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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker was used to assess genetic diversity and inter-specific relationships among nine taxa of Calliandra (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) grown in Indian gardens. DNA from leaf sample was isolated and RAPD analysis was performed using 22 primers. The genetic similarities were analyzed from the dendrogram constructed by the RAPD data using a similarity index which supported the segregation of the nine taxa of the genus into two groups; the sect. Androcallis with seven taxa, viz. C. haematocephala, C. haematocephala var. alba, C. surinamensis, C. tweedii, C. tergemina var. emarginata and C. selloi and sect. Calliandra having two species namely, C. inermis and C. calothyrsus. The intra-generic classification and phylogeny inferred from molecular markers supported the traditional classification of the genus based on morphological characters at the level of sections and series except in case of C. selloi (C. brevipes) which did not show much genetic similarity with C. tweedii and C. surinamensis; all the three species being members of the sect. Androcallis series Androcallis.  相似文献   
The effects of different blood collection procedures, various storage temperatures and durations of storage on the levels of plasma cholinesterase and whole blood glutathione in turkeys were investigated.

Collection of blood through vacutainers yielded satisfactory results. Whereas the plasma cholinesterase activity remained unchanged even after three weeks of storage at -17.8°C., blood glutathione concentration was unaffected only when the samples were stored at -28.9°C for the three weeks. The range of mean activity was from 4.64 to 4.71 ΔpH/hour x 10 for cholinesterase and from 44.85 to 47.91 mgm/100 ml for glutathione.

The effect of parental genotype and paternal heterosis on litter size (LS), total litter birth weight (TLW) and average litter birth weight (ALW) was analysed utilizing data from a crossbreeding programme involving the exotic German Fawn goats and local Katjang goats in Malaysia. In this study, these traits were regarded as traits of the litter to consider the effect of service sire genotype. The results revealed that LS was significantly influenced by the genotype of sire. The genotypes of sire and dam had significant effects on TLW and ALW. Estimates of crossbreeding parameter showed significant and negative influence of paternal heterosis on TLW and ALW while there was no significant effect of paternal heterosis on LS. The results of this study stress the need to reconsider the use of local males in the tropics.  相似文献   
The persistence patterns of three synthetic pyrethroids—fenvalerate, tau-fluvalinate, lambda-cyhalothrin—and an organophosphorus insecticide, monocrotophos, on eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) have been evaluated. The extractable residues ranged from 0.05 to 0.45, 0.01 to 0.40, 0.003 to 0.09 and 0.09 to 0.32 μg g?1 for fenvalerate, tau-fluvalinate, lambda-cyhalothrin and monocrotophos, respectively. Fenvalerate was the most persistent among the four, followed by monocrotophos, lambda-cyhalothrin and tau-fluvalinate. The Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of these pesticides on S. melongena has not yet been documented. The present data may be useful for establishing MRL and assessing the amount of pesticide residues in this vegetable.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Growth performance data of the local goats of Malaysia and their crossbreds with the German (Improved) Fawn goats were analysed using animal models with maternal effects, in order to estimate additive genetic and crossbreeding parameters. Two different genetic models, the Dickerson (1969, 1973) model and the Kinghorn (1980, 1983) model, were used to estimate crossbreeding parameters. Coefficients of additive breed, heterosis (dominance), and recombination (epistatic) loss were fitted in the animal models as covariates. In general, the individual breed effects for birth, 6-month, and 9-month weights, and maternal breed effects for traits until weaning, were significant, indicating large differences for growth performance between the German Fawn and the local breeds. Heterosis effects by the Dickerson model were small and non-significant, while dominance effects by the Kinghorn model, for some of traits, were large and significant. Highly significant individual recombination loss effects by the Dickerson model, and epistatic loss effects by the Kinghorn model, were obtained for birth and 9-month weights. The estimates of total heritability by an animal model incorporating maternal effects were moderate (0.18-0.35). The differences between heritabilities, estimated by different genetic models (the Dickerson model vs. the Kinghorn model), were small. