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Anthelmintic dose selection by farmers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT Epidemics of citrus brown rot from 1994 to 1997 in the south-central and east-coast citrus areas of Florida were characterized and the causal Phytophthora spp. identified. Two species of Phytophthora, P. palmivora and P. nicotianae, were consistently associated with brown rot. Epidemics caused by P. palmivora appeared to be initiated on immature fruit dropped on the orchard floor. The soilborne fungus infected and sporulated on these fruit and was then disseminated to fruit above 1 m in the canopy. In contrast, infection by P. nicotianae, the common cause of root rot, was confined to the lowest 1 m of the canopy. Fruit infected by P. palmivora produced large amounts of ellipsoidal sporangia available for splash dispersal, whereas those infected by P. nicotianae produced far fewer spherical sporangia. Isolates from brown rot epidemics were compared with P. nicotianae from citrus in Florida and Texas, P. citrophthora in California, P. palmivora, and selected Phytophthora spp. from other hosts. Brown rot symptoms produced by the different pathogenic citrus isolates on inoculated fruit were indistinguishable. Morphology, mating behavior, and isozyme patterns of brown rot isolates from 1988 to 1997 matched P. palmivora from citrus roots, other host plants, and other locations, but were different from characterized isolates of P. citrophthora in California and P. nicotianae in Florida and Texas. Cellulose acetate electrophoresis of the isozyme glucose-6-phosphate isomerase rapidly identified the causal citrus pathogen from infected fruit and soil isolation plates. Although P. palmivora is an aggressive pathogen of citrus roots, bark, and fruit, populations in orchard soils were low compared with P. nicotianae.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate dried full-fat corn germ (GERM) as a supplemental fat source in cattle finishing diets. In Exp. 1, 24 pens totaling 358 crossbred beef steers with an initial BW of 319 kg were allowed ad libitum access to diets containing dry-rolled corn, 35% wet corn gluten feed, and 0, 5, 10, or 15% GERM on a DM basis. Increasing GERM decreased (linear; P < 0.02) DMI and increased (quadratic; P < 0.02) ADG. Steers fed 10% GERM had the greatest ADG (quadratic; P < 0.02) and G:F (quadratic; P < 0.05). The addition of GERM increased (linear; P < 0.05) fat thickness, KPH, and the percentage of USDA Yield Grade 4 carcasses (quadratic; P < 0.03), with steers fed 15% GERM having the greatest percentage of USDA Yield Grade 4 carcasses. In Exp. 2, 48 pens totaling 888 crossbred beef heifers with an initial BW of 380 kg were allowed ad libitum access to diets containing steam-flaked corn, 35% wet corn gluten feed, and either no added fat (control), 4% tallow (TALLOW), or 10 or 15% GERM on a DM basis, with or without 224 IU of added vitamin E/kg of diet DM. No fat x vitamin E (P > or = 0.08) interactions were detected. Fat addition, regardless of source, decreased (P < 0.01) DMI, marbling score, and the number of carcasses grading USDA Choice. Among heifers fed finishing diets containing TALLOW or 10% GERM, supplemental fat source did not affect DMI (P = 0.76), ADG (P = 0.54), G:F (P = 0.62), or carcass characteristics (P > or = 0.06). Increasing GERM decreased DMI (linear; P < 0.01) and ADG (quadratic; P < 0.02), with ADG by heifers fed 10% GERM slightly greater than those fed control but least for heifers fed 15% GERM. Increasing GERM improved (quadratic; P < 0.03) G:F of heifers, with heifers fed 10% GERM having the greatest G:F. Increasing GERM decreased HCW (linear; P < 0.02), marbling score (linear; P < 0.01), and the percentage of carcasses grading USDA Choice (linear; P < 0.01). The addition of vitamin E increased (P < 0.04) the percentage of carcasses grading USDA Select and decreased (P < 0.01) the percentage of carcasses grading USDA Standard. These data suggest that GERM can serve as a supplemental fat source in cattle finishing diets, and that the effect of vitamin E did not depend on source or concentration of supplemental fat.  相似文献   
The vitamin A concentration was determined in 89 Australian brands of commercial foods for dogs and cats. It was found that 8% of the dog foods and 14% of the cat foods had concentrations of vitamin A below the minimum recommended 1.1 mg/kg dry matter (dm) for dogs and 1.8 mg/kg dm for pregnant or lactating cats. Canned and fish-labelled cat foods were the only varieties with less than the minimum recommended concentration of Vitamin A, of which 71% were the same brand. The minimum recommended concentration of vitamin A was exceeded in all canned dog food tested. Concentrations of vitamin A in dry (ca. 6% moisture) dog and cat foods and semi-moist dog foods (ca. 23% moisture) never exceeded 10 mg vitamin A/kg dm. In contrast, canned pet foods stated to contain liver or kidney showed vitamin A concentrations from 13 to 284 mg/kg dm.  相似文献   
Twelve steers (332 kg) were used in three simultaneous 4 x 3 incomplete Latin squares to evaluate effects of beet molasses (BEET), cane molasses (CANE), or concentrated separator by-product (CSB) as base ingredients in cooked molasses blocks on intake and digestion of prairie hay and ruminal characteristics. All steers had ad libitum access to prairie hay (5.9% CP and 69.4% NDF; DM basis). The four experimental treatments included a control (no supplement) and three cooked molasses blocks, based on BEET, CANE, or CSB, fed daily at .125% of BW (.42 kg/d as-fed, .13 kg/d CP). Forage OM, NDF, and N intakes; digestible OM, NDF, and N intakes; and total tract OM and N digestibilities (percentage of intake) were greater (P < .05) for steers fed cooked molasses blocks than for control steers. Total tract OM digestibility was greater (P < or = .06) for steers fed BEET blocks (54.0%) than for those fed CSB (52.1%) or CANE blocks (52.2%). Digestion of NDF was greatest (P < .05) for steers fed BEET blocks (51.9%) and tended to be greater (P < .07) for steers fed CANE (49.3%) or CSB blocks (49.3%) than for control steers (46.9%). Ruminal ammonia concentrations were greater (P < .05) for steers fed cooked molasses blocks (.89 mM) than for control steers (.21 mM); this was primarily due to increases to 4.6 mM at 2 h postfeeding for steers fed blocks. Concentrations of total VFA in ruminal fluid were greater (P < .05) for steers fed BEET (92.7 mM) and CSB (88.1 mM) blocks than for control steers (80.3 mM), whereas concentrations for steers fed CANE blocks were intermediate (85.4 mM). Steers supplemented with cooked molasses blocks had greater molar percentages of butyrate than did control steers, particularly shortly after feeding. In summary, supplementation with cooked molasses blocks increased forage intake and digestion. The three base ingredients elicited similar responses, although steers fed BEET had slightly greater OM and NDF digestibilities than those fed CANE or CSB.  相似文献   
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