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For better understanding of the physiological function of anthocyanins, the absorption and metabolism of cyanidin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (Cy3G), which is one of the major anthocyanins in colored food materials, were precisely investigated. Combining two modalities newly developed, that is, highly sensitive semi-micro-HPLC and vein cannulation, Cy3G and its four major metabolites (M1-M4) were detected in the blood plasma of rats after oral administration of Cy3G (100 mg/kg of body mass). The plasma concentration of Cy3G reached its maximum at 15 min after the ingestion. Metabolite 2 (M2) and metabolite 3 (M3) showed their maximum plasma levels at 15 and 30 min, respectively, whereas metabolite 1 (M1) and metabolite 4 (M4) showed their maximum levels at 60 and 120 min, respectively. The maximum plasma concentrations of the four metabolites were in the following order: M3 (21 nM) > M4 (20 nM) > M1 (8.5 nM) > M2 (5 nM). When Cy3G was directly injected into the neck vein, only M2 and M3 were detected in the plasma, indicating that both M1 and M4 were produced during absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. Tandem MS analysis of the metabolites showed that M2 and M3 were monomethylated Cy3G, while M1 and M4 were glucuronides of Cy and methylated Cy, respectively. M3 was assigned as peonidin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (Pn3G) from the comparison of the retention time of authentic Pn3G.  相似文献   
Cultivation of useful terrestrial and aquatic plant species in plant bed filter ditches enables to treat domestic wastewater in addition to resource recycling and amenity functions. We reported previously that a ditch planted with papyrus removed Nand P most effectively from artificial wastewater. We evaluated the effectiveness of plant bed filter ditches in the treatment of eutrophic pond water, which unlike artificial wastewater, contains particulate Nand P. Experimental ditches were planted with papyrus, African marigold, peppermint, and impatience. These plant species were effective in removing N and P from artificial wastewater and could be used by rural communities for the production of handicrafts, cut flowers, and ornamental purposes. The control ditch did not contain plants (plant-free ditch). Pond water was continuously supplied to the ditches at a loading rate of 0.6–0.9 g m-2 d-1 for Nand 0.2–0.35 g m-2 d-1 for P. In the plant-free ditch, particulate Nand P in the influent were removed by passage through the bed filter, unlike NO3-N and PO4-P. A larger amount of PO4-P was dissolved from particulate P in the bed filter. The planted ditches effectively removed NO3-N, PO4-P as well as particulate Nand P. The planted ditches were able to purify eutrophic pond water, resulting in clear water with a concentration below 0.3 mg L-1 for N and 0.02 mg L-1 for P, concentrations at which water bloom does not occur. The average removal rate of pollutants by the planted ditches during the experiment, except for the first 2 weeks, was 0.67 g m-2 d-1 for total N and 0.03 g m-2 d-1 for total P. We recommend that plant bed filter ditches containing papyrus and flowers be used for ornamental purposes and removal of N and P from pond water along with the supply of clear water as ornamental streams.  相似文献   
The central districts of Japan are mountainous areas rising to 3,000 metres which are predominantly covered with forest vegetation. A comprehensive and systematic classification of the soils in this region has not yet been made, but the following soil types have been reported to occur: - 1. 1. Brown forest soils, podzolic soils, black soils and red soils. [Described by OHMASA (14)]

2. 2. Alpine grassland soils and alpine meadow soils. [Described by KUMADA et al. (9)]

3. 3. A series of randzina-like soils with a very restricted distribution. These are derived mainly from limestone and show various degrees of maturity. [Described by KUMADA et al. (8)]

4. 4. Red-yellow soils. These sometimes show a close resemblance to OHMASA's red soils and are found on diluvial plateaux and hills. [Described by KANNO (1)]

5. 5. Paddy soils.

