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为掌握张掖市猪群中的甲型H1N1流感感染情况,采用血凝和血凝抑制试验,对张掖市5个县(区)的20个猪场进行了甲型H1N1流感抗体检测。共检测500份血清样品,检出甲型H1N1流感抗体阳性205份,平均阳性率为41%。其中,阳性率最高的是临泽县,为48%;最低的是民乐县,为31%。检出的阳性血清最高效价为1:512,最低为1:8,平均为1:64。检测结果表明,张掖市猪群中的甲型H1N1流感隐性感染情况比较普遍,应引起相关部门及养殖业主的高度重视。  相似文献   
【目的】选育兼具大果和优质特征,适应广东当地生态条件和消费习惯的枇杷新品种.【方法】以国内优良当家品种‘早钟6号’与4个西班牙大果枇杷品种‘Javierin’、‘Peluches’、‘Marc’和‘Ullera’为亲本进行杂交育种,对正交群体后代株系的成熟果实的平均单果质量、果肉颜色、可溶性固形物(TSS)含量、糖酸度、种子数进行测定或评价.【结果和结论】初步从杂种后代中选出了15个平均单果质量、TSS含量都超过了‘早钟6号’的较优株系,进而选出ZJ14、ZJ191、ZM24等3个糖酸比高于‘早钟6号’的重点株系;杂种后代株系平均单果质量和TSS性状分离广泛,平均单果质量有逐渐减小的趋势,仅有5.26%的杂种后代株系的平均单果质量达到真正的大果标准(m50 g);TSS有逐渐增加的趋势,超过50%单株的TSS含量存在超亲优势现象;杂交后代果肉颜色出现变异,杂交双亲都是黄肉果,杂交后代果实既有黄肉果又有白肉果;并发现果实大小(单果质量)与风味品质TSS之间存在比较明显的背离;后代株系总糖度、可滴定酸含量分别遗传双亲的高糖高酸性状,今后可能会培育出高糖高酸风味浓的新品系.  相似文献   
利用夏谷区谷子抗除草剂基因,选育适合简化栽培的两系谷子新品种赤谷20.该新品种由抗除草剂拿捕净的新品系k 23-18及不抗除草剂的同型姐妹系k 23-19组成.2014-2015年参加全国谷子品种区域试验,平均单产6 292.50 kg/hm2,较对照谷子品种九谷11(平均单产5 914.5 kg/hm2)增产6.39%.2015年12月通过全国谷子品种鉴定委员会鉴定.通过对辅助除草“剂谷有”用药的研究、对同型姐妹系谷种的最佳混合比例、播种时期、播种量的研究以及对除草剂拿捕净最适宜的喷药时期、喷药浓度、安全剂量等方面研究,制定与其配套的简化栽培技术.确定了同时实现间苗和除草的化学方法,实现全生育期基本不用人工间苗与除草,简化劳动力.  相似文献   
通过对矮小鸡配套系在高原地区的孵化和饲养试验,测定不同周龄的生长发育,并与在高原适应性较强的藏鸡进行比较.研究结果表明,矮小鸡配套系在高原地区的适应性比较强.  相似文献   
本文从产品性能,应用范围及生产特点等方面将石膏纤维板与传统的湿法纤维板、纸面石膏板进行了对比,并简要介绍了石膏纤维板的生产技术与市场前景。  相似文献   
本文研究狗脊、盾蕨、凤丫蕨的耐旱能力,为其园林应用提供参考依据。对三种蕨类植物材料在温室中采用自然干旱的方式进行干旱胁迫,每5天测定1次胁迫过程中生理生化指标,并测定其叶片保水力。结果表明:干旱胁迫下,狗脊的叶片保水力变化幅度最大,凤丫蕨其次,盾蕨最小;各植物电导率与对照组相比,均持续上升;叶绿素的含量均下降,凤丫蕨叶绿素含量变化幅度最大;叶片中的SOD活性、POD活性、MDA含量、可溶性蛋白含量变化趋势均为先升后降,凤丫蕨SOD活性、POD活性、MDA含量在前期迅速增长,狗脊、盾蕨缓慢上升。综合分析表明三种蕨类耐旱能力依次为狗脊盾蕨凤丫蕨。  相似文献   
为探究高温胁迫下虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)在细胞层面的代谢响应机制, 本研究开展 20 ℃ (T20)和 24 ℃(T24)的高温胁迫实验, 以肝脏为靶器官, 利用 UPLC-QTOF-MS 代谢组学技术结合 PCA、OPLS-DA 等多变量统计分析手段进行差异代谢物筛选, 确定与差异代谢物相关的关键代谢通路变化。结果显示, T20 组共筛选出 65 个差异代谢物, 主要富集于亚油酸代谢、半乳糖代谢、α-亚麻酸代谢、甘油磷脂代谢、嘌呤代谢、鞘脂代谢和谷胱甘肽代谢等 17 条代谢通路; T24 组共筛选出 80 个差异代谢物, 主要富集于亚油酸代谢、视黄醇代谢、甘油磷脂代谢、 鞘脂代谢、α-亚麻酸代谢、谷胱甘肽代谢和甘油酯代谢等 15 条代谢通路。其中, 脂质代谢受到的影响最为显著, 其次为氨基酸代谢。研究结果表明, 高温胁迫下虹鳟肝脏发生氧化应激, 短期内机体调动谷胱甘肽代谢途径加速清除活性氧, 但持续的高温胁迫导致了脂质代谢紊乱, DHA 和 α-亚麻酸等维持细胞正常功能代谢物的减少, 致使机体的免疫和抗氧化系统失衡, 进而造成肝细胞受损。本研究可为后续针对特定代谢通路的耐高温靶向调控研究提供方向, 同时为多视角探究虹鳟耐高温机制提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Hair and feathers are composed of keratin and are indigestible, inalimental and unpalatable for carnivores. However, carnivores often ingest hair and feathers during feeding or when grooming. We hypothesized that ingestion of hair and feathers changes species diversity and relative abundance of bacteria in the gut of carnivores. To test this hypothesis, we added disinfected poultry down feathers to the normal diet of captive Arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus). We then used fluorescently labeled terminal restriction fragments (T‐RFs) to examine changes in fecal bacterial