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Soil and root samples were collected from major tomato growing areas of Ethiopia during the 2012/2013 growing season to identify root-knot nematode problems. DNA-based and isozyme techniques revealed that Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica were the predominant Meloidogyne species across the sampled areas. The aggressiveness of different populations of these species was assessed on tomato cultivars Marmande and Moneymaker. The two most aggressive populations of each species were selected and further tested on 33 tomato genotypes. The resistance screening and mechanism of resistance was performed after inoculation with 100 freshly hatched (<24 h) second-stage juveniles (J2). Eight weeks after inoculation the number of egg masses produced on each cultivar was assessed. For the resistance mechanism study, J2 penetration and their subsequent development inside the tomato roots were examined at 1, 2, 4 and 6 weeks after inoculation. On both cultivars Marmande and Moneymaker all M. incognita and M. javanica populations formed a high number of egg masses indicating highly aggressive behaviour. Populations from ‘Jittu’ and ‘Babile’ for M. incognita and ‘Jittu’ and ‘Koka’ for M. javanica were selected as most aggressive. None of the 33 tomato genotypes were immune for these M. incognita and M. javanica populations. However, several tomato genotypes were found to have a significant effect on the number of egg masses produced indicating possible resistance. For M. javanica populations there were more plants from cultivars or breeding lines on which no egg masses were found compared to M. incognita populations. The lowest number of egg masses for both populations of M. incognita was produced on cultivars Bridget40, Galilea, and Irma while for M. javanica it was on Assila, Eden, Galilea, Tisey, CLN-2366A, CLN-2366B and CLN-2366C. Tomato genotypes, time (weeks after inoculation) and their interaction were significant sources of variation for J2 penetration and their subsequent development inside the tomato roots. Differential penetration was found in breeding lines such as CLN-2366A, CLN-2366B and CLN-2366C, but many of the selected tomato genotypes resistance for the tested M. incognita and M. javanica populations were expressed by delayed nematode development. Therefore, developing a simple screening technique to be used by local farmers or extension workers is crucial to facilitate selection of a suitable cultivar.  相似文献   
The productivity and marketable quality of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum var. annuum L.) are low in tropical regions mainly due to virus infections and lack of effective virus management strategies. The absence of effective virus management strategies could be attributed to lack of information on virus vectors and host resistance. Parental (P1 and P2) and progeny (F1, B1, B2 and F2) generations of five hot pepper crosses were grown in Ethiopia at three sites (Bako, Hawasa and Melkasa) to monitor number and species of potential aphid vectors, disease incidence levels with regards to natural infections by Potato virus Y (PVY) and Ethiopian pepper mottle virus (EPMV) complex, and to determine genetic tolerance of the crop to the viruses. Disease incidence was assessed before the flowering stage of the crop plants using visible disease symptoms due to infections by PVY and EPMV. The serological tests revealed presence of symptomless genotypes of the crop to the virus infections. Aphid species potentially transmitting the viruses, such as Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), Aphis fabae (Scopoli), and Myzus persicae (Sulzer), were identified from specimens caught by yellow water traps. The highest number of aphids from yellow water traps was recorded at a dense foliage growth stage of the crop at Melkasa. Highly significant variation was observed among generations of the five crosses in response to infections by PVY and EPMV complex. The most susceptible parents had the levels of disease incidences ranging from 80 to 90%, whereas their progenies had only below 30% incidence levels. The most tolerant parent remained symptomless to the natural infections of PVY- and EPMV-complex. Incidence levels in progenies of a cross from the most susceptible and tolerant parents remained below 20%. Based on serological test, the proportion of PVY-positive plants ranged from 0 to 75% and of EPMV-positive plants from 0 to 25%, with 0 to 17% co-infection by the two viruses. Availability of virus sources in the vicinity, efficiency of aphids in vectoring, weather conditions during the growth period, genetic tolerance and the growth stage of the crop affected natural infection by PVY- and EPMV-complex. Exploitation of the genetic potential of introduced elite genotypes and their progenies along with breeding elite local cultivars for resistance and excluding aphid vectors at young (seedling) stage of the crop plants could be helpful for minimizing losses in yield and quality of hot pepper due to infections by PVY- and EPMV-complex.  相似文献   
