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Populations at the periphery of a species’ range often show reduced genetic variability within populations and increased genetic divergence among populations compared to those at the core, but the mechanisms that give rise to this core-periphery pattern in genetic structure can be multifaceted. Peripheral population characteristics may be a product of historical processes, such as founder effects or population expansion, or due to the contemporary influence of landscape context on gene flow. We sampled collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) at four locations within the northern Flint Hills of Kansas, which is at the northern periphery of their range, to determine the genetic variability and extent of genetic divergence among populations for ten microsatellite loci (n = 229). We found low genetic variability (average allelic richness = 3.37 ± 0.23 SE; average heterozygosity = 0.54 ± 0.05 SE) and moderate population divergence (average FST = 0.08 ± 0.01 SE) among our sample sites relative to estimates reported in the literature at the core of the species’ range in Texas. We also identified differences in dispersal rates among sampling locations. Gene flow within the Flint Hills was thus greater than for other peripheral populations of collared lizards, such as the Missouri glade system where most of the mesic grasslands have been converted to forest since the last glacial retreat, which appears to have greatly impeded gene flow among populations. Our findings signify the importance of considering landscape context when evaluating core-peripheral trends in genetic diversity and population structure.  相似文献   
In this study, a non-linear model was developed that predicts the five-year change of height to crown base (HCB) of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.). Data were available from the Austrian National Forest Inventory and comprised 2,419 trees from 1,637 permanent sample plots measured during 1981 and 2002. The dynamic model explained 36% of the variation in the observed change of HCB. It is well behaved and meets biological expectations. Based on five independent data sets, the predictive ability of the new dynamic model was compared to an already existing static crown ratio model. For this comparison, the models were applied as follows: the new ∆ HCB model was used to predict the change in HCB directly. For the semi-dynamic method, the static model was applied at the end and at the start of the growth period to obtain two estimates of HCB. The difference of these two estimates was then added to the initial HCB. For the static method, the model was only applied at the end of the prediction period to obtain the new estimate of HCB. Except for one plot, the new ∆ HCB model yielded the smallest BIAS and the highest precision, followed by the semi-dynamic and the static method. Because the independent data sets cover a broad range of age classes and thinning regimes, the validation results also indicate that the new ∆ HCB is robust and the effect of stand management is adequately represented.  相似文献   
We examined leaf and mature seed cone variation of Juniperus oxycedrus L. subsp. oxycedrus in 12 natural populations across the species range in the Balkan Peninsula. We measured 10 morphological traits from a minimum of 100 leaves in each of 190 individuals, and two morphological traits from 30–50 seed cones in each of 94 females. High phenotypic variation was found, but no geographical structure or cline across populations was detected for any of the studied traits. Mean values of comparable leaf and cone morphological traits did not differ considerably from values reported elsewhere. Gender dimorphism in leaf morphology was detected, but it was not distributed uniformly throughout the studied area. An ANOVA model with both nested and crossed effects revealed that the largest proportion of the total variation was, as expected, contained within populations, partly as among-tree variation (18–47%, depending on the trait) and partly as within-tree variation (33–77%), which was remarkably high. Gender dimorphism explained only 0–3% of the total variation. Differences among populations (2–23%) were significant for all studied traits except one; however, PCA showed no clear geographical differentiation of the studied populations. This lack of phylogeographical structure may be the consequence of repeatedly occurring colonisation-retreat scenarios and suggests the existence of several small refugial populations scattered over a large part of the Balkan Peninsula in the Pleistocene. Further research including palaeobotanical and molecular genetic studies will be needed to better understand the forces that shaped current variation patterns of J. oxycedrus L. subsp. oxycedrus in the Balkan Peninsula.  相似文献   
The spectrum and dynamics of xylophagous insects infesting Pinus pinaster after a fire event were studied from November 2007 to December 2008 at Sierra de Outes (Galicia, NW Spain). Insects were collected within and outside the fire area. Relationships among species status, species abundance, tree parameters and tree injury were assessed. Mortality of injured trees was also recorded. Insect colonization built up consistently during the first year after the fire, although the pests did not colonize unburned trees in nearby areas. Thirteen insect species from six xylophagous families were collected. Tomicus spp., Buprestis novenmaculata, Anobium punctatum and Pissodes castaneus were the first species detected. Tomicus spp. (29%) and Ips sexdentatus (23%) were the dominant taxa. Bole char height and soil burn severity were positively correlated with insect presence. Trees with short stem diameter and thinner bark were also preferred. B. novenmaculata presence was positively correlated with crown scorch. Loss of cambium hydration was negatively related to the occurrence of pests, likely because sapwood desiccation and loss of nutrient impede brood development. About 33.3% of the fire-scorched pines died. The results recommend the removal of injured and dying pines after fire, to avoid the rise of pest population threatening recovering trees in the burned areas.  相似文献   
The sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) is a widely distributed and destructive agricultural pest on various host plants. The biology of two biotypes of B. tabaci: the invasive B and a new defined Cv biotype, on a range of host plants (hibiscus, laurel, poinsettia, collard, cucumber and tomato) were studied in the laboratory. Results revealed that the developmental periods of the B biotype immatures were not significantly different on the tested host plants except those between laurel and collard. The Cv biotype immatures developed significantly slower on cucumber and tomato than on the other plants. B. tabaci B biotype had the highest survivorship on collard (68.55%), and the lowest on laurel (33.24%), while the Cv biotype had the highest and lowest survivorships on laurel (61.63%) and tomato (36.74%). Host plants did not significantly affect the pre-ovipostion period regardless of biotype. The longest averaged longevity and highest fecundity of B biotype were both recorded on collard: 25.15 days and 143.0 eggs. The highest fecundity of Cv biotype was 196.49 eggs on laurel and its longest longevity was on hibiscus (19.62 days). The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) of B biotype on the three vegetables were all higher than those on the three ornamentals whereas the r m of Cv biotype on the three ornamentals were all higher that those on the three vegetables. Our research indicates that B. tabaci B and Cv biotypes have different host plant suitabilities. The three tested vegetables were more suitable for B biotype while the three tested ornamental plants were more suitable for Cv biotype. The potential mechanism for the different suitability of B and Cv biotypes on various host plants is also discussed.  相似文献   
