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Arthropod predators are abundant in turfgrass systems, and they play an important role in managing pests. Understanding the vertical distribution of predation is critical to developing cultural strategies that enhance and conserve predatory services. However, little is known on how the predation is vertically distributed within the turfgrass canopy. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the vertical distribution of predation within the turfgrass canopy. Clay models were used to emulate the general appearance of Noctuidae caterpillars, to estimate the predatory activity. The choice and no-choice experiments were conducted by placing clay models at 2.54, 5.08, and 7.62 cm from the thatch surface and denoted as lower, intermediate, and upper levels, respectively, within turfgrass canopy. The predator-mediated impressions, paired mark, scratch, deep cut mark, deep distortion, prick, dent, stacked surface impression, scooped mark, granulation, and U-shaped mark, were identified on clay models. The incidence and severity of impressions were significantly greater on clay models placed at the lower canopy level than on those placed at the intermediate and upper canopy levels in the choice and no-choice experiments (P < 0.05). Thus, predators are more likely to find their prey at the soil level. This information can be used to refine management strategies, such as mowing height and insecticide use for effectively managing soil-borne and foliar-feeding arthropod pests and beneficial arthropods.  相似文献   
Aphanomyces euteiches causes severe root rot of peas. Resistance is limited in commercial pea cultivars. Real-time fluorescent PCR assay specific for A. euteiches was used to study the relationship between disease severity and pathogen DNA content in infected peas. Five pea genotypes ranging in levels of resistance were inoculated with five isolates of A. euteiches. Plants were visually rated for disease development and the amount of pathogen DNA in roots was determined using the PCR assay. The susceptible genotypes Genie, DSP and Bolero tended to have significantly more disease and more pathogen DNA than the resistant genotypes 90-2079 and PI 180693. PI 180693 consistently had less disease, while 90-2079 had the lowest amount of pathogen DNA. The Spearman correlation between pathogen DNA quantity and disease development was positive and significant (P < 0.05) for three isolates, but was not significant for two other isolates. This suggests that the real-time PCR assay may have limited application as a selection tool for resistance in pea to A. euteiches. Its utility as a selection tool would be dependent on the correlation between disease development and pathogen DNA content for a given pathogen isolate. The accuracy and specificity of the real-time PCR assay suggests considerable application for the assay in the study of mechanisms of disease resistance and the study of microbial population dynamics in plants.  相似文献   
Seeds of Johnsongrass [Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.] germinated to higher percentages (20–30% higher) when incubated at 28 and 35° C than at 10 or 22° C. After-ripening was accelerated by dry storage of these seeds at 50°C. Seeds pre-chilled at 6°C for 2–4 weeks followed by incubation at 28°C germinated 40–60%. Light effects on germination were related to incubation temperatures; inhibitory at 22°C; no response at 28°C; and stimulatory at 35°C. Effects of gibberellin A3 (GA3) also varied depending on incubation temperature, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) immersion and light conditions. Immersion of dry seeds in either 700 mM NaOCl, 900 mM H2O2 or concentrated H2SO4 before incubation in water was effective in breaking dormancy. This result suggests the modes of action of H2SO4 in the termination of dormancy may be similar to those of NaOCl and H2SO4 as previously suggested by Hsiao & Quick (1984), that is by modification or scarification of the hull or seed coat membranes, and also by the supply of additional oxygen to the seed.  相似文献   
A PCR-based method was developed for the identification and detection of Phytophthora capsici in pepper plants. Three PCR primers (CAPFW, CAPRV1 and CAPRV2) specific for P. capsiciwere designed based on the sequence of its internal transcribed spacer regions. CAPFW/CAPRV1 amplify a 452 bp product from P. capsici DNA whereas CAPFW/CAPRV2 a 595 bp fragment; neither set amplifies DNA from pepper or several fungi pathogenic to pepper. In conventional (single-round) PCR, the limit of detection was 5 pg DNA for both primer sets, whereas in nested PCR the detection limit for both was of 0.5 fg. However, when the dilution series of target DNA were spiked with plant DNA, amplification declined two-fold in both conventional and nested PCR. The CAPFW/CAPRV2 set in conventional PCR was used to detect P. capsici DNA in inoculated plants. Detection occurred as soon as 8h post-inoculation in stem samples from infected but still symptomless plants. The method was also tested to detect fungal DNA in infected soils.  相似文献   
Phytophthora root rot, caused byPhytophthora cinnamomi Rands, is the most important disease of avocado (Persea americana Miller). In an attempt to identify root rot-resistant rootstocks that could ultimately be used under conditions in southern Florida, we screened open-pollinated progeny of avocado from the National Germplasm Repository in Miami. From 1996 to 1998, a total of 2,355 seedlings from 51 accessions were examined in potting mix artificially infested withP. cinnamomi. Most seedlings developed severe root rot, but tolerance was observed in some families (i.e., progeny of certain accessions). Although the most susceptible families developed mean disease ratings of up to 97% root necrosis, mean ratings for the most tolerant families were less than 60%. There was also a strong relationship between the racial background of the female parent and the tolerance of seedlings. Seedlings of the West Indian race and hybrids between it and the Guatemalan race were significantly more tolerant than those from other parents (P< 0.05). Individuals in several families developed < 50% root necrosis, the arbitrary standard of tolerance in this study. Twelve families accounted for 82% (188 of 229) of the tolerant seedlings, and only two of these did not have a West Indian or Guatemalan × West Indian pedigree. Broad-sense heritability for PRR tolerance was 0.45. This is the first report on the inheritance of PRR tolerance in avocado and on the influence of genotype and racial pedigree under controlled conditions.  相似文献   
