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The 18 species of bird studied originally are known to belong to muscicapids, robins and sylviids of passerines, but some dis- putations are always present in their classification systems. In this experiment, phylogenetic relationships of 18 species of passerines were studied using Adenylate Kinase lntron 5 (AKS) sequences and DNA techniques. Through sequences analysis in comparison with each other, phylogenetic tree figures of 18 species of passerines were constructed using Neighbor-Joining (N J) and Maximum-Parsimony (MP) meth- ods . The results showed that sylviids should be listed as an independent family, while robins and flycatchers should be listed into Musci- capidae. Since the phylogenetic relationships between long-tailed tits and old world warblers are closer than that between long-tailed tits and parids, the long-tailed tits should be independent of paridae and be categorized into aegithalidae. Muscicapidae and Paridae are known to be two monophylitic families, but Sylviidae is not a monophyletic group. AK5 sequences had better efficacy in resolving close relationships of interspecies among intrageneric groups. 相似文献
During three consecutive seasons, two different deficit irrigation strategies were compared with control fully irrigated trees
regarding their capacity to induce early bloom and harvest in “Algerie” loquat. The first strategy, a continuous deficit irrigation
strategy, consisted in a uniform reduction of 20% water needs through the entire season; the second strategy, a regulated
deficit irrigation approach, while accounting for the same global reduction of 20% loquat water needs, concentrated water
shortages after harvest from mid-May through the end of August. Regulated deficit irrigation resulted more successful. Postharvest
regulated deficit irrigation advanced full bloom 10–20 days depending on the season. Such enhancement led to more precocious
and valuable yield, with an average increase of fruit value of 0.21 € kg−1. The effects of continuous deficit irrigation were less noticeable and average fruit value was increased 0.08 € kg−1. Yield and fruit quality were not affected for the different deficit irrigation strategies. Water savings established around
1450 m3 ha−1 year−1. Deficit irrigation rose water use efficiency up to more than a 40%. 相似文献
Annual amounts of litterfall and nitrogen input by litterfall were measured in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest
to examine the contribution of a liana species, Mucuna macrocarpa Wall., to the spatial heterogeneity of litterfall production and nitrogen input. The total litterfall in the study plot was
7.1 t ha−1 year−1. The amount of litterfall varied with topography and was greatest at the valley bottom and decreased toward the ridges. Macuna macrocarpa litterfall was absent on the ridges although it accounted for the largest percentage, 32%, of total leaf litter production
in the valley. Nitrogen input by litterfall was 69 kg ha−1 year−1 in the plot. Nitrogen input by litterfall was also largest at the valley bottom and decreased toward the ridges. Leaf litter
of M. macrocarpa had approximately twice the nitrogen concentration of litterfall of other species. Macuna macrocarpa accounted for 42% of nitrogen input by leaf litter in the valley. The abundance and the high nitrogen concentration of M. macrocarpa intensified differences in the amount of litterfall and nitrogen input by litterfall between valleys and ridges. It was concluded
that a liana species, M. macrocarpa, can contribute to the spatial heterogeneity of litterfall and may subsequently affect nutrient cycling in a subtropical
evergreen broad-leaved forest on Okinawa Island. 相似文献
Carla Roncoli Benjamin S. Orlove Merit R. Kabugo Milton M. Waiswa 《Agriculture and Human Values》2011,28(1):123-138
Climate change is confronting African farmers with growing uncertainties. Advances in seasonal climate predictions offer potential
for assisting farmers in dealing with climate risk. Experimental cases of forecast dissemination to African rural communities
suggest that participatory approaches can facilitate understanding and use of uncertain climate information. But few of these
studies integrate critical reflections on participation that have emerged in the last decade which reveal how participatory
approaches can miss social dynamics of power at the community level and in the broader context. Furthermore, neither climate
application research nor theoretical critiques of participation fully examine the culturally constructed nature of participation.
Drawing on sociolinguistic analysis, in-depth interviews, and ethnographic observation, this paper examines how Ugandan farmers
engage in participation in the context of discussions of seasonal climate forecasts. Forecasts were presented to farmers groups
whose members were then asked to discuss the forecast among themselves. In doing so, groups sought to develop a common understanding
of the forecast and consensual plans for response strategies. Focusing on one particular group meeting as an example, we show
how different cultural styles of participation affect the interpretation of the forecast and the formulation of response strategies.
