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Since 1976, methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT), an organic derivative of Mn, has been used in Canada as an anti-knock agent in unleaded gasoline. In a preliminary evaluation of the contribution of MMT to urban air pollution, the CO and NOx emissions of 10 vehicles each having traveled less than 17 000 miles were sampled. Five of these vehicles were filled with MMT-free gasoline and the remaining five with MMT-added gasoline. The emissions were evaluated according to the Federal Test Procedure which simulates urban and highway driving cycles. As for the NOx and CO analysis, it was carried out by means of infrared spectrometry, while the concentration of Mn in the gasoline was determined through neutron activation. Overall, the amount of CO emitted by the vehicles using MMT-added gasoline was 1.48 g mile-1 ± 1.77. The amount emitted by the vehicles using clear (MMT-free) gasoline was 0.74 g mile-1 ± 0.88. As for the NOx emission level, it was 0.20 g mile-1 ± 0.15 for the vehicles using MMT-added gasoline vs 0.17 g mile-1 ± 0.18 for the vehicles using clear gasoline. However, probably due to the small sample size and the very high level of emission of one of the vehicles using MMT-added gasoline, these differences are not statistically significant. Further studies should take into account variables such as the driving history and the representativity of the fleet of vehicles tested.  相似文献   
Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. is an obligate parasitic weed of tropical cereals whose rhizosphere can also be colonised by bacteria of the genus Azospirillum. A previous study demonstrated that the two organisms (Azospirillum and striga) interacted during cerealroot colonisation. Two strains of A. brasilense isolated from an African sorghum rhizosphere prevented the germination of striga seeds although they were stimulated to germinate by the presence of sorghum roots. Azospirillum cells suspended in a synthetic germination stimulant (GR24) did not inhibit striga seed germination, but did block radicle elongation. Those radicles had an abnormal morphology, and contained no vacuolated cells in the root elongation zone. Lipophilic compounds extracted from the medium of bacteria in the log and stationary growth phases prevented the germination of striga seeds.  相似文献   
F17 fimbriae are produced by pathogenic Escherichia coli involved in diarrhea and septicemia outbreaks in calves and lambs. These proteins result from the expression of four different clustered genes, namely f17A, f17D, f17C and f17G, encoding a pilin protein, a periplasmic protein, an anchor protein and an adhesin protein, respectively. Several variants of f17A and f17G genes have been reported and found genetically associated with typical virulence factors of bovine pathogenic E. coli strains. In this study, a new F17e-A variant, closely related to F17b-A, was identified from a collection of 58 E. coli isolates from diarrheic calves in Iran. While highly prevalent in Iranian F17-producing clinical isolates from calves, this variant was rare among E. coli from a French healthy adult bovine population, suggesting a possible association with virulence. The f17Ae gene was also found in the genome of the Shiga-like toxin variant Stx1d–producing bovine E. coli strain MHI813, and belonged to a gene cluster also encoding a new F17-G3 variant, which greatly differed from F17-G1 and F17-G2. This gene cluster was located on a pathogenicity island integrated in the tRNA pheV gene. The gene coding for a third new F17f-A variant corresponding to a combination of F17c-A and F17d-A was also identified on the pVir68 plasmid in the bovine pathogenic E. coli strain 6.0900. In conclusion, we identified three new F17-A and F17-G variants in cattle E. coli, which may also have significant impact on the development of new diagnostics and vaccination tools.  相似文献   
Vertically transmitted endosymbionts persist for millions of years in invertebrates and play an important role in animal evolution. However, the functional basis underlying the maintenance of these long-term resident bacteria is unknown. We report that the weevil coleoptericin-A (ColA) antimicrobial peptide selectively targets endosymbionts within the bacteriocytes and regulates their growth through the inhibition of cell division. Silencing the colA gene with RNA interference resulted in a decrease in size of the giant filamentous endosymbionts, which escaped from the bacteriocytes and spread into insect tissues. Although this family of peptides is commonly linked with microbe clearance, this work shows that endosymbiosis benefits from ColA, suggesting that long-term host-symbiont coevolution might have shaped immune effectors for symbiont maintenance.  相似文献   
