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Epigenetic reprogramming in plant and animal development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epigenetic modifications of the genome are generally stable in somatic cells of multicellular organisms. In germ cells and early embryos, however, epigenetic reprogramming occurs on a genome-wide scale, which includes demethylation of DNA and remodeling of histones and their modifications. The mechanisms of genome-wide erasure of DNA methylation, which involve modifications to 5-methylcytosine and DNA repair, are being unraveled. Epigenetic reprogramming has important roles in imprinting, the natural as well as experimental acquisition of totipotency and pluripotency, control of transposons, and epigenetic inheritance across generations. Small RNAs and the inheritance of histone marks may also contribute to epigenetic inheritance and reprogramming. Reprogramming occurs in flowering plants and in mammals, and the similarities and differences illuminate developmental and reproductive strategies.  相似文献   
Summary Frem 1948 onward there has been a marked increase in potato breeding work in Denmark. This is due to the fact that the Danish Agriculture Potato Fund was established in this year and its proceeds are devoted to the advancement of potato breeding in Denmark. The fund owns the Potato Breeding Station at Vandel, near Vejle, and this together with the State Research Station at Tylstrup are the only places in Denmark where potato breeding is carried out. Breeding of ware varieties constitutes a great part of the work, although the breeding of varieties used for fodder and industrial purposes is also an important aspect of the work. The quality and yield capacity of the new varieties are very important considerations, although the present work of breeding also aims at finding varieties which are only slightly affected by late blight and common scab. As the conditions governing the production of virus-free seed potatoes, do not constitute any serious problem in Denmark, little attention has been paid to the finding of virus-resistant varieties, except on the case of special varieties intended for export. The station in Vandel owns a fairly large collection of wild and cultivated species of potatoes. Three of the most promising varieties from Vandel will be sent for an official test as from 1958.
Zusammenfassung Seit dem Jahre 1948 ist die Arbeit der Kartoffelzüchtung in D?nemark ganz bedeutend erweitert worden, da in diesem Jahre der ?Kartoffelfonds der Landwirtschaft? gegründet wurde, dessen Ertrag in erster Linie die Kartoffelzüchtung D?nemarks stützen soll. Der Fonds besitzt die Zuchtstation bei Vandel. Zusammen mit der Versuchsstation in Tylstrip im Besitz des Staates, ist es die einzigen Stelle in D?nemark, wo Kartoffelzüchtung betrieben wird. Die Züchtung von Speisekartoffeln ist sehr wichtig, aber auch die Arbeit mit Futter- und Fabrikkartoffeln ist von gr?sster Bedeutung. Eigenschaften, wie Ertrag und Qualit?t der neuen Kartoffelsorten, sind von besonderer Wichtigkeit, aber eines der Ziele der jetzigen Züchtungsarbeit ist, Kartoffelsorten zu finden, die nicht so stark von Krautf?ule und Kartoffelschorf angegriffen werden. Da die Bedingungen für die Erzeugung von virusfreien Saatkartoffeln in D?nemark sehr günstig sind, hat man nicht viel Interesse daran, virusresistente Sorten zu züchten, mit Ausnahme von Kartoffelsorten für Export. Auf der Station in Vandel befindet sich eine gr?ssere Sammlung von wilden und kultiviertenSolanum-Arten, die einer der Mitarbeiter der Station aus verschiedenen südamerikanischen Staaten mitgebracht hat. Drei neue Sorten haben bei den vorl?ufigen Prüfungen gute Resultaten ergeben.

Résumé A partir de l'année 1948 l'ocuvre sélectionnaire de la pomme de terre au Danemark a pris un large essor. C'est que dans cette année fut institutée la ?Caisse Agricole de la Pomme de terre?, dont les fonds sont réservés en premier lieu à soutenir l'oeuvre sélectionnaire de la pomme de terre au Danemark. La ?Caisse? exploite la Station d'expérimentation à Vandel qui, ensemble avec la Station d'essais à Tylstrup-également un institut de l'Etat-sont les seules institutions au Danemark où l'on se voue à l'oeuvre sélectionnaire de la pomme de terre. La culture de la pomme de terre de consommation revêt une importance particulière, tout comme d'ailleurs celle des pommes de terre fourragères et industrielles. Les propriétés des nouvelles variétés, telles que rendement et qualité, sont très importantes, mais l'un des objectifs de l'oeuvre sélectionnaire de nos jours est de créer des variétés de pommes de terre résistantes au mildiou et à la gale commune. Etant donné que les conditions de production pour plants de pommes de terre exempts de toute contagion virologique sont très favorables au Danemark, on s'intéresse peu à la culture de variétés résistantes aux maladies à virus, sauf les variétés de pommes de terre destinées à l'exportation. A la Station à Vandel on dispose d'une collection assez riche de variétésSolanum sauvages et cultivées en provenance de différents états américains et approtées par l'un des chercheurs de cet Institut. Trois variétés ont fait l'objet d'expériences entreprises à titre provisoire, et elles ont donné de bons résultats.

