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The distribution of tylosin was studied using a crossover design, in six pigs following i.v. and i.m. administration of 10 mgkg(-1) b.w. Plasma samples were analysed by HPLC and UV absorbance detection. After i.v. administration, t(1/2beta) was 271.3 min, V(d) 14.6 Lkg(-1), V(ss) 9.7 Lkg(-1) and CL 26.8 mLmin(-1)kg(-1). After i.m. administration, a C(max) of 1 microgmL(-1) was reached at 90 min. Mean absorption time was 1988.7 min and bioavailability was 95%.  相似文献   
Populations of two aphid species from different geographic regions of Morocco were tested for their ability to transmit five barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) type isolates using Clintland 64 oat as the test plant. Transmission efficiencies were determined for 10 sub-populations of Rhopalosiphum padi and 12 sub-populations of Sitobion avenae. After a short acquisition access period (AAP) of 4h, all populations transmitted the virus but with different efficiencies. R. padi (Rp-S) and S. avenae (Sa-S) collected in the Settat region were the most efficient vectors, with transmission rates of 38% and 27%, respectively. R. padi (Rp-C) collected at Chaouen and S. avenae (Sa-B) at Berkane, were poor transmitters with respective vectoring abilities of 20% and 16%. These four sub-populations were chosen to study the acquisition of BYDV-PAV and the retention of virus within aphids in more detail. The transmission after two AAPs of 4h and 48h were compared. Starved aphids given a 4h AAP had significantly higher transmission efficiencies than non-starved aphids. However, after a 48h AAP, no difference was observed in the transmission between starved and non-starved aphids. Intraspecific variability was also detected by means of serial transfers of individual aphids after the given AAP. Following the first day of serial transfers, no differences were observed in transmission efficiency and virus titers for sub-populations within each species acquiring the virus during 48h, but there was significant variation when the virus was acquired in 4h. The levels of PAV antigen retained by aphids fed on healthy plants declined rapidly during the first day after acquisition, but remained fairly constant during the next 5–7 days depending on the length of the AAP. Virus antigen could be detected by ELISA in Rp-S and Sa-S for up to 11 days of serial transfer, but it was shown that aphids could retain and transmit BYDV-PAV for at least 3 weeks.  相似文献   
The antigen detection enzyme immunoassay (AgELISA) in conjunction with parasitological examination of blood were used to study the enzootic situation of cameline trypanosomiasis in mid-Eastern Sudan. A one year survey showed that the infection is endemic among pastoral camels with a prevalence of 5.4% based on parasitological examination and 31.3% based on AgELISA. The infection rate was higher during the dry period (November to May) than the wet season. Young camels had a much lower infection rate as detected by parasitological techniques, but not with AgELISA. A lower prevalence of infection was detected by buffy coat technique (BCT) in herds of camels raised by nomads compared with those kept by agropastoralists and in camels located in the southern districts of mid-Eastern Sudan.  相似文献   
The method of lung lavage under fiberoptic control allowed collection of alveolar cells in non-anaesthetized adult cows.The median section of the diaphragmatic lobe was lavaged with five consecutive aliquots of 30 ml each. Every one was analysed separately. A mean of 25.6% of instilled fluid was recovered and this is lower than amounts obtained on isolated lungs or in anaesthetized calves (about 50%).The cellular formula of 30 samples showed 83.5% of macrophages, 6.0% of lymphocytes, 9.4% of polymorphonuclear cells, 0.5% of monocytes. Cellular viability and total cell count were similar to previously published data. All results were found to be independent of the washing sequence. This simple and well tolerated technique appeared to be a useful tool for the study of defence mechanisms of deep lung.  相似文献   
