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根据JJG1059-1999<测量不确定度评定与结果表示>,使用SN/T0212.1-93方法对鸡肉中二氯二甲吡啶酚残留量的测定结果作出了不确定度的评定.分析了影响鸡肉中二氯二甲吡啶酚残留量测量不确定度的因素,包括标准物质、标准曲线的拟和、样品峰面积的测量、试样称量、定容体积及样品处理过程等几个方面.当包含因子k=2时,测量结果的扩展不确定度为0.150 mg/kg.  相似文献   
The rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) is characterized by having teeth covered in finely wrinkled vertical ridges, which is a general manifestation of amelogenesis imperfecta. The rough surfaces are hypothesized to be an evolutionary morphological trait of feeding adaptation to increase the dolphin's grip on prey. Here, we assembled a rough-toothed dolphin genome and performed the comparative genomic analysis to reveal the genetic basis of the special enamel. Results showed that genes related to enamel development or dental diseases have undergone diversified adaptive changes that may shape the special enamel morphology of this dolphin species, including positive selection (CLDN19, PRKCE, SSUH2, and WDR72), rapid evolution (LAMB3), or unique amino acid substitutions (AMTN, ENAM, MMP20, and KLK4). Meanwhile, the historical demography of rough-toothed dolphin indicated several distinct population fluctuations associated with climate change. The genome-wide heterozygosity of this dolphin is in the middle of all published data for cetaceans. Although the population is considerable, there may be population or subspecies differentiation, and with the global warming and the increasing disturbance of human activities, we should pay more attention to protection in the future. Together, our study brings new insights into the genetic mechanisms that may have driven the evolution of the special enamel morphology in rough-toothed dolphins and provides the first results of genetic heterozygosity and population historical dynamics of this species, which have important guiding implications for the conservation of this dolphin species.  相似文献   
功能型酸奶独特的风味及保健功能,受到越来越多消费群体的青睐,有较好的消费市场和发展前景,也有较大的研究价值。本文在国内外研究基础上,对功能型酸奶常见的两种分类方式(按添加成分和消费者群体分类)、不同的保健功能(解酒、抗氧化、通便、清热解毒和对砷毒性的缓解作用等),及目前在国内外市场销售的酸奶进行总结,为功能型酸奶的研发及工业化的生产提供理论基础。  相似文献   
Inhibins, as members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) superfamily, downregulate the synthesis and secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in an endocrine manner. The role of inhibin/betaglycan in the ovary regulation recently gained attention. To date, no data exist on the function of inhibin α subunit and betaglycan in cystic follicles. In this study, the expressions of inhibin α subunit and betaglycan in cystic follicles were investigated using immunohistochemistry, real-time PCR and Western blot analysis. Both inhibin α subunit and betaglycan immunoreactivities were mainly localized in the granulosa cells of follicles. Expression of inhibin α subunit and betaglycan was inferior in cystic follicles compared with that in normal large follicles. However, the result of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed no significant difference in the decreasing in concentration of inhibin α subunit in cystic follicular fluid compared with the control (P>0.05). In this study, we explored the effects of FSH on betaglycan expression in granulosa cells in vitro. As expected, a significant increase in the expressions of betaglycan mRNA and protein in granulosa cells was observed in response to exogenous FSH (30 ng/ml) (P<0.05) compared with the control. Consequently, this study provides evidence that the expressions of inhibin α subunit and betaglycan are inferior in cystic follicles, and this may be caused by the decrease in FSH in the presence of a cystic follicle.  相似文献   
提出畜牧业产业化经营的发展是畜牧业产业化经营产业链各成员之间利益生成和分配的合作与博弈过程,产业链是否稳定决定于利益分配是否合理,产业链各成员是否实现了个体利益分配的最优化,从而实现产业链效益的最大化。指出广东畜牧业产业化经营的健康发展离不开产业链利益生成和分配机制的不断优化,离不开市场的导向作用、法律制度的完善和政府的宏观调控作用。  相似文献   
采取成都某猪场7头病猪料,经PCR检测后,有4头呈PCV-2阳性。以PCV-2阳性病料接种PK-15猪肾传代细胞,经分离和鉴定,获得PCV-2成都株。该猪场同时流行猪附红细胞体病,存在PCV-2和E.suis的混合感染。  相似文献   
MT-1象草及其近缘品种的外稃微形态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张向前  周峰  解新明 《草业学报》2010,19(4):159-165
采用电镜扫描技术对MT-1象草及其近缘品种的外稃进行了观察分析。结果表明,象草外稃的微形态具有丰富的多态性,5个象草品种(品系)间,其外稃共有7种表皮细胞形态,其中以十字形、哑铃形、念珠形硅细胞最为普遍;外稃毛被主要集中在中部,各品种类型各异,11种毛被类型中短基微毛和有尖刺毛为共有类型。依据乳突类型,可以将5个品种(品系)分为4类。根据外稃表皮微形态的差异,可以对MT-1象草及其近缘品种进行比较鉴定并加以区分。  相似文献   
维生素E的生物学功能和安全性评价研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
维生素E是机体重要的脂溶性维生素,具有抗氧化、维持生育和调节免疫系统等诸多生物学功能.多数研究表明维生素E毒性较低,但高剂量的维生素E可引起机体内其他脂溶性维生素的缺乏,同时对免疫效果产生不利影响.本文对维生素E的生物学功能、吸收代谢特点和安全性评价进行了综述,旨在为在动物上制订维生素E的安全限量提供理论参考.  相似文献   
比较了0~8周龄藏马鸡与环颈雉的生长及消化性能的差异。结果表明:采食NRC环颈雉饲养标准的全价日粮时,藏马鸡生长正常、体况良好其体重和生长速度显著高于环颈雉(P<0.05);藏马鸡对粗蛋白、粗纤维、0~4周龄酸性洗涤纤维和干物质的消化率、饲料转化率及表观能量代谢率与环颈雉无显著差异(P>0.05);藏马鸡对粗脂肪消化率低于环颈雉,对NDF和4~8周龄ADF的消化率则显著高于环颈雉(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
春秋兼用家蚕新品种“春华×秋实”的育成   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
以丝质优、耐氟污染性能较强的品种为育种材料,采用常规杂交育种方法,育成一对春秋兼用的中丝量家蚕新品种春华×秋实。浙江省蚕品种实验室共同鉴定和农村试养鉴定表明该品种具有以下特点:孵化、眠起、老熟齐一,体质强健好养,茧型较大,产量高;茧丝质优良,春期饲养茧层率23.46%,鲜茧出丝率17.54%,茧丝长1 263 m,解舒率83.52%,纤度2.773 dtex,洁净94.50分;综合经济性状优良,与对照品种菁松×皓月相比,万蚕产茧量提高7.0%,与对照品种秋丰×白玉相比,万蚕产茧量、万蚕茧层量、茧丝长、解舒丝长、鲜茧出丝率分别提高1.7%、8.9%、9.0%、6.6%、8.1%。新品种已通过浙江省农作物品种审定,适合在浙江省及长江中下游蚕区推广饲养。  相似文献   
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