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Nitric oxide (NO) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are important in vascular remolding, especially in abdominal aortic aneurysm. NO may be associated with aneurysms by modulating MMPs expression and activity.  相似文献   
BsC3-41杀蚊幼制剂对蚊幼虫毒杀效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过以BsC3- 41杀蚊幼制剂对 3种蚊幼虫进行生物活性测定和野外灭蚊试验 ,结果表明 :该制剂对致乏库蚊CulexfatigansWiedemann的毒杀效果最好、对中华按蚊AnophelessinensisWiedemann次之、对白纹伊蚊AedesalbopictusSkuse的效果较差 ,2 4小时LC50值分别为 0 2 0 2 5 μg/ml、 2 5 363μg/ml和 5 9 730 2 μg/ml。野外水体灭蚊使用 3ml/m2 的浓度防治淡色库蚊效果可达 98 88%~ 1 0 0 0 0 % ,使用 1 0ml/m2 的浓度防治中华按蚊效果可达96 81 %~ 1 0 0 0 0 % ,使用 2 0 0ml/m2 的浓度防治白纹伊蚊效果达到 90 64%以上。  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate whether protein kinase C (PKC) is involved in the proliferation and the telomerase expression in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells. METHODS: Human hepatocellular carcinoma cells (BEL-7402) were treated with exogenous phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA, PKC activator) and staurosporine (SP, PKC inhibitor) for 48 hours. The techniques of cell culture and the telomeric repeat amplification protocol silver staining in combination with computer image scanning system in vitro were used to observe the variations of the growth and the telomerase expression. RESULTS: The proliferative potential of BEL-7402 cells was decreased by the action of PMA as well as SP, and the telomerase expression was also inhibited by PMA and SP. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that the proliferation of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells and the telomerase expression may be related to PKC.  相似文献   
单宁对反刍动物营养代谢的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
单宁是一类广泛分布于植物中的多酚类化合物,具有多种生理活性。本文主要对单宁的理化性质、单宁在植物尤其饲料作物中的分布以及单宁对反刍动物营养代谢的影响以及应用作一综述。  相似文献   
Captive juvenile African black-footed penguins (Spheniscus demersus) housed in an outdoor enclosure at the Baltimore Zoo have an average 50% mortality from avian malarial (Plasmodium sp.) infection each year without intense monitoring for disease and chemotherapeutic intervention. During the 1996 malaria transmission season, the safety and efficacy of an anti-circumsporozoite (CSP) DNA vaccine encoding the Plasmodium gallinaceum CSP protein against P. relictum were studied. The goal was to reduce clinical disease and death without initiating sterile immunity after release into an area with stable, endemic avian malaria. The birds