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Agricultural machines spend a significant part of their time on non-productive operations such as maneuvering near the boundaries of the field and loading or offloading of inputs or outputs (here referred to as servicing). This paper integrates existing methods for route optimization so as to minimize the time spent on turns and machine servicing on fields cultivated in straight rows. The following variables are optimized: (1) the orientation (angle) of the tracks, (2) the order of tracks, and (3) the types of turns between tracks. The angle of the tracks relative to field boundaries influences the number and lengths of the machine tracks, the number of turns and the positions where the machine can be serviced. Track order and the type of turns are selected to achieve overall efficiency. The algorithm was tested by computing routes for a set of fields of different sizes and assuming different operations. On small fields that do not require servicing, optimizing the turns between tracks resulted in a reduction of up to 50 % in turning time compared to the prevailing practice of navigation between adjacent tracks. A comparison of two sprayers in terms of servicing efficiency suggested that the algorithm can help selecting machinery for given field geometries. In some cases requiring machine servicing, the track orientation giving the shortest turning time did not produce the least servicing time. This illustrates that machine servicing should be taken into consideration for global optimization of machine traffic.  相似文献   
Molecular conductance junctions are structures in which single molecules or small groups of molecules conduct electrical current between two electrodes. In such junctions, the connection between the molecule and the electrodes greatly affects the current-voltage characteristics. Despite several experimental and theoretical advances, including the understanding of simple systems, there is still limited correspondence between experimental and theoretical studies of these systems.  相似文献   
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is an internationally significant forage crop. Forage yield, lodging resistance and spring vigor are important agronomic traits conditioned by quantitative genetic and environmental effects. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) and molecular markers associated with increased forage yield, resistance to lodging, and spring vigor. A backcross population composed of 128 progeny was developed by crossing the breeding parents DW000577 (lodging susceptible) and NL002724 (lodging-resistant) and back-crossing an individual F1 plant to the maternal parent (i.e. DW000577). A linkage map of NL002724 was developed based upon the segregation of 236 AFLP, SRAP, and SSR markers among the backcross progeny. The markers were distributed among 14 linkage groups, covering an estimated recombination distance of 1497.6 centiMorgans (cM). Replicated clones of both parents and backcross progeny were evaluated in the field for estimated forage yield, lodging, and spring vigor in Washington and Wisconsin during 2007 and 2008. Significant QTL were found for all three traits. In particular, two QTL for lodging resistance were identified that explained ≥14 % of trait variation, and were significant in all years and locations. Major QTL explaining over 25 % of trait variation for forage yield were detected in multiple environments at two separate locations on chromosome III. Several QTL for spring vigor were located in the same or similar positions as QTL for forage yield, possibly explaining the significant correlation between these traits. Molecular markers associated with the aforementioned QTL were also identified.  相似文献   
The Turkish program of irrigationmanagement transfer has gained worldwidecelebrity for its speed and effectiveness. This paper describes the program brieflyand assesses its effectiveness from anational perspective. The assessmentincludes changes in staffing levels,operational costs, service fee levels, andcost recovery from farmers. A companionpaper examines impacts at the local leveland looks specifically at changes in systemperformance.  相似文献   
Inter-provenance hybrids of Pinuscaribaea var. hondurensis wereprogeny tested in Queensland, Australia inorder to assess the feasibility ofincorporating some desirable traits intothe local breeding population, consistinglargely of a single upland provenanceMountain Pine Ridge (MPR). Data onphenotypic traits up to seven years fromplanting revealed that an inter-provenancehybrid, MPR × coastal had greater diameter,straightness and wind-firmness, and fewerramicorns than the MPR control provenance.The data were mostly consistent for twowidely separated sites, and also whenpooled across those sites (p <0.05). In addition, hybrid vigor for treevolume was apparent (p < 0.05).Trees of coastal × Guanaja Island, and purecoastal provenances were as large as thoseof the MPR provenance but had fewerramicorns. Even though the coastal ×Guanaja provenance seemed to produce treesthat were more crooked than the MPRprovenance, there was evidence at leastwithin one site to suggest that the hybridtrees were superior in terms ofwind-firmness (p < 0.01). Breedingfor hybrid vigor and pedigree selection ofthe priority hybrid, MPR × coastal aresuggested as future measures. Pureprovenance populations of coastal andGuanaja island are to be bred as sublinesto the MPR breeding population for futureuse in inter-provenance hybridization andfor gene conservation.  相似文献   
Irrigation and food security in the 21st century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global food projections indicate that food prices in the next threedecades will likely be stable or decline, but progress inreducing malnutrition in developing countries will be slow. Smallshortfalls in crop productivity growth would lead to rising foodprices and worsening malnutrition. Increased food production fromirrigation is essential, and will require expansion of irrigatedarea and water supplies, and improved efficiency of use of existingwater supplies. Neither of these growth factors will prove easy, andboth will require complex institutional and policy reforms. Failureto meet food production needs through efficient expansion andintensification of irrigated agriculture would increase pressure onland resources and hasten the process of environmental degradation.Irrigation and water development strategies have been hampered bya lack of understanding of the links between water scarcity, foodproduction, food security, and environmental sustainability.Research to improve this understanding would have high payoffs.  相似文献   
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