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梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta (Busck)是桃、梨果园中最重要的食心害虫之一,仅依据往年的发生期和田间为害特征来指导防治具有滞后性。而性信息素具有高效、专一性强的特点,可用于准确监测其成虫发生情况,以此推测成虫的卵高峰期和幼虫初孵期,科学地指导防治。本研究在3个不同生境果园中,利用性信息素监测梨小食心虫成虫周年发生动态。结果表明:2019年在杭州余杭地区3个不同生境果园,包括越冬代在内,平地桃园和平地梨园的梨小食心虫成虫发生7代,而坡地桃园只有6代。成虫始见于3月中旬,终见于10月下旬;3个果园由于生境不同,同一世代梨小食心虫高峰期发生时间和各世代高峰期间隔时间不尽相同。因此在不同生境果园利用性信息素监测梨小食心虫成虫发生动态,有助于指导果园的适期防治。  相似文献   
An 8-year-old FIV-positive Australian cat was presented with coughing, periocular alopecia, pyrexia and inappetence. Skin scrapings demonstrated Demodex cati mites. Antibiotics were administered and it was treated successfully for periocular demodectic mange, but the cat continued to exhibit respiratory signs and lose weight. Further investigation revealed an ascarid infection and active chronic inflammation of undetected cause affecting the lower airways. Repetitive treatment with pyrantel failed to eradicate the ascarid infection. The cat became cachectic and developed moist ulcerative dermatitis of the neck, severe non-regenerative anaemia, leucopenia and thrombocytopenia. Necropsy and histopathology revealed mycobacteriosis affecting skin, lungs, spleen, lymph nodes, liver and kidney. Attempted culture of frozen tissues at a mycobacteria reference laboratory was unsuccessful. Paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed tissue was retrieved and examined using PCR to amplify part of the 16S rRNA gene. A diagnosis of disseminated Mycobacterium genavense infection was made based on the presence of acid fast bacteria in many tissues and partial sequence of the 16S rRNA gene. Although M genavense has been identified previously as a cause of disseminated disease in AIDS patients, this is the first report of infection in a cat. It was suspected that the demodecosis, recurrent ascarid infections and disseminated M genavense infection resulted from an immune deficiency syndrome consequent to longstanding FIV infection.  相似文献   
Low-input and organic farming systems have notable differences in nitrogen (N) sources, cycling and management strategies compared to conventional systems with high inputs of synthetic N fertilizer. In low-input and organic systems, there is greater reliance on complex rotations including annual and perennial crops, organic N sources, and internal N cycling that more closely mimic natural systems. These differences in farming system practices fundamentally affect N availability and N use efficiency (NUE) and could impact crop traits and breeding strategies required to optimize NUE. We assess genetic and environmental factors that could assist breeders in improving crop performance in low-input and organic farming systems by examining NUE in natural and agricultural ecosystems. Crop plants have often been bred for high N productivity, while plants adapted to low N ecosystems often have lower productivity and higher levels of internal N conservation. Breeders can potentially combine N productivity and N conservation through the use of elite and wild germplasm. Beneficial genetic traits include the ability to maintain photosynthesis and N uptake under N stress and the ability to extract soil N at low concentrations, perhaps through beneficial associations with soil microorganisms. In addition, breeding for specific adaptation to climactic and management practices so that crop uptake patterns match N availability patterns, while minimizing pathways of N loss, will be critical to improving NUE.  相似文献   
环模制粒机中环模结构型孔的有限元分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苜蓿草粉对环模系统的磨损是造成饲料制粒机关键部件环模失效的主要原因.本研究应用Pro/E及ANSYS软件完成三种类型环模型孔的建模及有限元静力分析.得到了三种类型环模型孔沿轴向路径的应力与变形分布,找到了环模孔倒角与环模孔轴向路径的应力与变形的影响关系,60°倒角环模孔结构好,为环模进行结构优化提供了依据.  相似文献   
竹屑制备木糖的工艺研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了以竹屑为原料进行水解生产木糖。其制备工艺包括原料的预处理、酸水解、中和、脱色和浓缩。成品经过薄层层析和旋光测定等鉴定确定为木糖。该制备工艺的得率为理论得率的80%。  相似文献   
太湖地区典型水稻土中速效磷变化规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了定量研究太湖地区农田土壤中速效磷的变化情况,本文对不同季节太湖地区三种典型水稻土(白土、黄泥土和乌栅土)中土壤速效磷的含量进行了分析。结果表明:速效磷含量在土壤剖面中由上层到下层呈现逐渐递减的趋势。三种土壤均以耕层含量为最高,在45cm以下基本上趋于稳定,但在接近地下水时又略有上升。季节性变化方面,速效磷含量一般在2月份的小麦分蘖-拔节期和9月份的水稻齐穗期较高。影响土壤速效磷含量的因素很多,经分析:土壤速效磷的含量与土壤的有机质含量呈极显著的线性正相关关系;旱作条件下与全磷含量之间呈显著的幂函数相关关系,在水作条件下与全磷含量之间呈极显著的线性正相关关系;与土壤的pH又有显著的线性负相关关系。  相似文献   
