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2008--2009年在爱荷华州的2个地点,在大豆[Glycinemax(L.)]R3、R5和R3+R5期进行了杀真菌剂唑菌胺酯(嗜球果伞素)和戊唑醇(苯三唑)施用试验研究,评价了大豆田间茎和种子被Phomopsis spp.侵染的发病率、产量和种子品质。结果表明,2008--2009年在R3+R5时期和2008年在R5时期施用唑菌胺酯后,大豆茎Phomopsis spp.发病率降低,较对照未施药剂茎Phomopsis spp.发病率大约降低三分之二。  相似文献   
Beneficial root-associated rhizospheric microbes play a key role in maintaining host plant growth and can potentially allow drought-resilient crop production. The complex interaction of root-associated microbes mainly depends on soil type, plant genotype, and soil moisture. However, drought is the most devastating environmental stress that strongly reduces soil biota and can restrict plant growth and yield. In this review, we discussed our mechanistic understanding of drought and microbial response traits. Additionally, we highlighted the role of beneficial microbes and plant-derived metabolites in alleviating drought stress and improving crop growth. We proposed that future research might focus on evaluating the dynamics of root-beneficial microbes under field drought conditions. The integrative use of ecology, microbial, and molecular approaches may serve as a promising strategy to produce more drought-resilient and sustainable crops.  相似文献   
Indaziflam is a preemergent herbicide widely used for the control of weeds in pecan (Carya illinoinensis) orchards in the southwestern region of the United States. Given the paucity of data regarding the effect of indaziflam on the biochemical properties of soils supporting pecan production, this study was conducted to evaluate the effects of different application rates of indaziflam on soil microbial activity, diversity, and biochemical processes related to nitrogen (N) cycling. During two consecutive growing seasons (2015 and 2016), soil samples were obtained from experimental mesocosms consisting of soil-filled pots where pecan saplings were grown and treated with indaziflam applied at two different rates (25 and 50 g active ingredient (ai) ha-1, with the higher rate being slightly lower than the recommended field application rate of 73.1 g ai ha-1). Soil samples were collected approximately one week before and one week after herbicide application for determination of soil microbial biomass and diversity, N mineralization, and β-glucosaminidase activity. Soil samples collected from the control mesocosms without herbicide application were treated in the laboratory with two rates of indaziflam (75 and 150 g ai ha-1) to determine the immediate effect on microbial activity. No significant effect of herbicide treatment on soil respiration and microbial biomass was detected. The results showed a slight to moderate decrease in microbial diversity (7% in 2015 and 44% in 2016). However, decreased β-glucosaminidase activity with herbicide treatment was observed in soils from the mesocosms (33%) and soils treated with indaziflam in the laboratory (45%). The mineral N pool was generally dominated by ammonium after indaziflam application, which was consistent with the drastic decrease (75%) in nitrification activity measured in the laboratory experiment. The results of this study indicate that indaziflam, even when applied at higher than recommended rates, has limited effects on soil microbial activity, but may affect N cycling processes.  相似文献   
