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苹果蠹蛾[Laspeyresia pomonella(L.)]是世界上为害苹果和梨的主要蛀果害虫,被许多国家和我国列为植物检疫对象。该虫在我国现仅分布于新疆。英联邦昆虫研究所(Common-wealth institute of entomology,C.I.E.)(1951,1976)根据陈方洁、王飞鹏(1936)及胡经甫(1938)的记述,将我国浙江(奉化)、河北、湖北、东北三省(辽宁、吉林、黑龙江)、北平(北京)及新疆等8个省、市、自治区划分为该虫分布区,从而严重影响我国苹果及梨的出口和外销。为了查清该虫在我国的分布情况,首先核对并纠正 C.I.E.制图所依据的上述两篇文章的错误,同时在张从仲等(1984—1985)在山东、辽宁等8省市大面积进行的苹果蠹蛾性诱剂监测的基础上,于1991年4—10月在山东、辽宁、河北苹果和梨主要产区及出口基地继续进行苹果蠹蛾性诱剂监测、果园调查及剖果检查,结果均未发现苹果蠹蛾成虫或幼虫。到目前为止,此虫仍局限分布于我国新疆。  相似文献   
草地早熟禾新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在系统调研国内外文献,广泛收集草地早熟禾种质,连续2年温室幼苗性状评估,连续3年田间性状评价和广泛征求专家意见的基础上,首次编制了我国草地早熟禾特异性、一致性和稳定性(DUS)测试指南。指南在形式与主要内容上,与国际植物新品种保护联盟(UPOV)的草地早熟禾测试指南相协调,包括测试的总体技术要求、性状表、性状解释和技术问卷4部分;在性状与标样品种确定上主要参照了UPOV和日本的测试指南。  相似文献   
Resistance to early blight in the tomato was assessed by examining various parameters of the progress of the disease. Artificial inoculation and the scoring technique were standardized. Test plants were inoculated with 125insp" align="MIDDLE" BORDER="0">cfu/ml of a 12-day-old culture of a pathogenic isolate of Alternaria solani. Screening under artificial conditions was more informative than that under natural epidemic conditions. Tomato cultivars CLN-2071-C, CLN-2070-A, BSS-174, and DTH-7 with resistance expressed as slow blighting against four pathogenic isolates of A. solani, were selected for cultivation in disease-prone areas. Disease intensity increased with the age of plants under the same inoculum load. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was positively correlated with the percentage disease index and negatively with resistance. Calculation of the apparent infection rate (r) was more informative for natural epidemics than for artificial conditions. The sequential apparent infection rate between observation periods was better correlated with disease progress than was the total apparent infection rate between the first and last observations. A double sigmoidal disease progress curve during the same cropping season was characteristic of some varieties when fungal infection took place during the vegetative phase of crop growth.  相似文献   
嘉兴市共有十五种栽培竹种,其中以毛竹、早竹、嘉兴雷竹、花哺鸡竹、乌哺鸡竹、红竹等6种为主,竹林面积占总面积的95%以上。从1987年到1990年通过调整结构,改善生长条件,完善采收技术等措施,建立了一个31.12亩丰产样板竹林。平均亩产、最高亩产分别为548.7 kg和1121 kg,亩均产较改造前和对照平均增加5倍。样板林经济效益显著,投入与产出之比达1:9.88。  相似文献   
An interesting alternative to landfills for disposing of organic residues is their addition to soil as composted organic residues. There is little information available about the long‐term benefits following prolonged periods of application. After 12 years of annual incorporation of organic amendments to the soil of a vineyard, three soil characteristics were analysed: mineral content, bacterial community and soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The organic amendments were (i) a pelletized organic compost (PEL) made from plant, animal and sewage sludge residues, (ii) a compost made from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OF‐MSW) and (iii) a stabilized sheep manure compost (SMC). Mineral fertilizer (NPK) and an unaltered control treatment were also included. Our results showed that long‐term application of treated residues as compost changed soil nutrient content, bacterial community and gas emission rates. For instance, SMC increased nutrients and soil organic matter (OM) throughout the experiment. There was a change in bacterial community structure, with an increase in the phylum Proteobacteria observed for all four treated soils, and