch records and provide new insight into schooling structure of salmon in the marine environment. We argue that collective navigation likely represents a presently under‐appreciated mechanism enhancing the navigational ability of salmon as well as other migratory species, and outline critical tests of our hypothesis.  相似文献   
Thousands of hectares of timothy (Phleum pretense L.) grown in the Mid-Atlantic region are infected by cereal rust mite (Abacarus hysterix) that causes discoloration and curling of leaves, decreased nutritional quality, and substantial decreases in yield. A decline in production of timothy hay can lower income for hay producers and cause horse owners to search for alternative hays. Low alkaloid reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) hay has potential as an alternative to timothy hay because it grows well in the Mid-Atlantic region, is believed to have a similar nutrient quality to timothy, and is not as susceptible to cereal rust mite. Eleven mature, stalled Thoroughbred geldings (549 +/- 12.1 kg) that were exercised daily were used to compare voluntary DMI and apparent nutrient DM digestibility of timothy and low-alkaloid Chiefton variety reed canarygrass hay. Horses were paired by age and BW and randomly assigned to timothy or reed canarygrass hay during a 14-d period to measure voluntary DMI followed by a 4-d period to measure apparent DM digestibility. Both hays met the minimum requirements for DE, CP, Ca, P, K, Fe, and Mn, but they did not meet the minimum requirements for Cu, Zn, and Na for horses at maintenance and averaging 550 kg of BW. Timothy hay seemed to have a lower CP concentration (14.4%) compared with reed canarygrass hay (17.1%) and a more desirable Ca:P ratio at 1.6:1 compared with 0.8:1 for reed canarygrass hay. Horses fed timothy consumed more hay (P <0.001) during the voluntary DMI period compared with horses fed reed canarygrass. Greater voluntary DMI of timothy occurred on d 1, 3, and 5 (P <0.05), but DMI was similar for other days. Apparent DM digestibility was greater in horses fed timothy hay by 9.6% compared with horses fed reed canarygrass hay (P <0.05). Horses fed timothy had greater DM digestibility of ADF (P = 0.001), NDF (P = 0.001), sugar (P = 0.05), and Ca (P = 0.001) but lower apparent DM digestibility of CP (P = 0.012) and crude fat (P = 0.004). Timothy hay was superior in voluntary DMI and apparent DM digestibility compared with low-alkaloid reed canarygrass hay fed to horses.  相似文献   
For many years, the San Joaquin River (SJR) has had low dissolved oxygen conditions intermittently during the late summer and early fall. The low dissolved oxygen conditions are impacting critical fish habitat and the SJR is being regulated under a state of California remediation plan that includes the development of a total maximum daily load (TMDL) allocation for oxygen demanding substances. In support of the development of a scientific TMDL allocation, studies are being conducted to characterize water quality in the many tributaries of the SJR. This study identified the sources of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in two western tributaries of the SJR, Mud Slough and Salt Slough, and measured the loads of BOD, algae, and ammonia entering the SJR from wetland and agricultural sources.

Mud and Salt Sloughs drain the Grassland Watershed. The watershed contains seasonal wetlands, irrigated farmland, and other agricultural lands. This drainage is under close regulatory scrutiny, because it produces a majority of the selenium and boron entering the SJR. In this study, wetland and irrigated agricultural drainage were sampled separately and a comparison was made to determine differences in water quality. In addition, water entering the study area was compared to water exiting the study area to determine the effect of water use in the region on water quality.