This study assessed the feasibility of measuring tiludronate in horses using a minimally invasive bone biopsy technique. Eight horses were treated with intravenous (IV) tiludronate [1 mg/kg bodyweight (BW)], either once (n = 4) or twice, 28 d apart (n = 4). The horses that were treated once were euthanized on days 1, 43, 57, or 92 and those that were treated twice, were euthanized on days 112, 154, 194, or 364. Bone samples were taken bilaterally from each horse at 4 sites: the third metacarpal bone (MCIII), the 13th rib (R13), the tuber coxae (TC), and the cuboid bone (CB). Test samples were taken with a 5-mm diameter dental drill, while larger reference samples were taken with an osteotome. The concentrations of tiludronate were measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet (UV) detection. The TC was the easiest site to sample, and no technical difficulties were encountered for extraction and measurement. Drill sampling at the MCIII was difficult. Moreover, both the extraction and measurement caused technical problems and results were unreliable in most cases (93%). Drill samples obtained from the R13 were very small and access to the CB required considerable dissection, which would not be feasible in vivo. Forty-six percent and 36% of the tiludronate measurements performed on the R13 and CB samples, respectively, were unreliable. The ratio of tiludronate concentrations ranged from 73% to 185% (median: 118%) in the TC, 65% to 208% (median: 81%) in the R13, and 26% to 110% (median: 57%) in the CB. In all but 1 horse, the highest concentrations of tiludronate were found in the TC. It was concluded that bone biopsies performed at the TC were adequate for measuring tiludronate in horses and should be considered in future for repeated measurements over time in living animals.  相似文献   
Tropical filamentous marine cyanobacteria have emerged as a viable source of novel bioactive natural products for drug discovery and development. In the present study, aplysiatoxin (1), debromoaplysiatoxin (2) and anhydrodebromoaplysiatoxin (3), as well as two new analogues, 3-methoxyaplysiatoxin (4) and 3-methoxydebromoaplysiatoxin (5), are reported for the first time from the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeum. The identification of the bloom-forming cyanobacterial strain was confirmed based on phylogenetic analysis of its 16S rRNA sequences. Structural determination of the new analogues was achieved by extensive NMR spectroscopic analysis and comparison with NMR spectral data of known compounds. In addition, the antiviral activities of these marine toxins were assessed using Chikungunya virus (CHIKV)-infected cells. Post-treatment experiments using the debrominated analogues, namely compounds 2, 3 and 5, displayed dose-dependent inhibition of CHIKV when tested at concentrations ranging from 0.1 µM to 10.0 µM. Furthermore, debromoaplysiatoxin (2) and 3-methoxydebromoaplysiatoxin (5) exhibited significant anti-CHIKV activities with EC50 values of 1.3 μM and 2.7 μM, respectively, and selectivity indices of 10.9 and 9.2, respectively.  相似文献   
Drought is the major cause of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) yield losses in the UK and many other regions where the crop is not normally irrigated. However, drought tolerance has not been a breeding target partly because the extent of the problem was not understood, it is difficult to design effective selection screens, and because of the suspicion that few varietal differences existed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic resources necessary to improve drought tolerance. Specific objectives were to assess the degree of genotypic diversity for drought tolerance, characterise genotypic differences in response to drought, and identify sources of germplasm with greater drought tolerance than current commercial varieties. Over 3 years, 46 beet genotypes representing diverse genetic backgrounds were tested in the field under large polythene covers to impose a drought beginning approximately 40 days after emergence until harvest. Sugar, root and total dry matter yields were measured under drought and irrigated conditions. The percentage green crop cover was measured at regular intervals and used in the calculation of radiation use efficiencies for each genotype. Drought tolerance index (DTI) was computed as the fraction of irrigated yield maintained under drought, normalised by the mean yield across all genotypes in the trial. Seven genotypes were tested in all years, and the data on these were used to calculate yield stability statistics and to estimate broad-sense heritability. There were