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Summary Leptospira interrogansserotypes pomonaand icterohaemorrhagiaewere isolated from the kidneys of Rattus norvegicustrapped on pomonainfected piggeries.The isolation of pomonafrom one of 111cultured kidneys, although of interest, strongly suggests that this rat does not play an important part in the epidemiology of infection by this serotype. Kidney tubular degeneration, focal mononuclear infiltrations and fibroplasia are morphological traces which remain after an attack of leptospirosis. The high percentage (48.6)of these lesions found in the rat kidneys examined does not seem to be related to serotype pomonabut to icterohaemorrhagiae.The importance of this last serotype in swine in the Cauca Valley has yet to be assessed.
Leptospirosis En Colombia: Aislamiento DeLeptospira SPP. De Riñones De Ratas Pardas (Rattus Norvegicus) Atrapadas En Porquerizas Infectadas
Resumen Se aislóLeptospira interrogans serotipospomona eicterohaemorrhagiae de riñones deRattus norvegicus atrapadas en porquerizas infectadas porpomona. El aislamiento depomona de 1/111 riñones cultivados, aunque de interés, sugiere que esta rata no desempeña parte importante en la epidemiología de las infecciones por este serotipo.Degeneración tubular renal, infiltración mononuclear focal y fibroplasia son huellas morfológicas que quedan después de un ataque de leptospirosis. El alto porcentaje (48.6) de estas lesiones encontradas en los riñones de las ratas examinadas no parece estar relacionado con el serotipopomona sino con elicterohaemorrhagiae. La importancia de este último seroptipo en cerdos en el Valle del Cauca no se ha evaluado todavía.

Leptospiroses En Colombie: Isolement DeLeptospira SPP. De Reins De Rats Bruns (Rattus Norvegicus) Captures Dans Des Porcheries
Résumé Les sérotypespomona eticterohaemorrhagiae deLeptospira interrogans ont été isolés de reins deRattus norvegicus capturés dans des porcheries infectées de (pomona?). L'isolement depomona sur une seule des 111 cultures de rein effectuées, bien qu'interessant, suggère fortement que ce rat ne joue pas un rôle important dans l'épidémiologie de l'infection par ce sérotype.La dégénerescence tubulaire des reins, des infiltrations ponctuelles par des monocucléaires et l'aspect fibreux constituent les traces morphologiques qui demeurent après une attaque de leptospirose. Le pourcentage élevé (48,6) de ces lésions trouvées dans les les reins des rats examinés semble être plus en rapport avec le sérotypeicterohaemorrhagiae qu'avec le sérotypepomona. L'importance du sérotypeicterohaemorrhagiae chez le porc de la Cauca Valley est encore à vérifier.
Bilateral third degree burns were created on the flanks of eight miniature swine. Each animal had one side treated daily with low intensity direct (LIDC) of 400 microamperes (muA) by contact electrode for 2 hours morning and afternoon until healing occurred. The polarity of the electrode was negative in 4 pigs and positive in 4 pigs. One group of 4 pigs had the eschar surgically removed 24 hours post burn. Weekly biopsies and cultures were taken of treated and control wounds. Results indicated: local treatment of 400 muA LIDC did not hasten or delay healing of thermal third degree burns; escharectomy hastened wound healing by 10 days, and superficial proteus infection occurred in 80% of all wounds.  相似文献   
SUMMARY Eleven immature adult Angiostrongylus cantonensis were recovered from beneath the meninges of a captive Bennett's wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) which died after displaying posterior paresis followed by paralysis and intermittent opisthotonic spasms of increasing frequency for 7 days. Congestion and focal malacia with haemorrhage were seen in the brainstem and cerebellum. Sections of worms with scanty inflammatory response were seen beneath the congested haemorrhagic leptomeninges of cerebrum and in a cerebellar folium.
Infection was thought to have originated from feed or water contaminated with larvae released from a molluscan intermediate host.  相似文献   
1. Whole broilers and separated legs were stored at ‐12 ± 1 °C, —18 ± 1 °C and — 75 ±2 °C (reference group, whole carcasses only), for up to nine months.

2. Legs cut from the whole birds after removal from store, unpacking and thawing, and legs from the portions were compared in odour preference at four times of examination.

3. After only 1 d the odour of the legs stored as parts at —12 °C was less preferred than that of the reference group; this was also true for legs cut from whole birds after 3 months at the same temperature.

4. After 3 months at — 12 °C the odour of the legs stored as parts was less preferred than the odour of legs obtained from whole birds.

5. Storage of legs as parts at —18 °C resulted in a comparatively less preferred odour after 3 months, while the same was true after 9 months for legs cut from the carcasses.  相似文献   

Immune electron microscopy (IEM) was developed as a diagnostic aid for detecting and identifying transmissible gastroenteritis virus and rotavirus (reovirus-like agent) in fecal and intestinal contents from cases of gastroenteritis in young pigs. Variables involved in use of direct IEM and its sensitivity were determined. Aggregates of virus coated with specific antibody were seen in virus samples mixed with homologous convalescent antiserum, but not in control samples containing preexposure serum or antibody directed against a heterologous virus. At least a ten fold enhancement of the sensitivity of direct IEM for virus detection was accomplished using indirect IEM employing rabbit anti-porcine IgG to further aggregate virus-antibody complexes. The technique was used to investigate the size and morphology of the porcine rotavirus. Particles ranged from 55 to 70 nm in diameter and had capsomere structures. Morphologically, the porcine rotavirus resembled the calf and human rotaviruses. By IEM, employing specific antiserums for each virus, porcine rotavirus was found to be antigenically related to these 2 viruses, but not to the reovirus type 3.  相似文献   
Cell culture propagation of porcine rotavirus (reovirus-like agent).   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Two isolates of porcine rotavirus (reovirus-like agent) were isolated and passaged in primary procine kidney cell cultures. Viral infectivity for cells was monitored by immunofluorescence because viral cytopathic effect was moderate. Successful passage of virus in cell culture required that viral suspensions obtained from infected cell cultures be treated with pancreatin prior to inoculation onto cell monolayers. Porcine rotavirus passage in cell culture also was accomplished, using trypsin treatments in lieu of pancreatin treatments. Porcine rotavirus passaged 10 times in cell culture infected gnotobiotic pigs and caused diarrhea. Gnotobiotic pigs that recovered from this infection were resistant to challenge exposure with porcine rotavirus but were susceptible to challenge exposure with transmissible gastroenteritis virus. As determined by immunofluorescent cross reactions, porcine rotavirus was found to be antigenically related to the human and bovine rotaviruses but not to reovirus type 3 or to transmissible gastroenteritis virus.  相似文献   
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