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Studies were conducted in cucumber fields to evaluate the standard and reduced dosage rates of 5 insecticides for control the cotton whiteflyBemisia tabaci (Genn.) and melon aphidAphis gossypii Glov. and effect of insecticide application on associated parasites and predators. Eggs of whitefly appeared to be less susceptibility to all treatments (max. 66% reduction) than larval and pupal stages. Populations of larval and pupal stages of whitefly were significantly reduced in all treated plots. For example (larvae on day 10 after treatment with ethiofencarb, diafenthiuron, and chlorpyrifos methyl 67, 50, and 68% pupae 68, 69, and 75%). Two aphelinid parasitoids,Eretmocerus mundus Mercet andProspaltella lutea Masi, were the most primary important parasitoids of the whitefly pupae in all test plots. Percent parasitism, in most treated plots, were slightly affected as a result of insecticide application. However, all tested insecticides and dosage rates caused severe suppression of emergence of adult parasitoids. Moreover, longevity of adult parasitoids were highly decreased. Populations of the melon aphid were extremely reduced, especially by ethiofencarb and diafenthiuron. Populations of predator species (Chrysopa carnea Steph.,Coccinella undecimpunctata Reiche andSyrphus spp.) were reduced in all treated plots. However, ethiofencarb applied at rates as low as 208.4g a.i./1001 provided equally effective aphid control and conserved numbers of insect predators in the treated plots. Also, the prothiofos and chlorpyrifos methyl applications at rates as low as 166.7 g a.i./1001 kept aphid numbers below than those in control and caused a smaller reduction in the combined populations of insect predators.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to investigate the effects of cow manure and sewage sludge application on the activity and kinetics of soil l-glutaminase. Soil samples were collected from a farm experiment in which 0, 25, and 100 Mg ha−1 of either cow manure or sewage sludge had been applied annually for 4 consecutive years to a clay loam soil (Typic Haplargid). A chemical fertilizer treatment had also been applied. Results indicated that the effects of chemical fertilizer and the solid waste application on pH in the 18 surface soil (0–15 cm) samples were not significant. The organic C content, however, was affected significantly by the different treatments, being the greatest in soils treated with 100 Mg ha−1 cow manure, and the least in the control treatment. l-Glutaminase activity was generally greater in solid-waste applied soils and was significantly correlated (r = 0.939, P < 0.001) with organic C content of soils. The values of l-glutaminase maximum velocity (Vmax) ranged from 331 to 1,389 mg NH4 +–N kg−1 2 h−1. Values of the Michaelis constant (K m) ranged from 35.1 to 71.7 mM. Organic C content of the soils were significantly correlated with V max (r = 0.919, P < 0.001) and K m (r = 0.763, P < 0.001) values. These results demonstrate the considerable influence that solid waste application has on this enzymatic reaction involved in N mineralization in soil.  相似文献   
The root systems of forest trees are composed of different diameters and heterogeneous physiological traits. However, the pattern of root respiration rates from finer and coarser roots across various tropical species remains unknown. To clarify how respiration is related to the morphological traits of roots, we evaluated specific root respiration and its relationships to mean root diameter (D) of various diameter and root tissue density (RTD; root mass per unit root volume; gcm(-3)) and specific root length (SRL; root length per unit root mass; mg(-1)) of the fine roots among and within 14 trees of 13 species from a primary tropical rainforest in the Pasoh Forest Reserve in Peninsular Malaysia. Coarse root (2-269mm) respiration rates increased with decreasing D, resulting in significant relationships between root respiration and diameter across species. A model based on a radial gradient of respiration rates of coarse roots simulated the exponential decrease in respiration with diameter. The respiration rate of fine roots (<2mm) was much higher and more variable than those of larger diameter roots. For fine roots, the mean respiration rates for each species increased with decreasing D. The respiration rates of fine roots declined markedly with increasing RTD and increased with increasing SRL, which explained a significant portion of the variation in the respiration among the 14 trees from 13 species examined. Our results indicate that coarse root respiration in tree species follows a basic relationship with D across species and that most of the variation in fine root respiration among species is explained by D, RTD and SRL. We found that the relationship between root respiration and morphological traits provides a quantitative basis for separating fine roots from coarse roots and that the pattern holds across different species.  相似文献   
In view of the disadvantages of human and equine rabies immunoglobulin still there is urgent needs for safe and cost-control anti-rabies immunoglobulins especially for person who have been severely exposed (categories III) to the virus. Our attempt to produce a less immunogenic and cheaper anti-rabies immunoglobulin affordable for those people living in developing countries, has been harnessed the ovine as a bioreactor instead the horse. The animals have been intramuscular immunized, and the plasma processed with 5% caprylic acid to yield IgG with purity of 95%. Moreover, antibody apparently indicated that the titer and neutralizing indexes were harmonized, especially at higher antibody dilution. The results showed that three immunized sheep were produced about 7000 IU of purified anti-rabies antibody. Sheep's IgG has low immunogenic effect than human and horse antibodies when injected into the mouse. Pure concentrated ovine antibody may serve as a possible alternative to currently available anti-rabies human or equine immunoglobulin.  相似文献   
Acute phase proteins (APPs) such as serum amyloid A (SAA), haptoglobin (Hp), and plasma fibrinogen (Fb) are diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. This study determined the pattern of SAA in traumatic reticuloperitonitis (TRP) in cows, and compared the findings with Hp, and plasma Fb concentrations in the differential diagnosis of TRP using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Blood samples were collected from 89 cows: 53 cases of TRP, 16 animals with other internal disorders and 20 healthy controls.SAA and Hp had a similar pattern and magnitude of changes in TRP. Using the ROC method, the optimal cut-off for the diagnosis of TRP was 68 μg/mL for SAA and 0.74 g/L for Hp, with 100% sensitivity and 86.1% specificity; either of these parameters may therefore be used as a sensitive and relatively specific tool for the differential diagnosis of TRP in cattle. The diagnostic accuracy of plasma Fb was significantly lower than either SAA or Hp (P < 0.01). The combined use of these APPs (whilst aware of their conditional interdependence) may not provide any additional diagnostic information than can be obtained using either SAA or Hp alone.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to assess if oxidative stress, as measured by alterations in the concentrations of antioxidant enzymes in the liver and erythrocytes of cattle, could be induced following dl-ethionine administration. Whole blood, serum and liver biopsy samples were collected 0, 4, 7 and 10 days after intra-peritoneal ethionine administration to five cows. The activities of the antioxidant enzymes copper zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu, Zn SOD) and catalase were assessed in the liver biopsies which were also examined histopathologically.Significant increases in hepatic Cu, Zn SOD concentrations (P < 0.01) were noted on days 7 and 10 post-treatment. Hepatic catalase activity decreased significantly (P < 0.01) on days 4, 7 and 10 post-treatment and erythrocyte Cu, Zn SOD activity was significantly increased on day 10. Serum biochemical analysis revealed a significant increase (P < 0.01) in non-esterified fatty acid concentrations on day 4 and significant decreases in total cholesterol and phospholipid levels on days 4 (P < 0.05), 7 (P < 0.01) and 10 (P < 0.01). In this model system, dl-ethionine administration was effective in inducing oxidative stress particularly reflected in the liver.  相似文献   
[目的]了解在埃及两个不同地区种植的4个有潜力甘蔗品种的最佳收获期.[方法]于2009~2010、2010~2011年度分别在埃及卢克索省El-Mattana研究站(上埃及)和米尼亚省Mallawi研究站(中埃及)进行了两个田间试验,采用裂区设计,3个重复,对4个有潜力的甘蔗品种G95-21、G98-28、G99-160和G99-103的新植蔗分别在不同时间,即(植后)10、11、12和13个月收获,并分别调查农艺性状、甘蔗产量和糖产量.[结果]在(植后)13个月收获时,甘蔗品种G99-103和G95-21的茎高、茎径、茎重、蔗糖分、蔗汁纯度、出糖率、蔗产量以及糖产量最高,且以在卢克索省种植的甘蔗大部分农艺性状表现更优.品种、收获期和种植地点的第一和第二交互顺序显著影响所有甘蔗的农艺性状.[结论]在埃及中上部地区种植甘蔗品种G99-103和G95-2,且在12和13个月株龄时收获,可以获得最高的蔗茎产量和糖产量.  相似文献   
1. The effect of different dietary concentrations of inorganic and organic copper on performance and lipid metabolism of White Pekin ducks (WPD) was investigated from 1-49 d of age. A common basal diet was supplemented with 4, 8, 12 and 150?mg/kg of copper (Cu) from inorganic and organic sources to obtain 9 treatments, including 4 concentrations of Cu x two sources, and the unsupplemented control group. Each treatment contained 5 replicates of 9 male ducks each.