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Genetische Parameter von Wachstumseigenschaften Malaysischer Lokalziegen und ihrer Kreuzung mit Deutscher Rehbrauner Ziege Die Daten wurden mittels Tiermodellen mit Maternalwirkung zur Sch?tzung additiv genetischer und Kreuzungsparameter analysiert. Zur Sch?tzung letzterer wurden Modelle von Dickerson (1969, 1973) und Kinghorn (1980, 1983) angewendet. Koeffizienten der additiven Rassenwirkungen, Heterosis (Dominanz) und Rekombinations-wirkungen wurden im Tiermodell als Kovarialbe berücksichtigt. Im allgemeinen waren individuelle Rassenwirkungen für Geburts-, 6- und 9-Monatsgewicht und maternale Rassenwirkungen für Merkmale w?hrend der S?ugezeit signifikant, eine Folge gro?er Rassenunterschiede. Das Dickerson Modell führte zu geringen, nicht signifikanten Heterosiswirkungen, w?hrend beim Kinghorn Modell diese sich für mehrere Merkmale als gro? und signifikant erwiesen haben. Hoch signifikante individuelle Rekombinationsverluste und epistatische Verluste ergaben sich bei beiden Modellen für Geburtsgewicht und 9 Monatsgewicht. Heritabilit?tswerte waren m??ig hoch (0.18 bis 0.35), enthielten auch die maternalen Wirkungen und unterschieden sich zwischen beiden Modellen nur geringfügig.  相似文献   
This research investigated the enzyme-catalyzed oxidative polymerization and precipitation/co-precipitation of the anilino compounds, p-cresidine (2-methoxy-5-methylaniline), and 4,4′-oxydianiline (ODA) suspected to be human carcinogens by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as a means of treating industrial wastewater containing these pollutants. p-Cresidine is a synthetic chemical intermediate for azo dyes and pigments in the food and textile industries whereas ODA is used in the production of polyimide and poly(ester)imide resins in North America. A potentially inexpensive enzyme extracted from the soybean seed coat, soybean peroxidase (SBP), which is widely available from the agricultural commodity, was used to treat both these compounds. The optimum operating conditions such as pH, hydrogen peroxide-to-substrate concentration ratio, and the minimum SBP concentration required to achieve at least 95% SBP-catalyzed conversion of these pollutants in synthetic wastewaters were determined. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, employed for preliminary product determination after enzymatic conversion of the substrates, revealed the formation of azo dimers in the precipitates. A pro-forma cost analysis is presented showing the feasibility of commercialization of enzymatic treatment as an alternative, or as an adjunct, to conventional treatment methods.  相似文献   
Feline asthma syndrome, previously recognized only in domestic cats, was diagnosed in three captive African lions (Panthera leo), one of which died as a result of the condition. Two of the lions displayed progressive signs for 7 yr, including severe bouts of coughing, wheezing, dyspnea, rhonchi, and tachypnea that were most severe during the spring and summer, and the third lion displayed acute signs only once. Scattered to diffuse increased interstitial markings, peribronchial cuffing, and focal atelectasis were visible in radiographs. At necropsy, multiple subpleural bullae, 2-3 cm in diameter, were scattered throughout the lung tissue. There were thick-walled bronchi and bronchioles filled with thick grayish mucus, and alveolar spaces were enlarged with severe, diffuse, banded multifocal areas of alveolar wall fibrosis. The lions had significantly elevated IgE type I immediate hypersensitivity responses to recognized aeroallergens. The captive management of lions should address the design and maintenance of allergen-free air supplies. Ventilation systems should be examined routinely and thoroughly cleaned of any residue. The frequency of examination should increase during the summer. Lions and other large cats should be routinely screened for IgE aeroallergen-specific titers, asthma cases should be treated promptly with prednisolone, and investigations of etiology should be initiated.  相似文献   
