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Twenty rabbits were inoculated with a suspension of Viral Hemorrhagic Disease virus. Hemostatic functions were assessed every sixth hour from 6 to 60 hours post-inoculation. Tissue samples obtained at the same intervals allowed the study of the development of lesions throughout the experiment. Biological signs of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) were detected on and after 30 h post-inoculation and consisted of prolonged One Stage Prothrombin Time and Activated Partial Thrombin Time, the decrease of factors V, VII, and X and high levels of soluble fibrin monomer complexes and D-dimers. A reduction of thrombocyte numbers, heterophils and lymphocytes was associated. The close association of DIC and necrotizing hepatitis lesions suggested the hepatic lesions to be the most important DIC triggering factor. Other mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   
Bovine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were aspirated from antral follicles (3–6 mm in diameter). COCs with a compact multilayered cumulus investment were cultured for 9, 13 and 24 hours, respectively, and processed for scanning or transmission electron microscopy after different periods of culture including a 0 hour control group. In all 0 hour control COCs initial formation of cumulus cell projections, blebs and microvilli were observed. The start of cumulus-oocyte disconnection in cattle was observed after 9 hours of in vitro culture. These connections were almost completely discrupted after 13 hours, when a continuous production of extracellular matrix was observed. The full expansion of corona radiata cells was not observed even after 24 hours. Some cumulus oophorus cells were bound together with junctions of the zonula adherens type after 24 hours when extracellular matrix was found only in deeper layers. The full expansion of corona radiata cells was not the prerequisite for disconnection of cumulus-oocyte complex. Inhalt: Kumulus oophorus Expansion von in vitro kultivierten Rinderoozyten: Eine SEM und TEM Untersuchung Kumulus-Oozyten-Komplexe (COC) von Rindern wurden aus antralen Follikeln aspiriert (Durchmesser 3–6 mm). COC's mit kompakten mehrschichtigen Kumulus wurden für 9, 13 und 24 Stunden kultiviert und für die Scanner- oder Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie vorbereitet. Verschiedene Kulturzeiten incl. einer 0-Stundengruppe als Kontrolle wurden untersucht. In allen Kontroll COC's wurden beginnende Formationen yon Kumuluszellprojektionen, Bläschen und Mikrovilli beobachtet. Nach 9-stündiger in vitro Kultur begann die Lösung zwischen Kumulus und Oozyte. Die Verbindungen waren nach 13 Stunden vollständig unterbrochen, wobei eine kontinuierliche Produktion extrazellulärer Matrix beobachtet wurde. Eine vollständige Expansion der Corona radiata Zellen wurde auch nicht nach 24 Stunden beobachtet. Nach 24 Stunden waren einige Cumulus Oophorus Zellen über Verbindungen des Zonula adherens Typs verknüpft, wobei extrazelluläre Matrix nur in den tieferen Zellschichten gefunden wurde. Eine vollständige Kumulusexpansion ist keine Voraussetzung für die Auflösung des Kumulus-Oozyten-Komplexes.  相似文献   
The persistence and mobility of chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron were studied in Italy at four field locations. Chlorsulfuron was applied pre-emer-gence to wheat at 15 and 30 g a.i. ha?1 in the autumn of 1986 and metsulfuron early post-emergence at 8 g a.i. ha?1 in the spring of 1987. Soil samples were taken periodically at each location for 1 year. Trials were conducted until 1989 at three locations. After the wheat harvest in 1989, chlorsulfuron and metsulfuron residues in the soil were measured by bioassay in plots that had been treated annually for 3 years and also in plots that had received single treatments. Chlorsulfuron at both application rates dissipated to levels below 0.3 g a.i. ha?1 over 12 months at three locations while, at the fourth, which received only 250 mm rain during the study, significant levels of residues were still present after 15 months. The degradation of chlorsulfuron applied at 30 g a.i. ha?1 followed first-order kinetics, with half-lives of 149, 70, 59 and 51 days at the four locations. Chlorsulfuron mobility was high