Knowledge on phenological, morphometric, and phytochemical variation of local progenies of European aspen (Populus tremula, L.) is limited. The goal of this study was to characterize variation in growth and ecologically important leaf properties in aspen full-sib families in relation to interacting organisms (mycorrhiza, endophytes, and insects) and to determine whether these interactions were affected by soil application of a systemic fungicide. In local progenies, within-family variation of neutral molecular genetic markers (nuclear microsatellites) was higher than between families. Significant variation in growth, production of phenolic defensive compounds and other phytochemical leaf traits was found between families. Phenolic compounds showed clear negative correlation with generalist herbivores, but did not result in negative trade-off with biomass production. Differences in mycorrhizal colonization were not found among full-sib families and application of a systemic fungicide suppressed neither mycorrhizal colonization nor infestation with insects. However, a strong suppression of endophytes occurred, whose long-term consequences may require attention when fungicides are used in agroforestry plantations.  相似文献   
The Siberian moth, Dendrolimus sibiricus, Tschtv. is the most harmful defoliator of coniferous forests in North Asia. The pest has already spread over the Urals and continues moving westwards. Recently, it has been recommended for quarantine in member countries by European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). The performances of the pest on coniferous species planted in Europe were assessed on a range of potted trees corresponding to the spectrum of economically important conifers in the EU: European larch Larix decidua, Norway spruce Picea abies, Scots pine Pinus sylvestris, European black pine Pinus nigra, and the North American species: Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii and grand fir Abies grandis. Larvae showed a potential to survive and complete the development on all these host tree species. Favorable hosts were grand fir, European larch, and Douglas fir that allowed higher survival, better larval development, and as a result, yielded heavier pupae and adult moths with higher longevity. Black pine was a poor host but, however, could still support larval and pupal development. Norway spruce and Scots pine had an intermediate behavior. If accidentally introduced to Europe, the Siberian moth may become especially damaging in forest stands predominated by European larch and by the North American firs. Norway spruce and especially the two-needle pines will be less prone to intensive defoliation by this species. The fact that the pest may damage the range of economically important coniferous species should be taken into account in the pest risk assessment for Europe and also for North America where the Siberian moth occurrence is considered likely.  相似文献   
As resources allocated specifically for conservation are limited, there is a need to ensure conservation policy initiatives lead to effective conservation outcomes. In this study, we investigated the potential conservation benefits from alternative spatial allocations of old deciduous stands to a landscape dominated by coniferous production forests owned primarily by non-industrial private forest owners. As a target species, we used the long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus), a species associated with deciduous forests and known to be sensitive to isolation. We used a previously published model based on empirical data on the occurrence of this species, to assess the probability of occurrence of the bird in a 4,000 km2 area in southern Sweden for which we possess detailed spatial GIS data (kNN data) of tree species composition and age. We assessed alternative scenarios where old deciduous forest was allocated with or without respect to distance from existing old deciduous forests. Due to the long-tailed tit’s habitat requirement increasing the amount of old deciduous forests close to existing habitats was the most effective strategy. However, the potential advantages of this strategy may in fact be overturned in favor of the other scenarios if ownership structures and probable uptake rates of policy initiatives are also considered. If a policy initiative is targeted toward owners with properties in close proximity to existing suitable habitat, when compared to if all forest owners are targeted, a higher proportion of owners is needed to participate in order to achieve the same degree of habitat creation for the species. Here, we discuss the potential benefits for effective conservation policy formulation from integrating spatially explicit datasets and detailed ecological knowledge with land-ownership structures and policy uptake scenarios.  相似文献   
About 90% of the wildland fires occurred in Southern Europe are caused by human activities. In spite of these figures, the human factor hardly ever appears in the definition of operational fire risk systems due to the difficulty of characterising it. This paper describes two spatially explicit models that predict the probability of fire occurrence due to human causes for their integration into a comprehensive fire risk–mapping methodology. A logistic regression technique at 1 × 1 km grid resolution has been used to obtain these models in the region of Madrid, a highly populated area in the centre of Spain. Socio-economic data were used as predictive variables to spatially represent anthropogenic factors related to fire risk. Historical fire occurrence from 2000 to 2005 was used as the response variable. In order to analyse the effects of the spatial accuracy of the response variable on the model performance (significant variables and classification accuracy), two different models were defined. In the first model, fire ignition points (x, y coordinates) were used as response variable. This model was compared with another one (Kernel model) where the response variable was the density of ignition points and was obtained through a kernel density interpolation technique from fire ignition points randomly located within a 10 × 10 km grid, which is the standard spatial reference unit established by the Spanish Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs to report fire location in the national official statistics. Validation of both models was accomplished using an independent set of fire ignition points (years 2006–2007). For the validation, we used the area under the curve (AUC) obtained by a receiver-operating system. The first model performs slightly better with a value of AUC of 0.70 as opposed to 0.67 for the Kernel model. Wildland–urban interface was selected by both models with high relative importance.  相似文献   
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