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本试验旨在评估饲用酸化剂对1~63日龄黄羽肉鸡生长性能、肠道损伤和盲肠微生物菌群变化的影响,同时探讨壳寡糖对饲用酸化剂的增效作用。试验采用单因素完全随机区组设计,设对照组(Con.)、饲用酸化剂(Trt.1)和饲用酸化剂+壳寡糖(Trt.2)共3个处理。每个处理5个重复,每个重复50羽。饲养周期为63天。试验结果表明,从零日龄开始持续在黄羽肉鸡日粮中添加饲用酸化剂、饲用酸化剂+壳寡糖后,对1~21d和22~42d阶段黄羽肉鸡生长性能的影响未达显著(P0.05)水平;但在43~63d阶段时,与对照组相比,添加饲用酸化剂、饲用酸化剂+壳寡糖组的耗料增重比分别降低0.11和0.14,具有极大的生产意义;且饲用酸化剂添加组盲肠大肠杆菌/乳酸杆菌值显著(P0.05)低于对照组,饲用酸化剂+壳寡糖添加组盲肠大肠杆菌/乳酸杆菌值显著(P0.05)低于对照组和饲用酸化剂添加组。说明饲用酸化剂可通过维持肠道健康,促进养分消化吸收,从而提高饲料利用率;而壳寡糖在平衡肠道菌群、维持肠道健康方面对饲用酸化剂有增效作用。  相似文献   
为了初步探讨牦牛RGS2基因的结构和功能,试验采用RT-PCR方法及TA克隆法得到麦洼牦牛RGS2基因,并运用不同的生物信息学软件对序列进行分析。结果表明:牦牛RGS2基因系列含1个540 bp的开放阅读框,共编码178个氨基酸,Gen Bank数据库中登录号为FJ786041。编码Phe的密码子UUU、编码Leu的密码子UUG、编码Ile的密码子AUU等20种密码子为该基因的偏好性密码子,确定的27种最优密码子均以G或C结尾。RGS2氨基酸序列与普通牛、绵羊、山羊相似性分别为99.5%、96.3%、96.1%。系统发育树上,牦牛与普通牛聚在一起,亲缘关系最近。  相似文献   
The biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum, from both marine and terrestrial environments, has attracted considerable attention. T. harzianum has a tremendous potential to produce a variety of bioactive secondary metabolites (SMs), which are an important source of new herbicides and antibiotics. This review prioritizes the SMs of T. harzianum from 1988 to June 2022, and their relevant biological activities. Marine-derived SMs, especially terpenoids, polyketides, and macrolides compounds, occupy a significant proportion of natural products from T. harzianum, deserving more of our attention.  相似文献   
Moromycin B (Mor B), saquayamycin B1 (Saq B1), saquayamycin B (Saq B), and landomycin N (Lan N), four angucyclines produced by the marine-derived actinomycete Streptomyces sp., are a class of polyketone compounds containing benzanthracene. Here, the structure–activity relationship of these four compounds was analyzed in human colorectal cancer (CRC) cells. Saq B1, which showed the strongest cytotoxicity with an IC50 of 0.18–0.84 µM for CRC cells in MTT assays, was employed to test underlying mechanisms of action in SW480 and SW620 cells (two invasive CRC cell lines). Our results showed that Saq B1 inhibited CRC cell proliferation in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Notably, lower cytotoxicity was measured in normal human hepatocyte cells (QSG-7701). Furthermore, we observed proapoptosis, antimigration, and anti-invasion activities of Saq B1 in CRC cells. At the same time, the protein and mRNA expression of important markers related to the epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) and apoptosis changed, including N-cadherin, E-cadherin, and Bcl-2, in Saq B1-treated CRC cells. Surprisingly, the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway was shown to be involved in Saq B1-induced apoptosis, and in inhibiting invasion and migration. Computer docking models also suggested that Saq B1 might bind to PI3Kα. Collectively, these results indicate that Saq B1 effectively inhibited growth and decreased the motor ability of CRC cells by regulating the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway, which provides more possibilities for the development of drugs in the treatment of CRC.  相似文献   