Surveys were undertaken in six districts of southwestern Ethiopia from July to October 2003 to investigate farmers’ perceptions and management practices of insect pests on traditionally stored sorghum. The survey involved 138 randomly selected farmers who were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Storage insect pests were perceived as the major insect pests of sorghum. The majority of the farmers estimated sorghum yield losses of up to 50% due to insect damage during storage. High temperature and lack of storage hygiene were cited as the major factors resulting in insect infestation of stored sorghum. Infestations of stored sorghum insect pests were common on different forms of sorghum, which stored in various types of farm storage. Farmers classified sorghum varieties according to the level of resistance to stored sorghum insect pests. Only about 32% of the farmers had access to chemical insecticides for the control of stored sorghum insect pests, while the majority of them used cultural practices and locally available plant materials as storage protectants.  相似文献   
In eastern Ethiopia, empirical information regarding farmers’ perceptions and implementation of research results about stem borer management is either scarce or unavailable. A survey of 120 farmers from four maize- and sorghum-growing districts of eastern Ethiopia was carried out in 2014 to study common management practices of cereal stem borers. Drought, pests, and land shortage were reported as the main constraints to maize and sorghum production in the area. Stem borers were perceived as the most important pests in these crops. The estimated yield losses from stem borers ranged from 10% to 50%. The majority of the farmers reported not using chemical insecticides to control these pests due to lack of capital, unavailability, and lack of knowledge. Moreover, most farmers were not using improved maize varieties. Cultural practices were found to be the most promising control method of cereal stem borers. Despite differences among districts, farmers practiced crop rotation, intercropping, manipulation of planting dates, crop residue disposal, and post-harvest tillage as common control strategies, even though a considerable proportion of the farmers was not implementing these practices sufficiently. The design of appropriate strategies for stem borer management based on farmers’ needs and priorities should be promoted.  相似文献   
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is an important food legume crop used for various dishes due to its high protein and essential nutrients content. In recent...  相似文献   
Rainfed wetland rice (RWR) had more species in common with irrigated wetland than dryland rice agroecosystems. Across ecosystems, higher pest densities and losses were recorded in RWR sites. We hypothesise that under low pressure from natural enemies, vegetative stage losses became particularly high due the combination of whorl maggot and caseworm damage combined with the physiological stress of transplanting shock. Both of these pest groups benefited from an expanded vegetative period common in RWR agroecosystems. Losses in older rice were probably due to stemborers. RWR is more prone to an array of physiological stresses than irrigated rice that we believe minimises crop compensation to accentuate insect losses. Chemical control is uneconomical mainly due to the low yield potential of RWR and the poor efficacy of applied insecticide.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of different levels of drip irrigation and planting methods on yield and yield components (number of fruits per plant, number of primary and secondary branches per plant, and plant height) of green pepper (Capsicum annuum, L.) in Bako, Ethiopia. Three irrigation levels (50, 75 and 100% of ETc) and two planting methods (normal and paired-row planting) were applied. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design, with irrigation levels as main plots and planting methods as sub-plots, in three replications. It was found that the effects of both treatments on yield, number of fruits per plant and plant height of green pepper were highly significant (p < 0.01) whereas the number of primary and secondary branches per plant was affected significantly (p < 0.05). The maximum and minimum values of the yield and yield components were recorded from treatment plots I100P (full irrigation level with paired-row planting method) and I50P (50% of ETc irrigation level with paired-row planting method), respectively, with the exception of plant height. However, the average plant height (cm) recorded from the I100N treatment plot was not significantly different from the I100P treatment plot. Moreover, it was found that the effect of treatment interactions on both yield and yield components of green pepper was found to be highly significant (p < 0.01). A 50% reduction in irrigation level caused a reduction in yield of about 48.3 and 74.4% under the normal and paired-row planting methods, respectively, whereas, a 25% reduction in irrigation level caused a reduction in yield of about 22.8 and 47.7% under the same planting methods. Under both deficit irrigation levels (I50 and I75), the normal planting method gave higher total yield and yield components of green pepper than the paired-row planting method. Yield response factor (ky) values of 0.96 and 1.57 were determined for the normal and paired-row planting methods, respectively, suggesting utmost precautions when using the paired-row planting in areas with limited water supply. The results revealed that full irrigation water supply under paired-row planting method (I100P) could be used for the production of green pepper in an area with no water shortage. Moreover, it was found that the average yields recorded from the I75 under the paired-row planting method is fairly greater than the national average.  相似文献   
