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Abstract Following an outbreak of botulism in the fish stock of a British trout farm in 1980, a survey of the residual contamination of the farm was carried out. Commencing in November 1980, the farm was examined monthly for one year after the disease had been eliminated. A nearby unaffected farm was examined as a control. Examination of pond muds showed that the affected farm remained contaminated throughout the year, counts of Clostridium botulinum type E ranging from 1-800/g compared with counts at the control farm of 0.1-0.7/g. Both C. botulinum types B and E were found in the control farm, either singly or together in individual samples of pond mud. Fish taken from the affected farm in May and August of 1981 showed a 77.1 % (s.e. ±7.7) contamination by type E. Examination of the environs of the affected farm yielded C. botulinum in 36 of 60 samples of mud and soil using enrichment culture techniques. Clostridium botulinum type E predominated in muds, occurring in 26 of 28 samples taken from the waters supplying and by-passing the farm. In contrast, of the 32 soil samples tested from around the farm, eight yielded type B whereas only three contained type E.  相似文献   
This study examined the pharmacokinetics of propofol by infusion in ponies using an analyser for the rapid measurement of propofol concentrations. The analyser (Pelorus 1000; Sphere Medical Ltd., Cambridge, UK) has a measurement cycle of approximately five minutes. Ten Welsh‐cross ponies (weighing 135–300 kg) undergoing minor procedures were studied after premedication with acepromazine 0.03 mg/kg and detomidine 0.015 mg/kg. Anaesthesia was induced with ketamine 2 mg/kg and diazepam 0.03 mg/kg, and maintained with an infusion of propofol at an initial rate of 0.16 mg/kg/min for the first thirty minutes, after a bolus of 0.3 mg/kg; and ketamine by infusion (20–40 μg/kg/min). Blood samples (<2 mL) were collected prior to, during and after the infusion, and on assuming standing position. Anaesthesia was uneventful; with the duration of infusion 31–89 min. Blood propofol concentrations during the infusion ranged between 1.52 and 7.65 μg/mL; pseudo‐steady state concentrations 3.64–6.78 μg/mL, and concentrations on assuming standing position 0.75–1.40 μg/mL. Propofol clearance and volume of distribution were 31.4 (SD 6.1) mL/min/kg and 220.7 (132.0) mL/kg, respectively. The propofol analyser allows titration of propofol to a given concentration; and may be useful for anaesthesia in animals where kinetics are unknown; in disease states; and where intercurrent therapies affect propofol disposition.  相似文献   
Sodium urate (SU) synovitis was evaluated as a model for feline arthritic pain using a placebo‐ and positive‐controlled (meloxicam) randomized blinded controlled single crossover design. Monosodium urate crystals [20 mg (1 mL) rod‐shaped] were injected into alternate stifles of trained anesthetized cats (n = 3) with a 28 day washout. During the first trial phase, two cats received meloxicam (0.1 mg/kg, PO), a nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drug (NSAID), for three days before and on the day of SU injection; the third cat received placebo. Treatments and stifles were switched for the second trial. Total force, contact pressure and area of the fore and hind limbs were measured using a pressure mat one day and 0.5 h before, and 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 24, and 30 h post‐SU injection. Skin temperature, joint circumference, analgesia, lameness, and visual analogue scale (VAS) pain scores, were measured at the same times. Comparisons were made for each time and for areas under the curve (AUC) using original and change from baseline; P < 0.05 was significant. Significant differences in force mat data and subjective data were found for the hind limb data (total force and total contact pressure at 6, 10, and 30 h; analgesia and VAS for pain at 4 h; lameness at 10, 24, and 30 h) and for AUC024h and AUC030h (total force, total contact pressure, and mean lameness score) and for differences from BL AUC010h (total contact area) and AUC024h (total contact area and mean lameness score) and AUC030h (total force, total contact area, and mean lameness). No cats required rescue analgesia. Injection of 1 mL of monosodium urate into the stifle of a cat causes moderate transitory pain and was suitable for assessing analgesic efficacy of an NSAID with a pressure mat and subjective criteria.  相似文献   
