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An indirect ELISA was used to detect antibodies to Mycoplasma bovis in milk samples collected from a herd with M bovis mastitis. Antibodies were detected in samples from nine cows which had developed clinical M bovis mastitis. Milk from only three consistently antigen-negative cows tested positive for M bovis antibodies. These results indicate the potential value of the indirect ELISA for the detection of cows which have recently developed M bovis mastitis during the early stages of an outbreak.  相似文献   
Using paediatric devices to collect venous blood from a cephalic vein in cats offers numerous practical advantages over traditional jugular venepuncture and vacuum closed systems: minimal restraint is required; there is minimal risk of serious injury to the cat; the discomfort associated with venepuncture is reduced by the use of small diameter (25 gauge) needles; very small volumes (200 microl) of blood are extracted; and the risk of vein collapse or haematoma is low. The aim of this study was to compare the haematological and plasma chemistry results obtained from six healthy cats using the two sampling techniques. Five plasma biochemical analytes were measured and a complete haematological examination was performed on each specimen. No clinically relevant difference between the two blood sampling techniques was observed for any variable, indicating that paediatric devices provide a useful alternative to vacuum tubes for venous blood collection in the cat.  相似文献   
Pentadesma butyracea Sabine (Clusiaceae) is a multi-purpose tree that provides non-timber forest products (NTFPs). In particular, fruit almonds can be transformed into butter for cooking and cosmetics. During the present study, the following hypotheses were tested: (i) diameter structure of P. butyracea populations is independent of its fruit gathering intensity; (ii) P. butyracea seedling and sapling density and origin are independent of its fruit gathering intensity; (iii) P. butyracea fruit gathering and processing of its almonds are profitable activities and (iv) P. butyracea fruit collectors and almond transformers are receiving the lowest marketing margins in the commercial channel. The class distribution in the low-intensity harvesting sites showed a typical inverse J-shaped curve whereas the high-intensity harvesting ones showed an almost bell curve (G2 = 23.93, p = 0.0008). After data analysis, all hypotheses turned out to be wrong except the hypothesis (iii). In order to assess the effects of fruit harvesting on natural regeneration of P. butyracea, we compared seedling and sapling density of regeneration originating from seeds and roots suckers in plots that had been differentiated according to fruit harvesting intensity. These plots were laid out in riparian forests, which are the natural habitats for the species in Benin. Observed seedling and sapling density was high (13,872 ± 7886 seedlings and saplings/ha) in low-intensity harvesting sites but very low (4200 ± 3810 seedlings and saplings/ha) in high-intensity harvesting sites (F = 17.16; p = 0.0006). However, there was no significant difference between root sucker density in either type of harvesting site (F = 0.79; p = 0.3861). Collection of P. butyracea fruits and subsequent processing of its almonds into butter is an important source of income for women involved in these activities. Commercial margin analysis showed that these women involved in almonds and butter trade, far from being exploited by traders, recuperate between 49% and 80% of the price paid by the consumer, depending on the quality of the product and the length of commercial channel used.  相似文献   
Bark is a greatly coveted non-timber forest product (NTFP). Its overexploitation from medicinal tree species threatens an essential source of medication for rural populations. Despite the relevance of bark, not much information is available on the ecological impact of bark harvesting. In Benin, West Africa, we investigated how various harvesting techniques affect the bark re-growth of 12 tree species and the survival of debarked trees. Trees were debarked following a combination of three factors: (i) season of bark harvesting (dry or rainy season), (ii) size class of the tree (three stem diameter classes) and (iii) intensity of debarking (seven different percentages of trunk circumference debarked). Measurements of edge growth and survival were taken every 6 months during 2 years. Ring-barking (100% of trunk circumference debarked) did not allow the sustainable exploitation of any species, while all trees with 75% of debarked circumference remained alive and produced edge growth. Whatever the bark harvesting technique, 5 out of the 12 species had a bark recovery rate below 1 cm/year, rendering the wound closure very unlikely. On the other hand, five species showed good to very good bark recovery rates (>7 cm/year) and for these species the combination of debarking factors (season, dbh and intensity) allowing the highest edge growth was determined. This experimental bark stripping revealed the complexities involved in decision-making for sustainable tree management. Studying the patterns of bark recovery rates provides a relevant tool to assess for each species the delay for achieving closure of a specific wound area.  相似文献   