diversity and abundance. The results showed that the number of bacterial species increased significantly after feather ingestion, but that total abundance was unchanged. This demonstrated that addition of disinfected feathers to the diet stimulated increased production among less abundant bacteria, resulting in a balancing of relative abundance of different bacterial species, or that some newly‐ingested microbial species would colonize the gut because a suitable microhabitat had become available. This implies that the overall production of bacterial metabolites would be made up of a greater range of substances after feather ingestion. On one hand, the host's immune response would be more diverse, increasing the capacity of the immune system to regulate gut microflora. On the other hand, the animal's physiological performance would also be affected. For wild animals, such altered physiological traits would be subjected to natural selection, and, hence, persistent geographic differences in the character of ingested feathers or fur would drive speciation.  相似文献   
筑糯2号糯玉米的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
筑糯2号糯玉米是以ZS31和C11-4两个自交系配制的杂交种。属大穗、白粒型糯玉米,糯性强、皮薄、口感好,一般667m^2产鲜果穗1000kg左右,播种至采收鲜果穗的生育期62-119天。  相似文献   
The synthesis of chitosan 6-OH immobilized cyclodextrin (CTS-6-CD) via click chemistry was investigated. After protecting the 2-NH2 group of chitosan by forming a Schiff base (BCTS) with benzaldehyde, the protected chitosan C6-OH p-toluenesulfonate (BCTS-6-OTs) was generated by treating with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride. Afterwards, nucleophilic substitution of the sulfonate with NaN3 furnished the Schiff base protected chitosan C6-N3 (BCTS-6-N3). On the other hand, alkynylic β-cyclodextrin (CD-OPg) was obtained by alkynylation of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD). With these two substrates in hand, β-CD was immobilized at the Schiff base protected chitosan 6-OH position via click chemistry between CD-OPg and BCTS-6-N3 to afford BCTS-6-CD, and then chitosan 6-OH immobilized cyclodextrin derivates (CTS-6-CD) was obtained by deprotecting the Schiff base of BCTS-6-CD. The structures of these products were characterized by FTIR, and their crystal properties and thermal stabilities were studied by XRD and TG respectively. By using UV spectroscopy to determine the immobilized amount, we also investigated the effect of the click reaction conditions on the immobilized loading of the synthesized BCTS-6-CD. It was found that the immobilized loading was 197.61 µmol·g?1 in the BCTS-6-CD that was synthesized under the optimum conditions, and it went up to 223.17 µmol·g?1 in CTS-6-CD by deprotecting the Schiff base group.  相似文献   
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