The study was undertaken to determine the modulation in innate immune response of rohu (Labeo rohita) during experimental freshwater lice Argulus siamensis infection. Results showed that serum α‐2 macroglobulin (α‐2M) activity, ceruloplasmin level and alternative complement activity were significantly (P<0.05) lower in fish at different degrees of lice infection in comparison with uninfected control. No significant difference (P>0.05) in haemagglutination titre was observed in fish with low‐ and high‐degree lice infections as compared with uninfected control. The serum lysozyme level was significantly (P<0.05) lower in low degree of lice infection as compared with control fish. The total serum antiprotease, myeloperoxidase activity and total protein level were not significantly different (P>0.05) in different degrees of lice‐infected fish with respect to the control fish. The study indicated that A. siamensis infection modulated the immune system of rohu by suppressing the α‐2M, serum complement activities and ceruloplasmin level and through induction of stress response. The baseline data obtained in the present study have tremendous importance in understanding the susceptibility of rohu to different degrees of parasitosis and might be useful in controlling this dreaded ectoparasitic infection in fish.  相似文献   
Probotic selection could be detrimental for the success of aquaculture practices. While, in most of the cases emphasis is given to the production of antibacterial compounds, and in vitro inhibitory activities of a bacterium for choosing a probiotic strain, however, other criteria like non‐antibiotic resistant, non‐haemolytic nature and non‐pathogenic potentiality of probiotic strain are often overlooked. We have screened gastrointestinal bacteria isolated from all the three species of Indian major carps viz., Labeo rohita, Catla catla and Cirrhinus mrigala for a suitable probiotic. Bacteria like Aeromonas (Aeromonas species, A. hydrophila), Micrococcus, Corynebacterium, Plesiomonas, Bacillus (Bacillus species, B. subtilis) and Pseudomonas (Pseudomonas species, P. aeruginosa) exhibited antibacterial activities against different pathogens. Among these, B. subtilis was found to grow at a wider range of temperatures, pH and salt concentrations and was non‐haemolytic, non‐antibiotic resistant, non‐pathogenic and inhibited all the tested primary and secondary pathogens. Dietary supplementation of the bacteria at 108 CFU g?1 feed also enhanced the growth of Indian major carp, L. rohita. Based upon these characteristics, we aimed to develop a suitable probiotic for aquaculture practices.  相似文献   
In this article, an in vitro investigation was carried out to ascertain the roles of hormones and growth factor in the inductions of oocyte maturation and steroidogenesis of the postvitellogenic follicles in an Indian estuarine grey mullet, Mugil cephalus L. Oocyte maturation was evaluated by scoring the germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) percent of the postvitellogenic follicles. All the sex [17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnane-3-one (DHP), estradiol 17β (E2), progesterone (P), 17α-OH progesterone (17-OH-P) and testosterone] and other [bovine-insulin and salmon-calcitonin, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), luteinizing hormone (LH) or hCG+DHP] hormones and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) significantly increased GVBD% in 9 h culture. DHP had a maximum effect (75 %) compared to other effectors. Some effectors (hCG: 82.14 %, LH: 78.94 %, hCG plus DHP: 81.81 %, E2: 80 % and IGF-I: 74.19 %) including DHP (79 %) further increased GVBD% in 15-h culture. All the hormones (except DHP) and IGF-I increased DHP, E2 and testosterone productions by the postvitellogenic ovarian follicles in vitro. DHP and testosterone productions were increased with the increase of incubation time from 9 h through 15 h. E2 production was not further increased beyond 12 h. DHP production was highest by hCG compared to other effectors. The hCG of all the test compounds was most effective in both the induction of GVBD% and steroid production. DHP is the most potent inducer of oocyte maturation in Indian estuarine flat head grey mullet. Involvement of estrogen in mullet oocyte maturation is indicated. hCG, like DHP, is equally potent and induces oocyte maturation via DHP production in vitro. hCG with DHP has synergistic action on oocyte maturation in mullet ovary. Interplay of several hormones (hCG, LH, and probably E2 and testosterone) and IGF-I on oocyte maturation is suggested in the mullet.  相似文献   
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