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用不同比例A1和B层暗棕壤混合(A1∶B=1∶2)制造土壤养分缺乏条件,栽植落叶松幼苗,通过模拟我国东北林区代表性森林凋落物淋洗液中有机酸的种类和数量,系统研究养分缺乏下,不同浓度外源有机酸对暗棕壤磷有效性和落叶松幼苗吸收、运输磷素养分的影响及机理,以探讨利用有机酸提高养分缺乏下落叶松幼苗抗土壤贫瘠能力的可行性及机制。结果表明,A1层与B层混合土壤速效磷含量降低,落叶松幼苗根系和叶片磷累积量和磷吸收效率降低,但磷利用效率增加。外源有机酸处理后,混合土壤的速效磷含量有不同程度提高,3种有机酸的作用强弱表现为琥珀酸>柠檬酸>草酸,一般以浓度5.0mmol/L和处理20d时提高效果最显著。有机酸不同程度提高了根系和叶片的磷累积量和磷吸收效率,但降低了磷利用效率。有机酸对磷累积量和磷吸收效率的提高程度因处理时间、有机酸浓度和种类而异:对于根系,20d和30d的结果高于10d,叶片则为10d和20d的结果高于30d,说明处理前期磷被吸收后向叶片的转移量较多,而后期则更多地在根中积累;3种有机酸大多在浓度为10.0mmol/L时提高幅度最大;不同有机酸的促进程度为琥珀酸>柠檬酸>草酸。因此,外源有机酸能通过提高落叶松幼苗对养分缺乏土壤中磷的吸收能力,促进磷的积累,进而提高苗木对养分缺乏土壤的耐性和适应能力。  相似文献   
分析不同灌溉施肥方式下氮素时空分布特征可为改进畦灌施肥技术与方法提供科学依据。该研究基于冬小麦返青灌溉开展的不同入畦流量下撒施和液施硫酸铵时获得的畦灌试验观测结果,分析2种不同施肥方式下地表水流和土壤中氮素时空分布规律,讨论不同施肥方式下影响灌后土壤氮素空间分布均匀性的要素。结果表明,施肥方式对地表水流和土壤中氮素分布影响显著,入畦流量对其影响不显著。液施下地表水流中氮素时空分布差异不显著,撒施下具有明显时空变异性;液施能明显改善灌后土壤氮素空间分布均匀性,灌后1 d 1m土层内氮素空间变异系数为0.07,明显小于撒施。土壤氮素增量分布均匀性在液施下主要与灌水量分布有关,撒施下则与地表水流中氮素分布和灌水量分布有关。液施在提高施肥均匀性和减小灌溉期间肥的损失方面优于撒施,且更易于水肥联合管理。  相似文献   
The aim of present work was to investigate the effect of solid-state fermentation with filamentous fungi (Aspergillus oryzae var. effuses, Aspergillus oryzae, and Aspergillus niger) on total phenolics content (TPC), flavonoids, and antioxidant activities of four subfractions of oat, namely, n-hexane, ethyl acetate (EA), n-butanol, and water, and compare them to their corresponding subfractions of unfermented oat. The TPC and total flavonoids increased dramatically, especially in EA subfractions (p < 0.05). The levels of antioxidant activity of subfractions were also significantly enhanced (p < 0.05). The highest antioxidant activities were also found in the EA subfractions. The polyphenols in EA were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography at 280 nm. Most polyphenols were increased remarkably, especially ferulic and caffeic acids. There was a clear correlation between the TPC and antioxidant activity. In conclusion, fungi fermentation is a potential bioprocess for increasing the TPC, flavonoids, and antioxidant activities of oat-based food.  相似文献   
利用MS培养液研究了不同浓度氯化钙对马铃薯试管薯的产量、 质量、 薯内钙含量及生理病害的影响。结果表明,MS培养液中不添加钙时,试管薯的结薯数量、 薯重及大薯率大幅度降低,没有>100 mg 的试管薯,薯表面出现明显的黄褐色粗糙斑块,个别薯块现水浸状腐烂,腐烂率2.21%。薯内干物质、 淀粉、 可溶性糖和蛋白质含量也较正常钙用量下分别降低了36.8%、 41.39%、 10.7%.和.39.43%,丙二醛含量上升。4℃下贮藏6个月,薯皮失水皱缩严重,平均病害率达53.77%;室温下放置3周,发芽率25.53%,芽生长缓慢;MS 培养液中添加不同浓度的氯化钙,茎段结薯数和薯重随钙浓度的增加呈先增加后降低的变化趋势,大薯率和薯皮表面光泽度呈上升趋势,与正常钙水平相比,薯重增加了2.7%~47.86%、 结薯数增加了-11.49%~22.64%、 大薯率14.43%~26.08%。薯内干物质、 淀粉、 可溶性糖和蛋白质含量的变化均随钙浓度的增加呈先上升后下降的趋势,并较正常钙用量下增加了4.43%~8.62%(干物质)、 6.79%~16.49%(淀粉)、 3.89%~6.31%(可溶性糖)和 4.63%~8.29%(蛋白质)。薯内钙含量大幅度上升,平均值为177~267 g/g(最高值为9 mmol/L处理),薯皮光滑无水浸状腐烂。4℃下贮藏6个月,薯皮正常,生理病害率随薯内钙含量升高呈下降趋势,病害率为1%~8.9%,决定系数R2=0.3812,且试管薯芽的萌发和生长能力正常。确定MS培养液中添加 9 mmol/L CaCl2是新大坪品种试管薯数量和质量的最优处理。  相似文献   


Ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB) are ubiquitous and important for nitrogen transformations in terrestrial ecosystems. However, the distribution patterns of these microorganisms as affected by the terrestrial environments across a large geographical scale are not well understood. This study was designed to gain insights into the ecological characteristics of AOA and AOB in 65 soils, collected from a wide range of soil and ecosystem types.