Plant species have different traits for mobilizing sparingly soluble phosphorus (P) resources, which could potentially lead to overyielding in P uptake by plant species mixtures compared to monocultures due to higher P uptake as a result of resource (P) partitioning and facilitation. However, there is circumstantial evidence at best for overyielding as a result of these mechanisms. Overyielding (the outcome) is easily confused with underlying mechanisms because of unclear definitions. We aimed to define a conceptual framework to separate outcome from underlying mechanisms and test it for facilitation and complementarity with respect to P acquisition by three plant species combinations grown on four soils. Our conceptual framework describes both mechanisms of complementarity and facilitation and outcomes (overyielding of mixtures or no overyielding) depending on the competitive ability of the species to uptake the mobilized P. Millet/chickpea mixtures were grown in pots on two calcareous soils mixed with calcium-bound P (CaP) and phytate P (PhyP). Cabbage/faba bean mixtures were grown on both acid and neutral soils mixed with P-coated iron (hydr)oxide (FeP) and PhyP. Wheat/maize mixtures were grown on all four soils. Rhizosphere carboxylate concentration and acid phosphatase activity (mechanisms) as well as plant P uptake and biomass (outcome) were determined for monocultures rhizosphere and species mixtures. Facilitation of P uptake occurred in millet/chickpea mixtures on one calcareous soil. We found no indications for P acquisition from different P sources, neither in millet/chickpea, nor in cabbage/faba bean mixtures. Cabbage and faba bean on the neutral soil differed in rhizosphere acid phosphatase activity and carboxylate concentration, but showed no overyielding. Wheat and maize, with similar root exudates, showed overyielding (the observed P uptake being 22% higher than the expected P uptake) on one calcareous soil. We concluded that although differences in plant physiological traits (root exudates) provide necessary conditions for complementarity and facilitation with respect to P uptake from different P sources, they do not necessarily result in increased P uptake by species mixtures, because of the relative competitive ability of the mixed species.  相似文献   
采用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和中国国家气候中心整理的160站降水量资料,在回顾2004年夏季我国降水分布的基础上,探讨了2004年夏季降水异常的可能原因.大气环流异常、副高指数面积偏小、强度偏弱等,可能是造成2004年夏季降水异常的主要环流异常的原因.  相似文献   
小尺度农田生态系统土地退化监测与评价指标体系建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照土地退化有关概念和农田生态系统的特点,运用参与式方法、KJ法、德尔菲法等方法,建立小尺度范围、人为驱动力影响下的农田生态系统土地退化监测与评价指标体系,包括耕作制度、耕作措施、土壤残膜污染、肥料污染、农药污染、灌溉方式、土壤含盐量、工程排碱措施、农田防护林、贫困状况共10项指标。该体系各指标具有可获取性,易于操作,便于土地利用者自我监测,减少人为不合理的农田土地利用活动,提高了土地生产力,可有效控制农田土地退化。  相似文献   
自然界中基因的横向转移广泛存在,转基因技术即是模仿自然界中的基因横向转移。在转基因技术开发和测试长达30多年之后,这一技术已被用于生产种类繁多的药物、几乎全世界所消费的啤酒和奶酪以及27个国家的1 800万农民在1.75亿hm2土地上种植的农作物。数以亿计的人和数十亿的家畜消费这些转基因作物及其制品差不多20年了,但是没有来自任何地方的可以证实转基因植物有害的案例。因此,让人很难理解为何在某些地区一直存在坚决抵制转基因作物种植的现象。鉴于转基因作物与生物多样性之间的关系,许多人的第一反应可能是农业本身就是生物多样性最主要的敌人,因为在过去的1.2万年中,全球人口数量从最初的100万增长到了目前的72亿,而农业耕地面积已达到了地球地表土地约1/3。一般来说,在耕地上进行的农业生产效率越高,产量越高,可持续性则越强,生物多样性受到的危害则越小。在近缘物种间自然发生的杂交是植物进化过程中的突出特征,由于人类选育具有某一改良特性的作物,杂交使得具有目标特性的作物得以富集。这一过程也影响了许多半野生的、似杂草的近缘种的遗传特性,并且在某些特例中,反而使得他们更加类似杂草。转基因既不会加强也不会延缓这些现象,但是它应当作为个案进行研究并解决。  相似文献   
【目的】摸清阿克苏地区不同种植模式下枣园截形叶螨在不同寄主之间的转移规律和种群时空动态。【方法】对3种不同模式下枣树、作物、土壤和杂草截形叶螨种群数量进行定点定期调查。【结果】截形叶螨在不同类型的枣农间作地中种群数量动态规律基本相同,在3种种植模式下,截形叶螨均早春在土壤、杂草上活动,经繁殖后种群数量逐步扩大,6月下旬开始向枣树和农作物转移,其中枣树上部分截形叶螨来源于枣园间作的棉花等农作物,8月上旬枣树截型叶螨种群数量达到高峰,8月下旬逐步向杂草和土壤转移。【结论】初步摸清了阿克苏地区不同种植模式下枣园截形叶螨在不同寄主之间的转移规律和种群时空动态。  相似文献   
<正>新疆地处欧亚大陆腹地,具有独特的内陆干旱气候特征,农业生产具有典型的"荒漠绿洲,灌溉农业"的特点。新疆水资源分布不均,水利工程建设滞后,管理薄弱,更加剧了国民经济发展与生态环境保护用水的矛盾。新疆农业用水总量为778亿m3,占到总用水量的94%,由于农村水利设施管理不善,老化失修严重,灌溉方式落后等造成农业用水效率只有42%,单方水的粮食生产能力只有0.7kg左右,远远低于世界平均水平。因此  相似文献   
自前,普遍地采用注射脑垂体进行鲤鱼的人工繁殖,结果导致亲鱼的大量死亡。  相似文献   
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