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In New Zealand, the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is the principal wildlife vector of bovine tuberculosis. Control of infected possum populations contributes to the control of tuberculosis in domestic livestock. Vaccination is potentially a complementary strategy to population control, but to be cost-effective, administration of the vaccine to possums would need to be from an appropriately designed automatic vaccinator. Possums themselves would activate the vaccinator so that it would deliver an aerosol spray of vaccine. There would be no direct way to prevent possums receiving multiple doses of vaccine. This study examined the effect on protective immunity of repeated vaccination. Captive possums were vaccinated with BCG strain pasteur 1173P2 either 12 times at weekly intervals, twice at 6-weekly intervals, or once. Vaccination was by a combination of intranasal aerosol and conjunctival instillation. Eight weeks after the last dose of vaccine, all possums were challenged intratracheally with Mycobacterium bovis strain 83/6235. Vaccination induced a significant immune response as measured by the lymphocyte proliferation assay (LPA). A significant level of protection, as measured by the response to challenge, developed in all the vaccinated possum groups, but protection was greatest in the group vaccinated 12 times. It was concluded that protection would be enhanced if vaccinations were repeated at short intervals (weekly), but no benefit or detriment resulted from revaccination after longer intervals (1-2 months). 相似文献
Tim J Evans 《Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice》2002,18(2):371-8, viii
Ergopeptine alkaloid exposure is common in pregnant mares. Many mares live in geographic areas where Neotyphodium coenophialum-infected tall fescue is the dominant grass in pastures and hay. A variety of grasses and cereal grains can be infected by Claviceps purpurea, and fungal sclerotia can contaminate forage and especially ground and pelleted feed. An understanding of the endocrine alterations associated with ergopeptine alkaloid exposure during pregnancy is necessary for the diagnosis of potential exposure to these compounds and for eective prophylaxis and therapy. 相似文献
I.-S. Park G. C. Choi D. S. Kim Y. K. Nam 《Journal of the World Aquaculture Society》2002,33(4):494-500
For the evaluation of hormonal control of spermiation in fish, a method to quanify the spermiation response of mature Rhynchocypris oxycephalus (Sauvage and Dabry) to hormonal therapy is described. Spermatocrit was determined after 7 min centrifugation at 18,000 ± g and sperm density was estimated by a standard hemocytomer method. Sperm density can be predicted from spermatocrit since their relationship is linear as described by the regression equation, Y = 3.68X - 27.18 ( R 2 = 0.82, N = 50). where Y is spermatocrit and × is sperm density. Milt production by mature R. oxycephalus was highest at 24 h after injection of 1,000 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and 50 μg luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogue (LHRHa) per kg body weight. Increased milt production coincided with low spermatocrit and sperm density levels. These results demonstrate that spermiation in mature R. oxycephalus can be reliably evaluated by a spermatocrit method and that HCG and LHRHa are effective in stimulating of spermiation in this species. 相似文献
Seven cases of cutaneous hemangioma and nine of cutaneous hemangiosarcoma were diagnosed from biopsy specimens of 15 Domestic Shorthairs of 5,091 cats that were examined by necropsy or biopsy during the 5-year period from 1 January 1986 through 31 December 1990. All but three cats were male. Tumor cells of both hemangiomas and hemangiosarcomas were immunoreactive for factor VIII-related antigen and for vimentin by the avidin biotin peroxidase complex method. In cats with a median age of 10 years, hemangiomas occurred in skin with pigmented hair in six of seven cases without apparent site predilection. These solitary tumors did not recur after excision although one cat (No. 3) subsequently developed cutaneous hemangiosarcoma at another site. Seven of nine hemangiosarcomas occurred in dermis and subcutis of the head, usually on the pinna. All five hemangiosarcomas of the head, for which cutaneous pigmentation could be determined, occurred in unpigmented skin. Cats with hemangiosarcoma had a median age of 12.5 years at the time of diagnosis. Metastasis has not been documented, but hemangiosarcoma has recurred, from 1 month to 2 years after excision, in 6/7 cats that were studied. 相似文献
J Kimura A Tsukise M Okano 《The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science》1992,54(5):1035-1037
The dependency of the secretory function of the feline major vestibular gland (Bartholin's gland) on the ovarian steroid hormones was studied histochemically. After estrogen (estradiol-17 beta or diethylstilbestrol), progesterone or a combination of these was administered to cats which were previously ovariohysterectomized, the major vestibular glands were removed, embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and stained by alcian blue, periodic acid-Schiff or peroxidase-labeled lectin (peanut agglutinin and wheat germ agglutinin). The vividly positive reactions to the stainings applied were observed in the secretory epithelial cells of the major vestibular glands in the estrogen treated animals. The dependency of the secretory function of the major vestibular glands on the estrogen was demonstrated in this study. 相似文献
S Agungpriyono Y Yamamoto N Kitamura J Yamada K Sigit T Yamashita 《The Journal of veterinary medical science / the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science》1992,54(6):1063-1069