Lecture held at Lund, August 1957  相似文献   
Near Infrared Reflectance spectroscopy was tested as a screening method to characterise high lysine mutants from a barley collection by classification through Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Mean spectra of the samples within each cluster identified gene-specific patterns in the 2270–2360 nm region. The characteristic spectral signatures representing the lys5 locus (Risø mutants 13 and 29) were found to be associated with large changes in percentage of starch and (1→3,1→4)-β-glucan. These alleles compensated for a low level of starch (down to 30%) by a high level of (1→3,1→4)-β-glucan (up to 15–20%), thus, maintaining a constant production of polysaccharides at 50–55%, within the range of normal barley.The spectral tool was tested by an independent data set with six mutants with unknown polysaccharide composition. Spectral data from four of these were classified within the high (1→3,1→4)-β-glucan BG lys5 cluster in a PCA. Their high (1→3,1→4)-β-glucan and low starch content was verified. It is concluded that genetic diversity such as from gene regulated polysaccharide and storage protein pathways in the endosperm tissue can be discovered directly from the phenotype by chemometric classification of a spectral library, representing the digitised phenome from a barley gene bank.  相似文献   
The vast majority of soil bacteria are unable to form visible colonies on agar media. One hypothesis is that unculturable soil bacteria are dwarf cells that may either be small starved forms derived from larger species or represent inherently small species. We test the hypotheses that cells of extremely starved soil bacterial communities are smaller and less culturable than cells of bacterial communities from a richer soil, and that culturability is related to cell size by comparing an extremely starved community from a 5200-year-old A-horizon buried under a burial mound with a community from a modern agricultural A-horizon.We serially filtered cell suspensions through filters with successively smaller pore sizes (0.8 μm, 0.6 μm and 0.4 μm) and assessed total cell number and culturability, i.e. the ability to form colonies on two types of agar media, in each size fraction. Cell size distributions were assessed in unfiltered suspensions. Average cell size was only moderately reduced in the starved community, where culturability was low for all size classes. In contrast, culturability was much higher in the modern community, where culturability decreased dramatically with decreasing cell sizes.  相似文献   
In the European Union almost 6 Mha of potatoes are grown representing a value of close to €6,000,000,000. Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans causes annual losses (costs of control and damage) estimated at more than €1,000,000,000. Chemical control is under pressure as late blight becomes increasingly aggressive and there is societal resistance against the use of environmentally unfriendly chemicals. Breeding programmes have not been able to markedly increase the level of resistance of current potato varieties. New scientific approaches may yield genetically modified marker-free potato varieties (either trans- and/or cisgenic, the latter signifying the use of indigenous resistance genes) as improved variants of currently used varieties showing far greater levels of resistance. There are strong scientific investments needed to develop such improved varieties but these varieties will have great economic and environmental impact. Here we present an approach, based on (cisgenic) resistance genes that will enhance the impact. It consists of five themes: the detection of R-genes in the wild potato gene pool and their function related to the various aspects in the infection route and reproduction of the late blight causing pathogen; cloning of natural R-genes and transforming cassettes of single or multiple (cisgenic) R-genes into existing varieties with proven adaptation to improve their value for consumers; selection of true to the wild type and resistant genotypes with similar qualities as the original variety; spatial and temporal resistance management research of late blight of the cisgenic genetically modified (GM) varieties that contain different cassettes of R-genes to avoid breaking of resistance and reduce build-up of epidemics; communication and interaction with all relevant stakeholders in society and transparency in what research is doing. One of the main challenges is to explain the different nature and possible biological improvement and legislative repercussions of cisgenic GM-crops in comparison with transgenic GM-crops. It is important to realize that the present EU Directive 2001/18/EC on GM crops does not make a difference between trans- and cisgenes. These rules were developed when only transgenic GM plants were around. We present a case arguing for an updating and refinement of these rules in order to place cisgenic GM-crops in another class of GM-plants as has been done in the past with (induced) mutation breeding and the use of protoplast fusion between crossable species.  相似文献   
The beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua Hübner)is the most important pest in tropical Alliumcultivations. All shallot (Allium cepa L. group Aggregatum) cultivars are susceptible to this pest. Therefore accessions from three wild Alliumspecies, namely A. galanthum Kar. et Kir., A. fistulosum L. and A. royleiStearn, next to A. cepa L. were used to screen for resistance. First of all, a reliable bio-assay had to be developed. To this end transparent plastic cages with in total 5 plants of one accession per cage were placed on per lite in a heated greenhouse. Five 3-day old larvae were inoculated on each plant. Eight days after inoculation the number of surviving larvae per cage and the mean fresh weightper larva was determined. The lowest larval survival (36%) was found on A. roylei. This was not, however, significantly different from other Allium accessions. Significant differences were found in the fresh weight per larva fed on different Allium accessions. The larvae survived on A. roylei had a very low fresh weight (10.3 mg per larva), while those on an accession of A. fistulosum had the highest fresh weight (45.1 mg per larva). The larval fresh weight on A. roylei was lower than all the other accessions except from the tropical shallot cultivar Bawang Bali. To check whether or not a toxic compound was involved in the resistance present in A. roylei, tenaccessions from four Allium species were screened. Five 3-day old larvae were inoculated on regularly replaced leaf material of each accession ofAllium species. No significant differences were found in mean fresh weight per larva and mean survival of larvae among different accessions. There were also no significant differences in pupal weight and developmental time. All larvae became pupae 10 days after inoculation. The data indicate that there is no toxic compound present in A. roylei. These results are underlined by the observation in the greenhouse bio-assay that A. roylei plants were equally damaged by the beet armyworm compared to otherAllium species. The results obtained so far therefore suggest that introduction of resistance to S. exigua via the exploitation of variation for resistance to the beet armyworm in A. roylei is unclear and that genetic engineering using Cry sequences could provide a way forward. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine prevalence of papillomatous digital dermatitis (PDD) among culled adult dairy and beef cattle in the southeastern United States. ANIMALS: 815 cattle examined during 4 visits to a slaughterhouse. PROCEDURE: The left hind foot of each animal was examined for gross lesions of PDD. Breed and sex of the animals were recorded. Lesions were examined histologically for pathologic changes and bacteria, especially spirochetes. RESULTS: 22 of 76 (29%) dairy cattle and 29 of 739 (4%) beef cattle had gross lesions of PDD. Detection of lesions was not associated with sex of dairy cattle, but male beef cattle were more likely to have lesions of PDD than were female beef cattle. Histologically, acute and chronic lesions were seen; the most severe changes were localized to the stratum corneum. Spirochetes were seen in lesions from 31 of 51 (61%) cattle. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that PDD is common among culled adult cattle. Prevalence was higher in culled adult dairy cattle than in culled adult beef cattle.  相似文献   
Farmed eels had lower levels of arachidonic acid (20:4 n‐6) (ARA) and higher ratios of eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5 n‐3) (EPA):ARA compared to wild European eels collected from the Baltic Sea and southern Norwegian coast. Eels fed a formulated feed (JD) with a distribution of essential fatty acids (EFA) resembling wild European eel were sampled after 0, 5, 10, 14 and 44 weeks of feeding to examine changes in fatty acid composition (FAC) in ovaries, visceral fat and muscle. The results showed a slow but steady incorporation of EFA. Lipids are incorporated in the oocytes early in oogenesis, and the leading cohort of oocytes is rich in lipid droplets before the onset of vitellogenesis. This indicates that feeding with optimized broodstock feeds should start early to allow the incorporation of EFA in the first cohort of oocytes. At least 14 weeks of feeding is required to change lipid EFA in broodstock eel to resemble EFA in the diet or in wild fish. After 44 weeks of feeding, ARA was significantly higher in the neutral lipids of ovaries (1.9%) compared to visceral fat (1.2%) or muscle (1.0%). EPA:ARA ratios decreased two‐ to threefold in all tissues examined during that time. ARA and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n‐3) (DHA) had accumulated in ovarian polar lipids.  相似文献   
We present spatial coherence measurements of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light generated through the process of high-harmonic up-conversion of a femtosecond laser. With a phase-matched hollow-fiber geometry, the generated beam was found to exhibit essentially full spatial coherence. The coherence of this laser-like EUV source was shown by recording Gabor holograms of small objects. This work demonstrates the capability to perform EUV holography with a tabletop experimental setup. Such an EUV source, with low divergence and high spatial coherence, can be used for experiments involving high-precision metrology, inspection of optical components for EUV lithography, and microscopy and holography with nanometer resolution. Furthermore, the short time duration of the EUV radiation (a few femtoseconds) will enable EUV microscopy and holography to be performed with ultrahigh time resolution.  相似文献   

• Context  

This review paper provides an overview of approaches to which we may resort for handling the complex decision problems involving uncertainty and risk that climate change implies for forest managers. Modelling approaches that could support adaptive management strategies seem to be called for, not only as climate change denotes increased economic uncertainty but also because new and more reliable information becomes available as time passes and climate changes.  相似文献   
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