Summary The process of absorption of water along the tangential direction of the wood is studied by immersing the sample in water. The transport of water is then obtained below the fiber saturation point at the beginning of the absorption and above this fiber saturation point during the process. The potential which drives the transport of the bound-water and free-water through the wood has been considered by testing a diffusional transport model. The transient diffusion with a constant diffusivity has been found to describe not only the process of absorption but also the process of desorption with diffusion of water through the solid and evaporation from the surface. Analytical solutions have been successfully used to describe the stage of absorption during a time of four hours at the end of which an equilibrium of absorption is attained, as well as the following stage of desorption. A model based on a numerical method with finite differences has been found to describe the process of absorption and desorption in various cases, and especially when the equilibrium of absorption has not been attained.This work was carried out with the help and support of the M. R. T. and the French CTB (Wood Technical Center)  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Seit zehn Jahren betreibt der Lel-irstuhl für Waldbau and Forsternrichtung der Universit?t M?nchen intensive Verjüngungsstudien auf 25 Dauerversuchsfl?chen im Bergmischwald der ostbayerischen Kalkalpen. Am Bei-spiel der Aufnahmedaten yon fünf ausgew?hlten Versuchsfl?chen werden grundlegende Prinzipien des Ver-jüngungsprozesses im Bergmischwald aufgezeigt and daraus praktische Konsequznzen abgeleitet. Alle am Autbau der Altbest?nde des Bergmischwaldes beteiligten Baumarten bilden bislang trotz d utli-cher Waldschadenssvmptome reichlich Samen von hochwertiger Qualit?t aus. Damit aus diesem Verjüngungspotential Naturverjüngung entstchen kann, müssen die en tsprechenden überschirmungsverh?ltnisse lurch den Altbestand gegeben sein. Für die Dichte, Baumartenztusammenset zung and H?henentwicklung der Naturverjüngungspflanzen ist n?mlich die Uberschirrnung von ganz ent-scheidender Bedeutung. In einem sehr dichten Altbestand, in derv der überschirmungsgrad fiber 75% liegt , haben Verjüngungspflanzen Schwierigkeiten, sick zu etablieren. Eine Ieichte Auflichtung auf einen über-schirmungsgrad von 60 (der dann gegeben ist, wenn die rich unter dem Schirm entwickelnde Bodenvege cation Bedeckungsgrade zwischen 20 and 3C einstellt) erm?glicht den Naturverjüngungsflanzen ein überleben. Diese Uberschirmung kann durch einen schwachen Schirmhieb (Entnahme von etwa einem Vier-tel der Grundtl?che eines geschlossenen Bestandes) erreicht werden. Diese Eingriffsst?rke dürfte auch unter den Gesichtspunkten der Stabilit?it and des Zuwachsverlustes dill Altbestand zu vertreten sein. Vor einer st?rkeren Auflichtung des Altbestandes müsses genügend Naturverjüingungspflanztn ant Bo den vorhanden sein. Nur so is[ gew?hrleistet, daβ these einen Vorsprung vor der Bodenvegatation bekom Men. Die Pflanzung ist immer dann, wenn sich Schwierrigkeiten mit der Naturverjüngung ergeben, ein geeigne-tes Mittel, um einen neuen Bergmischwald zu begründen. Derzeit ist für das Entstehen tines neuen Bergmischwaldes - sei es durch Naturverjüngung odor lurch Pflanzung - Zaunschutz erforderlich. Summary In 1976, a research project entitled ’Natural Regeneration of Mixed Mountain Forests ’ was etablished in the Calcareous Alps of eastern Bavaria, by the Chair of Silviculture and Forest Management of the University Of Munich. Over the past ten years, the multi-variate aspects of regenaration have bean intensively investigated on 25 permanent research plots. The data from 5 selected plats were extracted and processed. from these data, it will be possible to present some fundamental principles of natural regenaration processes. From these prin-ciples, it is hoped that some practical applications can be derived. The mature stands of mixed mountain forests are still able to produce high quantities and good quality of seed, although distinct symptoms of forest decline are present. In order to utilize this potential for natural regeneration, an adequate canopy density is necessary. Canopy density is the crucial factor which regulates the density, species composition and height development of regeneration. In a very heavily, stocked mature stand with a canopy density of over 75 establishment of regenerations is difficult. When canopy density is reduced to, for example, 60% (this percentage can be estimated from a ground vegetation covering approximately 20–30 of the soil), the naturally regenerated, plants have a better opportunity to survive. A 60% canopy density can be achieved by light shelterwood cutting (removal of approximately 25% of basal area of a closed stand). This type of cutting can maintain the stability and prevent increment loss of forest stands. It is important that regeneration is established before opening up the stand, only, then these plants are capable to compete with the other ground vegetation. Planting is always appropriate when natural regeneration fails. Fencing is necessary for undisturbed development of natural and artificial regeneration.

Dieses Heft enth?lt waldbauliche Beitr?g zu den Forschungsschwerpunkten Bergwald, Waldschaden und Kiefer. Sie sind überwiegen als Vortr?ge auf der Hochschulwoche der Forstwissenschaftlichen Fakult?t München im Oktober 1987 gehalten worden. Ihre Autoren widmen sie Herrn Professor Dr. Peter Burschel zum 60. Geburtstag.