Organosulfur natural products (NPs) refer to the different kinds of small molecular-containing sulfur (S) elements. Sulfur-containing NPs tightly link to the biochemical processes and play an important role in the pharmaceutical industry. The majority of S-containing NPs are generally isolated from Alliaceae plants or bacteria, and those from fungi are still relatively rare. In recent years, an increasing number of S-containing metabolites have been discovered in marine and terrestrial fungi, but there is no comprehensive and targeted review to summarize the studies. In order to make it more straightforward to better grasp the fungal-derived S-containing NPs and understand the particularity of marine S-containing NPs compared to those from terrestrial fungi, we summarized the chemical structures and biological activities of 89 new fungal-derived S-containing metabolites from 1929 when the penicillin was discovered to the present in this current review. The structural and bioactive diversity of these S-containing metabolites were concluded in detail, and the preliminary mechanism for C-S bond formation in fungi was also discussed briefly.  相似文献   
嘉兰(Gloriosa superba L.)的胚珠是倒生型,具双珠被和厚珠心。单个孢原细胞平周分裂,形成初生周缘细胞和初生造孢细胞,后者直接起大孢子母细胞的作用。四个大孢子线型排列。通常合点端大孢子是有功能的,但也见到珠孔端大孢子具功能。胚囊发育属蓼型。成熟胚囊是八核七细胞的。助细胞具丝状器,反足细胞具有传递细胞的某些特征。大孢子发生和雌配子体形成的过程中,胼胝质和多糖的积累和消失有一定的规律性。嘉兰花基数为3,子房上位,子房由三个合生的心皮组成,三室中轴胎座。在发育过程中胚珠经历了直生、弯生、横生和倒生的过程。内外珠被先后在造孢细胞形成后分化,在发育前期,内珠被长于外珠被,并由它形成了珠孔道,当外珠被伸长后与内珠被共同构成了珠孔。内珠被细胞层数恒定为两层,而外珠被细胞层数则变化于4~5层间。珠柄中的维管束多为螺纹,环纹导管和管胞组成,由胎座发出后经珠柄到合点端终止,内外珠被中均无维管束。厚珠心,珠心细胞为3~4层,由周缘细胞分裂形成。珠心细胞富含淀粉粒,其细胞解体缓慢,尤其珠孔端,直至成熟胚囊阶段,仍有很发达的珠心细胞。  相似文献   
Dendrocalamus mianningensis Li Qian et Jiang Xin,sp.nov.Species Dendrocalamo patelli Gamble similis,sed vaginis supra medium margine ciliis setis longis pectinatis,purpureo-brunaeo hispidis et brunneo-maculatis,nodis vaginarum subereo-tuberculatis differt.  相似文献   
保证工程施工安全是顺利完成工程任务的关键,特别是对施工方案中安全技术措施的编制更是应从人员、安全、季节等多方面加以整体考虑。  相似文献   
三明市林业产业建设探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三明市是我国林业产业相对比较发达的地区之一.文章在分析三明市林业产业发展的优势、潜力及制约因素的基础上,提出了三明市发展林产工业、生物医药产业和林业特色产业的建议以及破解制约林业产业发展因素的相关措施.  相似文献   
自走式微型旋耕机质量调查的模糊综合评判   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了多方面评价微型旋耕机产品质量,满足用户需求,许多产品技术规范要求对产品用户进行质量调查,收集用户意见,获取微型旋耕机在使用中反映出的质量信息和用户对产品的潜在技术要求.由于调查的项目多数涉及定性的问题,比较模糊,不像产品质量性能检测那样,能获得被测对象的准确值,因而,对产品使用中反映出的质量问题进行综合评价非常困难.采用模糊数学综合评判理论,根据自走式微型旋耕机的特点,结合产品技术标准,选择了微型旋耕机的适应性、可靠性和经济性作为一级质量指标,以耕作效果、作业效率、田地适应性、平均无故障工作时间、平均故障维修时间、维修费用、单位油耗、产品价格作为二级质量指标,以耕深、耕后地表平整度、植被覆盖率作为耕作效果的三级质量指标.把模糊数学最大隶属度原理应用到评价中,构造综合评判模糊数学模型,通过实例计算和分析,验证了此模型的可靠性.研究结果对自走式微型旋耕机的产品选型和质量评价等具有重要的应用价值.  相似文献   
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