Feline calicivirus (FCV) comprises a large number of strains which are related antigenically to varying degrees. The antigenic variability creates problems for choosing antigens to include in vaccines. Historically, these have been selected for use based on their cross-reactivity with a high proportion of field strains. However, it is important to determine the current level of cross-reactivity of vaccines and whether or not this may be decreasing owing to widespread vaccine use. In this in vitro study, we have compared the ability of antisera to two vaccine viruses (FCV strain F9 and FCV strain 255) to neutralise a panel of 40 recent UK field isolates. These 40 isolates were obtained by randomised, cross-sectional sampling of veterinary practices in different geographical regions of the UK so as to ensure they were representative of viruses circulating in the veterinary-visiting population of cats in the UK. Virus neutralisation assays showed that both vaccine strains are still broadly cross-reactive, with F9 antiserum neutralising 87.5% and 255 antiserum 75% of isolates tested with antiserum dilutions of 1 in 2 or greater. However, when antibody units were used, in order to take account of differences in homologous titres between antisera, fewer isolates were neutralised, with F9 antiserum showing a slightly higher proportion of isolates neutralised than 255. Multivariable analysis of the sample population of 1206 cats from which the 40 isolates were derived found that vaccinated cats were at a decreased risk of being positive for FCV, whereas cats from households with more than one cat, and cats with mouth ulcers were at increased risk. In addition as cats became older their risk of shedding FCV decreased.  相似文献   
In adapting their flowering to a particular season of the year, plants utilize a number of environmental inputs. Knowledge of these environmental controls of flowering is important for production in commercial horticulture. Such information is also relevant for assessing whether or not a species is threatened by global warming. Here, for five Australian plant species, we document ways in which the environment regulates their flowering. Spring flowering of Croweaexalata ‘Bindelong Compact’ reflects a response to increased daily light integral, these plants showing no hint of a true long day photoperiodic response. Higher temperatures not only cause earlier flowering of this Crowea cultivar but also depress flower production (5% loss per 1 °C increase). By contrast, another Crowea, ‘White Star’, flowers only if exposed to cool temperatures (15 °C) at the time of the increase in daily light integral. Thus, in commercial horticulture, synchronous and rapid flowering of Crowea will be possible by shifting plants from shade to high light conditions. In nature, light intensity will also have a major impact on flowering. By contrast, best flowering of Lechenaultia formosa in spring is a response to short photoperiods at high temperature while L. biloba prefers long days and has potentially spring to summer flowering. Whereas rising summer temperatures could have a deleterious effect on flowering of C.exalata, global warming may have little impact on L. formosa and L. biloba which flower more profusely in warmer conditions. Another spring flowering species, Verticordia chrysantha, responds both to short days and to exposure to cool temperatures so its survival could be threatened by global warming. For Calytrix fraseri its late summer flowering in nature is explained by its requirement for an exposure to long days. When combined with information previously published for Australian plants, it is clear that there are no simple generalizations to explain why a plant species flowers when it does.  相似文献   
选用35头处于干奶期40d、泌乳期相近和上胎平均日产奶量20kg的荷斯坦奶牛,采用完全随机区组设计分为7组,即:对照组,基础日粮(不加硒);试验组1、2、3添加亚硒酸钠,分别在基础日粮中加硒7.5mg/d、15mg/d和22.5mg/d;试验组4、5、6添加赛乐硒,分别在基础日粮中加硒7.5mg/d、15mg/d和22.5mg/d,研究赛乐硒和无机硒对奶牛发情周期生殖激素分泌和繁殖性能的影响.结果表明:赛乐硒较无机硒显著提高了发情周期促性腺激素释放激素、促卵泡素、促黄体素、雌二醇和孕酮含量,显著提高了受配率和受胎率,缩短了胎衣排出周期,促进母牛正常发情.适宜补硒量为15 mg/d.  相似文献   
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