at three locations while, in the silty clay soil of the fourth, the herbicide was confined to the upper 30 cm, despite the high rainfall. Metsulfuron applied in spring was detected only in the first soil sample collection. It was present in all sampled layers at one location but, in the others, was confined to the surface layer. There was no evidence of herbicide accumulation in the soil with repeated applications. Persistance et mobilité du chlorsulfuron et du met-sulfuron dans différents sols et sous différentes conditions climatiques La persistance et la mobilité du chorsulfuron et du metsulfuron au champ ont étéétudiées en Italie sur quatre sites. Le chlorsulfuron était appliqué en pré-levée sur le blé aux doses de matière active (m.a.) 15 et 30 g ha?1à l'automne 1986 et le metsulfuron en post-levée précoce à la dose 8 g m.a. ha?1 au printemps 1987. Des échantillons de sol étaient prélevés périodiquement sur chaque site pendant 1 an. Les essais ont été conduits jusqu'en 1989 sur trois des sites. En 1989, après la récolte du blé. les résidus de chlorsulfuron et de metsulfuron dans le sol ont été mesurés par des essais biologiques dans des parcelles qui avaient été traitées chaque année pendant 3 ans, ainsi que dans des parcelles qui n'avaient reçu qu'un seul traitement. Le chlorsulfuron aux deux doses disparaissait jusqu'à des niveaux inférieurs à 0.3 g m.a. ha?1 en 12 mois sur trois des sites, alors que sur le quatrième, qui n'a reçu que 250 mm de précipitations pendant l'étude, des résidus étaient présents en quantité significative après 15 mois. La dégradation du chlorsulfuron appliquéà la dose 30 g m.a. ha?1 suivait une cinétique du premier ordre, avec des demi-vies 149, 70, 59 et 51 j sur les quatre sites. La mobilité du chlorsulfuron était élevée sur trois des sites alors que sur le quatrième oú le sol était une argile limoneuse, l'herbicide était confiné aux 30 cm superficiels en dépit de précipitations élevées. Le metsulfuron appliqué au printemps n'était détecté que dans le premier prélèvement. Sur un des sites, il était présent dans toutes les couches, mais était confinéà la couche superficielle sur les autres sites. Après des applications répétées, aucune accumulation d'herbicide n'était observée dans le sol. Persistenz und Mobilität von Chlorsulfuron und Metsulfuron in verschiedenen Böden und bei unterschiedlicher Witterung Die Persistenz und Mobilität von Chlorsulfuron und Metsulfuron wurden in Italien an 4 Standorten unter Freilandbedingungen untersucht. Chlorsulfuron wurde im Herbst 1986 bei Weizen im Vorauflauf mit 15 und 30 g AS ha?1 und Metsulfuron im Frühjahr 1987 im frühen Nachauflauf mit 8 g AS ha?1 angewandt. Von jeder Versuchsfläche wurden über einen Zeitraum von 1 Jahr periodisch Bodenproben entnommen. Die Versuche wurden an 3 Standorten bis 1989 durchgeführt. Nach der Weizenernte 1989 wurden mit Biotests die Rückstände von Chlorsulfuron und Metsulfuron in den Böden mit jährlicher (über 3 Jahre) sowie mit einmaliger Behandlung bestimmt. Die Chlorsulfuron-Rückstände nahmen an 3 Standorten bei beiden Aufwandmengen nach 12 Monaten auf 0,3 g AS ha?1 ab. Am 4. Standort, wo während der Untersuchung nur 250 mm Niederschlag gefallen waren, wurden nach 15 Monaten noch signifikante Rückstände gefunden. Der Abbau von Chlorsulfuron folgte an allen Standorten bei einer Aufwandmenge von 30 g AS ha?1 einer Kinetik erster Ordnung mit Halbwertszeiten von 149, 70, 59 und 51 Tagen. Die Mobilität von Chlorsulfuron war an 3 Standorten hoch, während es in dem schluffigen Tonboden des 4. Standortes trotz hohen Niederschlags in den oberen 30 cm verblieb. Das im Frühjahr ausgebrachte Metsulfuron wurde nur in der 1. Bodenprobenserie gefunden. An einem Standort lagen in allen beprobten Bodenschichten Rückstände vor, doch sonst waren sie auf die oberste Bodenschicht beschränkt. Bei wiederholter Anwendung konnte keine Herbizidakkumulation im Boden festgestellt werden.  相似文献   