Fusarium basal rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae is an economic disease of shallot. Field experiments were conducted at Debre Zeit during 2006 and 2007 cropping seasons to determine effective fungicides and their method of application for the management of fusarium basal rot of shallot. The field was naturally infested with F. oxysporum f. sp. cepae and treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design in four replications. Five fungicides, Mirage 50 WP, Folicur 25 EC, Seed plus 30 WS, Penncozeb 80 WP and Ridomil Gold 68 WG were evaluated as seed bulb dressing and bulb dip treatments against basal rot in the field and storage. Bulb dressing with Mirage, and dip treatment in Seed plus reduced the disease incidence by 40% and 43%, respectively over control. These fungicides also resulted in a significant reduction in severity, basal rot affected cull bulbs on shallot. Bulb rot during three months of storage on concrete ground floor and on wire mesh shelves was also reduced by seed bulb treatment over control. The highest increase in yield was obtained from bulb dressing with Mirage (42%) and Seed plus (45%) and from bulb dip treatment in Seed plus (44%) over control. Fusarium basal rot caused 45% loss in yield and 12-30% of bulb loss in the storage. The study showed that basal rot of shallot can be managed effectively by seed bulb dressing or dip treatment in Mirage or Seed plus.  相似文献   
Seedlings of 41 emmer (Triticum dicoccon Schrank) and 56 durum (T. durum Desf.) wheat accessions were evaluated for their response to stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici) infection under greenhouse condition at Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia. The objectives were to identify tetraploid wheat accessions that could serve as sources of resistance to stem rust, and postulate the stem rust (Sr) resistance genes through multipatotype testing. The test included screening of accessions for stem rust resistance and multipatotype testing. To ensure vigorous screening, a mixture of six isolates (Si-1a, Am-2, Ku-3, Dz-4a, Ro-4 and Na-22) that were collected from severely infected emmer, durum, and bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties of major wheat growing areas of Ethiopia was used as inocula. Out of the tested accessions, 18 emmer and 6 durum accessions exhibited low infection types (0–2) response and hence selected as a source of resistance to stem rust infection. Multipatotype testing was done to postulate Sr genes in the selected accessions. In the test, 10 different stem rust races (A2, A9, A11, A14, A16, A17, B3, B7, B15, and B21), 33 stem rust differential lines, and a universal susceptible check variety, Morocco were used, The high (3–4) and low infection type reaction patterns of the tested accessions and differential lines were used to postulate the genes that exhibit gene-for-gene relationship. The presence of Sr 7b, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10, 14, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and Tt-3+10 genes were postulated in 16 selected emmer and 5 durum wheat accessions. Efforts to transfer these valuable Sr genes from cultivated tetraploid wheats could be rewarding to get stem rust resistant varieties and boost wheat production.  相似文献   
The effects of four planting patterns of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) (bean only, maize–bean (MB), sorghum–bean (SB), and maize–bean–sorghum (MBS)) and four cropping systems (sole cropping, row, mixed, and broadcast intercropping) on the temporal epidemics of bean common bacterial blight (CBB) caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli were studied. The experiments were conducted during two consecutive spring and summer seasons in 1999 and 2000 in replicated field experiments. The Gompertz model described disease progress curves better than the logistic model. Intercropping delayed epidemic onset, lowered disease incidence and severity, and reduced the disease progress rate. The type of cropping system and planting pattern affected CBB incidence and severity at initial, final and overall assessments and also affected the rate of disease development. Statistical significance of treatment interactions based on disease assessments was found for incidence in all four experiments and for severity in three experiments. A slower disease progress rate and lower incidence and severity occurred on beans planted with maize or sorghum in row, mixed and broadcast intercropping than on bean planted alone. Incidence was reduced 36% and severity 20% in intercropping compared to sole cropping. The built-in disease delay and the slowing of the disease progress rate could provide protection for beans from severe CBB epidemics in intercropped systems. Variation between years appeared to be related to relative humidity (RH).  相似文献   
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