Auf der Forstlichen Hochschulwoche 1987 in München gehaltener Vortrag.  相似文献   
A monitoring program of the pre-treatment susceptibility of clinical isolates of bacteria from diseased dogs and cats was active between the years 2002 and 2009. Susceptibility of each isolated strain to a panel of nine antibiotics (amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, ampicillin, penicillin, clindamycin, doxycycline, enrofloxacin, marbofloxacin, trimethoprim and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole) was assessed. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of marbofloxacin was also determined by a standardized microdilution technique following CLSI recommendations. In total, 1857 bacterial strains were collected throughout Europe from cases of otitis, respiratory, urinary and dermatological infections. Although bacterial susceptibility varied for each of the antibiotics within the panel, patterns of susceptibility were similar to those described in the literature for comparable time periods and geographical areas. With a clinical resistance varying from 0 to 14.48% against the isolated strains, marbofloxacin susceptibility was very high and remains an effective antibiotic for the treatment of otitis, urinary, respiratory and dermatological infections in companion animals.  相似文献   
The development of a reliable methodology for spawning of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus without the use of hormone injections would greatly improve the prospects of aquaculture in Africa. Earlier work has shown that it is possible to produce C. gariepinus fingerlings by subjecting the broodfish to a physical stress of reduced water depth and/or increased temperature. The hypothesis that C. gariepinus could be induced to spawn through a combined physical stress of lowered water level and increased stocking density was tested in concrete tanks. Three water levels (25, 50 and 75 cm) and three stocking densities (2, 4 and 6 pairs of broodfish at a 1:1 sex ratio in each hapa) were tested. Water depth in the tanks and brood fish density in the hapas affected spawning success. The percentage of spawning females was significantly higher when broodfish were stocked at 2 and 4 pairs in each hapa at water levels of 25 cm or 50 cm. There was no significant difference in spawning response between the 25 and 50 cm depths while a significant difference was seen between the 75 cm and both 25 and 50 cm depths. The results indicate optimum levels and densities for enhancing spawning success in C. gariepinus.  相似文献   
The present review article is intended to direct attention to the technological advances made in the 2010–2014 quinquennium for the isolation and manufacture of nanofibrillar chitin and chitosan. Otherwise called nanocrystals or whiskers, n-chitin and n-chitosan are obtained either by mechanical chitin disassembly and fibrillation optionally assisted by sonication, or by e-spinning of solutions of polysaccharides often accompanied by poly(ethylene oxide) or poly(caprolactone). The biomedical areas where n-chitin may find applications include hemostasis and wound healing, regeneration of tissues such as joints and bones, cell culture, antimicrobial agents, and dermal protection. The biomedical applications of n-chitosan include epithelial tissue regeneration, bone and dental tissue regeneration, as well as protection against bacteria, fungi and viruses. It has been found that the nano size enhances the performances of chitins and chitosans in all cases considered, with no exceptions. Biotechnological approaches will boost the applications of the said safe, eco-friendly and benign nanomaterials not only in these fields, but also for biosensors and in targeted drug delivery areas.  相似文献   

In the North Nile Delta of Egypt, the impacts of overplanting paddy rice on water delivery performance have not been discussed quantitatively. Further, the amount of water that could have been saved if farmers would follow the planned area is unknown. In this study, water delivery performance was assessed by comparison of actual paddy rice planting and the government’s planned conditions. For both conditions, performance indicators relating to adequacy, equity, and dependability were analyzed across six locations in conjunction with the branch canal water level in 2013 and 2014. Based on the difference between the actual water supply and planned water demand, the amount of water that could have been saved for downstream uses was calculated. The average adequacy for the investigation period was good at one location, fair at 2 locations, and poor at 3 locations in both years. Further, adequacy under both actual and planned conditions was poor in late July at all locations. The planned adequacy and dependability downstream and equity among locations improved compared to the actual condition in both years. Under the condition that paddy rice area is the upper limit planned by the government, about 12.3% and 9.6% of water could be potentially saved in each year. The difference between actual and planned water delivery performance is caused by the branch canal’s low water level. Control of overplanting paddy rice and coordination of water distribution among water user associations would improve stable water level in the canal and, eventually, water delivery performance.

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