were monitored for adverse clinical signs associated with vaccination, the stimulation of an anti-CSP antibody response, and protection afforded by the vaccine. The presence of P. relictum in trapped culicine mosquitoes within the penguin enclosure was monitored to assess parasite pressure. Among the vaccinated penguins, the parasitemia rate dropped from approximately 50% to approximately 17% despite intense parasite pressure, as determined by mosquito infection rate. During the year of the vaccine trial, no mortalities due to malaria occurred and no undesirable vaccination side effects occurred. This is the first trial of an antimalarial vaccine in a captive penguin colony.  相似文献   
春季休牧对草原和家畜生产力的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
从4月上旬到6月下旬,在内蒙古锡林郭勒典型草原,进行春季休牧试验,对休牧和非休牧的草原进行生产力监测.结果表明:春季休牧可以有效地保护草原生态环境,经过两个月休牧后,草原植被状况明显改善;休牧期间采用低投入维持性饲养,可以显著降低饲养成本.并对休牧措施的生态效益、生产实践可行性和经济合理性进行综合讨论和评价.  相似文献   
日粮铜源及其水平对猪下丘脑生长抑素分泌的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
选用军牧 1号断乳仔猪 75头 ,随机分为 5组 ,采用完全随机化设计进行生长试验 ,研究了 2种铜源 (硫酸铜、蛋氨酸铜 )、3个添加水平 (5、12 5、2 5 0 mg/ kg)的日粮对猪生长及生长抑素分泌的影响 ,同时研究了下丘脑儿茶酚胺的变化与生长抑素的关系。结果表明 :日粮中添加 12 5 m g/ kg(P <0 .0 1)、2 5 0 mg/ kg(P<0 .0 5 )硫酸铜 ,12 5 mg/ kg(P<0 .0 1)、2 5 0 mg/ kg(P<0 .0 5 )蛋氨酸铜 ,可显著提高仔猪增重 ;而上述添加 5 mg/ kg硫酸铜组猪下丘脑生长抑素含量为 2 2 5 .74 ng/ g组织 ,显著高于 12 5 mg/ kg(P<0 .0 5 )、2 5 0 mg/ kg(P<0 .0 5 )硫酸铜组和 12 5 mg/ kg(P<0 .0 1)、2 5 0mg/ kg(P<0 .0 1)蛋氨酸铜组。下丘脑生长抑素含量与去甲肾上腺素、多巴胺含量呈负相关关系 (P<0 .0 5 )。据此认为 ,高剂量铜通过调节儿茶酚胺代谢抑制下丘脑生长抑素分泌 ,是其促生长调控的途径之一  相似文献   
我国番鸭呼肠孤病毒病的研究现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
番鸭呼肠孤病毒病是我国近年来新出现的、以软脚为特征的高发病率、高致死率急性烈性病毒性传染病,由于肝脏表面的灰白点较为典型,因此俗称“花肝病”或“白点病”。初步认为其病原为呼肠孤病毒科正呼肠孤病毒属番鸭呼肠孤病毒。本文综合了国内近年来对该病的研究成果,从病原学、流行病学、临诊症状、病理学、区别诊断和防制措施等方面对该病进行了较全面的论述,以期对该病的深入研究和防制提供有益的资料。  相似文献   
探讨不同混合比例和添加剂对菊苣和青贮玉米混合青贮饲料品质的影响,为调制高质量的混合青贮饲料提供理论依据。以菊苣和青贮玉米为原料,按质量比0∶1、1∶3、1∶1、3∶1和1∶0 (分别用0C1M、1C3M、1C1M、3C1M、1C0M表示)进行混合青贮,并分别设置3个添加剂处理,即零添加、5 g·t-1乳酸菌+5 g·t-1纤维素酶(LX)和10 g·t-1乳酸菌+5 g·t-1纤维素酶(2LX),青贮60 d后测定混合青贮饲料的营养成分和发酵品质。结果显示,菊苣与青贮玉米混合比例为0∶1和1∶1时青贮饲料的感官评价优于其余3种混合比例的,而且添加剂处理感官评定优于零添加处理的。菊苣和青贮玉米混合青贮可以形成养分互补,有助于均衡青贮饲料整体营养,在青贮原料中添加添加剂则可以提高青贮饲料发酵品质。混合青贮饲料的营养价值随菊苣比例增加而显著提高,但是发酵品质在菊苣混合青贮比例高于1∶1时显著降低。综合判定菊苣和青贮玉米1∶1混合时其青贮饲料品质最佳,其中又以1C1M/2LX处理最好,纤维组分(NDF和ADF)和氨态氮/总氮含量较低而粗蛋白和乳酸含量较高。  相似文献   
目的 比较仙客来不同生长发育阶段的耐热性.方法 以香味仙客来幼苗为试材,通过叶片细胞相对膜透性的测定,配合Logistic方程确定半致死温度.结果 仙客来不同生长发育状态的拐点温度多处于35~39℃之间,9月份的拐点温度为38.5℃,仙客来9月份的耐热性高于其它时期的耐热性.结论 本试验表明,不同温度处理后的仙客来叶片细胞相对膜透性曲线呈S型,适于用Logistic方程测定植物耐热性方面的研究.  相似文献   
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