Community and ecosystem changes are happening in the pristine boreal forest ecosystem of the Yukon for 2 reasons. First, climate change is affecting the abiotic environment (temperature, rainfall and growing season) and driving changes in plant productivity and predator–prey interactions. Second, simultaneously change is occurring because of mammal species reintroductions and rewilding. The key ecological question is the impact these faunal changes will have on trophic dynamics. Primary productivity in the boreal forest is increasing because of climatic warming, but plant species composition is unlikely to change significantly during the next 50–100 years. The 9–10‐year population cycle of snowshoe hares will persist but could be reduced in amplitude if winter weather increases predator hunting efficiency. Small rodents have increased in abundance because of increased vegetation growth. Arctic ground squirrels have disappeared from the forest because of increased predator hunting efficiency associated with shrub growth. Reintroductions have occurred for 2 reasons: human reintroductions of large ungulates and natural recolonization of mammals and birds extending their geographic ranges. The deliberate rewilding of wood bison (Bison bison) and elk (Cervus canadensis) has changed the trophic structure of this boreal ecosystem very little. The natural range expansion of mountain lions (Puma concolor), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and American marten (Martes americana) should have few ecosystem effects. Understanding potential changes will require long‐term monitoring studies and experiments on a scale we rarely deem possible. Ecosystems affected by climate change, species reintroductions and human alteration of habitats cannot remain stable and changes will be critically dependent on food web interactions.  相似文献   
Optical emission from individual strained indium arsenide (InAs) islands buried in gallium arsenide (GaAs) was studied. At low excitation power density, the spectra from these quantum dots consist of a single line. At higher excitation power density, additional emission lines appeared at both higher and lower energies, separated from the main line by about 1 millielectron volt. At even higher excitation power density, this set of lines was replaced by a broad emission peaking below the original line. The splittings were an order of magnitude smaller than the lowest single-electron or single-hole excited state energies, indicating that the fine structure results from few-particle interactions in the dot. Calculations of few-particle effects give splittings of the observed magnitude.  相似文献   
Precision agriculture (PA) technologies have great potential for promoting sustainable intensification of food production, ensuring targeted delivery of agricultural inputs, and hence food security and environmental protection. The benefits of PA technologies are applicable across a broad range of agronomic, environmental and rural socio-economic contexts globally. However, farmer and land-manager adoption in low to middle income countries has typically been slower than that observed in more affluent countries. China is currently engaged in the process of agricultural modernisation to ensure food security for its 1.4 billion population and has developed a portfolio of policies designed to improve food security, while simultaneously promoting environmental protection. Particular attention has been paid to the reduction of agricultural inputs such as fertilisers and pesticides. The widespread adoption of PA technologies across the Chinese agricultural landscape is central to the success of these policies. However, socio-economic and cultural barriers, farm scale, (in particular the prevalence of smaller family farms) and demographic changes in the rural population, (for example, the movement of younger people to the cities) represent barriers to PA adoption across China. A framework for ensuring an acceptable and accelerated PA technology trajectory is proposed which combines systematic understanding of farmer and end-user priorities and preferences for technology design throughout the technology development process, and subsequent end-user requirements for implementation (including demonstration of economic and agronomic benefits, and knowledge transfer). Future research will validate the framework against qualitative and quantitative socio-economic, cultural and agronomic indicators of successful, or otherwise, PA implementation. The results will provide the evidence upon which to develop further policies regarding how to secure sustainable food production and how best to implement PA in China, as well as practical recommendations for optimising end-user uptake.  相似文献   
