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Seedlings of Leptospermum scoparium J.R. et G. Forst (manuka) originating from seed from a low altitude coastal site (Auckland) and from a high altitude inland site (Desert Road) were grown for 96 days in four controlled environments to compare the relationship between growth temperature and frost hardening. Day/night temperature treatments were 12/6, 12/3, 12/0 and 12/-3 degrees C. Frost hardiness was determined at 14-day intervals by exposing whole seedlings to temperatures ranging from -2 to -8 degrees C. Frost damage differed significantly between the two populations: Desert Road seedlings were less affected than Auckland seedlings. At all growth temperatures, the time courses of frost hardiness of both populations followed curvilinear relationships reaching a maximum hardiness at about Day 50, after which the seedlings spontaneously dehardened. The rate of frost hardening increased linearly with decreasing temperature from 6 to 0 degrees C, but thereafter, no further increase occurred with decreasing temperature to -3 degrees C. The frost hardening process was more sensitive to temperature in the Desert Road seedlings than in the Auckland seedlings, and this difference may account for the intraspecific variation in frost hardening capacity of this species. Comparisons with Pinus radiata D. Don and Lolium perenne L. indicated that interspecific variation in frost hardening capacity can also be accounted for by differences in the sensitivity of the hardening process to temperature.  相似文献   
WELLS  E. D.; MILLER  H. G. 《Forestry》1994,67(2):149-164
A plantation of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.), whichwas established in 1973 on a ditched minerotrophic fen at plantingspacings of 1.2 m, 1.8 m, and 2.4 m, was refertilized in 1985with control, P, PK and NPK treatments consisting of 60 kg ha–1phosphorus, 100 kg ha–1 potassium and 200 kg ha–1nitrogen. Although each seedling had been spot-fertilized in1973 with a mixture of 71 g urea, 99 g ground rock phosphateand 41 g potassium sulphate, height and needle nutrient assessmentsof the plantation in 1984 indicated poor growth, low concentrationsof needle nitrogen (1.26 per cent) and possible deficiency levelsof needle phosphorus (0.10 per cent) and potassium (0.36 percent). Between 1985 and 1991, height and diameter growth increasedsignificantly in all refertilization treatments. Growth responsewas greatest in the PK treatment and least in the P treatment.Needle weights, determined from 1987 to 1991, did not responduniformly to any of the refertilization treatments. Needle concentrationsof phosphorus increased to levels between 0.20 per cent and0.23 per cent following refertilization with P, PK, and NPK,but by 1988 had decreased to about 0.14 per cent. Needle concentrationsof potassium also increased sharply to 0.60 per cent in 1985following refertilization with PK and NPK, but by 1988 had decreasedto levels between 0.35 per cent and 0.45 per cent. Similarly,needle nitrogen concentrations increased to 1.84 per cent in1985 following refertilization with NPK, then decreased to levelsbetween 1.20 per cent and 1.33 per cent in 1986 and remainedat those levels each year thereafter. Although needle nutrientlevels fell sharply following an initial peak after refertilization,height and diameter growth did not decrease significantly, especiallyin the PK treatment, suggesting that nutrient levels remainedadequate for optimum growth.  相似文献   
Seedlings of three families of jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) were subjected to 16 combinations of photoperiod, growth environment (outdoors, greenhouse and biotron) and gibberellin (GA(4/7)) treatment. After 14 months, which included two dormancy induction periods, ovulate flowering was observed. There was a strong positive correlation between flowering and seedling height; female flower production was stimulated by both a declining photoperiod during bud development and GA(4/7) treatment; and there was an interaction between GA(4/7) treatment and family, such that the difference in flowering intensity between a late-flowering and an early-flowering family was eliminated by GA(4/7) treatment. The results suggest that the genetic control over the time of onset of flowering, and GA(4/7)-induction of flowering depend on a common mechanism.  相似文献   
Axial water flow in the trunks of mature oak trees (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Q. robur L.) was studied by four independent techniques: water absorption from a cut trunk, sap flowmeters, heat pulse velocity (HPV) and thermoimaging. Estimation of the total water flow with sap flowmeters, HPV and water absorption yielded comparable results. We concluded from dye colorations, thermograms and axial profiles of sap flow and heat pulse velocity that, in intact trunks, most of the flow occurred in the current-year ring, where early-wood vessels in the outermost ring were still functional. Nevertheless, there was significant flow in the older rings of the xylem. Total water flow through the trunk was only slightly reduced when air embolisms were artificially induced in early-wood vessels, probably because there was little change in hydraulic conductance in the root-leaf sap pathway. Embolization of the current-year vessels reactivated transport in the older rings.  相似文献   