2. Supplementation of Cu at 8?mg/kg in inorganic form was adequate for growth of male WPD from 1-56 d of age. Inorganic Cu significantly decreased feed intake and improved feed conversion ratio, compared with the organic form.

3. Plasma Cu significantly increased, while plasma Zn significantly decreased, due to Cu supplementation. Organic Cu showed better efficacy than inorganic for improving liver Cu concentration, Cu excretion and apparent Cu retention.

4. Dietary Cu concentration significantly affected percentage blood and Hgb and abdominal fat deposition. In addition, inorganic Cu increased percentage blood and abdominal fat deposition compared with the organic source.

5. Supplementation of 150?mg/kg of Cu significantly decreased liver and meat lipids, cholesterol, and colour and tenderness of meat; while liver protein and moisture was increased. In addition, dietary 150?mg/kg of Cu supplementation significantly decreased plasma lipids, triglycerides and cholesterol, while increasing plasma AST and ALT.

6. Organic Cu was more potent for decreasing plasma triglycerides than the inorganic source. However, plasma cholesterol was only significantly decreased with the inorganic source of Cu, compared with the unsupplemented control.

7. The organic Cu was safer as a feed additive for WPD, especially at the lower concentrations up to 12?mg; while some mild to moderate changes may be developed at the higher doses, when fed at pharmacological concentrations as a growth promoter.  相似文献   
The pharmacokinetic properties of difloxacin following intravenous (i.v.) and intramuscular (i.m.) administration in goats were investigated. Difloxacin was administered in a single dose of 5 mg/kg body weight for both routes and was assayed in biological fluids (serum and urine) to determine its concentrations, kinetic behaviour and systemic availability. Following a single i.v. injection, the serum difloxacin level was best approximated to follow a two-compartment open model using weighted non-linear regression analysis. The elimination half-life (t1/2 beta) was 6.3 +/- 0.11 h. The volume of distribution at steady-state (Vdss) was 1.1 +/- 0.012 L/kg and the total body clearance (Cltot) was 0.13 +/- 0.001 L/kg/h. Following a single i.m. administration, difloxacin was rapidly absorbed and the mean peak serum concentration (4.1 +/- 0.23 micrograms/ml) was achieved 1 h post administration. The extent of serum protein binding of difloxacin in goats was 13.79 +/- 1.02% and the systemic availability was 95.4 +/- 1.17%. Following i.m. injection of difloxacin at a dose rate of 5 mg/kg b.wt for 5 consecutive days, the drug could not be detected in serum and urine at 4th day from the last injection.  相似文献   
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