Volatile agent-induced hypotension may contribute to anaesthetic-related morbidity and mortality in horses. Dobutamine is commonly used to support arterial blood pressure (ABP) but little is known about its cardiovascular effects under clinical conditions. The aim of this clinical study was to elucidate the relationship between cardiovascular function and dobutamine infusion in isoflurane-anaesthetized horses. Forty-four horses anaesthetized for a variety of surgical procedures were studied. Premedication with acepromazine, methadone and detomidine was followed by induction of anaesthesia with ketamine and midazolam. Anaesthesia was maintained with isoflurane vaporized in oxygen. Routine anaesthetic monitoring was applied and cardiac output was measured by lithium dilution. Dobutamine was infused to maintain mean ABP above 70 mmHg. The relationship between dobutamine infusion rate, heart rate (HR), ABP and cardiac index was investigated immediately prior to ( T 0) and 15 min ( T 1) after dobutamine infusion started, followed at 30 min intervals ( T 2, etc.). Arterial blood pressure increased significantly after dobutamine infusion started, HR and cardiac index increased significantly only with dobutamine infusion in combination with surgical stimulus. Although isoflurane decreases blood pressure mainly by vasodilation, dobutamine is an effective treatment for hypotension under clinical conditions in isoflurane-anaesthetized horses. The effect of dobutamine is not directly proportional to dose and surgical stimulus probably contributes to the cardiovascular improvement.  相似文献   
The study is based on 141 pregnant Bos indicus cows, from days 20 to 70 post‐insemination. First, special attention was given to the macroscopically observable phenomena of attachment of the conceptus to the uterus, i.e. the implantation, from about days 20 to 30 post‐insemination up to day 70, and placentome development by growth, vascularization and increase in the number of cotyledons opposite to the endometrial caruncles. Secondly, as for the conceptuses, semiquantitative, statistical analyses were performed of the lengths of chorio‐allantois, amnion and yolk sac; and the different parts of the centre and two extremes of the yolk sacs were also analysed. Thirdly, the embryos/foetuses corresponding to their membranes were measured by their greatest length and by weight, and described by the appearance of external developmental phenomena during the investigated period like neurulation, somites, branchial arcs, brain vesicles, limb buds, C‐form, pigmented eye and facial grooves. In conclusion, all the data collected in this study from days 20 to 70 of bovine pregnancy were compared extensively with corresponding data of the literature. This resulted in an ‘embryo/foetal age‐scale’, which has extended the data in the literature by covering the first 8 to 70 days of pregnancy. This age‐scale of early bovine intrauterine development provides model for studies, even when using slaughtered cows without distinct knowledge of insemination or fertilization time, through macroscopic techniques. This distinctly facilitates research into the cow, which is now being widely used as ‘an experimental animal’ for testing new techniques of reproduction like in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer and cloning.  相似文献   
Reasons for performing study: The influence of synovial fluid culture on short‐ and long‐term prognosis of cases with septic synovitis requires study. Hypotheses: Horses with a positive bacterial culture from septic synovial fluid are less likely to survive or return to successful athletic function than those with a negative bacterial culture from septic synovial fluid. Methods: Records of mature horses presented to 2 equine referral hospitals for investigation of suspected septic synovitis were examined. Horses (n = 206) were included in the study if synovial fluid was submitted for full laboratory examination, including bacterial culture. A diagnosis of septic synovitis was based on a nucleated cell count >30 × 109 cells/l or >90% neutrophils and other clinical, cytological and bacteriological parameters. Long‐term follow‐up was obtained by telephone questionnaire. Univariate analysis, using the Fisher's exact test, was used for all outcomes. Results: Fourteen (20.9%) of 67 horses with a positive bacterial culture from synovial fluid were subjected to euthanasia because of persistent synovial sepsis compared to 2 (1.44%) of 139 with negative bacterial cultures (P<0.001). Overall survival and successful long‐term return to function in horses with a positive bacterial culture was 50% (24/48 horses) compared to 70.5% (74/105) in culture negative horses (P = 0.01). In horses that survived to be discharged, successful long‐term return to function was not significantly different between culture positive and culture negative groups. Growth of Staphylococcus aureus from synovial fluid did not affect short‐term survival to discharge from the hospital compared to other positive bacterial culture; however, successful long‐term return to function was only 30.4% (4/13) in horses from which S. aureus was cultured compared to 73.9% (17/23) of horses in which other bacteria were cultured (P = 0.015). Conclusions and potential clinical relevance: Horses with a positive bacterial culture from a septic synovitis have a poorer prognosis for survival to discharge from hospital and overall long‐term return to function than horses that yielded no bacterial growth. When S. aureus was cultured, the long‐term prognosis was poorer.  相似文献   
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