While much research has been done on predicting the occurrence of waterlogged soils in small catchments, we need to improve our knowledge of the extension of these soils in large catchments. The aim of this study is to analyse the extent of soils with redoximorphic features in the valley bottomland domain as a function of the stream order.This study concerns a 10,000 km2 catchment (River Vilaine, Armorican massif, north-western France) where valley bottomland soils commonly associated with hydromorphic characteristics cover up to 20% of the basin area. To describe the catchment organisation, we used the stream order classification of Strahler to test the behaviour of the topographic index in a large range of landscape morphological settings. Two methods were used to define the extent of the hydromorphic zone (HZ) in each valley bottomland according to stream order: (i) A field study based on mapping the HZ according to the occurrence of redoximorphic features along 60 transects; (ii) a modelling approach linking a DEM-derived topographic index to the digitized stream network of the River Vilaine.In view of the topographic factors, progressive valley widening may represent an enhancing factor of HZ extent. Thus, simple topographic index modelling predicts an increase in waterlogging in high-order channel settings (orders 6–7). By contrast, field mapping suggests that HZ extent remains stable with increasing order and decreases significantly for high-order settings (orders 6–7). Therefore, topographic index modelling appears effective in upper catchment settings (1st, 2nd and 3rd order). On the contrary, modelling efficiency is limited in high-order settings where the indices prove to be inappropriate: in such contexts, interactions between adjacent hillslope and HZ are of secondary importance. Along the longitudinal profile of the catchment, soil material near the streams shifts from having a colluvial origin in low-order to an alluvial origin in high-order settings. In high-order settings, the fine-scale valley bottomland topography and the spatial organisation of deposits control waterlogging duration and possibly play a major role in HZ extent. Finally, the integration of stream order data should considerably improve the efficiency of modelling the spatial distribution of soils over large catchments.  相似文献   
A method that combines thin film deposition and physical masking techniques has been used for the parallel synthesis of spatially addressable libraries of solid-state materials. Arrays containing different combinations, stoichiometries, and deposition sequences of BaCO(3), Bi(2)O(3), CaO, CuO, PbO, SrCO(3), and Y(2)O(3) were generated with a series of binary masks. The arrays were sintered and BiSrCaCuO and YBaCuO superconducting films were identified. Samples as small as 200 micrometers by 200 micrometers in size were generated, corresponding to library densities of 10,000 sites per square inch. The ability to generate and screen combinatorial libraries of solid-state compounds, when coupled with theory and empirical observations, may significantly increase the rate at which novel electronic, magnetic, and optical materials are discovered and theoretical predictions tested.  相似文献   
The clinical follow-up of four cats presumptively diagnosed with pseudomembranous cystitis is described. All presented with acute urine outflow obstruction and acute renal failure. Urethral catheterisation was performed without difficulty but ultrasonography and contrast radiography consistently revealed abnormal bladder wall and content. One cat was euthanased, the remaining three underwent an exploratory cystotomy. Abundant inflammatory and necrotic tissue covering an ulcerated bladder mucosa was removed. All cats recovered uneventfully. No definitive cause was identified but the clinical course of the disease was not typical of idiopathic cystitis.  相似文献   
In mammals, a small population of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) plays a key role in the regulation of nonvisual photic responses, such as behavioral responses to light, pineal melatonin synthesis, pupillary light reflex, and sleep latency. These ipRGCs also express melanopsin (Opn4), a putative opsin-family photopigment that has been shown to play a role in mediating these nonvisual photic responses. Melanopsin is required for the function of this inner retinal pathway, but its precise role in generating photic responses has not yet been determined. We found that expression of melanopsin in Xenopus oocytes results in light-dependent activation of membrane currents through the Galpha(q)/Galpha(11) G protein pathway, with an action spectrum closely matching that of melanopsin-expressing ipRGCs and of behavioral responses to light in mice lacking rods and cones. When coexpressed with arrestins, melanopsin could use all-trans-retinaldehyde as a chromophore, which suggests that it may function as a bireactive opsin. We also found that melanopsin could activate the cation channel TRPC3, a mammalian homolog of the Drosophila phototransduction channels TRP and TRPL. Melanopsin therefore signals more like an invertebrate opsin than like a classical vertebrate rod-and-cone opsin.  相似文献   
We are conducting a large-scale, multiepoch, optical photometric survey [Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomia-Quasar Equatorial Survey Team (CIDA-QUEST)] covering about 120 square degrees to identify the young low-mass stars in the Orion OB1 association. We present results for an area of 34 square degrees. Using photometric variability as our main selection criterion, as well as follow-up spectroscopy, we confirmed 168 previously unidentified pre-main sequence stars that are about 0.6 to 0.9 times the mass of the sun (Mo), with ages of about 1 million to 3 million years (Ori OB1b) and about 3 million to 10 million years (Ori OB1a). The low-mass stars are spatially coincident with the high-mass (at least 3 Mo) members of the associations. Indicators of disk accretion such as Halpha emission and near-infrared emission from dusty disks fall sharply from Ori OB1b to Ori OB1a, indicating that the time scale for disk dissipation and possibly the onset of planet formation is a few million years.  相似文献   
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