an increase in the phylum Bacteroidetes for PEL, OF‐MSW and SMC treatments. Among the organically‐amended soils, the amount of Adhaeribacter increased by a factor of 2.5 times more than the control, which reported a total of 2.0% of the bacterial community compared with 5.6% for PEL, 5.2% for OF‐MSW and 5.0% for SMC. Adhaeribacter may be a genus that specializes in the degradation of residues in the different composts. The SMC treatment had the largest Chao1 estimator and was the most biodiverse of all treatments. These changes in bacterial community structure did not correlate with the observed GHG fluxes from the sampling day. The application of amendments did not affect N2O fluxes. However, the application of treatments slightly reduced the capacity for CH4 sequestration by soil with respect to the untreated soils. Compost is an effective method to increase soil fertility. Soil GHG emissions should be further evaluated.  相似文献   
通过在三种杨树无性系,I-214(Populus×euranericanacv.I-214)(ltalica)、中东杨(P.berolinensis)(Berolinensis)和群众杨(P.popularis35-44)(Popularis)一年生盆栽插条苗的木质部导入ABA和细胞分裂素,研究了这两类激素在气孔调控中的作用。尽管不同无性系的气孔在对ABA的敏感性上存在显著差异,但ABA仍可导致气孔的关闭,然而在蒸腾流中的细胞分裂素(与ABA共导入或分别导入)可以明显地抑制ABA的作用。并且玉米素还能推迟土壤干旱所诱导的气孔关闭,在水分胁迫条件下,内源细胞分裂素浓度下降而同时ABA上升.据此提出了复合胁迫信号的概念,即在根冠通讯中,是ABA和细胞分裂素共同调控气孔的运动。另外还研究了玉米素、激动素、6-BA等不同细胞分裂素与ABA的相互作用,结果发现6-BA与玉米素和激动素的作用相反,它不能抑制ABA的作用,反而促进其对气孔的关闭  相似文献   
基于前期基因芯片结果,RT-PCR获得栽培品种番茄M82和近缘野生种潘那利的一个WRKY基因的全长cDNA序列,分别命名为SlWRKY41和SpWRKY41.序列分析表明,番茄WRKY41基因长为1011bp,编码336个氨基酸.该氨基酸序列含有5'-N端WRKYGQK核心结构域和CX_7CX_(23)HX_1C锌指结构,具有WRKY家族的典型结构特征.同源分析表明,该氨基酸序列与多种植物的WRKY类蛋白具有较高的同源性,并且在普通栽培番茄品种M82和野生种潘那利中,只有5个氨基酸位点的差异.进化树分析表明,WRKY41在番茄中属于第Ⅲ类WRKY蛋白,这类蛋白为植物所特有.表达分析结果表明,WRKY41在普通栽培番茄品种M82和野生种潘那利中,不仅在不同组织器官中的表达存在差异,而且在逆境(干旱和氧化逆境)和一些调节因子(SA、GA、乙烯)的处理下也有不同的表达模式.其在野生种潘那利中能够迅速响应相关调节因子(SA、GA、乙烯),推测WRKY41在番茄抗逆响应过程中具有很重要的作用,Sp WRKY41可能是一个较好的改良普通栽培种抗逆性的候选基因.通过构建超量表达载体,成功地将SpWRKY41转化到番茄M82中,以期深入研究该基因的功能和提高番茄的抗逆性.  相似文献   
We report the observation of local structural dipoles that emerge from an undistorted ground state on warming, in contrast to conventional structural phase transitions in which distortions emerge on cooling. Using experimental and theoretical probes of the local structure, we demonstrate this behavior in binary lead chalcogenides, which were believed to adopt the ideal, undistorted rock-salt structure at all temperatures. The behavior is consistent with a simple thermodynamic model in which the emerging dipoles are stabilized in the disordered state at high temperature due to the extra configurational entropy despite the fact that the undistorted structure has lower internal energy. Our findings shed light on the anomalous electronic and thermoelectric properties of the lead chalcogenides. Similar searches may show that the phenomenon is more widespread.  相似文献   
为了研究不同高产玉米品种在黑龙江春玉米区种植的可行性,以‘先玉335’和‘郑单958’为试材,通过对比分析,探讨2个品种在该地区种植的灌浆和脱水特性。结果表明,‘先玉335’灌浆迅速,生理性脱水快,产量高;‘郑单958’灌浆持续期略长,前期和中期灌浆速率较‘先玉335’慢,但后期灌浆速率和自然性脱水速率都快,产量较高。从气温和降雨特点来看,在黑龙江春玉米种植区部分积温较高地区,可考虑将‘郑单958’作为品种更替及多样化的备选材料。  相似文献   
目的:用人蛋白激酶CK2α’(hCK2α’)cDNA片段构建酵母双杂交体系中“诱饵”载体。方法;通过PCR扩增已构建成功的重组质粒pThCKA’获得人CK2α’亚基编码区cDNA,将PstⅠ/NdeⅠ双酶切的PCR产物连接到同样酶切的“诱饵”载体pGBKT7,转化感受态细胞DH5α获得转化子.琼脂糖凝胶电泳初步筛选转化子,将阳性克隆进行限制性内切酶酶切与DNA测序的方法鉴定。将DNA测序验证的pGBKT7-hCK2α’转染感受态酵母株AH109.Westernblot签定hCK2α’蛋白表达.检测表达产物对报道基因的激活作用及对酵母株AH109的毒性。结果:限制性酶切结果表明,插入片段和重组质粒的大小与理论值推测值相符。重组质粒pGBKT7-hCK2α’转染的酵母株AH109中能够表达hCK2α’蛋白,pGBKT7-hCK2α’无自主激活报道基因的能力及对酵母的生长无毒性。结论:pGBKT7-hCK2α’酵母双杂“诱饵”载体构建获得成功,可应用于酵母双杂交体系。  相似文献   
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