more than two-fold differences in droughted and irrigated yields between genotypes, and nearly a two-fold difference in DTI. According to an index that combines yield potential and drought tolerance, some genotypes performed better than the three locally adapted commercial varieties included in the test. There were significant effects for genotype, treatment and G×E interactions for yield components and radiation use efficiency. There were also significant genotype differences in harvest index but few significant G×E interactions. Droughted and irrigated yields were positively associated, but there was no close relation between yield potential and DTI. The seven genotypes common to all years differed in yield stability and in sensitivity to water availability. Thus, the genetic resources exist for germplasm improvement. Both yield potential and DTI (which may ensure better yield stability) should be considered simultaneously as breeding targets for drought-prone areas.  相似文献   
Résumé Lorsque l'on traite des huiles végétales brutes par de l'eau, de la vapeur d'eau, des solutions salines ou des solutions acides, dans des conditions que la technique industrielle précise, il se sépare une phase aqueuse dite phase de démucilagination. Celle-ci contient des substances dotées de propriétés tensioactives comparables, mais de constitutions chimiques très différentes: des polyholosides qui représentent les mucilages proprement dits, mais aussi des phosphoaminolipides de natures diverses. De plus, des lipides simples: glycérides, acides gras libres et matières insaponifiables peuvent être entraînés dans ce milieu doté de propriétés émulsives.La présente étude est consacrée à l'analyse des produits de démucilagination, obtenus au laboratoire par action d'une quantité d'eau limitée sur l'huile brute extraite du germe de maïs.On sépare d'abord les glucides de l'ensemble lipidique en solubilisant celui-ci par un lavage avec de l'hexane. La solution est séchée, évaporée sous pression réduite et soumise à l'analyse chromatographique sur plaque de Kieselgel de Merck. Après les manipulations d'usage, la mise en évidence des taches pouvait être obtenue au moyen de la vapeur d'iode ou par pulvérisation d'acide sulfurique. Nous avons préféré utiliser la rhodamine B qui nous a permis de mettre en évidence, près de la base, une série de quatre tâches correspondant à des lécithines, (ce fait a été vérifié en soumettant la matière première à l'hydrolyse, ce qui a permis de mettre en évidence la seule choline sans trace d'éthanolamine, constituant caractéristique des céphalines), et près de la ligne de front d'autres dépôts, qui repris, ont été identifiés à des stérols. Il a été vérifié que glycérides et acides gras ne migrent pas dans nos conditions expérimentales.En complément de la chromatographie sur plaques, la chromatographie gazeuse a permis de connaître l'identité des acides gras consituant les lécithines et celle des stérols.
Summary When raw vegetable oils are treated by water, vapour, solutions of salts or acids, in conditions that are defined by industrial technique, an aqueous phase, called de gumming phase is separated. This phase contains substances possessing compared surface-active properties but differing by their chemical constitutions: poly holosides, which are the gums proper, but also phospho aminolipids of various nature. Furthermore, simple lipids: glycerides, free fatty acids, unsaponifiables may be drawn into this medium endowed with emulsifying properties.The present study is concerned with the analysis of the products of degumming obtained in the laboratory by the action of a limited quantity of water on the raw oil extracted from corn germ.First the carbohydrates are separated from by the complex of lipids by solubilizing it with a washing by hexane. The solution is dried, evaporated under reduced pressure, and chromatographically analyzed on aMerck Kieselgel plate. After the usual manipulations the evidencing of the spots could be obtained with the help of iodine vapours or by spraying with sulphuric acid. We preferred to use Rhodamin B which enabled us to show, near the base, a series of four spots corresponding to lecithins (this fact was verified by the hydrolysis of the raw material which enabled us to isolate only the choline, without any trace of ethanolamine, a characteristic constituant of cephalins), and near the front line, other spots, which, when redissolved, were identified as sterols. It was verified that in our experimental conditions the glycerides and fatty acids do not migrate.As a supplement for plate chromatography, gas-chromatography has enabled us to identify the fatty acids constituting the lecithins, and also to identify the sterols.