The stomach of the lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus) was observed macroscopically. It consisted of only three compartments, rumen, reticulum and abomasum without omasum. The rumen was S-shaped with large ventral and caudoventral blind sacs and the reticulum was larger than the abomasum. Internally, the rumen was covered with numerous ruminal papillae even on the pillars and the ruminoreticular fold. These papillae were leaf- or tongue-like shaped and varied in size and density. The reticulum had honey-combed crests and the secondary crests were found rarely. The lips of the reticular groove were prominent and more developed in the aboral part than in the oral one. A sac-like transition zone, which had more prominent mucosal folds than had the floor of the reticular groove, was observed between the caudal end of the reticular groove and the abomasum. Mucosal folds of the abomasum were spiral, low but rather thick. These findings were discussed in view of comparison with other ruminants and of possible functional implications. 相似文献
We compared the results of the ACTH stimulation tests with measurements of alkaline phosphatase and serum cholesterol during Lysodren therapy in 23 dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. The ACTH stimulation test proved to be a very sensitive parameter, by which the extent of Lysodren under- or overdosage could be reliably estimated. On the other hand, regulation of the individual Lysodren requirement was not possible by measuring AP and serum cholesterol only. However, it is highly probable that those two parameters can be used to evaluate the general state of metabolism, and they appear to be of prognostic value when greatly elevated. 相似文献
A field experiment was conducted with different nitrogen regimes to assess the growth and yield performance of wheat genotypes which differ in nitrate assimilation potential. Genotypic differences in biomass accumulation were observed at different growth stages. The nitrogen treatment had little effect on biomass accumulation at early stages of growth, while at later stages of growth there was enhanced biomass accumulation when N was applied in more than two splits. On an average, genotypes with high nitrate reductase activity (the 'HNR' genotypes) accumulated 14.2 % more biomass than the genotypes with low nitrate reductase activity ('LNR' genotypes) when an extra dose (40 kg N ha−1 ) of nitrogen was given at the time of anthesis. The application of nitrogen in more than two splits increased grain yield of both 'HNR' and 'LNR' genotypes mainly by increasing grain weight per ear. The application of an extra dose of nitrogen (40 kg N ha−1 ) at the time of anthesis increased grain yield of 'HNR' genotypes by 38.5 % as compared to 'LNR' genotypes. 相似文献
Muscle biopsies were taken from the middle gluteal muscle of 28 Standardbred trotters, 3-4 years of age. The 13 horses in Group T were trained consistently from 18 months of age, whereas the 15 horses in Group UT were not exposed to any systematic training before 3 years of age. Group T horses had a lower percentage of Type IIB fibres (31%) than did Group UT horses (39%). Citrate synthase (CS) activity, representing oxidative capacity, was higher in Group T (72 mmol kg-1 min-1) than in Group UT (47 mmol kg-1 min-1). Biopsies were taken from 4 horses in each group when they were foals and then annually until 3-4 years of age. Results from this study indicate that regular training of Standardbreds from 18 months of age resulted in increased CS activity and a decrease in the percentage of Type IIB fibres. This study shows that training, not growth, is the main factor that induces a high oxidative capacity and a high Type IIA/IIB fibre ratio in muscle of Standardbred trotters. 相似文献
BEVERLY J. E. McEWEN 《Veterinary dermatology》1992,3(3):115-119
Abstract— A unique dermatosis of male miniature swine is described. The disease occurs in post-pubertal pigs, and is characterized by symmetrical, indurated, plaques over the truncal region. Histologically, the dermis and panniculus are effaced by thick, interwoven bundles of collagen resulting in an absence of deep dermal elastin. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of superficial dermal vessels, fibroblasts and fibrocytes are accompanied by perivascular infiltrates of lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils. The pathogenesis of this unusual dermatosis, designated as “progressive dermal collagenosis of male miniature swine” is unknown. Résumé— Une dermatose originale du cochon nain mâle est décrite. La maladie apparait chez des cochons post pubertaires, et est caractérisée par des plaques sur le tronc, indurées et symétriques. Histologliquement, le derme et le pannicule sont envahis par d‘épais falsceaux de collagène, entrainant l'absence d’élastine dermique. Les vaisseaux du derme superficiei sont hyperplasiés et hypertrophiés, des fibroblastes et des fibrocytes sont accompagnés d'un infiltrat inflammatoire périvasculaire de lymphocytes, éosinophiles et plasmocytes. La pathogénie de cette affection peu commune, appelée “collagénose dermique progressive du cochon nain mâle” est inconnue. Zusammenfassung— Es wird eine einzigartige Hauterkrankung beim männlichen Miniaturschwein beschrieben. Die Krankheit tritt bei postpubertären Schweinen auf und wird durch symmetrische, indurierte Plagues im Rumpfbereich gekennzeichnet. Histologisch treten Dermis und Pannikulus gegenüber dicken, verflochtenen Kollagenbündeln in den Hintergrund, wodurch das tiefe, dermale Elastin verschwindet. Die Hypertrophie und Hyperplasie der oberflächlichen Hautgefäße, Fibroblasten und Fibrozyten wird von perivaskulären Infiltraten aus Lymphozyten, Plasmazellen und eosinophilen Granulozyten begleitet. Die Pathogenese dieser ungewöhnlichen Dermatose, die als “progressive dermale Kollagenose des männlichen Miniaturschweins” bezeichnet wird, ist unbekannt. Resumen El presente artículo es una descripción de una dermatosis única del macho cerdo miniatura. Le enfermedad aparece después de la pubertad, y se caracteriza por la aparición de placas simétricas sobre la región del tronco. El exámen histológico de la dermis y del tejido panicular revela la presencia de gruesas bandas de colágeno entrelazadas, lo cual tiene como resultado la ausencia de la capa de elastina profunda. La hipertrofia e hiperplasia de los vasos superficiales dérmicos, fibroblastos y fibrocitos, se ve acompañadas de infiltrados perivasculares de linfocitos, células plasmáticas y eosinófilos. La patogénesis de esta rara dermatosis Ilamada ‘colagenosis dérmica progresiva del cardo macho miniatura’, es desconocida. 相似文献