(Jpn. J. Soil Sci.Plant Nutr., 77, 293–298, 2006)
"Kitanokaori" is a new variety of wheat for bread use bred at the National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region. The grain protein content of wheat for bread use should be higher than 120 g kg−1. Much nitrogen application is necessary to obtain high grain protein content. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the optimum amount of nitrogen to obtain the required protein content and to prevent nitrogen from remaining in the soil. The nutrition diagnosis using leaf color was investigated to predict the need and the amount of top-dressing. Field experiments were conducted for four years with nitrogen treatments in Andosol, which has moderate nitrogen fertility, and in Histosol, which is a fertile soil. The leaf color was measured using a chlorophyll meter SPAD502 (CM value) at the middle part of the leaf, avoiding the center rib. The colors of the 10·15 uppermost second leaves were measured in one plot and averaged.
A close relation was found between leaf color at the full heading stage and grain protein content at harvest. Leaf color at the full heading stage is therefore a good index to control the protein content. Considering the effect of top-dressing at the full heading stage in each CM value, the diagnosis criterion was decided. When the CM value is over 52 at the full heading stage, more nitrogen application is not needed. When the CM value is 50·52, 30 kg N ha−1 of top-dressing at the full heading stage is needed, and when the CM value is 45·50, 60 kg N ha−1 of top-dressing is needed to obtain a grain protein content of more than 120 g kg−1.  相似文献   
Two extremely late heading mutants were induced by ion beam irradiation in rice cultivar ‘Taichung 65’: KGM26 and KGM27. The F2 populations from the cross between the two mutants and Taichung 65 showed clear 3 early: 1 late segregation, suggesting control of late heading by a recessive gene. The genes identified in KGM26 and KGM27 were respectively designated as FLT1 and FLT2. The two genes were mapped using the crosses between the two mutants and an Indica cultivar ‘Kasalath’. FLT1 was located on the distal end of the short arm of chromosome 8. FLT2 was located around the centromere of chromosome 9. FLT1 might share the same locus as EHD3 because their chromosomal location is overlapping. FLT2 is inferred to be a new gene because no gene with a comparable effect to that of this gene was mapped near the centromere of chromosome 9. In crosses with Kasalath, homozygotes of late heading mutant genes showed a large variation of days to heading, suggesting that other genes affected late heading mutant genes.  相似文献   
To evaluate the fate of pesticides in paddy fields, the pesticide paddy field model (PADDY) has been developed for predicting pesticide concentrations in paddy fields and the run-off amount of pesticides to the aquatic environment. This model focused particularly on granule formulation because these formulations have been used widely as herbicides on paddy fields in Japan. The behavior of pesticides in paddy fields was assessed by considering the main processes on the basis of a compartment system and the mass-balance equations of pesticides in the compartments were derived from kinetic data. The mathematical model, PADDY, was constructed by numerical solution techniques. A method for measuring the pesticide parameters for this model was also developed. To validate the model, a field experiment was carried out on a paddy field and the concentration changes of pesticides in water and soil were measured. These were in reasonably good agreement with those predicted by PADDY. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
A method of determining the Young’s modulus of timber using the stress wave propagation velocity without knowing the timber density was developed in our previous study. This method enables the estimation of Young’s modulus by Monte Carlo simulation using an existing database of the Young’s modulus versus density relationship as reference. Here, in Part II, we consider the effect of the reference distribution database on the accuracy of the estimated Young’s modulus by the developed method. Twelve different reference distribution databases were used in this study, containing Young’s modulus versus density data for more than 13 000 real-size timber specimens of ten different species. We obtained the following results: (1) the distribution of Young’s modulus estimated using an arbitrary stress wave propagation velocity depends on the reference distribution database employed, (2) the most important factor is not that the reference database has data on the same species as the timber in the test, but rather that the reference distribution database covers the foreseeable range of timber densities within the test, and (3) the estimation accuracy is higher than about 80% when the database covers many species and has wide ranges of densities and Young’s moduli. This estimation method was developed in order to measure the Young’s modulus of timber whose density cannot be measured. Considering that the quality of lumber has a large variation, such estimation accuracy will be useful for practical applications.  相似文献   
To understand roles of interleukin 6 (IL-6) family cytokines for pregnancy in mice, localization of IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) mRNA was investigated in non- and early pregnant uteri by in situ hybridization. IL-6R mRNA was expressed in all non-pregnant uteri and in pregnant uteri from the third day (Day 3) to the sixth day of pregnancy (Day 6; the day of plug = Day 1). IL-6R mRNA signals were detected in non-pregnant mice in the luminal and glandular epithelium. Signal strength varied according to the sexual cycle. There was no correlation between the signal strength of the IL-6R mRNA and the serum concentrations of progesterone and 17beta-estradiol, which show a monophasic rise in the non-pregnant sexual cycle. In pregnant mice, slight signals were detectable in the luminal and glandular epithelium on Day 3. IL-6R mRNA messages increased with progression towards Day 4, however, localization changed drastically on Day 5. Stromal cells abruptly expressed their mRNA on Day 5, and these cells strongly expressed it on Day 6. The function of IL-6R in the luminal and glandular epithelium might be different from that in the stroma during the implantation period. In addition, few signals were identified in the stromal cells adjacent to the luminal epithelium on Day 6. This suggests that there are two types of stromal cells on Day 6 in mice.  相似文献   
The thermoplastic flow behavior of cedar flour steamed at different temperatures in the range of 160–220°C was measured using a rheometer and compared with that of beech flour. The temperature at which the cedar flour starts to flow was approximately 70°C higher than that of beech flour, and the cedar flour exhibited low flowability. Furthermore, thermoplastic moldings were prepared from cedar and beech flours, and their physical properties were examined. Similar to the case of beech, a resin-like molding with a density of approximately 1.45?g/cm3 was obtained from the cedar flour steamed at 180°C or higher, and it was revealed by SEM observation that in these moldings wood flour particles adhere to each other. The specific bending strength was maximum for the moldings obtained from 180°C-steamed flour for both types of wood.  相似文献   
An 11-month-old Japanese Black steer with chronic bloat underwent clinical and histological analyses. During the observation period, it showed normal appetite and fecal volume but persistent chronic bloat symptoms. Compared to controls, the steer's feces contained undigested large straws. Necropsy revealed normal rumen, reticulum, and abomasum but a small omasum. The rumen, reticulum, and abomasum mucosa was normal, with well-developed ruminal papillae. However, severe hypoplasia of the omasal laminae was observed along with hypoplasia reticular groove and ruminoreticular fold. The contents of the reticulum, omasum, and abomasums comprised undigested large sized hay particles. The omasum papillae showed no pathological abnormalities. This is a rare case of a steer with chronic bloat probably caused by severe hypoplasia of the omasal laminae.  相似文献   
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