This study demonstrated that BOD loads from the Grassland Watershed to the SJR were proportional to flow during June–October, the most critical time for dissolved oxygen deficits in the lower SJR. This indicates that Mud and Salt Sloughs are not producing more BOD than other tributaries in the region that are not under close regulatory scrutiny. The BOD concentration of wetland drainage is higher than that of agricultural drainage, but the higher agricultural drainage flows result in a higher mass loading of BOD. Wetland flooding and irrigation of crops both had a negative impact on water quality. Algal growth was identified as the major source of BOD in agricultural drainage and locations where BOD control could potentially be implemented were identified.  相似文献   

This study compared mean scores on four items from the appropriate use basic belief dimension of the domination wildlife value orientation scale between life-long Alaska residents and migrants to Alaska from the western United States. Basic beliefs were compared among the migrant-sourcing states. Data were collected through a mail survey; 2,264 questionnaires were completed (27% response rate) and 1,673 responses were included in this analysis. When aggregated, migrants scored lower on the appropriate use basic beliefs than life-long Alaskans (M = 4.8 vs. 4.2), but no significant differences were found among the migrant-sourcing states. Among the migrants, length of time living in Alaska and education were predictors of basic belief scores. Although migrants might be exerting a slightly less utilitarian force on Alaska’s dominant orientation toward wildlife, results also allow for the possibility that migrants with utilitarian-leaning views are choosing to move to Alaska.  相似文献   
Mastitis, inflammation of the mammary tissue, is a common disease in dairy animals and mammary pathogenic Escherichia coli (MPEC) is a leading cause of the disease. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is an important virulence factor of MPEC and inoculation of the mammary glands with bacterial LPS is sufficient to induce an inflammatory response. We previously showed using adoptive transfer of normal macrophages into the mammary gland of TLR4-deficient C3H/HeJ mice that LPS/TLR4 signaling on mammary alveolar macrophages is sufficient to elicit neutrophil recruitment into the alveolar space. Here we show that TLR4-normal C3H/HeN mice, depleted of alveolar macrophages, were completely refractory to LPS intramammary challenge. These results indicate that alveolar macrophages are both sufficient and essential for neutrophil recruitment elicited by LPS/TLR4 signaling in the mammary gland. Using TNFα gene-knockout mice and adoptive transfer of wild-type macrophages, we show here that TNFα produced by mammary alveolar macrophages in response to LPS/TLR4 signaling is an essential mediator eliciting blood neutrophil recruitment into the milk spaces. Furthermore, using the IL8 receptor or IL1 receptor gene-knockout mice we observed abrogated recruitment of neutrophils into the mammary gland and their entrapment on the basal side of the alveolar epithelium in response to intramammary LPS challenge. Adoptive transfer of wild-type neutrophils to IL1 receptor knockout mice, just before LPS challenge, restored normal neutrophil recruitment into the milk spaces. We conclude that neutrophil recruitment to the milk spaces is: (i) mediated through TNFα, which is produced by alveolar macrophages in response to LPS/TLR4 signaling and (ii) is dependent on IL8 and IL1β signaling and regulated by iNOS-derived NO.  相似文献   
The insect growth regulator novaluron (Rimon 10 EC, Makhteshim-Agan Ltd, Israel) is used against many field pests on corn, vegetables, orchards, forests, and cotton plantations. Previously, we studied various effects of novaluron on stored grain pests. Termination in Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) eggs hatching after treating adults with novaluron and following restoration after adult transfer to untreated media was observed. The objective of this study was to investigate the restoration of T. castaneum egg hatch following transfer of adults from treated media to untreated favorable and unfavorable media. The time needed for hatching restoration of 50% of eggs laid by adults transferred from novaluron (1 ppm) treated flour to untreated flour (RT50) was 2.7 d. RT50 for those transferred to untreated wheat grain was 4.1 d. RT90 in flour was 3.6 d, in grain—6.1 d. Varieties of RTs in grain and in flour with nonoverlapping confidence intervals indicate that RTs were significantly different. Delay of eggs hatching restoration for adults transferred from treated flour to unfavorable media (Petri dishes with limited amount of flour, lying of eggs not detected) was observed. RT50 in flour was 2.1 d and RT90—3.1 d, while RT50 in the unfavorable media was 3.4 d and RT90 6.5 d. Delayed effect of egg hatching restoration after adult transfer to unfavorable media provides evidence of the significant role of insect physiological state in novaluron excretion and (or) degradation by T. castaneum females.  相似文献   
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