Stomatal responsiveness to evaporative demand (air vapour pressure deficit (VPD)) ranges widely between species and cultivars, and mechanisms for stomatal control in response to VPD remain obscure. The interaction of irrigation and soil moisture with VPD on stomatal conductance is particularly difficult to predict, but nevertheless is critical to instantaneous transpiration and vulnerability to desiccation. Stomatal sensitivity to VPD and soil moisture was investigated in Semillon, an anisohydric Vitis vinifera L. variety whose leaf water potential (Ψ(l)) is frequently lower than that of other grapevine varieties grown under similar conditions in the warm grape-growing regions of Australia. A survey of Semillon vines across seven vineyards revealed that, regardless of irrigation treatment, midday Ψ(l) was dependent on not only soil moisture but VPD at the time of measurement. Predawn Ψ(l) was more closely correlated to not only soil moisture in dry vineyards but to night-time VPD in drip-irrigated vineyards, with incomplete rehydration during high night-time VPD. Daytime stomatal conductance was low only under severe plant water deficits, induced by extremes in dry soil. Stomatal response to VPD was inconsistent across irrigation regime; however, in an unirrigated vineyard, stomatal sensitivity to VPD-the magnitude of stomatal response to VPD-was heightened under dry soils. It was also found that stomatal sensitivity was proportional to the magnitude of stomatal conductance at a reference VPD of 1kPa. Exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) applied to roots of Semillon vines growing in a hydroponic system induced stomatal closure and, in field vines, petiole xylem sap ABA concentrations rose throughout the morning and were higher in vines with low Ψ(l). These data indicate that despite high stomatal conductance of this anisohydric variety when grown in medium to high soil moisture, increased concentrations of ABA as a result of very limited soil moisture may augment stomatal responsiveness to low VPD.  相似文献   
In order to map the spatial distribution of twenty tree species groups over Europe at 1 km × 1 km resolution, the ICP-Forest Level-I plot data were extended with the National Forest Inventory (NFI) plot data of eighteen countries. The NFI grids have a much smaller spacing than the ICP grid. In areas with NFI plot data, the proportions of the land area covered by the tree species were mapped by compositional kriging. Outside these areas, these proportions were mapped with a multinomial multiple logistic regression model. A soil map, a biogeographical map and bioindicators derived from temperature and precipitation data were used as predictors. Both methods ensure that the predicted proportions are in the interval [0,1] and sum to 1. The regression predictions were iteratively scaled to the National Forest Inventory statistics and the Forest map of Europe. The predicted proportions for the twenty tree species were validated by the Bhattacharryya distance between predicted and observed proportions at 230 plot data separated from the calibration data. Besides, the map with the predicted dominant species was validated by computing the error matrix. The median Bhattacharryya distance in the subarea with NFI plot data was 1.712, whereas in the subarea with ICP-Level-I data, this was 2.131. The scaling did not significantly decrease the Bhattacharryya distance. The estimated overall accuracy of this map was 43%. In areas with NFI plot data, overall accuracy was 57%, outside these areas 33%. This gain was mainly attributable to the much denser plot data, less to the prediction method.  相似文献   
Transpiration, leaf characteristics and forest structure in Metrosideros polymorpha Gaud. stands growing in East Maui, Hawaii were investigated to assess physiological limitations associated with flooding as a mechanism of reduced canopy leaf area in waterlogged sites. Whole-tree sap flow, stomatal conductance, microclimate, soil oxidation-reduction potential, stand basal area and leaf area index (LAI) were measured on moderately sloped, drained sites with closed canopies (90%) and on level, waterlogged sites with open canopies (50-60%). The LAI was measured with a new technique based on enlarged photographs of individual tree crowns and allometric relationships. Sap flow was scaled to the stand level by multiplying basal area-normalized sap flow by stand basal area. Level sites had lower soil redox potentials, lower mean stand basal