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Thirteen different monoclonal antibodies against canine P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (cPSGL-1) were obtained by immunization of rats with cells of a canine lymphoma cell line (Ema). O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase treatment of Ema cells showed that all of these antibodies recognized O-glycosylated peptides of canine PSGL-1. Experiments using deletion or point mutants of cPSGL-1 indicated that these antibodies could be categorized into several groups based on their cPSGL-1 recognition characteristics. These anti-cPSGL-1 monoclonal antibodies will be useful for analysis of the canine P-selectin and PSGL-1 system.  相似文献   
LC3 − the mammalian homolog of Atg8 − was found as autophagosome membrane binding protein in mammals and widely used as an autophagosomal marker. LC3A, B and C show different expression patterns in each tissue. The aim of this study was to reveal the differences of expression patterns among LC3 families in mouse placenta under normal condition and nutrient starving condition. LC3A and B were highly expressed in decidual cells. LC3A and B were increased in D14 compared with D12 and D16 in mouse placenta, while LC3C was decreased. Starvation induced increase in LC3B expression specifically. Immunohistochemistry showed different expression patterns among LC3A, B and C. LC3A expression in syncytiotrophoblast was vanished by starvation. The results of real time RT-PCR suggested differences between D12 and D16 in autophagic cascade induced by starvation. Taken together, this study suggests that autophagy could play a role in placental invasion system and that nutrient starvation affects LC3B expression.  相似文献   
Six Thoroughbred horses were used to determine the mean retention time (MRT) of digesta in the different segments of the hindgut. The horses were fed timothy hay or silage in equal amounts (1.6% bodyweight [BW]/day) every 3 h/day. Hay or silage labeled with the rare earth elements cerium, dysprosium, neodymium, ytterbium, lanthanum, samarium and praseodymium, were fed to the horses 36, 30, 24, 18, 12, 6 and 3 h before slaughter, respectively. Just after slaughter, digesta samples in the different segments were collected and determined for the contents of the rare earth elements. Using these data, a method to calculate the MRT in the different segments was proposed. There were no significant differences between diets in the MRT of each segment. The averaged MRT of hay and silage in the cecum, right ventral colon, left ventral colon, left dorsal colon, right dorsal colon and small colon was 2.9, 3.1, 5.9, 1.0, 4.0, and 4.0 h, respectively. The dry matter weight of the digesta was related to the MRT in the right ventral colon (r = 0.94, P = 0.005), left ventral colon (r = 0.87, P = 0.03), left dorsal colon (r = 0.98, P < 0.001) and right dorsal colon (r = 0.95, P = 0.004), but it was not related to the MRT in the cecum and small colon.  相似文献   
采用植物性吸水材料对垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutant)和山野豌豆(Vicia amoena)种子进行包衣处理,在模拟高寒草地条件下观察包衣种子的出苗,同时测定包衣混合物的持水力.结果表明,最适条件下两种牧草种子的出苗率分别为86%和88%;在模拟条件下,种子的出苗率分别为38%和24%.经过包衣处理后,种子的出苗...  相似文献   
A 5-month-old intact female mixed cat presented with repetitive paraplegia and drainage of pus from the back despite continuous antibiotic medication. Neurologic examination was consistent with below T3-L3 myelopathy. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a contrast-enhanced mass in the L1-3 spinal canal, and bone fragments in the T13 and L1 spinal canal. Spinal epidural empyema was suspected, and hemilaminectomy was performed for T12-L2 on the right side and T11-12 on the left side. Bone fragments were diagnosed as sequestrum infected with Bacteroides sp. The cat recovered enough to ambulate next day. One month after surgery, there was no deficit in neurological function. This is the first report of spinal epidural empyema concurrent with sequestrum in a cat.  相似文献   
For better understanding wood hardness, we developed a new hand-operated hardness tester that works with Brinell's method. With this tester we investigated the hardness distribution of wood minutely using a 2mm diameter ball tip. The following results were obtained: (1) On preliminary examination with medium-density fiberboard, we found that the value of Brinell's hardness decreased with the increase in the tip ball's diameter but that it was almost constant with the indenting velocity. (2) By using a small diameter tip, the difference of the hardness became clearer between earlywood and latewood. (3) With radial and tangential sections, we obtained hardness distribution patterns similar to those of wood grain. It seems that the hardness distribution reflects the distribution of density on wood surfaces.  相似文献   
Summary Hereditary changes of certain Mendelian traits in red pepper after grafting are described. It is suggested that these changes are induced by a mechanism similar to that of transformation in higher organisms.The abstracts of this paper and the parts to follow have been presented at the XIII International Congress of Genetics held in August 1973 at Berkeley, California, USA as both a contributed paper and an exhibit including real herbarial specimen and color pictures of the variants genetically analyzed.  相似文献   

A method of leaching polluted soil with diluted HCl solution was investigated for controlling high Cd in rice. Results obtained in the pot and field experiments are summarized as follows:

1. By leaching the soil in the pot with 0.05 or 0.1 N HCl solution followed by washing with water, soluble heavy metals were remarkably removed in the order of Cd>Cu>Zn?Pb; the Cd content decreased to half with 0.1 N HCI treatment.

2. Heavy metal contents of the plants decreased with the treatments. Especially, Cd content in straw and rice of the soil applied with CaCO3 after the treatment was one-third and one-fifteenth of the control, respectively.

3. A contaminated paddy field was similarly treated using industrial cone. HCl. One-fourth of the soluble Cd in the surface soil was removed by this method, and the Cd content of the unpolished rice decreased from 0.33 ppm to 0.06 ppm in the plot treated with fused magnesium phosphate and calcium silicate after the treatment.

4. Cd concentration of the drained water from the treated field could soon be diluted far below the allowable limit with the abundant river current. A sufficient supply of calcareous materials was needed to compensate for the lost bases in the soil.  相似文献   
Apoptotic cells expose phosphatidylserine and are swiftly engulfed by macrophages. Milk fat globule epidermal growth factor (EGF) factor 8 (MFG-E8) is a protein that binds to apoptotic cells by recognizing phosphatidylserine and that enhances the engulfment of apoptotic cells by macrophages. We report that tingible body macrophages in the germinal centers of the spleen and lymph nodes strongly express MFG-E8. Many apoptotic lymphocytes were found on the MFG-E8-/- tingible body macrophages, but they were not efficiently engulfed. The MFG-E8-/- mice developed splenomegaly, with the formation of numerous germinal centers, and suffered from glomerulonephritis as a result of autoantibody production. These data demonstrate that MFG-E8 has a critical role in removing apoptotic B cells in the germinal centers and that its failure can lead to autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   
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