Materials and methods

Barcoded pyrosequencing in combination with quantitative PCR was employed to characterize the relative abundance, diversity, and community composition of archaeal 16S rRNA gene, and AOA and AOB amoA genes in 65 soil samples.

Results and discussion

The operational taxonomic unit richness and Shannon diversity of Thaumarchaeota, AOA, and AOB were highly variable among different soils, but their variations were best explained by soil pH. Soil pH was strongly correlated with the overall community composition of ammonia oxidizers, as measured by the pairwise Bray–Curtis dissimilarity across all sites. These findings were further corroborated by the evident pH-dependent distribution patterns of four thaumarchaeal groups (I.1a-associated, I.1b, I.1c, and I.1c-associated) and four AOB clusters (2, 3a.1, 10, and 12). The ratios of AOA to AOB amoA gene copy numbers significantly decreased with increasing pH, suggesting a competitive advantage of AOA over AOB in acidic soils.


These results suggest that the distribution of ammonia oxidizers across large-scale biogeographical settings can be largely predicted along the soil pH gradient, thus providing important indications for the ecological characteristics of AOA and AOB in different soils.  相似文献   
尽管非洲是世界上温室气体排放总量或人均排放量最少的地区,但在承受气候变化造成的恶劣影响方面首当其冲。气候变化已经给非洲的水资源、农业、生物多样性、人类健康和国家安全等带来诸多严重影响,粮食生产和水资源一直是非洲长期面临的两大难题,也是深受气候变化影响的两大领域还较欠缺,需要在未来的研究中进一步加强,以探寻减缓气候变化对非洲水资源和农业不利影响的有效途径。本文系统梳理了气候变化对非洲水资源系统和农业生产影响的研究成果和不足,以期为非洲气候变化影响评估工作提供一定参考和借鉴。已有的观测结果表明,气候变化导致非洲许多山脉冰川面积正在大范围缩减、大部分地区降水量有所减少,降雨的年际间分布也更为不稳定,通过水文模型的模拟预测,未来气候变化将进一步影响降水量和非洲部分地区河流的径流量,导致非洲水资源供给压力加大。同样,气候变化也给非洲农业生产带来了巨大的挑战,无论是观测结果分析,还是统计模型和作物模型等对不同气候情景和时间尺度下非洲农业的模拟研究,都显示气候变化对非洲农业以负面影响为主,导致非洲干旱加剧、生长季改变和粮食产量下降,并可能危及非洲的粮食安全。然而,现有研究结果还存在较多不确定性,其主要集中在未来气候情景数据、研究方法、数据的质量和数量等方面。与世界其它地区相比,非洲气候变化影响研究无论是研究的深度和广度都  相似文献   
This article aimed at investigating the synthesis of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory peptides and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) during sourdough fermentation of white wheat, wholemeal wheat, and rye flours. Sourdough lactic acid bacteria, selected previously for proteinase and peptidase activities toward wheat proteins or for the capacity of synthesizing GABA, were used. The highest ACE-inhibitory activity was found by fermenting flour under semiliquid conditions (dough yield 330) and, especially, by using wholemeal wheat flour. Fourteen peptides, not previously reported as ACE-inhibitory, were identified from the water/salt-soluble extract of wholemeal wheat sourdough (IC 50 0.19-0.54 mg/mL). The major part of the identified peptides contained the well-known antihypertensive epitope VAP. The synthesis of GABA increased when the dough yield was decreased to 160. The highest synthesis of GABA (258.71 mg/kg) was found in wholemeal wheat sourdough.  相似文献   
Water quality assessment typically includes the determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD) by oxidation of organic matter with Cr(VI) in an acidic medium followed by digestion. Unfortunately, the required reagents are harmful and the reaction times are rather long. We investigated earlier the use of H2O2 as a more environmentally friendly oxidizing agent to replace the hazardous chromates. In the present study, we have furthered this possibility by incorporating the use of H2O2 in the presence of UV light. A protocol has been devised and tested with standards and real samples that replaces toxic Cr(VI), halves the amount of silver sulfate required, and greatly reduces the necessary reaction time, thus yielding a faster and more environmentally sound method.  相似文献   
盐碱胁迫对滴灌加工番茄生理生长和干物质积累的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨盐碱胁迫对加工番茄生理生长和和干物质积累的影响,采用桶栽试验方法,人工配制不同盐碱程度的土壤(CK:1.5g/kg,S1:4g/kg,S2:7g/kg,S3:10g/kg),研究滴灌条件盐碱胁迫下加工番茄生长指标、生理指标、干物质积累和产量的变化规律。结果表明:S1处理对加工番茄的生长指标、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、叶片水分利用效率及叶绿素含量均有一定程度的促进作用,但与CK处理无显著性差异(P0.05);S2与S3处理对以上指标均有一定的抑制性,最小值均出现在S3处理,但在生育后期,S2与S3这2个高盐碱处理下,加工番茄的气孔限制值降低,普遍低于S1与CK处理(P0.01),说明在生育后期高盐碱胁迫下加工番茄光合能力的下降主要是由高盐碱胁迫导致叶片气孔关闭的非气孔限制因素造成的;S1处理使加工番茄增产2.1%,而S2与S3处理因抑制加工番茄生长,使其分别减产18.7%和65.4%;果实膨大一期是加工番茄生长发育的一个非常重要时期,此时,加工番茄长势迅速,干物质积累加快,达到全生育期的最大值。研究结果为新疆盐碱地加工番茄栽培管理技术提供理论依据。  相似文献   
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