The records of 61 horses undergoing tooth repulsion for treatment of alveolar periostitis were reviewed. Seventeen of 36 horses (47%) in which maxillary teeth were removed had serious postoperative complications, such as infection of a second tooth, bone sequestration, chronic sinusitis, draining tracts, retained dental packing, feed impaction of the alveolus or sinus, suture-line dehiscence, or skin-flap sloughs. Eight horses required at least one additional surgical procedure. Eight of 25 horses (32%) in which mandibular teeth were removed had serious postoperative complications, and four horses required an additional surgical procedure. Hospitalization lasted 2 to 61 days (median, 22 days) for maxillary teeth and 3 to 35 days (median, 8 days) for mandibular teeth. Long-term follow-up (at least 5 months) was possible in 47 horses. Twenty-four of 30 horses (80%) with maxillary tooth repulsion healed without further problems; six horses had persistent nasal discharge. Fourteen of 17 horses (82%) with mandibular tooth repulsion healed with no further problems or with only minor complications; three horses had a chronic draining tract.  相似文献   
Isotypic antibody responses in cattle infected with Haemophilus somnus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Bovine antibody responses to Haemophilus somnus were compared on the basis of clinical and bacteriological findings. Serum IgG1 and IgM antibody titres were significantly increased in clinically normal cattle that were bacteriologically positive for H somnus from the nasal or vaginal mucosae compared with clinically normal, negative cows. IgG2 titres did not differ significantly between these two groups. However, IgG2 antibody was significantly higher in animals with H somnus disease (pneumonia or abortion) than in clinically normal cattle (whether bacteriologically positive or negative), while IgG1 and IgM titres did not differ between diseased and bacteriologically positive, clinically normal cattle. These antibody trends were duplicated in experimental H somnus abortion or pneumonia, with the greatest response occurring within the IgG2 subclass. Cattle vaccinated systemically with killed whole H somnus produced a predominant IgG2 response with minimal IgG1 and IgM responses. These results demonstrate that IgG2 antibody is consistently elevated in H somnus disease, and suggest that this response may be useful in discriminating diseased from asymptomatic cattle.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies against hog cholera and bovine viral diarrhoea viruses were assayed on organ tissue sections of experimentally infected animals. The animals had been infected simultaneously with both viruses. The antibodies were tested using an indirect immunofluorescence test and an indirect enzyme immunoassay with a biotin/streptavidin/peroxidase detection system. A polyclonal hyperimmune serum was used as a control in direct immunofluorescence tests. Both techniques based on monoclonal antibodies were more sensitive and more specific than the conventional test, the enzyme immunoassay being more sensitive than the immunofluorescence test. Small amounts of BVD viral antigen were demonstrable with monoclonal antibodies in most organ tissues.  相似文献   
采取盆栽遮雨人工定量灌水的方法,探讨了常规晚稻和杂交晚稻前后两大生育时期不同灌水量对生育和产量的影响.结果表明:两类型晚稻品种前后两个生育时期节水灌溉都能达到高产之目的,但不同类型和不同生育时期的最佳灌水量和节水效果不同.  相似文献   
In order to investigate usefulness of electrodiagnostic methods in Cauda Equina-Compression, 26 dogs with this disease were subjected to electromyography and spinal evoked potentials. 16 normal dogs served as controls. It was found that--after stimulation of the Nn.tibialis, peronaeus, pudendus and coccygeales and recording at the lumbosacral junction--latencies and nerve-conduction velocities were largely normal. However the amplitudes were decreased and--depending on the severity of the compression--the morphology of the potentials was altered although considerable standard deviations were obtained. Electromyographically, increased spontaneous activity with fibrillations and positive sharp waves were found in the myotomes of the lumbosacral nerves. Their number increased according to the severity of the cauda equina compression and they had a centrifugal distribution pattern. Based on these results it appears indicated to perform an electromyographic exam before applying myelography. The technique of spinal evoked potentials will need more refinement and standardisation before being useful in a clinical situation.  相似文献   
1案由 2001年5月4日下午18时,我县金水兽医站检疫人员在槐树关食品站金水定点屠宰点执行检疫任务时,发现该场两头生猪患败血型猪丹毒而死亡,现场处理要求该点作销毁深埋处理,场地、圈舍进行无害化消毒.  相似文献   
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