Group interaction is shown to be mostly structured around two styles of participation. On the one hand, there is the “Western”
style advocated by NGOs and the government, which centers on ensuring that all individuals who are present have opportunities
to speak during discussion and to vote on group decisions. On the other hand, a “Kiganda” style of participation emphasizes
the importance of affirming ties to a collectivity, respect for social hierarchy, deployment of good manners, and consensus
building. The case study illuminates how the performance of different styles of participation is grounded in localized frameworks
of language and culture but also draw on political and policy discourses at the national level. Although a cultural high value
on consensus may work in favor of prominent members, the availability of multiple styles of participation also enables group
members to exercise their agency in positive ways. Attention to the interplay of different styles of participation throws
light on the subtle social processes that shape how knowledge is assessed, which sources are trusted, which and whose interpretations
prevail, what options are deemed viable, how costs and benefits are calculated, and whose resources are mobilized in the effort
to reduce vulnerability to climate risk. These are key questions for an assessment of the role of boundary organizations,
such as farmer associations, in the communication and application of climate forecasts in agriculture. 相似文献
Two wide hybrids, Diplotaxis erucoides (2n = 14) × Brassica rapa (2n = 20) and B. maurorum (2n = 20) × B. rapa, were developed using the sequential ovary–ovule culture. Reciprocal crosses failed, possibly as a consequence of strong
unilateral incompatibility. The F
1 hybrids in each combination were completely male sterile and morphologically intermediate to the respective parents. DNA
marker polymorphism and chromosome counts confirmed their hybrid nature. High frequency of bivalents in the F
1 and the presence of trivalents/quadrivalents in the derived amphiploids suggested genomic duplications and homoeology of the
parental genomes. Up to three homoeologous pairs between the D. erucoides (DeDe) and B. rapa (AA) genomes, and one between B. maurorum (BmBm) and B. rapa genomes were observed. Successful synthesis of the F
1 hybrids and amphiploids of B. rapa with D. erucoides and B. maurorum, and allosyndetic chromosome pairing are expected to permit introgressions of desirable loci into the cultivated Brassica
germplasm, especially for resistance to Alternaria
brassicae and Albugo candida. 相似文献
This paper presents empirical evidence on the impact of socio-economic factors on the adoption of agroforestry practices in
Cameroon. The analysis uses primary farm-level data collected from June to December 1996. Three major provinces of the country
were covered, namely Centre, Southwest and Northwest Several agroforestry technologies have been promoted among farmers in
the zone, including alley farming, improved fallow, live fencing, cut-and-carry fodder and apiculture. The status of adoption
of each agroforestry practice is described and factors that affect adoption identified. These are gender of farmer, household
family size, level of education, farmer’s experience, membership within farmers’ associations, contact with research and extension,
security of land tenure, agroecological zone, distance of the village from nearest town, village accessibility and income
from livestock. Research findings indicate that since factors affecting farmers’ adoption of agroforestry practices differ
across techniques, generalisation is to be avoided. 相似文献
Evandro Vagner Tambarussi Fernanda Bortolanza Pereira Paulo Henrique Müller da Silva David Lee David Bush 《Euphytica》2018,214(8):150
The estimation of quantitative genetic parameters in breeding programs is important to ensure efficient selection. In this context, knowledge of the mating system is critical, as it underpins assumptions about inter-relatedness on which variance component estimation depends. However, proper account of the breeding system is not always taken, either because it is unknown and/or because it is ignored. That eucalypts have a mixed-mating system is well-established, however many breeders use models that assume outcrossed mating with an infinite number of male parents (i.e. allogamous mating), from which genetic parameter estimates are then used to predict genetic gains. First-generation, open-pollinated progeny tests of Corymbia citriodora subsp. citriodora and C. citriodora subsp. variegata, being managed for seed production, were used to investigate the likely bias, resulting in overestimation of genetic parameters under the assumption of allogamous mating. When we assumed allogamous mating, we observed inflated predictions of additive variance and narrow-sense heritability (\(\hat{h}_{a}^{2}\)) of diameter at breast height and height. The overestimate of \(\hat{h}_{a}^{2}\) was approximately 32% for C. citriodora subsp. citriodora and 21% for C. citriodora subsp. variegata. Inappropriate modelling of relatedness in eucalypts that assumes panmictic outcrossing when in fact these species have a mixed-mating system results in overestimates of the population genetic gain with selection. 相似文献
Matheus S. Barros Odilon P. Morais Júnior Patrícia G. S. Melo Orlando P. Morais Adriano P. Castro Flávio Breseghello 《Euphytica》2018,214(4):61
A plant breeding program is a long-term investment. Therefore, periodic assessment of the effectiveness of a breeding strategy is essential to maximize genetic gains per unit of time and resource invested. In this work, we assessed the effectiveness of the early-generation testing (EGT) approach used in the upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) breeding program at Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation), Brazil, estimating the genetic progress achieved for three traits in two distinct phases, spanning 15 years. In the first phase (from 2003 to 2010), it was used the bulk method within F3 progenies with prior testing of F2 crosses, while in the second phase (from 2010 to 2017), it was used the bulk method within F2 progenies. The dataset comprised 70 yield trials, involving 1884 F3:5 progenies (phase I) and 925 F2:4 progenies (phase II) from an elite population, and 10 check cultivars, evaluated for grain yield (GY), plant height (PH) and days to flowering (DTF). For estimating the genetic gain, we adapted a generalized linear regression method to compute bi-segmented linear regression coefficients. Desirable genetic gains were achieved only for GY in both phases of the breeding program, with 78.75 kg ha?1 year?1 (2.68%) in the first phase, and 53.78 kg ha?1 year?1 (1.54%) in the second phase. These results show the effectiveness of EGT, especially via bulk method within F3 progenies with prior testing of F2 crosses, applied to upland rice breeding. Some refinements are discussed in the method to make it more cost-effective and more efficient in achieving genetic gains. 相似文献
林业生态工程效益补偿问题研究初探 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
生态效益补偿对于促进林业生态工程建设、保护森林生产者和经营者的切身利益具有重要的作用.本文在分析国内外生态效益补偿现状的基础上,通过对建立森林生态效益补偿机制的必要性、原则、途径以及补偿标准等问题进行深入探讨,为进一步完善我国森林生态效益补偿机制提供科学依据.森林生态效益补偿资金的建立,不仅为森林资源管护提供稳定的资金来源,更是对森林生态效益价值的认可,从根本上解决了林业生态工程建设的动力和机制问题,将对中国林业和生态建设产生广泛而深远的影响. 相似文献
Abrie J. van der Merwe Albertus L. Pretorius 《Journal of Agricultural, Biological & Environmental Statistics》2003,8(3):328-343
This article applies Bayesian nonparametric techniques of analysis to the mixed linear model. The distribution of the random
effects is specific as a nonparametric prior. A Dirichlet process prior is specified on the space of prior distributions.
A modified Dirichlet process is described and applied using a Gibbs sampler. The approach is demonstrated in an investigation
of the changes over time of packed cell volume in two breeds of cattle. 相似文献