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猪附红细胞体病是一种典型的血液原虫病,它是由附红细胞体寄生在血细胞中引发血细胞功能损伤所造成的一种黄疸、贫血、高热为主要特征的传染性疾病。该种疾病可威胁任何年龄品种的猪,仔猪阶段易感性最强,发生流行不存在明显的季节性。猪腹红细胞体病是由多因素共同感染引起,根据临床观察,应激刺激是造成该种疾病爆发流行的主要原因。近年来,该类疾病在生猪养殖场的发病率呈现逐年升高趋势,经常在疫苗免疫接种,母猪长时间分娩,长途运输和气候发生突变后爆发流行。应注重加强附红细胞体病的流行病学调查,明确疾病的诊断要点,构建针对性的防控方法,确保在短时间内控制病情,避免带来严重的经济损失。该文探讨了附红细胞体病的诊断与防治,希望对广大同行有一定帮助。  相似文献   
为实现常德市马铃薯产业发展的绿色跨越,通过开展马铃薯品种与栽培技术集成试验,探索马铃薯提质、增效、减碳种植新模式。试验采用两因素随机区组设计,因素一为栽培方式,因素二为马铃薯品种。结果表明,栽培方式和品种都会对马铃薯产量有影响,但两者并无互作,其中中薯191绿色栽培产量最高,为15.91 kg·6.67 m-2;品种对品质的影响占主导作用,其中东农310有机栽培食味评分最高,为6.94分;在经济效益方面,费乌瑞它有机栽培产值最高,为6020元·667 m-2,较对照增效594.32%;在碳汇效应方面,有机栽培净碳汇量最高,667 m2可以固碳近59.96 kg。可见,马铃薯有机栽培净碳效益好、利润高,但市场准入门槛高,适合高端消费市场。绿色栽培适用于大多数马铃薯品种,操作简便,能达到提质、增效、减碳的目的,可进一步在当地示范推广。  相似文献   
保护地桃新品种早醒艳   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
早醒艳素辽宁农业职业技术学院从1992年嫁接、1993年定植的冠春桃选育的芽变新品种。该品种需冷量117小时,在辽宁省熟岳地区温室中栽培于11月上中旬升温,12月中旬开花,果实3月上中旬成熟,比早红珠、早红二号等上20~30天成熟。外观美丽,耐贮运,丰产性好。1999年通过辽宁省农作物品种审定并命名。  相似文献   
一、棉花出苗率低的原因 1.整地作业质量差,达不到“齐、平、松、碎、墒、净”六字标准。主要是土地不平整,犁沟未合,表现为点片墒情不均,有些地方干土层过厚,点播器鸭嘴无法将种子点到墒上,造成不能出全苗。  相似文献   
2006年我团引进棉花414品种,试验种植133公顷。 一、试验设计 1.试验地选择 试验地为48团实验站3斗1号地,沙壤土,中等肥力,面积6公顷。前茬棉花,连作10年以上。  相似文献   
To study the effects of light, external nutrition, and hormones on the color changes of Aeonium aeonium "Halloween" leaves. In this study, the 1-year-old stem cuttings of the Aeonium aeonium "Halloween" were used as materials. The leaves were sprayed with 25mg/L methyl jasmonic acid, 3‰ potassium dihydrogen phosphate, and 1‰ calcium magnesium boron mixture for two consecutive times, with an interval of 3 days. The experiment consisted of CK (water control), LS, DS (dark culture for 1 week). After 1 week of treatment, the leaf color parameters and anthocyanin pigment content were measured every 7 days for 6 consecutive weeks. The results showed that the treatment time and method had a significant impact on the leaf color parameters. In terms of brightness value L, as the treatment time extended, all three treatments showed an upward downward upward trend. Among them, the highest value was reached after 2 weeks of treatment, gradually decreased after 3 weeks, and sharply increased again after 6 weeks; In terms of red green saturation a value, after 2-4 weeks of treatment, both LS and DS treatments were significantly higher than CK, and the effect significantly decreased after 5 weeks; Light has a significant impact on a value, with DS treatment showing a significant decrease in a value after one week of shading, and a sharp increase after re lighting; In terms of the b value of yellow and blue saturation, the change in CK value is relatively small with the extension of treatment time, while the fluctuation in LS and DS treatment is significant; In terms of color saturation c value, DS treatment significantly increased with the prolongation of treatment time, and there was no significant change in LS and CK treatment within 1-3 weeks. After 3 weeks of treatment, there was no significant difference between the three treatments; With the extension of treatment time, the anthocyanin content of each treatment showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. After 2-3 weeks of treatment, the anthocyanin content was higher, and gradually decreased after 4 weeks of treatment; Correlation analysis shows that anthocyanin content is highly significantly positively correlated with a and c values, and anthocyanin content is a key factor in the red color of Aeonium aeonium "Halloween".  相似文献   
以多年的实践经验,结合桂林地区的气候特点和郁金香的生态习性,就郁金香花展的品种选择与品种表现、郁金香栽培管理措施及花期综合调控经验加以总结分析,为今后桂林及华南地区郁金香花展的园林应用提供参考。  相似文献   
广东脐橙优系砧木比较试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过9种砧木比较试验;以常用的小叶积砧作对照,筛选出适于广东脐橙的砧木江西红桔、枳柚、意大利枳柚:这3种砧木的幼龄脐橙与小叶尔砧脐橙的早结、丰产性相近,其中江西红桔砧脐橙还具有生长快、较耐旱等优点。酸桔砧只要在栽培上控制接穗不旺长,也是较有希望发展的脐橙砧木。  相似文献   
猪多杀性巴氏杆菌环介导等温扩增检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立猪多杀性巴氏杆菌(Pm)的快速检测方法,本研究以Pm的PlpB基因序列为靶基因设计特异性引物,建立了Pm特异性的环介导等温扩增(LAMP)快速检测方法.经反应条件优化,确定反应条件为63℃,20 min.检测结果显示,建立的LAMP检测方法具有良好的特异性,灵敏度为25 cfu/mL;与大肠杆菌、副猪嗜血杆菌、胸膜肺炎放线杆菌、沙门氏菌无任何交叉反应.采用建立的LAMP方法与常规PCR方法对临床54份分离样品进行检测,检测结果为31份为阳性,23份为阴性,二者符合率为100%.该方法的建立为Pm在临床上的快速检测提供了一种新的技术手段.  相似文献   
为了解本地猪场乙型脑炎病毒感染实际情况,2014年1月作者应用ELISA方法对本市工业园区6个规模猪场共计126份血清样品进行抽检监测,结果表明:经免疫的母猪,血清抗体阳性率66.67%;未经免疫猪群,其血清阳性率为20.37%;免疫猪群与未免疫猪群的血清阳性率平均值差异极显著(P0.01)。各猪场由于种猪来源、饲养环境、管理水平等的不同,猪群乙脑感染率也不同,所有被检样品平均阳性率为31.48%。  相似文献   
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