Factors involved in the establishment of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) seedlings in grasslands and plant mortality in the first growing season were studied during 2008–2011. The study was conducted at 11 grassland sites that differed in the quantity of seed rain and the intensity of seedling predation by slugs. In April, of each study year, 10 plots open to the sedimentation of naturally dispersed seeds were established at each site, five plots of which were also sown with 250 T. officinale seeds each. The amount of natural seed rain, slug feeding activity and number of plants in each plot were then recorded at monthly intervals. Seed rain and seedling predation accounted for c. 50% of the variation in seedling establishment. Populations of established seedlings then declined through October, at which point they were at 25% of the original abundance on average. The percentage of plants that survived varied among sites and years. The temporal and spatial variation in T. officinale establishment and survival of young plants was enormous, even within a small area. Predation of seedlings by slugs can effectively prevent the establishment of T. officinale in grassland. This only occurred, however, at slug abundances not acceptable under conditions of public access.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In pest management research, harmonic radar systems have been largely used to study insect movement across open or vegetation‐poor areas because the microwave signal is attenuated by the high water content of vegetation. This study evaluated whether the efficacy of this technology is sufficient to track insects in vegetative landscapes. RESULTS: Field efficacy data were collected using portable harmonic microwave radar and electronic dipole tags mounted on adults of three economically important pests: Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), Diabrotica virginifera virginifera (LeComte) and Conotrachelus nenuphar Herbst. Detection and recovery of tagged Colorado potato beetles, plum curculios and western corn rootworms was high within and among potato plants, moderate within apple trees and high within, but not between, corn plants respectively. The efficacy of the radar depends on the ability of the operator to move around the host, scanning for a signal ‘sightline’ with the tagged insect among plant structures. CONCLUSION: The detection rate of tagged insects by harmonic radar systems is high enough to track the walking path of pests through low row crops such as potato, tall row crops such as corn or tall but well‐separated trees of orchard‐type crops by adapting the scanning procedure to the vegetative architecture. Copyright © 2010 Crown in the right of Canada. Published by JohnWiley & Sons, Ltd  相似文献   
Vector efficiency of 44 clonal lines (clones) of Sitobion avenae belonging to 31 different genotypes (distinct patterns for five microsatellite loci) originating from Western France was evaluated by transmitting the isolate PAV4 of BYDV-PAV to barley seedlings. Variation in transmission rates from 3.7% to 92.5% was observed, with significant effects of the aphid clone, of the plant species on which clones were collected, and of the reproductive mode of the clones. When genotypes are considered instead of clones, a continuum in transmission rates was observed. A subset of S. avenae clones was tested for transmission of one (10 clones) and 13 (4 clones) other BYDV-PAV isolates, and a clear clone effect modulated by an isolate effect was observed. Crosses were made between clones with different vectoring phenotypes and their F1 progeny were tested for PAV4 transmission. The narrow sense heritability of the PAV transmission character was rather high in the F1 families (h2=0.5) and the segregation analyses suggested an oligo/polygenic determinism of this character. The possibility of generating new transmission variants by sexual reproduction and its consequences on transmission mechanism studies and on BYD epidemics are discussed.  相似文献   
Photosynthesis in the shoots of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was inhibited by certain phenylurea herbicides applied via the nutrient solution. Recovery from this inhibition after short treatments was used as a measure of the rate of inactivation of these herbicides in the leaf tissue of a variety tolerant to metoxuron (Caribo) and of a less tolerant variety (Manella). The introduction of chlorine atoms into fenuron greatly reduced the rate of inactivation in both varieties, whereas that of a methyl or butoxy group had little or no effect. Metoxuron was inactivated more readily than chlortoluron and both compounds were inactivated more rapidly in Caribo than in Manella.  相似文献   
本试验旨在研究饲粮代谢能水平对14~17周龄不同性别北京油鸡育肥期生长性能、屠宰性能、肉品质及血清生化指标的影响,为确定北京油鸡适宜饲粮代谢能水平提供依据。本试验严格按照完全随机区组试验设计进行。选取13周龄北京油鸡600只,公母各占1/2,根据体重一致原则随机分为6组,其中3个组均为公鸡,另外3个组均为母鸡,每组5个重复,每个重复20只。3个组分别为低代谢能组(饲粮代谢能水平为12.20 MJ/kg)、中代谢能组(饲粮代谢能水平为12.64 MJ/kg)、高代谢能组(饲粮代谢能水平为13.08 MJ/kg)。预试期1周,正试期4周(14~17周龄)。结果显示:1)高代谢能组公鸡和母鸡的平均日增重显著高于其他2组(P <0.05),且高代谢能组母鸡的料重比显著低于其他2组(P <0.05),饲粮代谢能水平为13.08 MJ/kg时公鸡和母鸡有较好的生长性能。2)公鸡方面,低代谢能组的腿肌率显著高于其他2组(P<0.05);母鸡方面,低代谢能组的全净膛率显著高于高代谢能组(P<0.05),翅膀率显著低于高代谢能组(P <0.05)。低代谢能组公鸡和母鸡的皮脂...  相似文献   
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