area, lower LAI, and a higher degree of soil avoidance by roots than sloped sites. Foliar nutrients and leaf mass per area (LMA) in M. polymorpha were similar between level and sloped sites. Stomatal conductance was similar for M. polymorpha saplings on both sites, but decreased with increasing tree height (r(2) = 0.72; P < 0.001). Stand transpiration estimates ranged from 79 to 89% of potential evapotranspiration (PET) for sloped sites and from 28 to 51% of PET for level sites. Stand transpiration estimates were strongly correlated with LAI (r(2) = 0.96; P < 0.001). Whole-tree transpiration was lower at level sites with waterlogged soils, but was similar or higher for trees on level sites when normalized by leaf area. Trees on level sites had a smaller leaf area per stem diameter than trees on sloped sites, suggesting that soil oxygen deficiency may reduce leaf area. However, transpiration per unit leaf area did not vary substantially, so leaf-level physiological behavior was conserved, regardless of differences in tree leaf area.  相似文献   
Traditionally, poplars (Populus) have been planted to control erosion on New Zealand's hill-slopes, because of their capacity to dry out and bind together the soil, by reducing effective rainfall and increasing evapotranspiration and soil strength. However, the effect of widely spaced poplars on the partitioning of soil water and rainfall has not been reported. This study determined rainfall partitioning for 18 mid-spring days in a mature P. deltoides (Bart. ex Marsh, Clone I78)-pasture association (37 stems per hectare, unevenly spaced at 16.4 +/- 0.4 m) and compared it with a traditional open pasture system in grazed areas of a hill environment. Tree transpiration was measured by the heat pulse technique. A time-driven mathematical model was used to set a zero offset, adjust anomalous values and describe simultaneous sap velocity time courses of trees. The model showed that daylight sap flow velocities can be represented with a nonlinear Beta function (R(2) > 0.98), and differences in the parameters representing the initiation, duration and conformation of the sap velocity can be tested statistically to discern tree transpiration differences during the day. Evapotranspiration was greater for the poplar-pasture association than for the open pasture (2.7-3.0 versus 2.2 mm day(-1)). The tree canopy alone contributed 0.92 mm day(-1) as transpiration and 1.37 mm day(-1) as interception, whereas evapotranspiration of the pasture understory was only 0.4-0.6 mm day(-1). Despite the higher water use of the poplar-pasture association, soil water in the 0-300 mm soil stratum was higher than, or similar to, that of the open pasture. Tree shading decreased evapotranspiration and pasture accumulation under the trees.  相似文献   
We examined the effects and potential interactions of acid mist and soil solution Ca and Al treatments on foliar cation concentrations, membrane-associated Ca (mCa), ion leaching, growth, carbon exchange, and cold tolerance of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) saplings. Soil solution Ca additions increased foliar Ca and Zn concentrations, and increased rates of respiration early in the growing season (July). Soil Al treatment had a broad impact, reducing foliar concentrations of Ca, Mg, Mn, P and Zn, and resulting in smaller stem diameters, sapling heights and shoot lengths compared with soil treatments with no added Al. Aluminum treatment also reduced respiration when shoots were elongating in July and decreased net photosynthesis at the end of the growing season (September). Three lines of evidence suggest that Al-induced alterations in growth and physiology were independent of foliar Ca status: (1) Ca concentrations in foliage of Al-treated saplings were within the range of sufficiency established for red spruce; (2) mCa concentrations were unaffected by Al treatment; and (3) no Al x Ca interactions were detected. Acid mist treatment increased foliar Fe and K concentrations and increased leaching of Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe, and Al from foliage. Leaching losses of Ca were more than twice those of the element with the next highest amount of leaching (Zn), and probably led to the reductions in mCa concentration and membrane stability of acid-treated saplings. Acidic mist resulted in enhanced shoot growth, and consistent reductions in foliar cold tolerance in the fall and winter. Of the few significant interactions among treatments, most involved the influence of mist pH and Al treatment on foliar nutrition. In general, reductions in cation concentration associated with Al addition were greater for pH 5.0-treated saplings than for pH 3.0-treated saplings. We propose that H(+)-induced leaching of mCa from mesophyll cells is the mechanism underlying acid-induced reductions in foliar cold tolerance of red spruce.  相似文献   
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