Zusammenfassung Wenn man die rohen Pflanzenöle mit Wasser, Wasserdampf, Salzlösungen oder Säurelösungen unter den Bedingungen der präzisen industriellen Technik behandelt, scheidet sich eine wässerige, sogenannte Entschleimungsphase aus. Diese enthält Stoffe, die vergleichbare tensioaktive Eigenschaften haben, aber deren chemische Beschaffenheit sehr verschieden ist: Polykolloide, welche die eigentlichen Schleime bilden, aber auch Phospho-amino-Lipide verschiedener Natur und auch einfache Lipide: Glyceride, freie Fettsäuren und nicht verseifbare Stoffe, die in diesem mit emulgierenden Eigenschaften ausgestattetem Medium weggespült werden können. Diese Arbeit ist der Analyse der Entschleimungsprodukte gewidmet, die im Laboratorium durch Einwirkung einer beschränkten Menge Wassers auf rohes Öl aus Maiskeimen entstanden ist.Man scheidet zuerst die Kohlenhydrate aus der Gesamtheit der Lipide aus, die durch Waschen mit Hexan lösbar gemacht werden. Die Lösung wird getrocknet, unter reduziertem Druck verdampft und der chromatographischen Analyse auf Kieselgel vonMerck unterworfen. Nach den üblichen Behandlungen wurden die Substanzflecken durch Joddampf oder Besprühen mit Schwefelsäure sichtbar gemacht. Wir bevorzugten Rhodamin B weil wir mit diesem Entwicklungsreagenz eine Reihe von vier Flecken in Startnähe erkennen konnten, die den Lecithinen zugeordnet wurden. (Es handelt sich um Lecithin, da bei der Hydrolyse des Rohmaterials nur Cholin und keine Spur Äthanolamin, dem charakteristischen Bestandteil der Kephaline, gefunden wurde.) In der Nähe der Front lagen Substanzflecken, die sich als Sterole identifizieren ließen. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, daß Glyceride und Fettsäuren unter den Versuchsbedingungen nicht wandern.Als Ergänzung zur Chromatographie auf Platten hat die Gaschromatographie die Identifizierung der Fettsäuren, welche die Lecithine bilden, und der Sterole ermöglicht.
Microcystins are cyclic peptides produced by cyanobacteria, which can be harmful to humans and animals when ingested. Eight of the (more than) 90 microcystin variants presently characterized, contain the amino acid tryptophan. The well-researched oxidation products of tryptophan; kynurenine, oxindolylalanine, and N-formylkynurenine, have been previously identified in intact polypeptides but microcystin congeners containing oxidized tryptophan moieties have not been reported. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric analysis of an extract of Microcystis CAWBG11 led to the tentative identification of two new tryptophan-containing microcystins (MC‑WAba and MC-WL), as well as eight other microcystin analogs containing kynurenine, oxindolylalanine and N‑formylkynurenine (Nfk). Investigation of one of these congeners (MC‑NfkA) by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to verify the presence of Nfk in the microcystin. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of a tryptophan oxidation experiment demonstrated that tryptophan-containing microcystins could be converted into oxidized tryptophan analogs and that low levels of oxidized tryptophan congeners were present intracellularly in CAWBG11. MC-NfkR and MC-LNfk were detected in standards of MC-WR and MC-LW, indicating that care during storage of tryptophan-containing microcystins is required.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the topical effect of various agents, currently used in the treatment of melting ulcers, on gelatinase activity present in the tear film of normal dogs. ANIMAL STUDIED: Eight normal adult beagles. PROCEDURES: Each animal received the following agents: cyclosporine A 1%, N-acetylcysteine 10%, ciprofloxacin 0.3%, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) 1%, doxycycline 0.001%, polysulfated glycosaminoglycans (PSGAG) 5%, autoserum, and artificial tears during a 48-h period following a Latin square design. Tear samples were collected with micro-capillary pipettes following a corneal surface irrigation of each eye with sterile saline on four different occasions. Basal and total gelatinase activities were evaluated by optical density after processing in a commercial gelatinase activity assay. From the optical density ratio, a semi-quantitative measure of gelatinase activity was obtained. Basal and total activities were measured in all samples. RESULTS: The lowest total gelatinase activity, representing a percent decline in the enzyme activity although not significant, was observed 1 h after the last treatment in seven out of the eight ophthalmic agents; EDTA (68%), ciprofloxacin (76%), cyclosporine A (68%), doxycycline (47%), artificial tears (26%), PSGAG (25%), and N-acetylcysteine (20%). However, only the reduction observed with EDTA 6 h after the last treatment was significantly lower compared to the reduction observed with the artificial tears. CONCLUSION: This study indicated that only EDTA was able to significantly reduce the gelatinase activity in a persistent manner in the tear film of normal canine eyes. Further studies will be required to evaluate the effect of EDTA under ulcerative conditions and to more accurately ascertain the potential in vivo effect of the other agents.  相似文献   
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